Exam 2018, questions and answers PDF

Title Exam 2018, questions and answers
Course Human Anatomy
Institution University of Windsor
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Anatomy Exam Review - All Test Questions Introduction: (test 1) 1. Which of the following is not in the pelvic cavity? Kidney 2. When riding in a straight line, your wheel rotates in the _____ plane. Sagittal 3. When bending forward, which planes make up the axis? Frontal & Transverse 4. What plane is used to make a cross section? Horizontal 5. The left big toe is ____, ____ & _____ to the left thigh. Ipsilateral, inferior, and distal 6. The mediastinum is intermediate to the _________ & _________. Sternum & Thoracic Vertebrae 7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an organ? Must have 3 different tissues. 8. The spleen in primarily ____ to the diaphragm. Inferior 9. The antebrachial region is more commonly referred to as the? Forearm 10. Ventral & Dorsal sections are made by two planes perpendicular to what axis? Anterior-posterior 11. Dan Dorsum loves his name because.... Top of Foot 12. The cervical region is most immediately _________ to the __________ region. Inferior, Cephalic 13. How many independent cavities are there in the thoracic cavity? 3 14. What term refers to “towards the midline”? Medial 15. Which of the following is not a type of tissue? Bone 16. List everything in the mediastinum... Heart, Thymus, Esophagus, Trachea, Large Blood Vessels 17. The hand is ________ to the shoulder. Distal 18. The spleen is mainly ______ to the diaphram. Inferior 19. Which of the following is only located in the ventral? Visceral 20. What is located only in the top section of the abdomen? Gull Bladder 21. The viscera represents what part of the body? Abdomino-pelvic (thoracic) 22. The axillary region of the body is ______ & ________ to the buccal.

Inferior, Lateral 23. From smallest to largest, what is the order of levels of structural organization? Chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, system, organism 24. What quadrant is the spleen in? Left Upper 25. If you flap your arms what plane are you moving in? Frontal 26. The left big toe is _____ and _______ to the left hand? Ipsilateral, Inferior 27. What are the 4 tissues of the body? Epithelial, muscle, nervous & connective Tissues: (test 2) 1. What tissues are avascular? 2 types: fibro cartilage & epithelial tissue 2. Which lines the central canal of the spinal cord?on Ciliated simple columnar epithelium 3. What lines the ducts of sweat glands? Stratified cubodial epithelium 4. Which cells secrete mucous? Goblet Cells 5. What fiber is present in the stroma of organs and in the basement membrane Reticular connective tissue 6. What lines the digestive system from the mouth to the small intestine? Non-keratinized stratified squamous & non-ciliated simple columnar 7. What is responsible for phagocytosiss? Macrophagesre, 8. What is peripherally displaced in adipose tissue? Nucleus 9. Ciliated simple columnar epithelium lines _____ Uterine (fallopian tubes) 10. What is in mature bone cells? Osteocytes 11. What part of tissue goes through the most mitotic division? The tissue located just above the basal membrane. 12. What is not found in the male urethra? Simple cubodial 14. Ligamenta flava is also in the ______. Lungs 15. Which is not in the lining of serous membranes? Lamina propria 16. What fiber is predominant in connective tissue? Collagen 17. Where is connective tissue derived? Mesoderm

