MIS Lecture notes PDF

Title MIS Lecture notes
Course Data Mining
Institution Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad
Pages 23
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Let’s talk about airline booking-

You go to air India site and try to book a ticket from Delhi to Mumbai dated 3rd September You see the availability of seats(retrieving information from database) You proceed with the booking and go the page where it asks for details You’re timed 14mins to complete that transaction (isolation, as you’re trying to change the database status and a transaction is going to occur, in that particular timeframe the availability of seats become -1 of the original value you saw but it happens only when you reach the payment page)

Consistency of data- you can’t enter numbers in the name field of your form And durability is when you’ve booked the ticket and the server of air India crashes Then too it doesn’t nullify your booking

Example of atomicity is your ATM transaction You try to withdraw rs1000 so it’ll provide you with two 500 rs notes Only in case of technical glitch this is going to differ Otherwise the transaction either happens or it doesn’t happen at all Kind of working on 0 or 1 It has a huge business significance As suppose on Amazon you are trying to buy a tshirt in L size which are only 2 in stock Now if many customers are viewing the product/ adding it in their cart The stats show that it’s in demand and so even if we raise the price, people may be willing to buy it

That’s the reason we often see in comments someone writing that they got it in a much lower or discounted rate a few days back Same is the case with airlines Say only seat is left and the flight is to depart in 8 hours And not many people are eyeing the vacant seat Then the airlines will provide it on a discounted rate so as to fill it.

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Management Information System Management Information System is the process and the way where the organization can store, get, and retain their data’s regarding the customers, companies, trading, transaction records, files and database. Management Information can be used in many ways for Operating the system as well as for the Management System. The Management System helps the management to take the decision from the existing as well as from the past data, by providing the Information as they want and how to implement their decision and executive their decision. Whereas, the Operating System helps the organization to do their transaction process, control their process etc...

Functions of MIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Data Capturing Data Storage Data Processing Data Distribution Prediction Control

Data Capturing: Captures data through various Sources (Customers,Social Media, Mobile Shopping). Data Storage: Data is stored(DBMS,Hard disks etc). Data Processing: Raw data to Useful Data Data Distribution: Right data to the Right person Prediction: Using statistics to predict trends to take correct decisions Control: To check deviation of operations from Organisational Plan.

Amazon’s use of MIS One of the main uses of MIS in amazon is maintaining Customer Relationship. The Amazon has developed a software, where they can store their regular customers data as well as other customers data. And the customer can able to connect to the Amazon at 24*7 hours at any point of time through their feedback and emails. Amazon E commerce has developed in a much wide range that, their approach is being increasing across the world. That’s why, with the help of customer’s personal information data; they are able to suggest the products to their consumers while showing advertisement in Amazon website of the consumer as per their likes, dislikes, taste and preferences. Amazon has got a personalized content to customers which are helpful for tracking the current actions of the customers. Since it is an online shopping, the customer is entitled to add any number of products as per they want. Although, the customer can save the product in their website; which they had created in Amazon website. They can save the products and do trading in future as per they want. All this

information is get stored in an Infomediary model of the Management Information System. Along with that Amazon has created a platform of the social network within their own website which offers more interactivity. The customer can go through the history what they have been searched and also track the order which they had purchased. Along with that, when the new user is coming for the online shopping in website, the Amazon tries to collect the new user information, which will directly link to the same Infomediary Model. So, that when the next time the user enters into the website, they will recommend the products as per his taste and as per his/her last searched products. And Amazon also provide a discount and bumper sale offers at the time of festivals and certain occasion, and also do a bumper offer period at very low price of the products for consumer. This is a part of the marketing to attract the customers much more as they can. At the time of payment of products the Amazon Information System is being considered in this manner that the website will show the advertisement of the related goods which a customer is being purchasing. Amazon uses the Virtual storefronts to attract the huge number of customers to the website. Through this, Amazon is being able to hold their exciting customer as well as also able to attract the new customers also because of their wide approach, while increasing the marketing strategy and the by gaining the customer loyalty. With the payment process, the website also contains the various offers and gift vouchers for their regular customers. It is all being done in the Management Information System of the Amazon. The system stores the information that how many times a person purchases the products from the Amazon site and on those bases the system only evaluates the regular customer and irregular customer. It is already being set up in the software that what the system is supposed to do for the regular customer and irregular customer. The site will offer new products to the irregular customer while various offers. And for the regular customer sometimes they offer the gift voucher and special offer etc Amazon also uses MIS to advertise their products on different websites to attract new customers…

[9/1, 09:09] +91 94454 35406: Data warehouses are places where u store data for analysis purpose .It is like centralised store of data. It also helps in extraction of huge streams of data from the company database and turns it in into meaningful data for business purposes. [9/1, 09:10] +91 94454 35406: Data marts are the subsets of data warehouses which usually contain data for a particular department for example sales or finance . [9/1, 09:11] +91 94454 35406: They can be customised by each department as per their requirements [9/1, 09:14] +91 94454 35406: Data cube are used for representing data in multiple dimensions .

Dashboards in Business Decision n order to understand Dashboards and why they play an important part in business decisions, let's take an example.

Let's talk about Amazon and it's operation. As a global pioneer in the supply-chain Amazon excels in operations. To keep the proper functioning of such operations, i.e. to maintain parity between processes simultaneously taking place, promote and enhance productivity and throughput, ensure efficient planning and deployment, the senior management needs a lot of data.

Having multiple processes in a single operation and they being correlated to each other is an issue. Let's look at a real-life example.

There are two workers who are responsible for inventory management. One worker is not properly trained as she is fairly new. The other is doing his job erroneously, maybe categorising shipments in a wrong way, damaging other inventory or maybe just slacking off leading to loss in efficiency.

