Med Term general notes PDF

Title Med Term general notes
Author Rosalie Wang
Course Ancient Roots of Medical Terminology
Institution McMaster University
Pages 22
File Size 651.9 KB
File Type PDF
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general notes summary...


Chapter 1 - Termination Primary Suffixes often indicate that a word is a noun, but do not themselves bear a predictable and independent meaning (-e, -is, -ism, -s, -y) Only Frequently Used Verb Ending to (do the action of) x x-iz-e (-ize)

to make (something) x

Adjectival Endings (words of the following forms are always adjectives) Termination Translation Masculine Feminine p.t. x x-al -al-is (-alis) -al-is (-alis) p.t. x x-ic -ic-us (-icus) -ic-a (-ica) p.t. x x-ous -os-us (-osus) -os-a (-osa) p.t. x x-ar-y (-ary) -ar-i-us (-arius) -ar-i-a (-aria) p.t. x x-ar -ar-is (-aris) -ar-is (-aris) p.t. x x-an -an-us (-anus) -an-a (-ana) p.t. x x-in-e (-ine) -in-us (-inus) -in-a (-ina) p.t. x x-ac -ac-us (-acus) -ac-a (-aca) p.t. x -(e)us (-eus/-us) -(e)a (-ea/-a) Resembling x x-oid -oid-e-us (-oideus) -oid-e-a (-oidea) Noun Endings Termination x-ia x-os-is (-osis) x-ist x-in x-it-is (-itis) x-o-schis-is (-schisis) x-ias-is (-iasis) x-o-clas-is (-clasis) x-o-clas-ia (-clasia) x-o-clast-y (-clasty) x-o-clast (-clast) x-o-path-y (-pathy) x-o-path (-path) x-o-megal-y (-megaly) x-o-phag-y (-phagy) x-o-phag-e (-phage) x-o-gen-es-is (-genesis) x-o-gen-ic (-genic) x-o-gen-ous (-genous) x-o-gen (-gen)


Neuter -al-e (-ale) -ic-um (-icum) -os-um (-osum) -ar-i-um (-arium) -ar-e (-are) -an-um (-anum) -in-um (-inum) -ac-um (-acum) -(e)um (-eum/um) -oid-e-um (-oideum)

Combining Form

Adjectival Form




x-itic x-o-schistic x-iastic x-iasic x-o-clastic

Something which breaks x A disease of x One with a disease of x The enlargement of x





The ingestion of x Something which ingests x The production of x



An abnormal condition involving x An abnormal condition involving x One who (does the action of) x One who specializes in x A substance (which does the action of) x The inflammation of x The splitting of x The abnormal presence of x The breaking of x

Producing x Produced by x A substance which produces x


x-o-poi-es-is (-poiesis) x-o-plas-ia (-plasia) x-o-dys-plas-ia (-dysplasia) x-o-kin-es-is (-kinesis) x-alg-ia (-algia) x-odyn-ia (-odynia) x-o-pleg-ia (-plegia) x-o-pen-ia (-penia) x-o-rrhe-a (-rrhea)

The formation of x



The formation of x The defective formation of x


x-o-plastic x-o-dysplastic

The movement of x


Pain in(volving) x Pain in(volving) x The paralysis of x A deficiency of x The flowing of (something from) x


x-o-rrhag-ia (-rrhagia) x-o-rrhaphy (-rrhaphy) x-o-rrhex-is (-rrhexis) x-o-malac-ia (-malacia) x-o-necr-os-is (-necrosis) x-o-sten-os-is (-stenosis) x-o-scler-os-is (-sclerosis) x-ec-top-ia (-ectopia) x-o-pt-os-is (-ptosis) x-agr-a (-agra) x-edema (-edema) x-o-cel-e (-cele) s-o-cele (-cele)