18. What doesn’t contain WBC’s? Fibroblasts 19. What tissue lines joint capsules? Hyaline 20. What type of tissue is located in the pubis symphisis? Fibrocartilage 21. Epithelial tissue located here lines blood vessels and is in direct contact with blood? Lumenous 22. What tissue lines major blood vessels? Dense elastic connective tissue 23. What connective tissue resembles epithelial tissue the most? Adipose tissue Bone Tissue/Bones: (test 3) 1. The hyoid bone attaches muscles to the neck like the _______ attaches muscles to the lower jaw. Pterygoid 2. What is yellow bone marrow primarly composed of? Adipose tissue 3. In endochondral tissue development, what is the sequence of events? Mesenchyme gathers, central occification, marrow formed, epiphyses devlp 4. What 2 bones form the medial wall of the orbit? Lacrimal & ethmoid 5. Air breathed through the nose and into the paranasal sinuses will Resonatee sound waves during speech 6. Which isn’t true about the palatine bone? It forms the bigger portion of the horizontal plane 7. Which is true about the palatine bone? Its bones are L shaped 8. Bone growth by width is primarily a result of Osteogenic cells in the periostineum 9. What is a depression in or on the bone called? A Fossa 10. Which is not part of the osteon? Perforating canal Bones: (test 4&5) 1. The spinal cord nerve exits through which foramina? Intervertebral 2. Which two sections of the spinal nerve are concave anteriorly? Thoracic, Sacrum 3. Which section of the spine is there no disc between the 4th and 5th vertebrae? Sacral 4. Where would a caudal be formed? Sacral Hiatus

5. The spinal processes of the lumbar are ____ and project ______? Short & Stubby, Posterior 6. The articular facet taht points most lateral is the ____ facet on the _________. Interior, Lumbar 7. Which rib directly articulates with the body of the sternum? 7 8. What vertebrae does the head of rib 3 articulate with? T2/T3 9. What vertebrae does the 3rd rib transversely articulate with? T3 10. Which of the following is on the anterior portion of the scapula? Subscapular 11. Which is proximal to distal along the humerous? Surgical neck, lateral epicondyle, capitulum 12. What is found in b/w the olecranon and coronoid process? Trochlear notch 13. What metacarpal attaches to the proximal phalanx of the index finger? 2 14. What carpal bone attaches to metacarpal 3? Capitate 15. Which is the most medial? Cornoid fossa 16. Which is most likely to form carpal tunnel on the medial side of the hand? Pisiform 17. The styloid process of the ulna is? Distal, Posterior of ulna Bones/Joints: (test 4&5) 1. Pubis is connected to ischium by? Inferior pubic ramus, ramus of ischium 2. Superior border of superior ramus of pubis is? Iliopectineal line 3. During birth, the path of the head intersects at a 90* angle at... Inlet 4. Which statement is true about the femur? Longest bone in the body 5. The patella has a _______ Base that points superior 6. Intercondylar eminence ________. Points superiorly on tibial plateau 7. The bone that includes the heel is located where? Mainly inferior to talus 8. Metacarpal __ articulates with cuboid. Two of the above (3&4) 9. Which of the following is diarthrosis?

Acromioclavicular joint 10. Which of the following pairs are both hinge joints? Interphalangeal, Tibiofemoral 11. Which of the following is not a gliding joint? Metacarpal phalangelar 12. What type of movement does glenohumeral joint do in the frontal plane? Adduction 13. A _____ joint is when one rounded or pointed surface articulates with a ring... Pivot 14. Which of the following is a biaxial joint? Saddle 15. Outer portion of the articular capsule______ Attaches to periosteum at a distance from the joint cavity 16. ______ assists in a gomphosis joint. DCT 17. When plantar surface moves medially it is? Inversion 18. Which joint doesn’t allow angular movement? Gliding 19. The turkey captures his left foot. Dorsiflection Joints: (test 5) 1. Which joint forms a synchondrous joint? Sternocostal #1 2. Which list is in order from inferior to superior on the posterior side? Lesser sciatic notch, ischial spine, greater sciatic notch 3. This type of tissue is located between surtures? DICT 4. The dorsal part of your foot faces laterally when doing this... Eversion Muscle Tissues/Muscles: (test 6) 1. What muscles help to stengthen the posterior part of the shoulder joints? Teres minor/infraspinatus 2. The subcoracoid bursa is sandwhiched between the _____ and ______? Acrominon, supraspinatus 3. Which of the following does not attach to the humerous? Tendon of biceps brachii muscle 4. Damage to the acromioclavicular and coraccoclavicular is what type of shoulder injury? Separation 5. With respect to the shoulder joint, the hip is? Stronger 6. Which of the following is an intracapsular ligament?

