Memo CEO - This is a format of the official Memo to its CEO PDF

Title Memo CEO - This is a format of the official Memo to its CEO
Author Mehnaz Tarannum
Course Organizational Structure and Job Performance
Institution Colorado State University - Global Campus
Pages 6
File Size 98.9 KB
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This is a format of the official Memo to its CEO...


TO: Stakeholders FROM: Mehnaz Tarannum, CEO, Company X DATE: October 16, 2019 SUBJECT: Identifying Problems and Suggesting Solutions Which Have Ethical Issues in the Company

Due to recent ethical issue that all are aware about, the company is facing loses. Company needs to figure out how to avoid these circumstances. There might be various reasons why the company has faced this kind of incident. All are aware of the unethical deed faced last week about selling the defective product to one of the loyal buyers. Company believes that this incident took place because of the lack of ethical practices among the employees. All should take the blame for not being responsible. Company needs to quality control each and every product very carefully and sometimes even twice to make sure that delivering the very best to the customers. There is no way of skipping the quality control and of any staff does that then that person should be kept accountable. All are working on to identify the reason behind this incident. Till then the company needs all of your support. Organizational Culture This incident taught that all are not practicing ethical activities effectively and have to work on this. Organizational culture is one of the most important elements that influences ethics. Any company that wants to succeed in the industry must follow ethics. Company has a feeling that organizational culture is not strong enough to practice ethics. All need to come together so that can protect the company and company culture from any wrong deeds. If there was a strong ethical policy and regulation that whoever breaks ethical conducts will be accountable then

company believes that this incident wouldn’t have been taken place. All are responsible and it is a matter of shame that the competitors are taking advantage of this. All need to be careful about the acts and have to think before conducting any unethical deed. It is not only the matter of losing the business but tarnishing the brand value in the market. The management is taking care of this matter. It is not only management’s duty to take care of ethical activities but also all of the company should be aware of the activities too. It is the responsibility of all to protect the organization from any further unethical works. None can’t and should not let this happen again. Impact on the Employees and Stakeholders Business and cultural ethics always influence person’s act. If there is no strict rules of ethical conduct, employees and stakeholders get a feeling of not being accountable to anyone. At that point they get the influence in doing wrong works. If the company focuses more on earning money rather than establishing ethical policies, the company suffers in the long run in terms of gaining goodwill (Zeiger, 2019). Ethical climate boosts the confidence and enthusiasm of the employees and stakeholders and they get influenced to work more seriously (Tastan & Gucel, 2017). In this modern era, all want to become successful instantly. People don’t have the patience of doing the right work and wait for the success to come slowly and gradually. This mindset has led to the path of unethical activities (Karnes, 2009). Unethical work environment leads an employee to focus only on profit and thus their quality of work decreases. If there is a lack of ethics in the management, stakeholders lose respect for them and this is how the relationship is affected. Unethical environment harms the image of the company and this is how the company loses its credibility (Zeiger, 2019). Company has a very diverse workforce. People came from different backgrounds with different viewpoints and different lifestyle. To maintain this harmony, all should be very careful with their works as the simple act might hurt someone's feelings and

norms. Religion, culture these are very sensitive issues and none should hurt these topics. Most of the big companies re following ethics and contributing more to the society than just products and services. These companies are taking care of the society, environment, animals and most importantly the employees (Singh, 2019). As employees are the main source of company’s sustainability, should be taken care of the right of the employee and make sure that they are not facing any issues or dilemmas regarding the work life. Recommendations Ethics is one of the most important things in both personal and professional life. Successful and well-known companies often practice ethics in their corporate culture. In this age of technology people have no time to waste. This busy life demands more than just leading decent lifestyle. For the completion of these demands people are choosing unethical paths (Waples, Antes, Murphy, Connelly & Mumford, 2009). One way to improve ethical culture in the organization is that company can give more power to the employees over their work. In this way employees will be motivated and will feel importance thus they won’t feel any need of conducting unethical works. Improving communication among the supervisors and the employees is another way can be used to improve ethical culture. If the communication is good, employees will get what the organization expects from them and they will avoid doing any wrong things. Ethical policies and procedures should be communicated properly with the employees. Employees and stakeholders need to be aware of the consequences of unethical conducts and all should strictly follow these rules. Some rules and patterns need to be changed and be modified according to the ethical policies (Bianca, 2019). Ethics should be made one of the top priorities from the management and should ask the supervisors to follow them at any cost. Company should praise the person whoever follows these rules so that they get motivated and doesn’t break the rules in near future

(Hedborg, 2014). Company can arrange some workshops and seminars on the importance of ethics in the organizational culture to motivate employees (Sears, 2010). As the company has diverse workforce, the ethical conducts must be in a way that it doesn’t hurt anyone’s norms or values (McLaverty & McKee, 2016). Company can’t force anyone if the organizational culture isn’t strict about following ethical ways. So, all should be careful about following the rules. Workplace ethics leads to happy and satisfied employees who enjoy coming to work rather than treating it as a mere source of burden. Employees also develop a feeling of loyalty and attachment towards the organization. Ethics allows a company to treat all of their employees as same. It is the company’s responsibility to make their employee feel important and encourage them to work in an ethical way. Organizations need to have fool-proof systems to measure the performances of individuals. Appraisal system needs to be designed keeping in mind employee’s performance throughout the year and his/her career growth. Periodic reviews are essential. It is mandatory for superiors to know what their subordinates are up to. This is how the company get to avoid facing any unethical deeds.

References Bianca, A. (2019). Ways to improve an organization's ethical climate. Retrieved from Hedborg, C. (2014). Five steps to improve ethical performance. Retrieved from Karnes, R. E. (2009). A change in business ethics: the impact on employer–employee relations. Retrieved from vid=4&sid=a0a95774-d09b-4a89-b5ac-5a216eefc2a4%40sessionmgr101 McLaverty, C., & McKee, A. (2016). What you can do to improve ethics at your company. Retrieved from Sears, T. (2010). 5 ways to improve your corporate ethics. Retrieved from Singh, S. (2019). The impact of workplace spirituality on employees’ productivity and their wellbeing. Retrieved from vid=9&sid=a0a95774-d09b-4a89-b5ac-5a216eefc2a4%40sessionmgr101 Tastan, S. B., & Gucel, C. (2017). The impact of employees’ perceived business ethics and ethical climate on organizational social capital. Retrieved from vid=2&sid=a0a95774-d09b-4a89-b5ac-5a216eefc2a4%40sessionmgr101 Waples, E. P., Antes, A. L., Murphy, S. T., Connelly, S., & Mumford, M. D. (2009). A metaanalytic investigation of business ethics instruction. Retrieved from vid=14&sid=a0a95774-d09b-4a89-b5ac-5a216eefc2a4%40sessionmgr101 Zeiger, S. (2019). Effects of a lack of ethics on a business environment. Retrieved from

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