The rapid flowing of (something from) x


x-algic x-odynic x-o-plegic x-o-penic x-o-rrheic x-o-rrheal x-o-rrhagic

The suturing of x



The rupturing of x



The softening of x



The death of x



The narrowing of x



The hardening of x



The displacement of x The downward displacement of x Gouty pain in x The swelling of x The protrusion of (something through) x The protrusion of something, involving S The protrusion of (something through) x, involving S A calculus in(volving) x A spasm of x A spasm of x The distension of x The growth/nourishment of x The defective growth of x

x-ectopx-o-ptotx-o-agr-a x-edematx-o-cel

x-ectopic x-o-ptotic x-agral x-edematous

x-ism-us x-ectatx-o-trophx-o-dystroph-

x-ectatic x-o-trophic x-o-dystrophic

The lack of growth of x The lack of strength of x


x-atrophic x-asthenic

Treatment by means of x



s-o-x-o-cele (-cele) x-o-lith (-lith) x-o-spasm (-spasm) x-ism-us (-ismus) x-ec-tas-ia (-ectasia) x-o-troph-y (-trophy) x-o-dys-troph-y (-dystrophy) x-a-troph-y x-a-sthen-ia (-asthenia) x-o-therap-y (-therapy)

x-o-lithic x-o-spasmic

x-iatr-y (-iatry) x-o-stas-is (-stasis) x-o-stat (-stat) x-o-plast-y (-plasty) x-o-cent-es-is (-centesis) x-o-tom-y (-tomy) x-o-tom-e (-tome) x-ec-tom-y (-ectomy) x-ec-tom-e (-ectome) x-o-stom-y (-stomy) x-o-z-o-stomy (-stomy) x-o-stom-a (-stoma) x-ic-s (-ics) x-o-log-y (-logy) x-o-scop-y (-scopy) x-o-scop-e (-scope) x-o-metr-y (-metry) x-o-meter (-meter) x-o-pex-y (-pexy) x-o-lys-is (-lysis) x-o-trop-ic (-tropic) x-o-trop-ism (-tropism) x-o-graph-y (-graphy) x-o-graph (-graph) x-o-gram (-gram)

The healing of x The stopping of x Something which stops x The surgical repairing of x The surgical puncturing of x


x-iatric x-o-static

The cutting of x An instrument for cutting x The cutting out of x An instrument for cutting out x The making of an opening in x The making of an opening between z and x An opening made in x The science of x The study of x The examination of x An instrument for examining x The measurement of x An instrument for measuring x The fixation of x (therapeutic) The adhesion of x (diagnostic) The disintegration of x (D) The separation of the adhesions of x (T) Preferentially affecting x The tendency to preferentially affect x




x-o-logic x-o-scopic





The recording of x



An instrument for recording x A record of x

Chapter 2 – General Anatomy Combining Forms Combining Form Anthrop-oSomat-oSom-oDerm-oDermat-oEpiderm-oEpirdermat-oCyt-oArthr-oAcr-o-

Translation Man; Human Body

English Adjectival Form Anthropic somatic


Derm(at)ic Dermal Epidermic Epidermal Cytic Arthral Acral

Epidermis Cell Joint Extremities

x-o-plastic x-o-centetic

x-ectomic x-o-stomic



Limb Head Hair Eyelid Eye Ear Nose Face Face Neck Neck Shoulder Arm Elbow Hand

Steth-oMast-oMamm-oThel-eOmphal-oUmbil-oUmbilic-oGlut-oGlute-oGon-oGony-oPod-oPed-ox-o-cyt-e (-cyte)

Chest Breast Breast Nipple Navel Navel

Digit Nail Chest


Cephalic Blepharal Opthalmic Otic Rhinal Facial Cervical

Brachial Anconeal

Dactylic Thoracic Thoracal

Mammary Omphalic Umbilical Gluteal

Knee Foot Foot A cell of x

Podalic Pedal

Chapter 3 – Musculoskeletal System Combining Forms Combining Form Oste-oOss-oOsse-oSkelet-oCrani-o-

Translation Bone Bone Skeleton Skull

English Adjectival Form Osseous Osseic Skeletal Skeletous Cranial

Cleid-oClavicul-oClav-iClavic-iAcromi-oCorac-oCoracoid-oHumer-oCubit-oUln-oRadi-oCarp-oPhalang-oScapul-oRachi-oRachiRhachi-o RhachiSpin-oMyel-oSpondyl-oVertebr-oCost-oCost-iStern-oXiph-oXiphoid-oCox-oPelv-iPelv-oPelvi-oIli-oIschi-oPub-oPub-iSacr-oCoccyg-oAcetabul-oFemor-oPatell-oTibi-oFibul-oTars-oCalcane-oTal-oAstragal-oChondr-o-