Head of femur ligament 7. Which of the following limits adduction? Head of femur ligament 8. Which two are made of the same tissue? Medial Meniscus/Glenoid labrum 9. Which of the following would not be damaged by lateral impact? PCL 10. The posterior cruciate ligament is mainly responsible for resisting __________? Anterior 11. Which of the following does not attach to the tibia? Lateral collateral (LCL) 12. In the anterior drawer test, we look for movement of ______ anteriorly to_______ Talus, fibula 13. Which of the following is not a deltoid ligament? Posterior tib/fib 14. In a true ______ sprain, the _________ ligament is damaged. Inversion, calcanofibular 15. What is true about the transerve ligament? Crosses the acetabular notch 16. What are the anterior and posterior cruciates classified as? Intracapsular 17. What ligament is damaged due to hyper extension of the knee? ACL Muscle Tissue: (test 7) 1. A true synergist is a muscle that ________. Holds a joint fixed to oppose the unwanted action of a prime mover 2. A type 1 fiber is ____________. Slow to fatigue 3. A striation is defined by? ___________. Dark and light spots shown in a micrograph 4. Thin filaments are not found in the ____________. H-zone 5. The measurement between z disc to z disc is called __________. Sacromere 6. The superficial to deep of a muscle structure is_______. Epimysium, perimysium, endomysium & sacrolemma 7. Muscle fibers that are not striated are usually found in________. In vessel walls or hollow organs 8. Where is the Ca+2 stored when a muscle is relaxed? ____________. Terminal cistanae of sacroplasmic reticulum 9. Myosin heads project ___________. Project radially in a spinal pattern 10. Fixator muscles main job is to? Fix bones of origin of other muscles 11. An example of a bi-pennate muscle is _________?

Rectus femoris 12. Which statement is true about origin and insertions ___________? Origins are usually proximal to intersections in extremeties 13. The inguinal ligament attaches medially to ____________? Pubic tubercle 14. Which of the following is not directly attached to the pubis? ____________ External oblique 15. Which of the following groups are synergists in lateral flexion? Quadratius lumborum, internal oblique 16. The aponeurosis of which muscles make up the rectal sheath of the rectus abd Internal, external 17. The insertion of __________ is the __________. Inferior 6 ribs, transverse abdominus 18. The _________ is directly deep to the internal oblique. Transverse 19. Which of the following is not a function of muscles? Move food through small intestine?? 20. What is true about thick filaments? React with each other?? Muscle Tissue: (test 6&7) 1. ______ is described as being shaped as an almost complete circle. Lateral meniscus 2. Which isn’t one of the deltoids? Anterior tibiofibular 3. Which of the following contraction types involve a change in length? 2 of the above (concentric, eccentric) 4. Which is not true about the iliofemoral ligament? Attaches to intertrochanteric crest 5. The quadriceps femoris is separated from the femur by the ____ Suprapatellar bursa 6. Which is intracapsular? Ligament of head of femur (capitate) 7. Which muscle tendon doesn’t form part of the rotator cuff? Biceps brachii tendon 8. Which doesn’t attatch to the lesser tubercle of the humerus? Coracohumeral ligament 9. A muscle action potential... Releases calcium into the sacroplasm 10. ____ covers the myosin binding site during relaxation. Tropomyosin

Muscles: (Test 8)

