MGT 420 GCU Discussion questions and answers weeks 5 and 6 PDF

Title MGT 420 GCU Discussion questions and answers weeks 5 and 6
Author Laura Rogers
Course Organizational Behavior and Management
Institution Grand Canyon University
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MGT 420 GCU Discussion questions and answers weeks 5 and 6

WEEK 5 Topic 5 DQ 1 What role does effective interpersonal communication play within organizations? The role of affective interpersonal communication in the workplace creates an environment I've positive relationships. Affective team leader’s management that display interpersonal communication skills build trust and responsible team members in addition it creates an environment for excellent teamwork and team coaching. Communication is comprised of how people send and receive messages (Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn, & Osborn, 2014). It is the exchange of thoughts an idea is through words, tone, action, and body language. Interpersonal communication is how people relate to each other not only in business but in their personal lives as well. If you have affective communication in the workplace not only does it help with productivity it also helps team work effectively together and is critical to having a successful organization. Uhl-Bien et al., states that all behavior whether that be good or bad comes from communication (2014). If an organization does not have effective interpersonal communication, it can detract it from the goals that the company has for its future. It'll create a barrier that won't allow the company to grow and you may find that length of time that employees have with an organization is smaller as well. Without effective communication skills team members and managers cannot resolve conflicts in a good manner. Effective interpersonal communication is an important part of any organization that wants to grow and be successful. References Uhl-Bien, M., Schermerhorn, J. R., & Osborn, R. N. (2014). Organizational behavior (13th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Topic 5 DQ 2 Using a practical example, what are the benefits and potential problems associated with conflict? What are examples of strategies that can be applied for resolving conflict? This is an awesome topic under the right conditions conflict can be good and bring growth. But in the same respect conflict can be both a blessing and a curse. Conflicts can be dangerous, it can destroy relationships, families, or even organizations. One of the most important things to resolving conflicts successfully is in a way that you respond appropriately to the conflict. It's not about becoming a winner it's about navigating through the conflict appropriately so that the conflict is resolved. One way to do this is to look for a common ground and determine how the parties involved in the conflict can benefit. Less ideal, but often effective approaches also

include giving in to the other party (accommodation), ignoring the conflict (avoidance), or forcing your own way (authoritative command) (Schermerhorn & UhlBien, 2014). Being a good problem solver is one way to resolve conflicts appropriately you must think about everybody involved and make sure that everybody involved is happy with the outcome. It's important to remember that all parties involved should have their needs met and making sure that the problem is addressed logically.

A prime example of resolving conflict for me would be with my adult children. Oftentimes they tell me that I'm 2 outspoken and I shouldn't speak my mind! I always tell them excuse me I'm your mother and I'm going to tell you how I feel because it's my right in my opinion is your mother. Oftentimes that doesn't go well for me maybe I am a little too outspoken I personally don't think so but maybe I am, LOL! To resolve conflicts with my children it's best to be able to sit down and for us both to be able to speak our minds and speak how we feel and to give our opinion. The best way to do that is asking how they feel and what they think and asking what can we do to resolve this? I often find when I ask them what we can do to resolve this they give me their opinion and what they think would be a good resolution and then I add what I think we should do. Giving them the option to resolve first is always a good way to resolve conflict with my children.

References Schermerhorn, J., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2014). Organizational behavior (13th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Topic 5 DQ 3 What is negotiation? What are the common negotiation pitfalls? What are the strategies to overcome them? Negotiation is being able to bring different points of view to an agreement between different people groups or organizations. If the parties can find common ground and delay judgements and brainstorm solutions, then successful negotiation is a likely possibility (Schermerhorn & Uhl-Bien, 2014). A good negotiation brings results that all parties involved feel that they can live with they feel good about the negotiation and it creates commonalities between the parties. There are 2 outlooks on negotiation those include a win lose outlook and a win-win outlook. With the win lose negotiation distribution of notes negotiation things don't always turn out the way people want people get caught an idea that only one party wins and maybe they lose it doesn't turn out very nice. Oftentimes the parties during negotiation start demanding that they get their share or refused to give up more than they want to. Being overconfident and believing that your side is the only right side or not listening

enough can create issues with the win lose situation. Strategies to overcome these issues include integrative negotiation that means that the problem is not personal, and the parties should see what they can do to see the problem separately and try to solve it. If the parties are unable to resolve this on their own there is also the opportunity to seek outside sources to help them reach a negotiation that is happy to all parties. Negotiation can be tricky an should be done without personal feeling involved if you're going to come up with a good resolution and oftentimes that's where a negotiator is brought in because the personal feelings cannot be removed from the situation. Many times in lawsuits they have a negotiation team where both parties show up at a law firm and a negotiator is brought in to talk to each side to come up with a resolution I actually did that myself and although I wasn't as happy as I wanted to be I knew the resolution was what needed to be done and then negotiator is the one that actually came up with the idea and it worked well for both parties. That's my own personal example. References: Schermerhorn, J., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2014). Organizational behavior (13th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