Collar bone Collar bone

Cleidal Clavicular

Acromion? Coracoid process

Acromial Coracoid

Humerus Elbow Ulna Radius Wrist Phalanges Shoulder blade Spine

Humeral Cubital Ulnar Radial Carpal Phalangeal Scapular Rachial

Spine Bone Marrow Spinal Cord Vertebra Vertebra Rib


Sternum Xiphoid process

Sternal Xiphoid

Hip Pelvis

Coxal Pelvic Pelvine

Ilium Ischium Pubis

Iliac Ischial Pubic

Sacrum Coccyx Acetabulum Femur Kneecap Tibia Fibula Tarsus Calcaneus Talus Talus Cartilage

Sacral Coccygeal Acetabular Femoral Patellar Tibial Fibular Tarsal Calcaneal Talar Astragalic Chondric

Spondylous Vertebral Costal

Cartilag-oCartilagin-oMy-oMyos-oMuscul-oTen-oTenon-oTenont-oTend-oTendin-oDesm-oSyndesm-oSyndesmos-oLigament Aponeur-oAponeuros-oAchill-ox-ost-os-is (-ostosis)


Chondral Cartilaginous

Muscle Muscle Tendon




Ligament Ligament


Ligament Aponeurosis

Ligamentous Aponeurotic

Achilles tendon The ossification of x

Chapter 4 – Nervous System; Eye and Ear Combining Forms Combining Form Translation Brain Encephal-oBrain Cerebr-oCerebrum Cerebellum Cerebell-oMembrane Membran-oMening-oEpendym-oNeur-oNerv-iGangli-oGanglion-oNeuron-oNeurogli-oGli-oRadicul-oSympath-oSympathet-oSympathic-oVag-o-

Meninges Ependyma Nerve Emotions Nerve Ganglion

Adjectival Form Encephalic Cerebral Cerebellar Membranous Membranacous Meningeal Ependymal Neural Nervous Ganglial

Nerve cell Neuroglia

Neuronal Neuroglial

Radicle Sympathetic nerves

Radicular Sympathic Sympathetic

Vagus nerve


Ophthalm-oOpt-oOptic-oOcul-oCoreCore-oPupill-oKer-oKerat-oCorne-oScler-oRetin-oUve-oIr-oIrid-oIrides Cycl-oCili-oCiliar-oChoroid-oChori-oConjunctiv-oCanth-oPhac-oDacry-oLacrim-oDacrycyst-oTympan-oMalle-oIncud-oStaped-oStapedi-oMyring-o-

Eye Eye Eye Pupil Pupil Cornea Horn Cornea Sclera Retina Uvea Iris Irises Ciliary body Ciliary body Choroid Conjunctiva Canthus Lens Tear Tear Lacrimal Bone Tear sac Middle ear Malleus Hammer Incus Anvil Stirrup Tympanic membrane

Opthalmic Optic Optical Ocular

Pupillary Keratic Corneal Scleral Retinal Uveal Iridial Iridic Ciliary

Choroid Choroidal Conjunctival Canthal


Tympanic Malleal Incudal Stapedial Myringeal

Chapter 5 – Circulatory & Lymphatic Systems; Glands Combining Forms Combining Form Translation Blood Hem-oHemat-oHaemSanguin-oSangu-iHemoglobin-o-

Blood Hemoglobin

Adjectival Form Hemal Hematal Hemic Hematic Sanguineous Sanguinous



Plasmic Plasmatic

Clot Blood platelet Pulse Heart Cardiac part of the stomach Aorta

Thromboid Thrombocytic Sphygmic Cardiac

Ventricul-oPericard-oPericardi-oMyocard-oMyocardi-oAngi-oAngeiVas-oVascul-oArter-oArteri-oPhleb-oVen-oCapillar-oVaric-oCirs-oLymph-oLymphat-oLymphangi-oLymphaden-oSplen-oLien-oCrin-oEndocrin-o Hormon-oAden-oGlandul-oPineal-oHypophys-oHypophyse-oParot-oParotid-oThyr-oThyroid-oParathyroid-o-

Ventricle Pericardium

Aortic Aortal Valval Valvar Valvular Ventricular Pericardial




vessel Vessel




Vein Vein Capillary Varix Varix Lymph Lymph Lymph vessel Lymph node Spleen Spleen Secretion Hormone Gland Gland Pineal gland Pituitary gland

Venous Capillary Varicose Lymphatic Lymphatic Lymphangial Splenic Lienal Endocrine

