Midterm Notes 1040 PDF

Title Midterm Notes 1040
Course Social Service Systems I
Institution Conestoga College
Pages 9
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1. What are the 2 main components of the social welfare system a. Minimum income programs and home care services b. Income assistance programs and unemployment insurance c. Government social programs and corporate social services d. Social services and income security programs 2. With respect to social welfare in Canada, Major disputes arise in determining which groups are in need, and to what extent they need state assistance. So, the 2 general approaches to social welfare are what? a. Feminist and Marxist b. Residual and institutional c. Summative and cumulative d. Liberalism and Conservatism 3. Selective welfare programs differ from universal programs in that universal social program, what? - need to know the difference between universal programs and selective programs and what are the universal programs do that the social selective programs don’t? o Universal Programs= Available to everyone in a specific category, such as people over the age of 65 o Universal programs differ to selective because Universal Programs are Availbale to EVERYONE in a specific category, and all those people are equally eligible to receive program benefits REGARDLEES OF INCOME or Financial Situation  Whereas, Selective programs are for those who are found to be in eligaqble based on a means/needs test (basically, based on their income)  Thus, its only targeted for people who are elible or who are in need- income matters and is dependent on if you get it or not o Universal programs= less expensive to administer o No test required o Selective programs= more expensive to administer, b/c have to do test to determine eligibility o Universal programs= The program itself= More Costly than Selective programs 4. Cycle analytic theories tend to assume that problems are located in ____. Whereas structural social work practice and radical casework tend to like locate problems in ____ a. Diagnostic intervention / functional intervention b. Primary intervention / Secondary Intervention c. Individual / social structures d. Society / Family 5. A new international definition of socials work was adopted at the AGM the general meeting of the IFSW in July 2000, what 4 concepts does this definition emphasize? o A Social change mandate, problem solving techniques, person-in environment, empowermnet

6. Advocates of the structural approach to social work would generally view social welfare as what? o One of the contradictions of Capitalism 7. There is a significant overlap between the 3 helping professions, social work, psychology and psychiatry. Social work primarily involves a lot of focus on? (What do we do, what is social work and social welfare workers do, what is our focus?) a. environmental issues b. Mental illness, medications and treatments c. The individual and his/her environmental and social structures d. Individual behaviours and internal thoughts and feelings 8. “The ambiguity of social work and the ethical dilemmas that may come about as a result, refer to”? (Quote in textbook) o The Fact that social workers frequently have to balance urgent and practical intervention measures with more difficult ethical and political questions. They need to make choices in situations in which the policy and regulations of the agency conflict with what social workers believe are the best interest their clinet 9. Indigenous social work takes a deep colonial approach, that means? (Look at what does decolonization mean as far as regard to social work/ social service work) o It is based on critical analysis of Canadian history and the way Canada has treated its indigenous peoples. It requires a strong and ongoing critique of colonism in relation to Indigenous peoples. It does not fully align with mainstream social work intervention models, as they have traditionally been conceived 10. The increasing emphasis on managerialism (or what might be called social control aspect of social work) means what? (Look up, what does managerialism in our profession mean?) o Many practitioners experience a mismatch between initial good intentions and their real life ability to effect lasting change. Many social workers feel that they are not able to carry through on what needs to be done to help their clients. Mnay social workers experijnece unnecessary stress in their day-to-day work with clients 11. Which is the following is characteristic of the settle house movement? a. Its purpose was to bring the youth of the educated middle class and charitable gentry to live among the urban natives b. Its workers were inclined to engage in social reform activities, such as improving working conditions, housing, health and education c. It involved an increase in women becoming more active in social and political issues outside the home d. All of the above 12. The period from 1891 to 1941 in the evolution of social practices known as what? (Need to match 1891-1941 era in terms of what we are doing in terms of social work practice) a. The industrial revolution b. The industrial revolution c. The era of applied social science

