Quiz 2018, questions and answers PDF

Title Quiz 2018, questions and answers
Course Professional Issues F
Institution University of Guelph
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An example of a potential conflict between legal and ethical standards pertains to breaking confidentiality of a client who: a. is in the military and whose disclosures may not be protected in a military setting. b. is a threat to self. c. confides that he has abused his child. d. is a threat to others _________ describe a level of ethical functioning in which the counselor merely acts in compliance with minimal standards. a. Mandatory ethics b. Aspirational ethics c. Principles ethics d. Basic ethics

James is using his client's test scores to assess the effectiveness of various methods of counseling. He plans to write a book on his work but does not inform his clients that their test results will be used as the basis of his book. James is violating which of the following moral principles of ethical decision-making? a. veracity b. justice c. autonomy d. fidelity The first essential step toward ethical decision-making is: a. knowing the applicable laws. b. identifying the problem or dilemma. c. choosing a solution. d. reviewing the process. e. developing a solution. When a client can no longer pay for services: a. the therapist must continue to serve the client free of charge for as long as services are needed so as not to abandon the client. b. treatment must be terminated immediately. c. at least a few sessions should be offered to the client to work through termination issues. d. the therapist can file for partial unemployment due to lost wages.

n the text, community standards are also referred to as: a. national standards. b. aspirational goals. c. mores. d. legalese Ann has offered her services as a professional counselor free of charge to a local shelter that houses teenage runaways. What is the correct term for Ann's services? a. pro fitero b. pro bono c. fee waiver d. pro altruistico The ethics codes of the various professional organizations share which of the following themes? a. avoiding exploitation b. All of the other choices are correct. c. protecting the client's confidentiality and privacy d. promoting the welfare of consumers e. upholding the integrity of the profession by striving for aspirational practice Ethics codes are __________ for exercising ethical responsibility. a. necessary and sufficient b. cookbooks c. necessary, but not sufficient d. unnecessary Birrell and Bruns contend that counselors need to open themselves to authentic mutuality so that ethics become conceptualized from the perspective of: a. punishment and rewards. b. community standards. c. broad guidelines. d. relational engagement. Why do the authors feel passionate about the study of ethics? a. It enables challenges to culturally encapsulated standards in the helping professions. b. It involves the use of critical-thinking skills. c. It enables advocacy for social justice issues. d. All of the other choices are correct. e. It helps to strengthen judgment and decision-making processes.

When practitioners weigh multiple and often competing demands and goals in situations involving ethical dimensions, they must rely on: a. their professional judgment. b. their clinical supervisor's advice. c. Wikipedia for the best course of action to take. d. their coworkers' opinions. Most professional associations revise their ethics codes every _____ years. a. Professional ethics codes are never revised. b. 1 to 2 c. 20 to 30 d. 5 to 10 e. 35 to 50 Positive ethics focuses: a. not only on how professionals can harm clients, but also on how therapists can better help clients. b. on the minimum levels of practice. c. on a practitioner's level of certainty about an ethical course of action. d. on a remedial approach to dealing with ethical issues Which of the following statements is true regarding the professional monitoring of practice? a. State licensing laws establish the scope of practice of professionals and how these laws will be enforced by licensing boards. b. Disciplinary proceedings involving violations of standards of professional conduct are no longer conducted by regulating boards. c. The legal and ethical practice of most mental health professionals is regulated in 38 states. d. All psychotherapy professions are regulated through registration and certification, but not through licensure. The feminist model of ethical decision-making calls for involving the client at every stage of the therapeutic process. a. True b. False The social constructionist model of ethical decision-making is similar to the feminist model but focuses primarily on the social aspects of decision-making. a. True b. False Reasonableness is usually defined as the care that is ordinarily exercised by others practicing within a specialty in the professional community.

a. True b. False Virtue ethics focus on the character traits of the counselor and nonobligatory ideals to which professionals aspire. a. True b. False ethics codes tend to be proactive rather than reactive. a. True b. False A counselor educator teaches an experiential group course. Students who take this class: a. probably won't understand the nuances of informed consent; therefore, the instructor should not feel obligated to discuss it. b. do not need to go over informed consent in class since it was presented to them at their student orientation. c. need to be properly informed about the expectations and requirements of the course; thus, the instructor has an obligation to discuss informed consent in class. d. might enjoy hearing about informed consent; it can be mentioned if there is time left over at the end of a class. When clinicians keep clients longer than necessary for financial reasons, it appears they are: a. shrewd businessmen and businesswomen. b. empowering their clients by promoting their autonomy. c. altruistic. d. fostering client dependence. Which of the following issues tends to surface when students are engaged in practicum, fieldwork, and internship experiences? a. a fear of making mistakes b. All of the other choices are correct. c. a strong inclination to alleviate clients' pain d. a need for quick solutions e. an intense need to be recognized and appreciated Viewing the concept from a broad perspective, ______________ involves the therapist's total emotional response to a client including feelings, associations, fantasies, and fleeting images. a. transference

b. immediacy c. countertransference d. empathy Which of the following actions do ethical codes suggest practitioners take when experiencing professional impairment? a. Take a reactive stance that focuses on the result of emotional distress rather than a proactive stance. b. Seek social relationships with clients to alleviate professional isolation. c. Seek immediate consultation to determine whether you should limit, suspend, or terminate the relationship. d. Avoid confrontation from colleagues while engaging in an ongoing process of selfassessment.