Thyroid gland

Hormonal Adenic Glandular Pineal Hypophysial Hypophyseal Parotic Parotid Thyroid

Parathyroid gland


Parotid gland

Parathyr-oThym-oAdren-oAdrenal-oSupraren-oSuprarenal-oInsul-oGonad-ox-em-ia (-emia) x-hem-ia (hemia) s-o-x-n G-ism

Thymus Adrenal gland Adrenal gland Islets of langerhans gonad The abnormal presence of blood in x A collection of S in x A condition caused by the malfunction of G

Chapter 6 – Respiratory System Combining Forms Combining Form Rhin-oNas-oSin-oSinus-oSept-oAntr-oPharyng-oNasopharyng-oRhinopharyng-oEpiglott-oEpiglottid-oLaryng-oTrache-oBronch-oBronch-iPneum-oPneumon-oPulm-oPulmon-oPleur-oPhren-oDiaphragm-oDiaphragmat-oMediastin-oSpir-oPne-oPneum-o-

Translation Nose Nose Sinus Septum Antrum Pharynx Nasopharynx Epiglottis Larynx Trachea Bronchus Lung Air Lung Pleura Diaphragm Diaphragm Mediastinum Breathing Breathing Air

Parathyroidal Thymic Adrenal Adrenic Suprarenal Insular Gonadal



Chapter 7 – Oral-Dental Systems Combining Forms Combining Form Gnath-oMaxilla-oMandibul-oGeni-oMent-oStom-oStomat-oOr-oCheil-oLabi-oBucc-oGloss-oLingu-oPalat-oUran-oUranisc-oStaphyl-oUvul-oCion-oOdont-oDent-oDent-iPeriodont-oGingiv-oUl-oDentin-oAmel-oEnamel-oAdamant-oAdamantin-oPulp-oCement-oAxi-oDist-oMesi-o-

Translation Jaw Upper jaw Lower jaw Chin Chin Mouth Mouth Lip Lip Labial Cheek Buccal Tongue Tongue Lingual Palate Palate Uvula Uvula Uvula Tooth Tooth Periodontium Gums Gingival Gums Dentin Enamel Enamel Pulp Pulpal Cementum Axial Distal Mesial


Incisal Occlusal Cervical

Chapter 8 – Bones of the Head Combining Forms Combining Form Front-oPariet-oOccipit-oatl-oatlant-oTempor-oMast-oMastoid-oStyl-oStyloid-oPetr-oPetros-oSquam-oSquamos-oSphen-oSphenoid-oZygomat-oZygomatic-oEthm-oEthmoid-oLacrim-oNas-oMaxilla-oMandibul-oSuturHy-o x-aux-is (-auxis) x-o-cirrh-os-is (-cirrhosis) x-o-cleis-is (-cleisis) x-o-(h)elc-os-is (-helcosis) x-i-fer-ous (-iferous) x-o-tox-ic-os-is (-toxicosis) x-o-tox-ic (-toxic) x-o-tox-in (-toxin)

Translation Frontal bone Parietal bone Occiput Atlas Temporal bone Mastoid process Styloid process Petrous part of the temporal bone Squamous part of the temporal bone Sphenoid bone Zygomatic bone Ethmoid bone Lacrimal bone Tear Nasal bone Maxilla Mandible Suture Hyoid bone The enlargement of x The hardening of x The closure of x The ulceration of x Bearing x The poisoning of x Poisonous to x A substance poisonous to x

x-o-tox-ic-ity (-toxicity) x-ap-her-es-is (-apheresis) x-(en-)chys-is (-enchysis) x-o-camps-ia (-campsia) x-o-camp (-camp) x-o-trips-y (-tripsy) x-o-trib-e (-tribe)

The ability to poison x The removal of x The injection of fluid into x The bending of x (T) The curvature of x (D) An instrument for bending x The crushing or rubbing of x An instrument for crushing or rubbing x

Chapter 9 – Digestive System Combining Forms Combining Form Celi-oAbdomin-oVentr-oLapar-oPeriton-oPeritone-oMesenter-oMesenteri-oSplanchn-oViscer-oEsophag-oGastr-oStomach-oCardi-oPylor-oOment-oEpipl-oDuoden-oCholecyst-oCholedoch-oCholangi-oHepat-oHepaticHepatocholangiPancre-oPancreat-oPancreaticEnter-o-