d. The era of social reform 13. Work with disadvantaged persons in society shifted from work done by volunteers to paid social work largely because of scientific philanthropy. This reflects the idea of what? (Lengthy options to choose from) o It is necessary for the worker to have specific training to gain scientific understanding of human behaviour and social process 14. Mary Richmond is well known for her text called social diagnosis, which later became the source of what social work paradigm a. Radical approach b. Medical approach c. Psychoanalytic approach d. generalist model 15. The social gospel movement was concerned with? a. Justice and social action b. Spread the moral base of the Christian church c. The promotion of industry cleanliness and thrift d. Replacing settlement house with affordable housing 16. The great depression caused CANADIANS to see unemployment as what? (NOT social workers but Canadians) o A Socio-economic or Social Structural problem, rather than a personal problem 17. In the 19th century, a poor individual was deemed to be deserving if he or she what? (Think about the difference between undeserving and the deserving poor questioning team) o Was able-bodied and therefore seen to be lazy 18. Which of the following individuals lead the Canadian welfare Council and also was a mayor of Ottawa during much of the 1950s and 60s? (Need to read about these people: Leonard Marsh, Charlotte Whitten, Lester B Pearson, and Zhang dreadful) o Charlotte Whitton 19. Which of the following acted as a significant catalyst produced the rapid expansion of social services in child welfare and services for people in need? a. Canada assistance plan, 1966 b. Unemployment insurance act, 1956 c. The Canada health and social transfer, 1966 d. Unknow choice (so make sure it’s either one of those 3 options or none of them) ^^ITS BOTH OF THOSE, SO THE ANSWER WILL MOST LIKELY BE D 20. Which of the following statements concerning emerging social movements in the 20th century is UNTRUE? a. Environmental justice movements are on the decline b. The idle no more movement quickly became one of the largest indigenous mass movements in Canadian history c. Modern social movements focus on global and environmental issues d. Many traditionally oppressed groups are using social media to mobilize for social change

21. Which of the following is an example of what ben Cornell refers to as a conventional approach in social work? - (you need to know what are the conventional approaches and some examples of them) a. Anti-oppressive theory-- MAYBE b. Systems theory c. Behavioural theory d. Ecological theory 22. Which of the following is an example of what Ben Cornell refers to as a Progressive approach? o Structural, critical, and anti-oppressive theory 23. With this question you need to know the difference between cognitive, ecological, structural and systems theory (he didn’t give us this question) o MAYBE: “what theory/perspective underlies a range of potentially effective intervention stratgeies ex psychotherapy, CBT and mindfulness”= Cognitive Theory/perspective o “which perspective views the individual as functioning within a series of interdependent realtionships”- Ecological o “what perspective underlines the notion that systems comprise interre;ated parts and that each part influences the other?”= The Systems perspective o “Systems theory (aka _____ systems theory) focuses on the working (or lack thereof) of wider social systems or stuctures- ex family, community, workplace, etc”= ecological o “what theory involves analysis that goes beyond the family and community to socio-economic factors- emphasizes the link between the clients feelings and behaviours of structural aspects of a larger society”= structural theory NOTES: o Ecological Theory: o Cognit8ive Theory: o Systems Theory: o Structural Theory: 24. The basic goal of generalist social work practice is what? o To facilitate the social well-being of the person in environment 25. Need to know some of the People who developed Strengths Based social work- Who are the people who developed Strengths Based Social Work? o Dennis Saleebey and colleagues Charles Rapp and Ann weick 26. Need to know the difference between Mindfulness therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, task centered therapy, and narrative based therapy o Maybe: “______ is based on the idea that psychological, mental and emotional distress or disorders are maintained by cognitive factors (ways or habiuts of thinking)= CBT o “_____ involves being present through attention and awareness, ‘in the moment’ without judgement, moving beyond what human senses can directly experience and everyday awareness and taken-for-granted perceptions”= Mindfullness

o “ a types of group in which the primary focys is to accomplish a specific mandate is an example of whoch of the 5 categories of group work?”= Task group

