Quiz 2018, questions and answers PDF

Title Quiz 2018, questions and answers
Course Introduction to Psychology SFW
Institution University of Guelph
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Some practice questions for Intro to psych...


Psychology Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following BEST describes what a theory is? 1 a system of interrelated ideas used to explain . some observation 2 an explanation of unobservable phenomena . 3 related .

speculations that are based on common sense 4 a string of unrelated observations .

Question 2

Which of the following do behaviourism and psychoanalytic theory have in common? 1 a resistance to the use of animal subjects in psychological research

. 2 an emphasis on the role sexuality in behaviour . 3 the implication that people are not masters of their own destinies . 4 the notion that unconscious motives have a major influence on behaviour .

Question 3

Which of the following statements BEST reflects the main advantage of conducting psychological research with animals? 1 It is much cheaper to conduct research on animals than on . humans. 2 With research on animals, there are no ethical issues to be . concerned with. 3 In their biological makeup, animals are fundamentally similar . to humans. 4 A researcher can exert more control over an animal than . over a human subject. Question 4

According to Sigmund Freud, an individual's personality is largely determined by 1 forces in the . environment 2 strivings for . superiority 3 forces in the . unconscious 4 self-actualizing . tendencies



Psychology Quiz Question 5

Students are said to be "testwise" if they 1 tend to score high on standardized tests

. 2 have a knack for identifying "trick" questions . 3 are skilled at using clues contained within a test .


improve their scores particularly knowledgeable about the subject matter being tested

4 are .

Question 6

Dr. Kline takes an eclectic approach in treating psychological disorders. She often prescribes medications that influence neurotransmitter levels, but she also works with her clients to change their behaviour and understand the impact of social factors in their problems. Dr. Kline's approach to therapy illustrates the idea that 1 differing theoretical perspectives can provide a more complete . understanding of behaviour 2 our cultural backgrounds exert a considerable influence over our . behaviour 3 unconscious motivation has little impact on overt behaviour . 4 motives .

and expectations can colour our experiences

Question 7

Dr. Smythe believes that in order to fully understand complex processes, such as taste, it is necessary to understand the purpose that taste plays in survival, not the elementary components that combine to produce taste sensations. Dr. Smythe's views are most consistent with 1 the psychoanalytic approach to . psychology 2 the behaviourist approach to . psychology 3 the functionalist approach to . psychology 4 the structuralist approach to . psychology Question 8

The idea that Freud's theory was based, in part, on prevailing values during his lifetime implies that psychology's development is influenced by the 1 historical context .

Psychology Quiz


2 sociohistorical .


3 social context . 4 empirical context .

Question 9

Liam is reading a magazine article about a new "wonder drug" and finds himself wondering who participated in the study, and what evidence the claims are based on. Liam's thinking illustrates the idea that 1 sciences do not exist in a cultural vacuum . 2 single-cause explanations are often inaccurate . 3 information needs to be viewed with a certain .

degree of scepticism and expectations can colour our experiences

4 motives .

Question 10

The psychologist who took the position that organisms tend to repeat responses that lead to positive outcomes and tend not to repeat responses that lead to neutral or negative outcomes was 1 Carl Rogers . 2 Abraham .


3 B. F. Skinner . 4 Sigmund .


Question 11

Which of the following is the BEST advice for developing sound study habits? 1 Make yourself comfortable in your study area by having your . favourite music playing. 2 Try to avoid interrupting your study time with breaks. . 3 Plan your study schedule in advance. . 4 Tackle simple, routine tasks before taking .

Question 12

on larger tasks.

Psychology Quiz Dr. Lee is studying pain perception using a functionalist perspective. It is most likely that Dr. Lee would suggest that we can only understand the conscious experience of pain 1 by observing the outward expression of pain in response to . different stimuli 2 if we first understand the role of pain in human survival and . adaptation 3 if all the component parts that make up the experience of . pain are understood 4 if we understand the unconscious processes that initiate the . sensation of pain Question 13

If you were having problems with depression, the type of psychologist that would be the greatest help to you would be 1 a developmental . psychologist 2 an experimental . psychologist 3 a social psychologist . 4a .

clinical psychologist

Question 14

In criticizing the structuralists' reliance on the method of introspection, William James argued that two people could view the same stimulus quite differently. James's argument illustrates which of the textbook's unifying themes? 1 Psychology evolves in a sociohistorical . context. 2 Heredity and environment jointly influence . behaviour. 3 Our experience of the world is highly . subjective. 4 Psychology is empirical. .