1. Which is an example of a bipinnate muscle? Rectus Femoris 2. This muscle of the abdominal wall is deep to the internal oblique? Transverse abdominis 3. What point of attachment is shared by the internal oblique, ext oblique & trans abdom. Linea Alba 4. The inguinal ligaments attach medially with the ____ Pubic Tubercle 5. The cartilages of the ______ are a point of origin for the _____ Inferior 6 ribs, transversus abdominous 6. Rotation of the trunk to the left would require contraction of the right ___ and left ___ External oblique, Internal oblique 7. The spermatic cord is an extension of which muscle? Internal oblique 8. Which muscles are synergists for lateral flexion of the trunk? Internal oblique & (NOT TRANSVERSE ABDOMINOUS) 9. Which muscle doesn’t attach to at least one rib? Spinalis cervicis 10. The erector spinae are also called ______ Sacrospinalis 11. The transverse processes of C3-C6 are not a point of attachment for.... Longissimum capitis 12. Rotation of the head to the right would be aided by the.... Left posterior scalene & right longissimum capitis 13. This inserts on the spinous process of the axis Spinalis cervicis Muscles: (Test 9) 1. Which is not an origin for the gluteus maximus? Gluteal Tuberosity 2. What muscle is responsible for flexion of the trunk? Psoas Major 3. What is the insertion for the iliopsoas? Lesser Trochanter 4. Which of the following does not attach to the femur? Semitendinosis 5. The pubic symphisis is the origin for adductor longus and ________? Gracilis 6. The triceps surae group are made up of? Gastrocnemius & Soleus 7. The distal tendons of which muscles make up the achilles tendon? Gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris 8. Which of the following does not originate on the fibula? Tibialis anterior 9. Anterior compartment syndroms is described by _________.

Swelling of the muscles, increased pressure 10. Which of the following do not attach to the linea aspera? Vastus intermedius 11. The short head of biceps femoris inserts at the _______? Head of fibula 12. Which action is the sartorius not responsible for? Adduction 13. The illiotibial tract is partially formed by? Gluteus maximus 14. Which of the following muscles does not invert the foot? Perroneus longus 15. The muscle in the diagram (plantaris) is responsible for? Medial rotation of tibia 16. A muscle that assists the gastrochnmeius is the? Semitendinosis 17. The 2, 3, 4 metatarsals is an insertion for which muscle? Tibialis posterior Muscles: (Test 9) 1. The fascia latae.... Extends around the entire thigh 2. Which does not originate on the ilium? Gracilis Nervous/Spinal/Brain: (Test 10) 1. Sensory neurons are classified as? Unipolar 2. Which of the following are not covered by spinal mesinges? Rami 3. The rami communicates connect the ____ and ______? Sympathetic, dorsal rami 4. A characteristic of the stretch reflex. Initiates with sensory of a stretch 5. Astrocytes function to _______________. Balance calcium and potassium 6. Neurogilia are responsible for myelin sheathes on axons in PNS are _________ Neurolemmocytes 7. There are _______ lumber nerves. 10 8. The c8 spinal nerve exits between _________ and _______. C7 & T1 9. ________ info from ________ is brought to the CNS from muscles and glands. Afferent, exteroceptors 10. The ______ ramus is responsible for _________. Ventral, muscles of upper limbs

11. From deep to superificial in nerves is ______, _________, _________. Axoplasm, myelin, neurolemma 12. The connective tissue around the individual fasicles is ________? Perineurium 13. The ________ anchors the spinal column to the ___________? Filum terminal, coccyx 14. Denticulate ligaments project _________ from the spinal cord. Laterally 15. The sympathetic nervous system is a branch of the ____________. Ans 16. Nerve impulses arise at the _______ of the neuron. Trigger Zone 17. One axon attatches near cell body in; unipolar, multipolar, all of above? All of the above 18. Cell bodies of motor neurons are found in the ________ gray horns. Anterior 19. The right and left sides of the spinal cord are connected by the _________. White commisure 20. A spinal tap is administered in what segment of S.C ________ or _________. L3-L4 OR L4-L5 Nervous Tissue: (Test 10) 1. What is dual innervation? Impulses recieved from both the sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous systems 2. _____ info from ______ is received from the muscles and joints Afferent, exteroreceptors 3. Afferent information enters the spinal cord through the ______ of the ________ Rootlets, dorsal root 4. The _______ connects the spinal cord to the _______. Filum terminale, coccyx 5. What makes up the outer part of the brain? Nerve Cell Bodies 7. Which of the following have one axon projecting from them? 3 of the above (multipolar, bipolar, unipolar) 8. These are described as ‘neatly bundled rough endoplasmic reticulum’ Chromatophilic substance (nissl bodies) 9. The rami communicantes connects the... Sympathetic ganglion & anterior rami 10. Astrocytes do which of the following? Maintains balance of potassium 11. The sympathetic nervous system is part of which nervous system? Autonomic 12. Between which vertebrae does the C8 nerve exit? C7 & T1