27. You need to know something about Carl Rogers in 1950 and what was his approach based on (need to know Carl developed an approach, and what his approach was based on) o Client-centered or person-centered perspective 28. Need to know the difference between Mindfulness therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, narrative therapy and Solutions based therapy o Maybe: “_____ practice models are based on the belief that people have the necessary inner resources to resolve their problems and contribute to their own growth and change”= Solutions-focused o “____ approaches focus on the meaning that people can find by creating their own life stories”= Narrative o “What kind of therapy ios a form of psychotherapy that seeks to help people identify their values, skills, and knowledge so that they can confront whatever problems they may face- co-author a new story for themselves”= Narractive Therapoy 29. Solution based therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness therapy and narrative therapy- its asking about a practice model, and you need to know the difference o MAYBE: “The practice model focused more on asking how to attain immediate goals, rather than why problems have originated in the first place” o Ansewer: Solutions- based Therapy 30. Narrative therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness therapy, and solutionsbased therapy- What are differences (for these questions about the therapies, you need to define them, understand them, and what the primarily do) 31. Direct social work falls into 3 categories: working with individuals and families, working with groups and working with communities. Which is the MAIN type of work in which social work practitioners are involved? o Working with Individuals and Families 32. Need to have an understanding/ need to know how to define the term “Evidence Based Practice” o **“Evidence-based practice can be defined as?” o Answer=“ An Individual-level approach to social work practice that focuses on the personal strengths and assets of the client” o Maybe: “” _____________ is a process in which the practitioners combines wellresearched interventions with clinical experience, ethics, and the client’s preferences and culture to guide the delivery of services” = Evidence Based Practice

o Evidence based practice helps clinicians collect and critically appraise the best evidence (from LITERATURE, SELF, and CLIENT) to guide an intervention or treatment decision o OR T/F: Evidence based practice attempts to facilitate the most effective outcomes as demonstrated by the Research o Or: T/F Evidence based practice argues that programs with proven success will be more widely disseminated and will benefit the greatest number of people o Or T/F: with eveidnece based decision making the worker’s experience qand judgement alone are not sufficient; nor are the clienrts wishes 33. Which of the following techniques help social workers understand how their own identities, beliefs and professional and personal lives are shaped by forces in society? o Critical Self-Reflection 34. Social work as a profession has been criticized by other therapy-oriented professions for which of the following reasons? (Basically, why do other therapy-oriented professions not like us?) o Maybe: Answer= None of the Above 35. The capacity to understand another person’s subjective experience and their personal frame of reference by means of listening is the definition of what? a. Warmth b. Sympathy c. Empathy d. Apathy 36. You need to know the difference between social action groups, education groups, selfhelp groups, and task groups- because this question will give you an example of a group and what category does it fall under (what type of group is it talking about) o MAYBE: “groups for heart and stroke victims, parenting groups, or groups for families in which there has been a recent diagnoisi of diabetes are all examples of which one of the 5 categoires of group work?” o ANSWER: Educational groups 37. Communication and interaction between group members, members sense of belonging and the degree to which a group influences its members is essentially the definition of which of the following terms? a. Group interaction b. Forming stage c. Storming stage d. Group dynamics 38. Which of the following is a characteristic of the Community Capacity Building Approach? (Need to read up on the community capacity building approach and know its characteristics) o Creating a map of resources and using it as the basis for further developing community assets 39. Which of the following individuals is known as the Father of Community Organizing? o Saul Alinsky

