Med term final review - Lecture notes PDF

Title Med term final review - Lecture notes
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Temple University
Pages 14
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1. A complete, living entity capable of independent existence is called a(n): a. Organism b. system c. organ d. Tissue e. Cell 2. A decrease in the number of circulating RBCs is called: a. Erythrophilia b. Erythrocytosis c. erythropenia d. erythemia e. erythroblastosis 3. A deficiency of erythrocytes or hemoglobin in the blood: a. Hypoxia b. Hypoxemia c. Anemia d. Leukemia e. Polycythemia 4. A fluid-filled tumor that most commonly develops along the tendons or joints of the wrists or hands: a. Hemarthrosis b.Ganglion cyst c. Bunion d. Rickets e. Spondylosis 5. A hereditary disorder involving an impairment of the blood-clotting mechanism: a. Anemia b. Leukemia c. Infectious mononucleosis d. Polycythemia e. Hemophilia 6. A life-threatening allergic reaction is called: a. sensitization b. apoplexy c. syncope d. anaphylaxis e. induration 7. A localized collection of pus at the site of infection is: a. cellulitis b. abscess c. acne d. eschar e. purpura 8. A mass of undissolved matter circulating in blood or lymphatic channels until it becomes lodged in a vessel is called a(n): a. clot b. embolus c. thrombus d. coagulant e. occlusion 9. A medication to suppress a dry cough is a/an: a.expectorant b. vasoconstrictor c. mucolytic d. antitussive e.antihistamine 10. A metabolic bone disorder characterized by decreased bone density that occurs when the rate of bone resorption exceeds the rate of bone formation. a. scoliosis b.lordosisc. c. osteoporosis d. kyphosis e. osteitis deformans 11. A patient found to have bradypnea is suffering from: a. productive cough b. slow coughing c. slow breathing d. difficulty breathing e. slow heart rate

12. A patient needing to sleep with two pillows beneath his head to allow him to breath more easily would be described as having two pillow: a. orthopnea b. tachypnea c. dyspnea d. SOB e. acidosis 13. A plantar Wart is located: a. on the top of the hand b. on the sole of the foot c. on the neck d. on the thorax e. in the axilla 14. A primary malignant melanoma of the skin that has spread to the lungs would be described as: a. Localized b. Benign c. Grown in size at the primary site d. metastatic e. cured 15. A procedure which involves the mechanical filtering used to cleanse the blood of toxic substances, such as nitrogenous wastes, when kidneys fail to function properly: a. dialysis b. nephrostomy c. kidney transplant d. stent placement e. cytoscopy 16. A representative tissue sample removed from a body site for microscopic examination: a. CA b. BCC c. IV d. Bx e. TNM 17. A skin graft taken from one part of the body and placed on another part of the patient's body is a(n): a. Allograft b. Homograft c. xenograph d. heterograph e. autograph 18. A specialist in the study of disease is a: a. Pathology b. Pathologist c. Podiatry d. podiatrist e. Perdiatrician 19. A test used to measure the oxygen, carbon dioxide and pH level in arterial blood is a/an: a. CBC b. CPK c. CK d. ABC e. ABG 20. A wheal is also called a(n): a. pustule b. polyp c. ulcer d. water e. hive 21. Abnormally elevated BP: a. HF c. HTN d. ASHD e. Afib 22. Acute, infectious disease characterized by a cough that has a “whoop” sound; also called whooping cough: a. Atelectasis b. Ansomia c.COPD d. PND

