MI326 exam questions - micro PDF

Title MI326 exam questions - micro
Course Biochemistry
Institution National University of Ireland Galway
Pages 2
File Size 69 KB
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MI326 - MICROBIAL METABOLIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS Exam questions Must answer 1 question from section A and one question from section B Section A 2019/2020  Outline the catabolic mechanisms which allow anaerobes, such as Clostridia spp., to derive energy from amino acids as a sole carbon source. Please use diagrams to assist you in your answer.  Discuss the role that anaplerotic mechanisms play in microbial metabolism. 2018/2019  Write an essay on: “The metabolic pathways associated with the catabolism of lipids in microorganisms”. Please use diagrams to illustrate your answer. DONE  Outline the role and mechanisms that anaplerotic reactions play in microbial anabolism.

2017/2018  Write an essay on: “The metabolic pathways associated with the aerobic and anaerobic catabolism of amino acids in microorganisms”. Please use diagrams to illustrate your answer.  Describe in detail the biosynthesis of fatty acids and lipids in microorganisms. Please use diagrams to illustrate your answer. 2016/2017  Write an essay on: “The metabolic pathways associated with the catabolism of lipids in microorganisms”. Please use diagrams to illustrate your answer. DONE  Discuss the role, giving examples, that anaplerotic mechanisms play in microbial anabolism.

Section B 2019/2020  Site-Specific, Homologous, Illegitimate or Non-Homologous recombination and Replicative recombination, all refer to different types of DNA recombination in bacteria. Differentiate between these and illustrate their underlying mechanisms.  With regard to the mechanisms underlying gene regulation in bacteria, compare and contrast inducible and repressible operons.

2018/2019  Site-Specific, Homologous, Illegitimate or Non-Homologous recombination and Replicative recombination, all refer to different types of DNA recombination in bacteria. Differentiate between these and illustrate their underlying mechanisms.  Give an account of the different mechanisms of genetic exchange between bacteria (horizontal gene transfer) and within bacteria (DNA elements including Insertion sequences, Transposons and Plasmids).


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Define bacterial mutagenesis. Describe how bacterial mutant cells can be induced and isolated in the laboratory and review their uses. Site-Specific Homologous, Illegitimate or Non-Homologous recombination and Replicative recombination, all refer to different types of DNA recombination in bacteria. Differentiate between these and illustrate their underlying mechanisms.

2016/2017  Give an account of the different mechanisms of genetic exchange between bacteria (horizontal gene transfer) and within bacteria (DNA elements including Insertion sequences, Transposons and Plasmids).  Site-Specific, Homologous and Illegitimate or Non-Homologous recombination, all refer to different types of DNA recombination in bacteria. Differentiate between these and illustrate their underlying mechanisms.

REPEATS! SECTION A  Write an essay on: “The metabolic pathways associated with the catabolism of lipids in microorganisms”. Please use diagrams to illustrate your answer.  Discuss the role, giving examples, that anaplerotic mechanisms play in microbial anabolism.  Describe in detail the biosynthesis of fatty acids and lipids in microorganisms. Please use diagrams to illustrate your answer.  Write an essay on: “The metabolic pathways associated with the anaerobic catabolism of amino acids in microorganisms”. Please use diagrams to illustrate your answer.  Define bacterial mutagenesis. Describe how bacterial mutant cells can be induced and isolated in the laboratory and review their uses.  With regard to the mechanisms underlying gene regulation in bacteria, compare and contrast inducible and repressible operons.

SECTION B  With regard to the mechanisms underlying gene regulation in bacteria, compare and contrast inducible and repressible operons.  Define bacterial mutagenesis. Describe how bacterial mutant cells can be induced and isolated in the laboratory and review their uses.  With regard to the mechanisms underlying gene regulation in bacteria, compare and contrast inducible and repressible operons.  Site-Specific, Homologous, Illegitimate or Non-Homologous recombination and Replicative recombination, all refer to different types of DNA recombination in bacteria. Differentiate between these and illustrate their underlying mechanisms  Write an essay on: “The metabolic pathways associated with the catabolism of lipids in microorganisms”. Please use diagrams to illustrate your answer.  Outline the role and mechanisms that anaplerotic reactions play in microbial anabolism....

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