Personal therapy among therapists is: a. considered taboo since therapists like to preserve their image as healthy individuals who do not need help. b. a relatively rare practice, especially in English-speaking countries. c. a common practice and is considered beneficial. d. strongly discouraged in training programs. Nina has difficulty making decisions and is seeking counseling in order to determine whether or not she should continue a dissatisfying relationship with her boyfriend. Which of the following is NOT an action her therapist should take? a. Give Nina direct advice about the most appropriate way to handle her situation. b. Help Nina to identify underlying reasons for her difficulty in reaching decisions. c. Help Nina sort out her options. d. Assist Nina in exploring her feelings of attachment to her boyfriend and the positive aspects of their relationship. Which of the following statements about the personal needs of counselors is true? a. Those who have a strong need for approval tend to try harder and, thus, deliver the most effective services. b. Although therapists may meet some of their needs through their work, this should be a by-product rather than a primary aim. c. It is advisable for those who are extremely needy to disclose their needs to their clients. d. The most effective therapists do not have any personal needs, which allows them to focus all

of their attention on their clients. In the authors' view, the ultimate sign of an effective therapist is his or her ability to help clients: a. reach the point where they express gratitude for all the help they have received without being prompted. b. reach a stage of self-determination wherein they no longer need a therapist. c. generate new goals to work on in therapy once they have met their original goals. d. adopt his or her values and beliefs. Self-care education should start: a. toward the end of a graduate program, when students have a strong foundation of knowledge about the helping process. b. when one begins to practice independently. c. while one is studying for the licensure examination. d. at the beginning of a graduate program to prevent decay in students' future careers. Termination is best viewed as: a. a process for ending therapy over a period of time. b. a discrete event that marks the end of therapy. c. a process that is necessary only at the conclusion of long-term therapy. d. what occurs when a therapist informs his or her clients that they should not return for therapy. The authors encourage their readers to: a. ask others to comment only on their strengths so as to boost their self-confidence. b. consider only criticism to be valid feedback, since it is likely to be more accurate than positive feedback. c. consider the feedback of only their clinical supervisors, not their peers; supervisors are trained experts. d. ask colleagues and peers for honest feedback as to how they are perceived Which of the following statements regarding the concept of transference is FALSE? a. Transference refers to the therapist's distortions that are projected on to the client. b. Transference is understood as having its origins in early childhood and constitutes a repetition of past themes in the present. c. Because transference involves a type of reliving of clients' early relationships in the present, the therapist's observations and feedback can help clients to see, understand, and appreciate their own contributions to the situation.

d. How a clinician deals with a client's transference is crucial. Seductive behavior on the part of a client: a. only manifests in cases that involve psychosis. b. should almost always prompt the therapist to refer the client to another practitioner. c. only occurs in movies; it never occurs in real life. d. can easily lead to the adoption of a seductive style by the therapist, particularly if the therapist is unaware of his or her own dynamics and motivations. Human service professionals who experience and demonstrate empathy toward their clients are at greater risk for _____________, a condition that escalates when professionals fail to recognize and attend to their own needs. a. Stockholm syndrome b. compassion fatigue c. a psychotic episode d. cognitive overload Self-care refers to positive actions that promote wellness and effective coping. a. True b. False The hazards of the helping professions should be de-emphasized in graduate training programs because sharing this information too early in a trainee's professional development could immobilize them from taking necessary risks. a. True b. False Countertransference can be considered either a constructive or destructive element in the therapeutic relationship. a. True b. False Before becoming licensed as a therapist, one must fully resolve one's personal issues. a. True b. False Transference is understood as having its origins in adolescence. a. True b. False

According to Hancock, counselors' personal beliefs and values:

a. are fundamentally more important than the ethical values of the relevant professional organizations. b. can and must be used as a basis for decisions to refer clients to other providers. c. must be respected by educational institutions and have primacy over the values of the institutions. d. must not supersede professional mandates to serve the best interests of their clients Which of the following practices is identified in the chapter as a way of utilizing spirituality as a resource? a. mindfulness b. All of the other choices are correct. c. meditation d. prayer e. being in nature If you feel secure in your own values, you: a. should refer clients who hold a different set of values. b. should give your clients a list of readings that will help them to understand your values. c. will not be threatened by really listening to, and deeply understanding, people who think differently. d. should not hesitate to impose them on your clients. In dealing with clients who hold different values, you are advised to: a. persuade them to adopt your values. b. forget about your own values temporarily. c. work collaboratively to identify and clarify their value system and determine the degree to which they are living in accordance with their core beliefs and values. d. persuade them to adopt the values of the counseling profession, which are based on the Judeo-Christian tradition. When counseling a couple who seek professional help because they are unsatisfied with the quality of their relationship, a counselor should keep in mind that: a. he or she can always refer the couple to avoid having to deal with the couple's problems. b. his or her job is to help save relationships; thus, the couple needs to be convinced to stay together. c. their relationship is probably doomed to fail; thus, it is more ethical in such a case to directly advise the couple to dissolve their relationship. d. it is not the counselor's responsibility to decide about the quality of the relationship or whether the relationship is worth saving.

