MGF3681 Exam prep questions PDF

Title MGF3681 Exam prep questions
Author Daniel McDeenan
Course International Management
Institution Monash University
Pages 2
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MGF3681 International Management guide to better exam prep* *results may vary

Week 1 – The Challenge of International Management 1. Identify the key issues that differentiate international management from international business. 2. Compare and contrast international and domestic organisations. 3. Discuss the contingency role of the international manager. Week 2 – The Role of Culture 1. Define culture. What are cultural values, beliefs and norms? Provide examples. 2. What are Hofstede’s five (5) cultural dimensions? Provide examples to demonstrate. 3. What are Trompanaar’s cultural dimensions? Provide examples to demonstrate. Week 3 – Ethics and Social Responsibility 1. Identify and discuss five (5) ethical issues identified in international management. Provide examples to support your answers. 2. Identify and discuss the six (6) basic ethical languages identified by Donaldson (1992). 3. Critically evaluate the views of ethical relativism and ethical universalism. Provide examples to support your arguments. 4. How are organisations responsive to CSR? 5. Explain the five (5) stages of moral development, giving examples for each. Week 4 – Cross-Cultural Communication 1. Define cross-cultural communication and the communication process in crosscultural context. 2. Using Hall (1976), as reference, analyse the difference between explicit and implicit communication. 3. Identify and describe three (3) verbal communication styles. 4. What is non-verbal communication and describe four (4) types of non-verbal communication. Week 5 – Managing Across Cultures 1. Define the term national context. Provide examples of social institutions to support your answer. 2. What are social institutions? Social institutions can influence organisations through coercive, mimetic, and normative isomorphism. Define these concepts, and provide examples to demonstrate how they work. 3. When managing globally, what are the four (4) key types of managerial predispositions that international management can utilise? 4. Explain the terms cultural convergence and cultural divergence? Do you think cultures are becoming increasingly similar? If so, why? If not, why not? Week 6 – Conflict and Negotiation 1. Define each of the five (5) conflict management styles. 2. Identify and briefly describe the six (6) steps in the international negotiation

process. 3. Explain four (4) ways in which cultural differences can affect the key negotiating processes. 4. Define five (5) of the seven personal characteristics needed to be a successful international negotiator. Week 7– Organisational Structure and Control 1. Define Global Product and Global Area structures and give an example of when an organisation would use each one. 2. What is an export department? What is an international division? What are the advantages in having an international division? 3. Evaluate the arguments in the centralisation / decentralisation debate. Week 8 – Motivating in international management 1. What are the four components of the Basic Work Motivational Process? Provide an example of how cultural differences can influence each of these. 2. Explain Expectancy Theory of motivation. Using one or more of Hofstede’s dimensions, discuss the influence of cultural differences have on this process. 3. Explain Equity Theory of motivation. Using one or more of Hofstede’s dimensions, discuss the influence of cultural differences have on this process. Week 9 – Leadership in international management 1. In a high power distance, high uncertainty avoidance culture, which leadership style is most applicable and why. 2. Identify and differentiate three (3) different implicit leadership styles. 3. Identify the popular leadership models used in East Asia 4. How can House’s Path Goal Theory be used in international management. 5. Identify four (4) positive and four (4) negative leadership traits identified from the GLOBE study. Week 10 – International Human Resource Management 1. Define International HRM. What are the three different types of employees usually used by multinationals and what are the advantages and disadvantages associated with each type? 2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Ethnocentric, Regiocentric, Polycentic, and Geocentric IHRM orientation? 3. How to select expatriates for international assignments? What factors multinationals need to look at and what procedures to follow? 4. Discuss repatriation problems and strategies for improving repatriation. Week 11 – Managing International Teams 1. Explain the terms of transnational teams, representative teams, subsidiary teams, and global virtual teams. 2. What are the advantages of using transnational teams in multinational organisation? 3. What are the disadvantages of using international teams in multinational organisation?...

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