5 2018, questions and answers PDF

Title 5 2018, questions and answers
Course Psychology
Institution Far Eastern University
Pages 2
File Size 87.8 KB
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Margaret Mahler believed that when infants realize that they cannot satisfy their own basic needs, they A . B . C . D .

merge their ego with their superego. reject those needs and introject a new set of learned needs. become autistic.

seek a symbiotic relationship with their mother.* During the first few months of life, an infant experiences both a good breast (one that offers nourishment and contentment) and a bad breast (one that frustrates the infant). True* False

Projective identification is a means of reducing anxiety by splitting off unacceptable parts of one’s self and projecting them onto another object, and then introjecting them back into the self in a disguised form.

True* False

Introjection allows infants to keep apart the good and bad aspects of themselves or of external objects. True False*

According to John Bowlby, both humans and other primates experience separation anxiety. The stage unique to humans is the _____ stage. A . B .

protest attachment despair

C . D .

detachment* The aim of Kleinian therapy is to

A . B .

mitigate the harshness of internalized objects.* uncover repressed sexual feelings toward one’s parents. resolve the Oedipus complex.

C . D .

enhance feelings of self-esteem and self-worth. Heinz Kohut’s narcissistic needs include A . B . C . D .

the need to be first in the eyes of one’s parents. the need to exhibit the grandiose self.* the needs for power and authority.

the need to acquire a sense of self-identity. According to Klein, infants adopt several psychic defense mechanisms to protect their ego against anxiety aroused by their own destructive fantasies. True False

An infant remains calm when her mother exits the room, leaving her with a stranger. When the mother returns, the infant ignores her. According to Mary Ainsworth, this infant is displaying the _____ attachment style. A . B . C . D .

anxious-resistant insecure secure

anxious-avoidant* Object relations theory holds that human contact and relatedness plus sexual pleasure are the principal motivators of human behavior.

True False*...

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