40. Which approach to Community Work typically Begins with a Listening Survey? o The Freirian Approach 41. Which of the following is NOT considered to be an Activity of Child Welfare Workers? o Drug and alcohol rehabilitation 42. Which of the following would be considered an In-Home Child Welfare Service? o Parenting Supports 43. (Throughout the history of Modern Child Protection Legislation in Canada, the concepts known as ‘the best interest of the child and Least Restrictive Intervention ‘have emerged.) The Best Interest Approach emphasizes ______ (what does it emphasize) o The Protection and well-being of the child above all else 44. In the area of child protection, which approach is used to estimate the likelihood that a child will be maltreated based on a careful examination of pertinent data? o Risk Assessment 45. You need to know the difference between Family Group Conference and mediation o Maybe: “Todays emerging collaborative approches are based on developing constructive and [positive working relationships between social work professional and family members. Some examples of collaboprative approches include:? “ o Answer: Family Group Conference (FGC), Cultural and/or Traditional Decision Making, Mediation 46. Need to read up what it says in the textbook around the 2008 Canadian Incidents Study of reported/reported child abuse and neglect. The question is: The 2 most Frequently occurring categories of substantiated maltreatment were? o Exposure to intimate partner violence and neglect 47. You need to know something about the persistent over representation of FNIM aboriginal families in the Investigations of child maltreatment- what that’s all about- why are FNIM aboriginal families overrepresented in child maltreatment investigations o The Low incomes and poor housing conditions of many FN families AND Substance use and domestic violence AND the understanding of services on reserves and failure to provide adequate resources for family support programs 48. The leading structural risk is associated with the removal of children, especially indigenous children from their homes, is what? o Poverty 49. You need to know the difference between Campaign 2000, The Canadian Children’s Rights Code, Jordan’s Principal, and the National Child Welfare Outcomes Matrix o MAYBE: “ The legislation that calls on all government insitutions and depart,enrs to ensure that children’s needs are met first and jurisdictional disputes are resolve later is know as?” o Answer= Jordans Principle o Campaign 2000 seeks to achieve the goal of eliminating poverty among the Canadian children by the year 2000

50. In providing child welfare, a number of steps are taken (then it lists those steps) And the question is: Which of the following best describes initial response to reports of abuse? (Need to know something about these steps) o It involves the design of a plan that includes identifying the specific risk factors, service needs, stratgeies, and service providers 51. What changes to Canada’s universal public healthcare system did the Canadian Health Act of 1984 introduce? o The act changes the funding structure of Canada’s public health-care model, prohibited “opting out” and extra billing by physicians, and further strengthened the universal nature of the public health-care system in Canada 52. Which of the following recommendations was made by Romono Commission in 2002 to Preserve Canada’s healthcare system? o Expanding public, not-for-profit medicare to include home care and pharmacare, and to introduce a system of primary health care 53. 1 of the 5 Criteria of Medicare is Comprehensiveness and it specifies what those 5 criteria for Medicare- know what they are and also what they need, the specifics- and this question is specific to Comprehensiveness o The plan must cover all insured health services provided by hospitals, medical practitioners, or dentist, and, where permitted cover services rendered by other health-care practitioners 54. Which of the following is NOT one of the features of our current Medicare system? o The federal government regulates what services must be covered by all provincial plans 55. Supporters of Medicare argue that user fees, extra billing and additional charges to patients would create a 2-tier system of healthcare, what does this mean? o Extra charges deter people with low income from receiving health care, but not to those with high income 56. The Primary factors that shaped the health of Canadians are? o The quality of the social determinants of health (living conditions based on gender, housing, education, employment, food security, ability/disability, etc) 57. In what way does a community health care center, a CHC model- So in what way does CPC model of healthcare differ from the traditional hospital and clinic system of delivery? o CHCs provide health care services using salaried primary health care professionals AND CHCs tend to focus on prevention, education, community development, social action, and health promotion instead of only curative health-care services 58. Current inequities in health and social service delivery are linked to the impacts of Colonization, as well as to? again current inequities in health and social service delivery are linked to the impacts of Colonization as well as to what? o Insufficent funding for Indigenous programs and services AND inadequate health system infrastructure in Indigenous Communities AND economic exclusion,

educational inequities, and overcrowded housing, and particulary in remote communities 59. Why are social workers playing a more central role within healthcare settings? o An increasing focus on the recognized importance of a holistic approach to health care 60. Know the difference between sustainability, indigenous food so...

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