Exam 2018, questions and answers PDF

Title Exam 2018, questions and answers
Course Dentistry
Institution University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
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Dental Jurispudence and Ethics 1.

The Board of Dental Examiners shall refuse to issue a certificate of registration to the following except: a. The person has a pending case in court b. The person is cross eyed c. The person is guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct d. The person has physical disability 2. The simple breaking of a needle is a. Never evidence of negligence b. An approved practice c. A malpractice act d. Generally, not negligence 3. A professional man is recognized by the law to be a. Not responsible for any malpractice act b. Not entitled to compensation for less-than-top-level services he renders c. Entitled to a reasonable compensation for services he renders d. Not liable for the property of his patients 4. A patient twice failed to keep his appointment with the dentist, Dr. Luna. Dr. Luna knows the patient should promptly obtain dental treatment, even though he may NOT do it himself. What should Dr. Luna do? a. Advise the patient in writing b. Hope for the patient to come back c. Advise the patient by telephone d. Advise the parent’s guardians by telephone 5. The use of unsterilized instruments renders a dentist liable for malpractice: a. Under all circumstances b. If the assistant testifies that the instrument were unsterilized c. If the patient is injured as a result of unsterilized instrument d. If the patient contributes to negligence 6. The members of the Board of Dental Examiners are appointed from among candidates recommended by a. Majority of dental graduates b. Firms engaged in the selling or manufacture of dental supplies c. Majority of dental school deans d. The PDA or any bona fide dental association 7. In law, an acceptable defense against malpractice is a. Good faith and high ethics b. Reasonable skill and care c. Skill and care of the highest order d. The practitioner’s reputation and education 8. A dentist’s method of sterilizing instruments must be in accord with the practice approved by a. Leading dental specialists b. Board of examiners c. Community where he is practicing d. Philippine Dental Association 9. The performance of something which prudent men would not do, or the omission to do something which reasonable men would ordinarily do,is a. Incompetency b. Negligence c. Serious ignorance d. Deceit 10. If two dentists practice as partners, each partner is liable for a. His own acts b. All of these c. The acts of their staff d. The acts of his partner 11. A person who concentrates on principles and rules in general as they apply to types or classes of action is a a. Rule utilitarian b. Act utilitarian c. Act deontologist d. Rule deontologist


12. To fail to advise the patient when an accident has occurred a. Is prior release and contributory negligence b. Does not constitute a malpractice act c. May be a malpractice act even if the accident itself was not caused by negligence d. Is proximate cause and prior release 13. The final decision whether to extract a tooth or not rests with the a. Dentist b. All of these c. Patient d. Clinic management 14. Dr. Juan, a general practitioner, refers his patient to an orthodontist. Instead of referring the patient to another general practitioner who accepts the patient. This second practitioner is guilt of a. Technical assault b. Malpractice c. Illegal practice d. Unethical practice 15. The Code of Ethics outlines the moral obligations of a. The officers of the PDA only b. Each individual member of the PDA c. The PDA as an organization d. The members of the board of dental examiners 16. A dentist practicing in a remote barrio is required to render this level of service compared to that of a city dentist a. The same skilled service b. The same skilled service, but no specialization needed c. Not necessarily as high as the skilled service of the city doctor d. Even higher than the skilled service of the city doctor 17. The Board of Dental Examiners has the power to promulgate rules and regulations o carry out the provisions of dental law subject to the approval of the: a. Congress b. President of the Philippines c. Professional Regulation Commission d. Philippine Dental Association 18. A person who is injured by a dentist through negligence can claim damages from a. The dentist’s alma mater b. The dentist himself c. Board of Dentistry d. Any dental professional 19. In a case of proven contributory negligence, the: a. Parents become liable b. Court becomes liable c. Dentist remains liable d. Dentist is relieved of liability 20. The dentist has the right to demand payment from a patient who fails to pay him his professional fees. The right is a. Right in rem b. Right in personam c. Commercial right d. Civil right 21. All dentists need to complete a minimum number of CDECU prior to renewal of his professional certificate of registration to cover: a. 200 units in three years b. 400 units in two years c. 200 units in two years d. 300 units in three years 22. The most important question in a malpractice suit is whether the dentist a. Exercised due care b. Had an assistant c. Had advanced training d. Was experienced


23. Proximate cause is defined as a. The statue of limitations b. One in which is natural sequence, undisturbed by any independent cause, producing the result complained of c. One in which is not natural sequence, helping to produce the result complained of d. An attitude towards fellow dentists practicing in the same localty 24. Edna agreed to have two impacted molars extracted under general anesthesia. During the surgery, the dentist noted that one of her second molars also needed extraction. He thus also extracted the second molar to save her the inconvenience of another session. The dentist could be guilty of charges of a. Technical assault b. Breach of contract c. Grave misconduct d. Negligence 25. If a patient complains that his dentist’s most recent work is unsatisfactory, it: a. Means that the dentist may sue the patient b. Is not a reason for the dentist to refrain from rendering his bill c. Means that the patient can go ahead and sue the dentist d. Is a good reason for the dentist not to bill the patient 26. Which of the following is the best definition of ethics a. A code of conduct used to guide the affairs of the profession b. The unwritten code of interprofessional conduct between dentists and patients c. The quality that distinguishes a professional from nonprofessional d. The science of morals in a profession 27. This does not represent an example of malpractice act: a. Authorized extraction b. Negligent after care c. Disc-cut tongue d. Nerve injury 28. A dentist may ethically a. Issue practice announcement cards to former patients b. Claim public that his abilities and skills are higher than those of other dentists c. Claim uses exclusive methods which he required through special study d. Obtain patients and copyrights 29. Under RA 9484, a dentist is defined as one who shall for a fee, salary compensation, or any form or reward at all, do any of the following, except: a. Correct malposition of the teeth b. Prescribe drugs and medicines for the jaws and neck c. Perform any operation or part of an operation upon the jaws and surrounding tissues d. Perform any operation or part of an operation upon the human mouth 30. The government agency which is authorized to impose administrative sanctions over violators of the Generics Law is a. Department of Health b. Board of Medicine Examiners c. Professional Regulation Commission d. Department of Justice 31. If a patient failed to pay his fee for dental treatment, this is a: a. Common law fact b. Breach of contract c. Contributory negligence d. Tort 32. In order for a contract to be legally binding, it: a. Must be between two adult parties b. Must be between two legally competent parties c. May be between a child and an adult partner d. Cannot be implied only 33. A physician or dentist is responsible for the negligent acts of his/her assistant: a. At all times b. When the assistant acts on his own initiative c. Only when carrying out specific instructions d. In the general course of employment


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