e. Pertussis 23. Adenoidectomy means: a. incision of the adenoids b. creation of mouth in adenoids c. excision of adenoids d. tumor of adenoids e. excision of grandular tissue 24. An abnormal condition of a swayback posture is called: a. Kyphosis b.Anylosis c. lordosis d. scoliosis e. arthosis 25. An abnormal condition of a swayback posture is called: a. paralysis of both upper extremities b. pain of both lower extremities c. paralysis of both lower extremities d. pain of four extremities e. paralysis of four extremities 26. An infection, usually bacterial, in the urinary structures is called: a. UTI b. EMG c. HTN d. BPH e. BUN 27. An injury to the brain, occasionally with LOC, resulting from trauma to the head: a. concussion b. torpor c. sciatica d. transient ischemic attack e. syncope 28. Another term for stroke is: a. Cerebral palsy b. paraplegia c. closed head trauma d. cerebrovascular accident e. parkinsonsim 29. Arthr/o is an example of a: a. suffix b. combining form c. wood root d. prefix e. combining vowel 30. Arthr/o means joint. The word that means visual examination of a joint is: a. arthoscopy b. arthopexy c. arthrocentesis d. arthroscopy e. arthroscope 31. Blood development is called: a. autoimmunity b. heratocrit c. hematopoiesis d. Hemostasis e. dyscrasia 32. Blood test used to detect prostatic disorders, especially prostate cancer, also called a tumor marker test: a. Semen analysis b. semen culuture c. CVS d. PSA e. PID 33. Brady- means slow. The word for slow speaking is: a. bradyphasia b. bradyphagia c. bradycardia d. bradypnea e. bradylexia

34. Broad term referring to cognitive deficit including memory impairment: a. psychosis b. plaque c. neurosis d. manic depression e. dementia 35. Condition of hidden testes: a. androgenic b. condyloma c. hirsutism d. cryptorchidism e. hypospadias 36. Congenital deformity of the neural tube in which the spinal cord develops properly but the meninges protrude through the spine: a. hydrocephalus b. anencephalus c. meningocele d.cerebral palsy e. dyslexia 37. Crushing of a stone is called: a. lithiasis b. lithotomy c. lithrotripsy d. lithogenesis e. lithectomy 38. Cytological study used to detect abnormal cells sloughed from the cervix and vagina, usually obtained during routine pelvic examination: a. C&S b. CVS c. hysterosalpingography d. PAP test e. IUD 39. Define a medical word by first define the: a. prefix b. suffix or last part of the word c. middle part of the word d. combining form e. word root 40. Destruction of a blood clot: a. myxoma b. sclerotherapy c. cardioversion d. thrombolysis e. embolectomy 41. Diaphoresis means: a. blockage of a vessel b. excessive sweating c. fluid in the lungs d. chest pain associated with CAD e. inability of heart valves to close properly 42. Difficulty starting urnination: a. anuria b.dysuria c. hesitancy d. voiding e. frequency 43. Disease of the hear muscle is called: a. endocarditis b. coronary artery disease c. valvular heart disease d. cardioplasty e. cardiomyopathy 44. Eating disorder characterized by binging (overeating) and purging (vomiting or use of laxatives): a. autism b. bulimia nervosa c. neurosis d. psychosis e. mania

45. Effusion of blood into a joint cavity: a. Hemarthosis b. Hemostasis c. Hematopoiesis d. hemolysis e. anemia 46. Enlarged terminal phalanges which may indicate a respiratory disorder. Enlargement caused by low blood levels of oxygen. a. acidosis b. hypoxemia c. atelectasis d. clubbing e. rales 47. Excision of a lung or a portion of a lung: a. pleurectomy b. endotracheal intubation c. bronchiectasis d. pneumonectomy e. thoracentesis 48. Enlargement of the prostate: a. hepatomegaly b. BPH c. gonadopathy d. vescocele e. Scrotoplasty 49. Excision of the prostate gland by inserting a resectoscope through the urethra and into the bladder to remove pieces of tissue from the prostate gland: a. circumcision b. DRE c. orchiectomy d. TURP e. Proctoclysis 50. Excision of the uterus: a. salpingo-oophorectomy b.hysterectomy c. vasectomy d. orchidectomy e.orchidotomy 51. Fissure upon the dorsum of penis: a. hypospadias b. epispadias c. varicocele d. gonadopathy e. cryptorchidism 52. Forming or producing sperm: a. spermicide b. orchidoptosis c. oligospermia d. hypospadias e. spermatogenesis 53. Fragments of necrosed bone that has become separated from surrounding tissue: a. Spondylolisthesis b. Rickets c. Sequestrum d. Subluxation e. Herniated disk 54. Hardening and narrowing of an artery along with loss of its elasticity a. myxoma b. cardiomyopathy c. phlebitis d. aortostenosis e. atherosclerosis 55. Genital warts: a. condyloma b. genitalia c. gamete d. varicocele e. orchidism