14. What is intermediate to the dura and arachnoid? Subdural Space 15. _____ is in _______ Cerebrospinal fluid, central canal 16. The ______ tract is ________ Reticulospinal, motor 18. The left and right sides of the spinal cord are connected by the... White commisure 19. A spinal nerve is considered a mixed nerve when... The root contains sensory and motor fibers 21. In a reflex arch the interneurons function as... Integrating centers 22. How many neurons are required to make it polysynaptic? 3+ 23. What is the myelin sheath primarily made of? Lipids & Proteins Nervous Tissue/Nerves: (test 11) 1. Can’t extend forearm, which nerve is damaged? Radial 2. Which doesn’t have nuclei? Corpus collosum 3. Which spinal nerves are for the bracial plexus? C5-C8,T1 4. ______ genital femoral as ____________ is to _____________. Cremaster, flexor digitorum profundas, ulnar 5. Innovates deep posterior compartment of leg. Tibial Nerve 6. Damage to this muscle can cause _________ Dorsi Flexion 7. What causes adduction of the thigh at the hip? Superior Gluteal 8. Metensecenphalon... Pons and cerebellum 9. Pons - #__ to __ cranial nerves 5-8 10. Extension of what divides the brain into left and right hemishperes Dora matter, falxi cerebri 11. Prenium is described as the ___________. Pelvic Floor 12. What does the femoral nerve do? Extends the leg 13. The _____ nerve enervates the muscles of the deep posterior compartment of.. Tibial 14. The ____ is mist likely to contribute to our “biological clocks”

Pineal Gland 15. The forebrain develops into _____ & _______ Telencephalon, Diencephalon 16. The motor messages are transmitted _____ the cerebellum by inferior pedunc Out of 17. The 3rd ventricles is bordered laterally by the ________. Thalamus 18. Which is not a function of the hypothalamus? Major relay centers 19. The cranial nerves V-VIII are related to ______. Pons 20. CSF is produced in? (Lat vent, 3rd vent, 4th vent, all?) All 21. CSF goes from 3rd to 4th ventricle via ______. Cerebral Aqueduct 22. The _____ separates right and left sides and is an extension of _______ Falx Cerebri, Dura matter 23. The _____ nerve aids in contraction of the _______> Axillary, Deltoid 24. The _____ is to the genital femoral like the flexor digit prof is to ______ Cremaster, Ulnar 25. Damage to the deep peroneal nerve would result in the inability to _____ the Dorsiflex 26. The perineum is best described as the _________________. Floor of the pelvic cavity. 27. Common way for message to go from spinal cord to brain: Peduncles, Thalamus, Post central sulcous 28. The brain stem is _____ to the spinal cord. Superior 29. Choroid plexuses are described as... Capillary networks within walls of ventricles

Brain/Cranial Nerves & Autonomic: (Test 12) 1. Which cranial nerve is not involved in movement of the eye? II 2. What nerve is involved in mastification? Trigeminal V 3. Which of the following is not a nerve of parasympathetic system? VIII (Vestibulocochelear) 4. Which muscle is involved in lens accomodation? Ciliary

5. Damage to which nerve would result in the loss of smell sense? Olfactory 6. What nerve is numbered X? Vagus 7. What cranial nerve is involved in creating digestive juices? Vagus 8. Which nerve as a function of swallowing? VI 9. The ______ and ________ nerves are related in taste function. Glossopharyngeal & Facial 10. Which cranial nerve has a connection to spinal cord? VIII 11. Cranial sacral out...

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