Translation Abdomen Abdominal wall Abdomen Abdomen Abdominal wall Peritoneum Mesentery Viscera Viscera Esophagus Stomach Stomach Cardiac part of the stomach Pylorus Omentum Omentum Duodenum Gall bladder Common bile duct Bile duct Liver The hepatic duct Pancreas The pancreatic duct Intestine Small Intestine


Sphincter-oSial-oPtyal-oChym-oChyl-oChol-eChol-oBil-iCopr-oFec-scat Sterc-oStercor-oScat-o-doch-o-

Jejunum Ileum Colon Cecum Cecum Appendix Sigmoid fold Rectum Anus Rectum Anus Without The absence of Sphincter Anal sphincter Saliva Saliva Chyme Chyle Bile Bile Feces Feces Feces Excrement duct

Chapter 10 – Uro-Genital Systems Combining Forms Combining Form Lumb-oInguin-oPerine-oGenit-oUr-oUron-oUrin-oUrat-oUreaUre-oUrobilin-o-

Translation Loin Groin Perineum Genitals Urine Urinary tract Urine Urinary tract Urate Urea Urobilin


Kidney Kidney Renal pelvis Renal pelvis

Ureter Bladder Cyst Bladder Cyst Urethra Spermatozoon Semen Semen Scrotum Scrotum Testes Testes Epididymis Vas deferens Seminal vesicle Seminal vesicle Seminal vesicle Prostate Penis Penis Glans penis Egg Ovum Egg Ovum Menses Menstruation Ovary Ovary Uterine tube Uterine tube Uterus Uterus Uterus Cervix (of the uterus) Cervix (of the uterus) Vagina

Vagin-oClitor-oClitorid-oClitoriVulv-oEpis-oEpisi-oNymph-oHymen-ox-ur-ia (-uria) x-ur-es-is (-uresis) x-o-men-ia (-menia)

Vagina Clitoris

Vulva Vulva Nymphae Hymen The abnormal presence of x in the urine The passage of x in the urine Vicarious menstruation from x

Chapter 11 – Psychological Terms Combining forms Combining Form Psych-oPhren-oIde-oNeur-oEr-oErot-oNyct-oHypn-oOneir-oNarc-oPharmac-oEsthes-oEsthesi-oAnesthes-oAnesthesi-oHallucin-oNos-oHyster-oEpilept-oPseud-ox-o-phob-ia (-phobia) x-o-phob-e (-phobe) x-o-phil-ia (-philia) x-o-phil-ic (-philic) x-o-phil-e (-phile)

Translation Mind Mind Idea Emotions Nerve Sexual desire Night Sleep Hypnotism Dream Stupor Drug Perception Loss of perception Hallucination Disease Hysteria Epilepsy False Falsely A morbid dread of x One with a morbid dread of x A morbid fondness for x Pertaining to a morbid fondness for x Having an affinity for x One with a morbid fondness for x

x-o-phil (-phil) x-o-phil-i-ac (-philiac)

x-o-man-ia (-mania) x-o-man-ic (-manic) x-o-man-i-ac (-maniac)

x-esth-es-ia (-esthesia) x-an-esth-es-ia (-anesthesia) x-o-leps-y (-lepsy) x-o-lagn-ia (-lagnia)

One with a propensity to (do the action of) x Something with an affinity for x Pertaining to a morbid fondness for x Having an affinity for x One with a morbid fondness for x One with a propensity to (do the action of) x =x-o-phile =x-o-philic A morbid fondness for x P.t. a morbid fondness for x Pertaining to a morbid fondness for x Having an affinity for x One with a morbid fondness for x One with a propensity to (do the action of) x = x-o-philiac The perception of x The loss of perception of x A seizure of/involving x Sexual gratification involving x

Chapter 12 – Substances Combining Forms Combining Forms Hydr-oHygr-oAer-oPhys-oSarc-oHist-oHistiSynov-oSynovi-oEpitheli-oKary-oNucle-oFibr-oIn-oInos-oElast-o-

Translation Water Fluid Moisture Air Gas Gas Flesh Tissue Synovia Synovial membrane Epithelium Nucleus Nucleus Fiber Fiber Elastic tissue


Mucus Mucous membrane Mucus Mucous membrane Mucus Mucus membrane Serum Serous membrane Fat Lipids Fat Fat Fat Sebum Wax Cholesterol Sweat Pus Calculus Horn Cornea Alcohol Alkali Purine Starch Acid Acid Ketone bodies Milk M...

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