56. Heart Pain: a. endocarditis b. edema c. Coronary fibrillation d. Coronary incompetence e. cardiodynia 57. Hypoxemia means: a. Excess oxygen in the blood b. deficienct of carbon dioxide in the blood c. pressure of ambient bases below atmosphereic pressure d. deficiency of oxygen in the blood e. amount of pigmentation less than normal range 58. In the terms of epidermis, epi- means: a. on the side b. above, upon c. around d. under below e. away from 59. Incision/pincture of a vein (oftern done to draw blood): a. venostasis b. phlebotomy c. phleborrhapy d. phlebectopia e. venostomy 60. Inflammation of respiratory system in children with a main symptom of a harsh, barking cough. a. pneumonia b. croup c. pleurisy d. asphyxia e. atelectasis 61. Inflammation of the lungs caused by inhalation of gastric contents, food, or other substances: a. pectoralgia b. phrenospasm c. emphysema d. empyema e. aspiration pneumonia 62. Inflammation of the seminal vesicle: a. balanitis b. epiididymitis c. prostatitis d. orchiditis e. vesiculitis 63. Insertion of a thin narrow tube into the ureter to treat urine flow obstruction is called: a. Intravenous pyelography b. ureteral stent placement c. intrathecal pyelography d. intra-arterial stent placement e. urethral stent placement 64. Length of time from conception to birth: a. lactation b. gestation c. peurperium d. partuition e. menopause 65. Localized abnormal dilation of a vessel, usually an artery: a. aneurysm b. hemorrhoids c. telangiectasis d. myxoma e. pallor 66. Loss of sensation resulting from pharmacologic depression of nerve function or from neurogenic dysfunction: a. narcotic b. stupor c. ataxia d. synalgia e. anesthesia

e. paralysis of four extremities 26. An infection, usually bacterial, in the urinary structures is called: a. UTI b. EMG c. HTN d. BPH e. BUN 27. An injury to the brain, occasionally with LOC, resulting from trauma to the head: a. concussion b. torpor c. sciatica d. transient ischemic attack e. syncope 28. Another term for stroke is: a. Cerebral palsy b. paraplegia c. closed head trauma d. cerebrovascular accident e. parkinsonsim 29. Arthr/o is an example of a: a. suffix b. combining form c. wood root d. prefix e. combining vowel 30. Arthr/o means joint. The word that means visual examination of a joint is: a. arthoscopy b. arthopexy c. arthrocentesis d. arthroscopy e. arthroscope 31. Blood development is called: a. autoimmunity b. heratocrit c. hematopoiesis d. Hemostasis e. dyscrasia 32. Blood test used to detect prostatic disorders, especially prostate cancer, also called a tumor marker test: a. Semen analysis b. semen culuture c. CVS d. PSA e. PID 33. Brady- means slow. The word for slow speaking is: a. bradyphasia b. bradyphagia c. bradycardia d. bradypnea e. bradylexia

67. Maligancies originating from connective tissue: a. myomas b. fibromas c. sarcomas d. fibroids e. myelomas 68. Mental disorder in which there is a severe loss of contact with reality: a. depression b. psychosis c. affective disorder d. anxiety e. neurosis

78. Phlebitis means: a. Inflammation of vein b. Inflammation of ventricle c. dilation of vein d. dilation of ventricle e. dilation of artery 79. Physician who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of urinary disorders and diseases of the male reproductive system: a. Nephrologist b. endocrinologist c. urologist d. nephrotic

69. Neur/o means nerve or nerve cells. The word for tumor of nerve cells is: a. neuro/o/lysis b. neuro/o/logy c. neur/oma d. neur/itis e. neur/algia 70. Neuralgia: a. Nerve spasm b. nerve tension c. nerve disease d. nerve pain e. Nerve root 71. Obstetric complication in which the placenta is attached close to or covers the cervical that results in bleeding during labor when the cervix dilates: a. placenta previa b. placenta abruptio c. abortion d. cerclage e. cordocentesis 72. Oxygen deficiency in surrounding tissues is called: a. Infraction b. Malnutrition c. Dystrophy d. anemia e. ischemia 73. Paleness: a. erythema b. jaundice c. incompetent d. emboli e. pallor 74. Paralysis of the vocal cords: a. tracheitis b. laryngoplegia c. larynoplasty d. tracheoplegia e. hemiparesis 75. Passage of a catheter into the heart through a vein or artery to provide comprehensive evaluation of the heart: a. Commissurotomy b. Foley catheterization c. AICID insertion d. Cardiac catheterization e. sclerotherapy 76. Pertaining to the lining of the uterus: a. menorrhagia b. amniotic c. endometrial d. metrorrhagia e. perineal 77. Pertaining to within a vessel: a. Pericardial b. endocardium c. endovascular d. aortostenosis e. extravascular