Question 15

A recently published case study described an individual who showed obsessive behaviour. Recordings of brain activity indicated this same individual also experienced a number of mild epileptic seizures each day. When the epileptic seizures were brought under control using medication,


Psychology Quiz


the obsessive behaviour also disappeared. The type of psychologist who would be most interested in this case study would be one who had 1 a biological . perspective 2 an evolutionary . perspective 3 a cognitive . perspective 4 a behavioural . perspective Question 16

A psychologist who studies information processing and decision making would probably be considered a 1 developmental . psychologist 2 physiological . psychologist 3 social psychologist . 4 cognitive .


Question 17

Humanists believe that people's behaviour is governed by 1 the outcomes of their . responses 2 biochemical processes . 3 unconscious .

sexual urges 4 their self-concepts .

Question 18

Caroline conducts research in which she systematically changes some aspect of the environment and then measures changes in observable behaviour. This approach to research is consistent with the basic ideas of 1 the behavioural perspective in . psychology 2 the humanistic perspective in . psychology 3 the psychoanalytic perspective in . psychology

Psychology Quiz


4 the .

biological perspective in psychology

Question 19

Which of the following is most likely to be studied by a cognitive psychologist? 1 factors that determine group cohesiveness . 2 play behaviour in preschool children . 3 strategies used by college students to .

solve a particular problem 4 whether or not a job incentive program is effective .

Question 20

Sigmund Freud developed an innovative procedure for treating people with psychological problems, which he called 1 rational-emotive . therapy 2 psychoanalysis . 3 behaviour .

modification therapy

4 primal .

Question 21

Damion wants to investigate whether altruistic behaviour in a specific species of tropical birds gives the birds an evolutionary advantage. If Damion could work with a psychologist who has made a significant contribution in this area of research he would most likely choose to work with 1 David Buss . 2 Carl . 3 B. F. .



4 Herbert .


Question 22

The branch of psychology concerned with everyday, practical problems is called 1 abnormal psychology .

Psychology Quiz 2 applied psychology . 3 developmental .

psychology psychology

4 cognitive .

Question 23

The school of psychology that takes the most optimistic view of human nature is 1 behaviouris . m 2 psychoanal . ysis 3 humanism . 4 functionalis .


Question 24

Empiricism means that knowledge should be acquired through 1 common . sense 2 logical . reasoning 3 historical . tradition 4 direct . observation Question 25

In Canada, many of the first courses offered in Psychology were offered through departments of: 1 physiolo . gy 2 medicin . e 3 philosop . hy 4 sociolog . y Question 26


Psychology Quiz


As the number of bystanders increases, people are less likely to help someone who is in distress. This suggests that the size of a crowd and helping behaviour are 1 dependent . variables 2 negatively . correlated 3 uncorrelated . 4 positively .


Question 27

Imagine that a group of researchers conducted a single-blind study designed to test the effectiveness of subliminal-message weight-loss tapes. Suppose the researchers found that everyone lost weight during the study, even those who were given tapes without any subliminal messages. This type of result would 1 provide evidence that subliminal tapes are effective in promoting weight . loss 2 be evidence that the study contained confounding variables . 3 be evidence of a . 4 indicate that the .

placebo effect

independent and dependent variables in the study are negatively correlated

Question 28

Studies that have investigated the influence of anecdotal information have found that 1 people tend to be influenced by anecdotal information, even when they are . forewarned that the information is not representative 2 people are only influenced by anecdotal evidence when it is provided by . someone they know and trust 3 people are not influenced by anecdotal information, and tend to view it as . non-representative and biased 4 people are only influenced by anecdotal evidence when they have not . been forewarned that it may be misleading Question 29

By definition, a sample 1 is a subset of the population who actually participate in . a research study 2 must only include volunteers who express an interest in


Psychology Quiz .

the study

3 contains less than 50 people or animals . 4 is that group of people to whom the conclusion .

of the

study will apply

Question 30

Dr. Hugo designs an experiment to test the effectiveness of a new antidepressant drug. Half the participants will receive the actual drug and half will receive a sugar pill, but neither the participants nor the researchers who administer the drug will know who is receiving the actual drug and who is receiving the placebo. In this case, Dr. Hugo has designed 1 a correlational study with two . confounded factors 2 an unethical research procedure . 3a .

study that will minimize self-report bias 4 a double-blind research study .

Question 31

A researcher found that clients who were randomly assigned to same-sex groups participated more in group therapy sessions than clients who were randomly assigned to co-ed groups. In this experiment, the dependent variable was 1 whether or not the group was co-ed . 2 how .

much the clients' mental health improved 3 the amount of participation in the group . therapy sessions 4 the clients' attitudes toward group therapy .

