Midterm Quiz 1 June 2018, questions and answers PDF

Title Midterm Quiz 1 June 2018, questions and answers
Course Sociology 101 - Social and Cultural Interaction
Institution The University of British Columbia
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Midterm Quiz Question Paper...


The University of British Columbia



Department of Sociology

2018 S1 Midterm Examination Question Paper Subject: SOCI 101 801 S181SOCI101-M1

50 minutes

Total Marks:

/ 30

Monday June 4th, 2018


Instructor(s): Christopher Mackenzie, Kyle Sutherland

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The University of British Columbia


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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

60 marks

Circle the answer that you think is correct. 1) What is the idea, an action or practice, that excludes, disadvantages, stratifies or merely differentiates between individuals or groups of individuals on the basis of some ascribed or perceived trait called? A B C D E F

Inequality Social Stratification Discrimination Racism All of the above None of the above

2) Who is studying patterns of intimate social relations that we engage in daily? A B C D E F

Sociologist Macro-Sociologist Micro-Sociologist Socio-Psychologist All of the above None of the above

3) Which of the following idea represents a change during the Enlightenment? A B C D E F G H

Inequality is a natural thing Growth in political and economic prosperity Chidlren learning to code due to the reformation and centralisation of education The centralising of governmental power and growth in bureaucracies Both A and C Both C and D Both A, C and D Both A, B, C and D

4) Who defined Sociology as the ‘Science of Society’? A B C D E F 2

Jean Condorcet Auguste Comte Max Weber Karl Marx All of the above None of the above

The University of British Columbia


TURN OVER 5) Which of the following Sociologist(s) believe that the enlightenment and modern life was not good for people? A B C D E F

Jean Condorcet Auguste Comte Max Weber Karl Marx All of the above None of the above

6) What best defines the term ‘Rationalisation’ in Sociology? A B C D E F

The action of looking for the fastest and most efficient way to do something The action of attempting to explain or justify behavior or an attitude with logical reasons, even if they are not appropriate. Lacking patience The action or process of causing someone to adopt radical positions on political or social issues. All of the above None of the above

7) The idea of opposing slavery and freedom of speech was supported by which Sociologist? A B C D E F

Jean Condorcet Auguste Comte Max Weber Karl Marx All of the above None of the above

8) Who played a role in the development of Social Welfare Policies? A B C D E F


Jean Condorcet Auguste Comte Max Weber Karl Marx All of the above None of the above

The University of British Columbia


TURN OVER 9) What is the technical term describing the idea of lacking participation in the group called? A B C D E F

Social Isolation Anomie Anxiety Depression All of the above None of the above

10) The Age of Hyper consist of which of the following characteristic(s)? A B C D E F

Consumerism Urban Life Anxiety Control All of the above None of the above

11) What is the ability to see relationships between individual experiences and the larger society? A B C D E F

Social Inter-connection Social Hallucination Imagination Sociological Vision All of the above None of the above

12) What is Race and Ethnicity considered as? A B C D E F G H


Social Force Social Structure Social Institutions A perceived trait Both A and D Both B and D Both C and D None of the above

The University of British Columbia


TURN OVER 13) What is the ability to see relationships between individual experiences and the larger society? A B C D E

Social Inter-connection Social Hallucination Imagination Sociological Vision All of the above

14) According to Burkheim’s suicide study, who is more likely to commit suicide? A B C D E

Catholics Wealthy Married Women All of the above

15) What is the one characteristic of a Victorian Middle-Class family? A B C D E

Women focusing more exclusively on family earnings The home as a ‘public’ social institution Younger age at first marriage Small growth in extended families All of the above

16) Which of the following is a challenge within Children and Youth socialisation? A B C D E

Grade inflation Grade deflation Lack of Social and Intrapersonal skills Decreasing adult supervision All of the above

17) Which of the following concept describes a situation when parents do not have control over their children’s activity on media? A B C D E


Unrecognised socialisation Emotional contagion Self-Socialisation All of the above None of the above

The University of British Columbia


TURN OVER 18) Which of the following term is considered politically conservative? A B C D E F

Gender Race/Ethnicity Family Education None of the above All of the above

19) When Sociologists undergo the process of functional analysis within a family, what are the things they should be considering? A B C D F E

Socialisation Education Regulation of sexual activity Social Placement Material and Emotional security All of the above

20) Which of the following is an example of social order reproduction? A B C D E F

Endogamy Exogamy ‘Typical’ marriage University Education Both C and D All of the above

21) How big of a chance is the divorce rate back in the 1950s compared to now? A B C D E

Much higher Slightly higher Around the same Slightly lower Much Lower

22) If we can physically bring a family back from the 1950s to now, what emotional challenges do you think they might face? A B C 6

Too many children Adaptation to technological advancement. Self-socialization

The University of British Columbia D E F


Reliance on single source of income All of the above None of the above TURN OVER

23) What is the idea of people looking out for one another called? A B C D E F

Emotional stability Family Care Love All of the above None of the above

24) The Traditional Nuclear Family (TNF) is not universal in form, which studies have claimed this statement? A B C D E F

Sociological and Historical Sociological and Archeological Historical and Anthropological Sociological and Anthropological Both C and D None of the above

25) Which of these sociologist(s) aim to turn personal issues into public issues? A B C D E F

Durkheim Comte Mills Marx All of the above None of the above

26) Who introduced the idea of ‘doing boring jobs for money’? A B C D E F

Jean Condorcet Auguste Comte Max Weber Karl Marx All of the above None of the above

27) What is meant by the term ‘Global Perspective’? A B C 7

A social perspective with everybody’s opinions and ideas in consideration The study of the larger world and our society’s place in it The study of global issues and viewpoints

The University of British Columbia D E F


The ability to see the general in the particular Both A and D Both B and D

TURN OVER 28) Which of the following do you think is the most important reason why global perspective so important in terms of studying Canadian Sociology? A B C D E F

Where we live shapes the lives we lead Societies throughout the world are increasingly interconnected What happens in the rest of the world affects life here in Canada Many social problems we face here in Canada are far more serious elsewhere Thinking globally helps us learn more about ourselves They are all important in any sociological studies

29) What is the laws and regulations that guide how people in communities live and work called? A B C D E F

Social regulation Values, norms, and beliefs Public policy Community guidelines and policies Both A, C and D All of the above

30) What best defines Rationality? A B C D E F

A social regulation A way of thinking that connects different thoughts and ideas to maximise the efficiency to complete any given task A way of thinking that emphasizes deliberate, matter-of-fact calculation of the most efficient way to accomplish any given task Both B and C All of the above None of the above



The University of British Columbia




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