e. urinary 80. Procedure that graphically records the spread of electrical excitation to different parts of the heart using small metal electrodes applied to the chest, arms and legs: a. ECHO b. Angiography c. Nuclear perfusion study d. ECG e. Venography 81. Progressive neurological disease that causes memory loss and serious mental deterioration: a. Epilepsy b. multiple sclerosis c. Parkinson’s Disease d. Alzheimer Disease e. Intracerebral hemorrhage 82. Pruritus of the hands indicates a. a skin condition that turns the hands blue b. excessive sweating of the hands c. an inflammatory condition of the hands d. itching of the hands e. inflammation and swelling of the hands near the nails 83. Puncture of joint space using a needle to remove accumulated fluid: a. Arthrocentesis b. Arthrodesis c. Bursectomy d. Laminectomy e. Arthroclasia 84. Radiograph of the breast: a. Mastopexy b. Fluoroscopy c. Perineal d. Venogram e. Mammogram 85. Radiography of the spinal cord after injection of a contrast media to identify spinal distortions: a. Myeloma b. myelography c. arthrography d. DEXA Scan e. TKA 86. Recording of electrical activity in the brain, whose cells emit distinct patterns of rhythmic electrical impulses a. EEG b. ECG c. ECHO d. EMG e. LP 87. Removal of all or a segment of the vas deferens for male sterilization: a. Orchidectomy b. Prostatectomy c. Vasectomy d. Orchiopexy e. Vasorrhaphy 88. Salpingocele means: a. Herniation of the uters b. Herniation of a fallopian tube c. Suture of fallopian tube d. Hemorrhage of the uterus e. Inability of the femail to become pregnant

d. lithogenesis e. lithectomy 38. Cytological study used to detect abnormal cells sloughed from the cervix and vagina, usually obtained during routine pelvic examination: a. C&S b. CVS c. hysterosalpingography d. PAP test

e. IUD 39. Define a medical word by first define the: a. prefix b. suffix or last part of the word c. middle part of the word d. combining form e. word root 40. Destruction of a blood clot: a. myxoma b. sclerotherapy c. cardioversion d. thrombolysis e. embolectomy 41. Diaphoresis means: a. blockage of a vessel b. excessive sweating c. fluid in the lungs d. chest pain associated with CAD e. inability of heart valves to close properly 42. Difficulty starting urnination: a. anuria b.dysuria c. hesitancy d. voiding e. frequency 43. Disease of the hear muscle is called: a. endocarditis b. coronary artery disease c. valvular heart disease d. cardioplasty e. cardiomyopathy 44. Eating disorder characterized by binging (overeating) and purging (vomiting or use of laxatives): a. autism b. bulimia nervosa c. neurosis d. psychosis e. mania

89. Slow movement: a. Hyperkinesia b. Dyskinesia c. Bradykinesia d. Bradycardia e. Agnosia 90. Suspension or fixation of a floating or moveable kidney is called: a. Nephrorrhapy b. Nephropexy c. nephroptosis d. nephrolithiasis e. nephrolithotomy 91. Suture of the perineum a. perineorrhaphy b. orchiorrhaphy c. circumcision d. urethroplasty e. perineoplasty 92. Suturing of the cervix to prevent it from dilating prematurely during pregnancy, thus decreasing the chance of a spontaneous abortion: a. D&C b. Aminocentesis c. Cryosurgery d. IUD e. Cerclage 93. Swelling caused by excess fluid seeping from veins: a. angina b. arteriorrhexis c. aneurysm d. edema e. telangiectasis 94. Term for relating to the uterus and cervix a. colposcopy b. endocervicitis c. cervicouterine d. cervicobrachial e. uterovesical 95. Term for woman during her first pregnancy a. unilateral b. primipara c. multipara d. primigravida e. multigravida 96. The abbreviation US means: a. Usual b. usage c. urgent sign d. unstable e. ultrasound 97. The abnormal passage from a hollow organ to the surface or from one organ to another: a. enuresis b. hydronephrosis c. cystocele d. anuria e. fistula 98. The branch of medicine that manages the health of a woman and her fetus during pregnancy and childbirth: a. GYN b. Perdiatrics c. UA d. OB e. Endocrinology 99. The class of drugs, androgens: a. Suppress the production of testosterone b. Increase testosterone levels c. Treat viral disorders d. Kill Sperm e. Treat symptoms of menopause

