MGT 420 GCU Discussion questions and answers weeks 7 and 8 PDF

Title MGT 420 GCU Discussion questions and answers weeks 7 and 8
Author Laura Rogers
Course Organizational Behavior and Management
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
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MGT 420 GCU Discussion questions and answers weeks 7 and 8

WEEK 7 Topic 7 DQ 1 In what ways does human resource management process align human capital with organizational strategies? Organizational strategies are implemented by strategic human resource management through mobilizing human capital (Schermerhorn, 2014). These strategies help us to shape a robust organization and put the precise individuals in positions to insure each job gets done in the unsurpassed way possible. Some ways human resource management process aligns human capital with organizational strategies is through innovative recruiting methods, employee performance reviews, and new management training (Schermerhorn, 2014). These benefits of putting the correct people, develop of the skills that they need through training as well as maintaining a high-quality workplace through the appropriate employee performance reviews. Organizations depend on and thrive on human capital; human capital is the economic value of people with relevant abilities, such as knowledge, energies, ideas, and commitments (Schermerhorn, 2014). This practice will help organizations have the unsurpassed people for the appropriate jobs. Additionally, this practice will keep the company moving in an effective fashion along with keeping the new hire rate lower. At the end of the day this will saves the company tremendous funding on new hire training and cost. This is exactly what the human resource management department is looking for and these are the type of people who will benefit the organization. Reference Schermerhorn, J. (2014). Exploring management (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN-13: 97811118620199 (Available as a custom eBook - includes only Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 16, and 17). Topic 7 DQ 2 In what ways are the HR function and governmental legislation designed to protect against employee discrimination? Provide specific examples of U.S laws in place to protect against employee discrimination? Employee discrimination is the act of being denied a job due to non-job-related reasons (Schermerhorn & Uhl-Bien, 2014). There are numerous federal laws to make sure this does not happen in organizations of any size. One is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) which prohibits employees from discrimination on the basis of their age. This piece lines up with the same outlined facts in the Title VII and Protects everyone male and female between the age of 40-65. There are people

designated to be in the human resource departments to prevent discrimination from occurring against employees. Human resources and the government legislation line up concurrently for this situation because organizations can end up being put into jeopardy if this does occur. Discrimination in a workplace can happen to an individual based on their sex, race, and religion. Although there are laws in place to protect discrimination, discrimination occurs all around the world, and sadly for many reasons. Reference Schermerhorn, J. (2014). Exploring management (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Topic 7 DQ 3 How does an individual's faith or worldview inform personal management practices? There are three major categories of worldviews: Theism, atheism and pantheism (Diffy, 2015). Within the theistic category is the Christian worldview. When considering a Christian worldview some of the defining characteristics are to seek a common good that inspires mankind to live holy lives and pursuit of righteousness based on the presence of the one true God. me understand a worldview as a foundation of a Building: often unseen but supports the entire structure, some describe it as lenses: how we see the world, and yet some use a puzzle box picture to describe a worldview (Diffy, 2015). Kenneth Samples (2007) defines worldview as “how one sees life and the world at large.” I use integrity while trying to do the most good for the most people. I develop a vision, mission, and goals for any organization that I belong that aligns with my worldview. A person's individual faith is what leads them to do the right thing in life, to be honest, kind to others, and allows them to be a part their Christian World view. It is my faith that has made me the person that I am and allowed me to get through some of the most difficult decisions in my life Reference Diffey, Dan. (2015). Wisdom in the Beginning. In Grand Canyon University (Ed.), The beginning of wisdom: An introduction to Christian thought and life (2nd ed.).

WEEK 8 Topic 8 DQ 1 Identify the formal structure of an organization. Using an organization of your choice as an example, how is the organization's structure and design a reflection of its environment, goals, and competencies?

Organizations must have control (set of mechanisms that’s used to keep outputs/action within predetermined limits), these controls are output controls (focuses on each units desired targets) and process controls (specify the manner that tasks are completed); along with policies (guidelines for actions/ how an activity is to be performed), procedures (best method used for performing tasks) and rules in place (Schermerhorn, & Uhl-Bien, 2014). It is my opinion that SW airlines is a perfect example of how an organization structure and design is it reflection of their goals, their competency's, and how they want to create in be part of a great environment. Formal structure of an organization is the job duties, planned pattern of positions; along with the lines of authority among the different parts of the company (Schermerhorn, & Uhl-Bien, 2014). Organizations can have different kinds of formal structure. The formal structure that Southwest Airlines uses is a structure that has made them very popular, it has made them successful with their employees, and it shows how giving employees the option to step up and run a company can clearly create a good formal structure of an organization.

