MGT 420 GCU Discussion questions and answers weeks 1 and 2 PDF

Title MGT 420 GCU Discussion questions and answers weeks 1 and 2
Author Laura Rogers
Course Organizational Behavior and Management
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
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DQ 's and answers...


MGT 420 GCU Discussion questions and answers weeks 1 and 2 WEEK 1 Topic 1 DQ 1 How does an understanding of management and organizational behavior lead to organizational effectiveness and efficiency? Why is the study of management theories (classical, behavioral and modern management) relevant today? Is important for all levels employee of employees to understand management, the lower levels should always understand the management team in order to be able to work with them. Having a solid understandable understanding of organizational behavior can be very beneficial to the growth of an organization I am a firm believer and that A person's attitude is a great attribute to how effective they can be in conducting business but it's not just in the workplace it's in their everyday activities as well. If you look at work share my hand wrote the importance of an organizational workplace enhances how skills are developed to complete our environment Sherman 2014 employees will have a much more enjoyable experience developing skills and opting to their environment. At the end of the day what this means is finding the right employees with the right attitudes to help your organization grow. If you think about it as a manager how beneficial it would be do you have clear expectations and plans for your employees to be able to reach the company's goals. Windows employees have a defined set of rules it takes out all the guessing and it allows people to work more freely and understand what their job role is, and it overcomes all the challenges that many companies face. I'd really like to know what other members of the class think about this? Reference: Schermerhorn, J. (2014) Exploring management (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN13: 97811118620199 (Available as a custom e-Book includes only Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 16, and 17) Topic 1 DQ 2 What are the four career issues in the new workplace facing managers today? Discuss one of the major challenges, highlighting its importance in the 21st century workplace and how it affects the behavior of people within organizations? The four career issues in the new workplace facing managers today are globalization, ethics, diversity, and change in technology (Schermerhorn, 2014). Interestingly they all have their own special set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is globalization because it brings concerns of employment migration. Over the years some of these ethical challenges have increase as upper management are small business owners decide to make moral better decisions. Technology is always changing by creating additional issues for companies keeping up with the changes in technology and understanding them is very important to some of the challenges that upper management must deal with especially if followers are having to deal with the technology. And then of course there is diversity in the workforce diversity brings challenges to senior management as to ways they can make a great different culture that they have working for them. One of the most important challenge challenges is failure of ethics because if an organization doesn't have ethics they are going to fall apart on the impact on their employees and society will fall. But at the end of the day out of all the challenges what stands out the most is discrimination companies need to be more aware of discrimination on not allowing it to happen. In to days 21st century people shouldn't be judged about their religion, or their race, or age, sex, disability, everybody should be the same. What makes a great organization of a company has a bad reputation in the public there not going to get good people to work there. With good people there will be nothing. This makes me think about the company that I'm working for now they have such good ethics and such good morals, and they truly care about their employees I made truly show servant leadership. I'd like to know what kind of employers and companies’ other students in the class work for how did they treat you? References: Schermerhorn, J. (2011) Organizational behavior and management. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Custom Learning Solutions, ISBN-13: 9780470942710

Topic 1 DQ 3 What are the three essential managerial skills? Explain how the importance of each skill varies across the typical levels of management in organizations? All managers need essential technical, human, and conceptual skills. At lower levels of management, the technical skills are more important than conceptual skills, but at higher levels of management, the conceptual skills become more important than technical skills. Because managerial work is so heavily interpersonal, human skills are equally important across all management levels, (Harvard scholar Robert L. Katz). One of the most important managerial skills is the ability 2 understand proficiency been performing tasks many higher-level managers must possess obvious technical skills they must understand numbers and have good communication with great Computer literacy. Many of those scales are acquired through formal education in training that's why it is very important if you want to move up the ladder to get as much education as you can. Human skills are extremely important about the end of the day very foundation for a successful manager with human skills they have to have the ability to be able to work well with others do you understand others needs unlike others followers feel like they are important as a manager you have to think about having good human skills understanding where to draw the line but yet empathizing with the feelings of others. Lastly, you're looking at conceptual skills conceptual skills are the ability 2 analytically think out a situation to see a relationship between 2 parts to see what is causing the problems almost there at higher levels try to resolve those problems it is also important to be able to develop and use strong critical thinking on problem solving skills that is part of the importance of conceptual skills. Being in management myself I understand all of these skills and although there are times it can be very difficult you have to try your hardest to stick with it. I'd like to hear if anybody else that is involved with manager skills can tell me what their thoughts are on this? References: Schermerhorn, J. (2014). Exploring management (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN-13: 97811118620199 (Available as a custom eBook -. Retrieved from:

WEEK 2 Topic 2 DQ 1 What are the six planning tools and techniques? Using an example from your experience (as a student or at work), describe how you could use one of the techniques or tools to improve planning in your future. You may choose to apply your response to a specific goal in answering this question? The six planning tools and techniques are goal setting, contingency planning, benchmarking, forecasting, scenario planning, and participatory planning (Schermerhorn, 2014). Contingency planning is having a backup plan in place, incase one’s original plan falls through or fails (Schermerhorn, 2014). This would be helpful for my future goals and will also keep me on track and better prepared for anything that may come up. I have been working a very long time to reach this goal because I put other people first. My education will allow me to do either, but I also know as I finish my education I may be led in a different direction; and must also be able to adapt. I feel God has a path for me, and things will all fall in place. I do have goals in place, but also have back up one’s as well. My children are grown now so now it's time to put mom first. What are my classmates thoughts on that? Reference:

Schermerhorn, J. (2014). Exploring management (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN-13: 97811118620199 (Available as a custom eBook - includes only Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 16, and 17),. Topic 2 DQ 2 What are the six planning tools and techniques? Using an example from your experience (as a student or at work), describe how you could use one of the techniques or tools to improve planning in your future. You may choose to apply your response to a specific goal in answering this question? Great Questions because it Is true that the 2 most important organizations environments are general and specific. It is important to understand the organization's environment. My first example would be Nexus recovery center for women out of Dallas Texas I've talked about them throughout different classes their environment is general and specific there a drug and alcohol treatment center for teenagers 13 to 17 young women and young mothers with 3 children are less. What is so general and specific about that is the importance of what they do and the very small population that they he'll and help specifically there aren't a lot of places that do that the factors that operate in that way that are important to understand are just that there a drug and alcohol treatment center for girls and teenagers 13 to 17 young women with no children and young mothers with 3 or less children because those children can actually stay with the parent with the mother out the facility great organization. The second organization is a much different organization, although there's environment as well as general and specific there a tobacco shop that doesn't care much about their employees and it's all about making money and selling specific items that could be why they haven't grown into any type of a larger organization. Reference: Grand Canyon University (2013). MGT -420 Lecture: Environment and Planning. Retrieved from MGT420.L2_6-1013.docx

Topic 2 DQ 3 Compare how the United States differs from another country of your choice on Hofstede's dimensions of culture. Explain how your knowledge of these differences would influence you as a global manager if you were doing business internationally? It's interesting to me that the United States is very different from other countries in many ways based on Hofstede's dimensions of culture it's easy to see how countries such as the US and the republic of India are so different. Hofstede’s five dimensions of national culture values are characterized by power distance, individualism-collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity-femininity, and long –term/short term orientation (Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn, Osborn, 2014). Hostage dimensions of culture engages us to understand that in an organization there must be a clear difference between the different cultures that could cause negative effects amongst high level management and executives , and that's a very important aspect that we should look at It also shows that in our society most of us are driven by competition, achievement and the end goal of success (Hofstede Insights, 2019).

In India there are many different tribes and even more different cultures that all have their own way of life and their own belief systems. It's much different in our nation we have a more relaxed perspective on how to better practice more so that on principle. Whereas India’s subcultures hold traditional methods. Those traditional methods have been methods that have never been changed for years very interesting. As a global manager understanding and having knowledge of the differences is a very important aspect in being able to manage the different cultures in your organizations the number one factor is communication in making it affective

communication. I watch the video and it provided some very interesting information I was very glad that I watched it is there anyone else in the class that watched and can give me some interesting feedback.

References India. (2019). In Encyclopedia Britannica, Uhl-Bien, M., Schermerhorn, J. R., & Osborn, R. N. (2014). Organizational behavior (13th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN-13: 9781118517376...

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