WEEK 6 Topic 6 DQ 1 Explain power bases. How does one build power within an organization? How are power and politics related within an organization? When individuals do not have power, it limits the influence they might have on others (Schermerhorn & Uhl-Bien, 2014). There are 2 ways to build power bases in an organization establishing competence and value that is added to the importance of the organization. It is important to know that this can be achieved by providing ability and your skills that you have been able to master at a level and have knowledge that it's difficult to replace which is also known as non-updatability. As our textbooks tells us it is the power base is that our sources of power and individuals develop in organizations. Now this 2nd way to build Bauer basis is through developing important information and important connection power. This can be accomplished by building a superior connection and relationships an new networks Would I find most interesting is that power base and politics are actually related in organizations because they have the political skill set which is the ability to knowledge of others so important determinations can be made. These personal individuals our major connection and they have given themselves the ability to a line

themselves with other to gain their goals in a political swabi it's been an interesting year and I've learned so much I hope that I can keep going thank you. Power base and politics are related in organizations because they have the political skill which is the ability to use knowledge of others to influence them to act in desired ways (Schermerhorn & Uhl-Bien, 2014). References Schermerhorn, J., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2014). Organizational behavior (13th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Topic 6 DQ 2 Discuss a time when you have been a good follower. What did it entail? What theory most applied to the dynamic of your role as a good follower? Being a good follower as well as a good leader I believe that I'm very good at both, maybe because of my age and I've played both roles. I personally feel being a good follower entails putting forth all your efforts. I once worked for a company in Arizona called XXXXXXXX and I was a sales optimization specialist. I worked with many other sales optimization specialists and was overseen by one sales manager. In that role it was important that I be patient, understanding, as well as being confident in making sure the work that I did was consistent but more importantly it was important that I had good communication skills. There are many situations in life when we ourselves must be good followers. Followership is defined as a process where one individual decided how to engage with the leaders to help alongside the leaders (Schermerhorn, & Uhl-Bien, 2014). To be a good follower in this organization it was important that my qualities and characteristics were true to who I am that included credibility consistency confidence but more than anything it was my great communication skills that in my opinion made me a good follower. It with my actions my credibility as well as the other sales optimization specialist that I worked with working as a team of followers that helped to be by the managements side by following what actions are needed to be taken in the particular sales and marketing campaign that we were working on jointly. The LMX theory is how the leaders and followers engage to create a high relationship and quality of work (Schermerhorn, & Uhl-Bien, 2014). In this particular job the LMX theory I shown by engaging with teams and management on campaigns and ensuring that I am reaching the potential of being a future manager. References Schermerhorn, J., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2014). Organizational behavior (13th ed.) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Retrieved from:

Topic 6 DQ 3 It has long been a dictum of management theory that leaders must adapt their behavior to fit the specifics of a situation. Discuss whether transformational leadership is appropriate for all occasions. In which situations might it not be effective? Which theories might be effective instead? Transformation a leader's work towards the advancement of their followers and they raise human conduct rather than use their own personal power as it means of exploitation. Transformational leadership focuses on the “inspirational relationships in which both the leaders and followers are positively transformed in the process” (Schermerhorn & Uhl-Bien, 2014). In my opinion a situation where the transformation theory would not be effective is if the leader or the employee was not dedicated to work that they were doing. A transformational leader is one that develops an inspirational relationship with their followers, and both are positively transformed in the process (Schermerhorn & Uhl-Bien, 2014).There are many ways in which this would not work one of those for example is if an employee was at a job only for their paycheck until they have the ability to find something better or more satisfying that they will like. In this situation they will not be willing to engage in a relationship or accomplish the same goals that the leader or the team are aiming for. In fact, they may not attain any goals at all. In the case of an emergency situation transformation a leader would be very ineffective because in times of crisis there just isn't time to build a relationship. I believe the theory that would probably work best in a situation like this even authoritarian because they make decisions independently without the input or information from others on the team. One thing that's important to remember is if you have a team member who is not dedicated that's not going to affect the leader’s decision there's still going to make that same decision. Although what would be more beneficial to the team into the company in fact would be a leader who is empowering leader. Contingency approaches to leadership simply state that the relationship between leader and follower depend on the situation (Schermerhorn & Uhl-Bien, 2014). This is a perfect example why they call him theories when you change the leadership approach depending on what the situation needs are you have to have a positive exchange with the followers, hence, there is no leadership theory that works all the time. References Schermerhorn, J., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2014). Organizational behavior (13th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons....

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