Question 32

Malinda is filling out a survey for a marketing agency in order to be eligible for a grand prize drawing. She doesn't actually read many of the questions, and simply answers "yes" to everything. Malinda's answers to the survey reflect 1 a positive . response set 2 a social desirability . bias 3 the placebo effect

Psychology Quiz


. 4 an .

interaction effect

Question 33

Of the following, the correlation coefficient that indicates the weakest relationship between the two variables being measured is 1 +0. . 95 2. 0.69 3. 4.50 4 +0. . 01 Question 34

Naturalistic observation, case studies, and surveys all have in common that 1 they do not manipulate the variables . under study 2 the results obtained cannot be analyzed . statistically 3 they do not directly observe behaviour . 4 they .

can show causal relationships

Question 35 The main advantage associated with the experimental method is 1 its precise control . 2 participants .

usually enjoy taking part in the study 3 that it can be used to explore just about . everything 4 its ability to duplicate real life in the . laboratory

Question 36

Masali conducted a study in which she measured the response time for males and females to complete a spatial task. She found that the mean response time was 1.48 minutes for males and 1.63 minutes for females. For


Psychology Quiz Masali to be confident that an actual difference exists between the males and females in her study, she must 1 obtain a larger sample . 2 redo the experiment . 3 calculate a correlation .

coefficient an inferential statistic

4 calculate .

Question 37

A group of researchers wants to determine if people are more likely to follow directions if the person giving the directions is in a uniform. Half the participants are directed to a parking spot by a uniformed security guard, the other half are directed to a parking spot by an individual wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt. In this study, the dependent variable would be 1 the type of clothing worn by the person giving the . directions 2 the distance between the parking spot and the . entrance 3 the number of participants who park in the spot they . are directed to 4 the gender of the person driving into the parking lot .

Question 38

One advantage of naturalistic observation is that it 1 approximates the experimental method . 2 involves random assignment . 3 allows behaviour to be studied .


realistic settings for cause-and-effect conclusions to be drawn

4 allows .

Question 39

The mode in a group of scores describes the __________ for that group of scores. 1 halfway point . 2 variability . 3 central tendency .

Psychology Quiz 4 association .


with another group

of scores

Question 40

In descriptive/correlational research, the investigator 1 exposes subjects to two closely related treatment conditions . 2 systematically .

observes two variables to see whether there is an association between them 3 simultaneously manipulates two or more independent variables

. 4 manipulates .

a variable under carefully controlled conditions and observes whether there are changes in a second variable as a result

Question 41

A group of researchers conducts a study to determine if children's performance is affected by the presence of other children. First, the children are taken to a room with no other children and timed while they complete a puzzle. Later, the same children are taken to a room with four other children and timed while they complete a similar puzzle. In this study, the length of time it takes to complete the puzzle would be 1 the independent . variable 2 the dependent . variable 3 an extraneous . variable 4 a control variable .

Question 42

If we view an experiment as an attempt to establish a cause-effect relationship, the __________ variable would be the cause, and the __________ variable would be the effect. 1 independent; . dependent 2 independent; . confounded 3 dependent; . independent 4 control; . experimental

Psychology Quiz


Question 43

Annabel is planning to buy a cordless phone. She has narrowed her choice down to a Northtech X7 model and a Telecom G-Pro model. Alfred tells Annabel: "Consumer Reports did extensive testing and rated the Northtech X7 as the highest overall. The same article indicated that the Telecom phone was unreliable and needed frequent service." Francine tells Annabel: "The Consumer Reports article is probably flawed because my uncle had a Northtech X7 phone, and he had nothing but problems with it. He decided to switch to the Telecom phone, and he hasn't had any problems." Based on the research results reported in the critical thinking application, you should predict that Annabel will most likely 1 do further research on her own before buying either of the two phones . 2 buy .

the Telecom phone because she will be more persuaded by the anecdotal evidence 3 decide not to buy a cordless phone because the two reports her friends . provided conflict with each other 4 buy the Northtech X7 phone because she will be more persuaded by . objective evidence

Question 44

One of your friends is writing a research paper and wants to obtain information about the depth of personal information people typically reveal during a first date. Directly observing a large number of people during a first date will be difficult, so your friend asks for your advice on the best way to collect this type of data. The best suggestion would be for your friend to use 1 the case study approach . 2 a survey . 3 archival research . 4 a double-blind .

observational study

Question 45

Recording all instances of an event for a particular time period (such as how many times an older brother strikes his younger brother) without the subjects' awareness is an example of 1 conducting an . experiment 2 naturalistic . observation 3 compiling a case . study

Psychology Quiz


4 correlational .


Question 46

Phong and Mikaela both take part in a research study that is investigating the effects of sleep deprivation on reaction time. Phong is kept awake for 24 hours straight, while Mikaela follows her normal sleep routine. In this study, Phong is part of the 1 control group . 2 experimental group . 3 hypothesis group . 4 dependent variable .


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