Most organizations have a clear separation of authority and duties assigned by rank, which is done by the organizations hierarchical division of labor that distributes authority and establishes how and where big decisions will be made (known as vertical specialization) (Schermerhorn, & Uhl-Bien, 2014). This helps define rank and authority within a company. This is typical in most organizations, however with SW airlines rank and authority are not a priority which I find very interesting. I have a family member that works for Southwest Airlines so I'm quite familiar with some of their business practices and how the organization is run. Although SW airlines does have a strong organizational and corporate structure in conjunction with the employees that help to run the airline also known as followers. Southwest Airlines has evolved as needed to make their organization structure match their current business needs, this was done by adjusting their organizational structure to allow them to expand their business as large as it is today. It is important for companies to know that they need to make adjustments to their organization in order to be able to make the company grow and prosper the way Southwest Airlines has. Southwest Airlines it has not only focused on customer satisfaction but as a door main goal they focus our employee’s satisfaction. The organizational structure of Southwest Airlines is designed to grow and reach the goals that they have set and at the end of the day they have learned to make the necessary adjustments that meet their organizational structure. There’re my friends is how they have grown over the years and become the extremely well known airline that is a very loved company. Reference Schermerhorn, J., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2014). Organizational behavior (13th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN-13: 9781118517376.

Topic 8 DQ 2 Using an organization with which you are familiar, identify its corporate culture and the elements of its observable culture. What do you think would need change in order to facilitate innovation? What role would organizational development play in overcoming resistance to change? Observable culture reflects the organization and the values that are serving them with their business decisions. The observable culture that bouts Southwest Airlines is that they have diversity and talent. These things are what the business stands on and ensures to remember when making decisions. Corporate culture is the shared actions, values, and the beliefs that the organization develops in the systems to help the employee’s behaviors (Schermerhorn & UhlBien, 2014). Although SW airlines has a very successful reputation, I'm sure they investigate other successful organization systems to see how their run and where they may be able to improve in their own. Much of these SW airlines culture promotes creativity for their employees by giving them the opportunity to help make the best of the organization. Honestly with SW airlines I don't know that there's a lot that they need to change in order to facilitate innovation. It's interesting because they are a company that doesn't have a lot of resistance to change and what's good about that is that is what's to help make them great. In every company training on customer service apps to improve so I'm sure they could use more of that best companies could never have enough employee training Reference Schermerhorn, J., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2014). Organizational behavior (13th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN-13: 9781118517376.

Topic 8 DQ 3 Using an organization with which you are familiar, identify ways through which feedforward, concurrent, and feedback controls can be used to assure the high quality of a final outcome. How do these controls lead to effective management? There are three cycles in an input-throughput-output system which offers opportunities for control over performance (Schermerhorn, 2014). The first of the 3 are concurrent controls which are what work throughput to ensure the right things are getting done as part of the correct workflow operations. This is the process of solving problems while they are occurring (Schermerhorn, 2014). The work inputs, the feedforward control, ensures clear directions and needed resources before the work begins which is an attempt to solve problems before they occur (Schermerhorn, 2014). The final cycle, the work outputs, ensures that the final results are up to the desired standards; solving problems after they occur (Schermerhorn, 2014).

At the current organization that I work for we have a feature that allows our customers to build their own dashboards rather than having to have one particular dashboard that maybe isn't very active for them to understand and respond to requests that they need. When this idea was first incorporated, we tested it on a major marketing partner called Hitachi data systems through many of their subsidiary’s and partners. It was a good thing that I taught you data systems it had been a long-time partner with us because there were quite a few problems and we had to work with each individual situation differently because they were creating their own dashboards. The concurrent process is when a group of clients or customers can test something out and it makes it much easier to work through something and get all the kinks fixed then let your entire customer base work it. At the end of the day had taught she was very happy with the work that we had done. The feedback from our customers is essential and especially in the sales and marketing field. Internal control or self-control occurs as people exercise self-discipline in fulfilling job expectations and external control occurs through direct supervision or administrative systems (Schermerhorn, 2014). The goal is to make sure that you're a customer have a clear sense of what your company does and what their mission is. When people have a clear sense of organizational mission, know their goals and have the necessary resources to do their job well, it leads to effective management (Schermerhorn, 2014). Reference Schermerhorn, J. (2014). Exploring management (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons....

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