A counselor who might work with clients considering abortion should NOT: a. become familiar with state and federal laws regarding abortion. b. comprehensively examine his or her ethical and moral views about abortion. c. persuade clients to make decisions that are consistent with the counselor's values. d. be familiar with policies related to parental consent in working with minors. When the dying process of a terminally ill person is accelerated by withholding or withdrawing life support, that person is experiencing a(n) ____________. a. moral dilemma b. hastened death c. advanced directive d. accelerated termination A same-sex couple wants to adopt a child and seeks the services of a therapist whose religious values oppose homosexuality. In order to practice ethically, the therapist should: a. refuse to offer counseling to the couple and refer to the "freedom of conscience" clause in the law to protect himself or herself from legal action. b. fabricate a reason for needing to refer the couple, such as a lack of competence in adoption issues. c. recommend "conversion therapy" and inform them that they could choose to be straight. d. be invested in helping the couple sort through their issues without imposing his or her values on them and seek supervision, if necessary. In two recent court cases, Christian students filed suit against their public universities over: a. the requirement that students avoid imposing their moral values on clients. b. being charged higher tuition than their nonreligious classmates. c. being denied admittance into counseling programs after they identified their religious affiliation on their program application. d. sexual harassment. The acronym for the association that deals with spiritual and religious issues in counseling is: a. ASGW. b. AAAS. c. ASERVIC. d. NAGC. With regard to value conflicts in counseling, it is important to remember that: a. value conflicts may not surface right away; they may become apparent only after a client has been working with you for some time. b. it can be burdensome for clients to be saddled with your disclosure of being unable to move

beyond value differences. c. All of the other choices are correct. d. if you experience a value conflict, the ethical course of action is to seek supervision and learn ways to effectively manage these differences. Which of the following statements about referring clients is FALSE? a. Discriminatory referrals have gone unnoticed and unchallenged far too often. b. Mental health providers may not be aware of the potential ethical violation in their referral decision because this topic is not highlighted in the professional literature. c. Referrals are rarely used by mental health service providers. d. Inappropriate referrals have been made for clients with differing religious beliefs, sexual orientations, or cultural backgrounds. The imposition of values by the counselor is an ethical issue in counseling which of the following? a. All of the other choices are correct. b. groups c. families d. couples e. individuals

Clients may want professional assistance in exploring issues such as whether and how to complete a living will and whether to have someone hold durable power of attorney for health care. The authors refer to these issues as: a. logistical matters. b. life management issues. c. existential crises. d. end-of-life decisions. Specialized skill in tolerating and managing clients' problems related to dying, death, and bereavement is referred to as: a. life management. b. death management. c. death competence. d. grief competence. School counselors are always permitted to discuss the issue of abortion with students. a. True

b. False The ability of counselors to manage their personal values so that they do not contaminate the counseling process is referred to as "bracketing." a. True b. False It is only important for counselors to clarify their assumptions, core beliefs, and values if they hold conservative views. a. True b. False The belief that practitioners can be completely objective and value-free is no longer a dominant perspective in the field of psychology. a. True b. False Spiritually informed therapy can be viewed as a form of multicultural therapy. a. True b. False Counselors practice unintentional racism when they: a. claim to be free of any traces of racism and underestimate the impact of their own socialization. b. recognize the complexity of cultures and value the diversity of beliefs and values. c. show sensitivity to cultural variations among individuals. d. challenge stereotypes associated with culturally diverse clients. ___________ are persistent verbal, behavioral, and environmental assaults, insults, and invalidations that often occur subtly and are difficult to identify. a. Microaggressions b. Broaching statements c. Macroaggressions d. Culture-centered remarks Which of the following statements pertaining to the sexual orientation of a client is FALSE? a. Therapists have an ethical obligation to confront their personal prejudices, myths, fears, and stereotypes regarding sexual orientation. b. It is important to understand that homosexuality and bisexuality are not indicative of mental illness.

c. The ethics codes of the ACA, the APA, and the NASW clearly state that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is unethical and unacceptable. d. According to the ALGBTIC, attempting to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBT individuals is well supported by research and is ethical. When a client reports feeling alienated in the workplace because she is the only person of color employed there, a ____________ might minimize her concerns and say, "I think you are being too paranoid. We should emphasize similarities, not people's differences." a. sensitive counselor b. culturally competent counselor c. color-blind counselor d. social justice advocate ________________ are oversimplified and uncritical generalizations about individuals who are identified as belonging to a specific group. a. Self-effacing statements b. Put downs c. Irrational beliefs d. Stereotypes

Writers in the field of multicultural counseling allege that most contemporary theories of therapy and therapeutic practices are grounded in __________ assumptions frequently associated with the values of mainstream U.S. culture. a. collectivistic b. pluralistic c. feminist ...

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