100. The combining form cephal/o means: a. Head b. Brain c. Neck d. Arm e. Wrist 101. The combining form for fungus (plural fungi) is a. Trich/o b. Unguin/o c. Squam/o d. xen/o e. myc/o 102. The combining form idi/o mean a. Cause b. Near. nearest c. unknown, peculiar d. shape e. disease 103. The combining form jaund/o means: a. Yellow b. Blue c. White d. Green e. Red 104. The combining form lex/o means a. Learn b. read c. thin, slender d. word, phrase e. thick 105. The combining form myel/o means: a. Head b. Bone marrow, spinal cord c. back bone d. vertebrae e. back 106.The combining form onych/o means a. Hand b. Hair c. Nail d. Skin e. finger 107. The combining form orth/o means: a. Orthopedics b. Straight c. Child d. Foot e. Bent 108. The combining form vesic/o means a. Seminal vesicle b. vas deferns c. vessels d. bladder e. prepuce 109. The condition in which the bladder herniates into the vagina is called: a. vaginoplasty b. cystoptosis c. cystopathy d. cystitis e. cystocele 110. The letter combination ps at the beginning of a word (as in psychosis) is pronounced: a. “pee” b. “eff” c. “ss” d. “sh” e. “cee”

111. The medical term for a runny nose a. rhinorrhaphy b. nasolacrimal c. rhinorrhea d. nasociliary e. nasal effusio 112. The oe in roentgen is pronounced: a. “eh” b. “ay” c. “ uh” d. “oh” e. “ah” 113. The physical, chemical, and microscopic evaluation of a urine specimen is called: a. Specific gravity b. urnialysis c. renal dialysis d. urogram e. urochesia 114. The prefix dia- means a. Away from b. within c. wide d. against e. through, across 115. The prefix hypo- means: a. excessive b. below c. slow d. between e. above 116. The prefix pan- means: a. near b. against c. bad d. same e. all 117. The prefix retro- means: a. forward b. return c. result d. backward, behind e. below beneath 118. The prefix uni- has the same meaning as: a. microb. mesoc. epid. monoe. ante119. The presence of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterus: a. endometriosis b. PID c. endometritis d. metrorrhagia e. dysmenorrhea 120. The presence of pus in the pleural cavity is called a. empthoritis b. pyosis c. pyemia d. pyothorax e. empyosis 121. The suffix -malacia means: a. expansion b. bone c. swelling d. softening e. formation

122. The suffix -penia means: a. Decrease, deficiency b. fixation c. prolapse d. production e. pain 123. The suffix -trophy means: a. paralysis b. displacement c. stricture d. accomplishment e. development, nourishment 124. The upper-right abdominopelvic region beneath the ribs is called the a. right lumbar region b. epigastric region c. right inguinal region d. right hypochondriac region e. umbilical region 125. This classification of drug is used to induce labor by increasing the strength and frequency of uterine contractions: a. estrogens b. Oral contraceptives c. oxytocics d. prostaglandins e. spermicides 126. This open heart surgery reroutes blood around an occluded coronary artery? a. endovascular angioplasty b. coronary artery bypass graft c. echocardiography d. valvotomy e. automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator 127. Trache/o means trachea (windpipe). What is the word that means forming an opening in the trachea a. Tracheotomy b. Tracheostomy c. Tracheotome d. Tracheorrhaphy e. Tracheomalacia 128. Vasodilation: a. dilatation of blood vessels b. excretion of water c. cardiac arrhythmia d. radiography of a vein e. ultrasonography of blood vessel 129. Visual examination of structures such as the bronchus, thymus and lymph nodes accomplished via an endoscope passed through an incision m...

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