Now consider that instead of 2 workers, Amazon has to deal with hundreds of such people. This will eventually lead to as many problems. However, for effective management one cannot go to each and every worker and point out the mistakes. This is due to sheer lack of time and workload as well.

So in order to track the activities of workers, their efficiency, their errors, Amazon devised particular metrics for efficient management. These metrics get updated every few minutes on internal portals and are presented in the form of dashboards. Any time when a particular metric has a significant deviation from its expected value, the senior management can step in to deploy properly, modify a process and to plan effectively for subsequent quarters.

Dashboards are not only a significant part of Amazon operations but it's sales too. Based on previous sales and market-pulls which are represented on dashboards, Amazon can easily manage it's inventory for responding effectively to the consumer-market. The same goes for metrics and benchmarks created for Alexa, Kindle, Audible, IMDB and many more Amazon subsidiaries.

Previously, before the advent of cloud computing Amazon used to have internal portals as part of MIS where these factors are reflected. But often, operations and business strategy vary from each and every market and geographical location. Hence a full standardization is not always achieved. As a solution external cross-functional dashboards are created for better performances. With the advent of AWS this problem has been solved to a great extent.

How it works:

Using Excel Macros operate in a Dashboard. Macros are pieces of code which are written with VBA to automate monotonous Excel workouts and even import and export data from and to external sources. A. Macros can pull data sets from ETL Managers (data repositories) or relevant internal websites directly into Excel B. The data gets processed (arrangement, segregation, joinings, special functions) by separate macros C. All the above function is done in raw data sheets which is separate from the Dashboard D. A separate macro pulls the processed and the most important data into the dashboard for visualisation. E. DAX can be used to produce to produce native formula and query models for better automated data analysis

Example: 100 new workers have been hired for inventory management. Being new hires they are making mistakes a lot. This is harming total productivity in a shift. Processed metrics as calculated in raw data sheets using Excel macros are displayed to the management. The management then can identify the fast learners and deploy them effectively leading to boost in efficiency.

Due to Diwali sale there is a lot of hustle and bustle. Sometimes shipments are being missed and hence are not being able to delivered on time. Metrics are reflecting a negative side. Processed metrics when displayed in the dashboard is showing that there are several unprocessed inventory left in an important cross-functional area leading to this mishap. Management deploys personnel to clear and/or manage that area.

Pongal is a huge festival in Chennai. But not an important festivity in Delhi. Rice flour is an essential component used in Pongal. Based on sale forecasts displayed on a dashboard, management can allocate resources effectively and exactly from Delhi to Chennai to meet consumer demand.

Using AWS: Quicksight is an AWS Platform where cloud computing takes the whole data from serves and ETL Managers and processes them to be represented into dashboards. Nowadays instead of Excel Macros Amazon managers use Quicksight to make decisions.

Key features required in a dashboard:

1. Effective Visuals (Colours, Fonts, Layouts) 2. Concise and Relevant Data 3. Data incorporation and Dashboard Space Management using Bars, Buttons and Keys 4. Easily understandable graphs

Executive Information System An Executive Information System (EIS) is a kind of decision support system (DSS) used in organizations to help executives in decision making. It does so by providing easy access to important data needed in an organization to achieve strategic goals. An EIS usually has graphical displays on a user-friendly interface. This data is mainly for people like CEOs etc where the data provided is taken from all departments, regions etc. The term EIS lost popularity in favor of business intelligence (with the sub areas of reporting, analytics, and digital dashboards). Early executive information systems were developed on mainframe computers as computerbased programs to provide the description, sales performance and/or market research data for senior executives of a company. Current EIS data is available on local area networks (LANs) throughout the company or enterprise, facilitated by personal computers and workstations. Employees can access company data to help make decisions in their workplaces, departments, divisions, etc. This enables employees to provide relevant information and ideas above and below the level of their company.

Key characteristics of EIS Detailed data – EIS provides absolute data from its existing database. Integrate external and internal data – EIS integrates integrate external and internal data. The external data collected from various sources. Presenting information – EIS represents available data in graphical form which helps to analyze it easily. Trend analysis – EIS helps executives of the organizations to data prediction based on trend data. Easy to use – It is a very simplest system to use.

EIS components can typically be classified as:    

Hardware Software User interface Telecommunications

Hardware The basic computer hardware needed for a typical EIS includes four components: (1) Input data-entry devices. These devices allow the executive to enter, verify, and update data immediately. (2) The central processing unit (CPU), which is the kernel because it controls the other computer system components (3) Data storage files. The executive can use this part to save useful business information, and this part also help the executive to search historical business information easily (4) Output devices, which provide a visual or permanent record for the executive to save or read. This device refers to the visual output device or printer. Software The basic software needed for a typical EIS includes four components: 1. Text base software-The most common form of text is probably documents 2. Database- Heterogeneous databases residing on a range of vendor-specific and open computer platforms help executives access both internal and external data 3. Graphic base-Graphics can turn volumes of text and statistics into visual information for executives. Typical graphic types are: time series charts, scatter diagrams, maps, motion graphics, sequence charts, and comparison-oriented graphs (i.e., bar charts); 4. Model base-The EIS models contain routine and special statistical, financial and other quantitative analysis.

User Interface An EIS must be efficient to retrieve relevant data for decision makers, so the user interface is very important. Several types of interfaces can be available to the EIS structure, such as scheduled reports, questions/answers, menu driven, command language, natural language, and input/output. Telecommunication As decentralizing is becoming a trend in companies, telecommunications plays a pivotal role in networked information systems. Transmitting data from one place to another has become crucial for establishing a reliable network. In addition, telecommunications within an EIS can accelerate the need for access to distributed data. It can be both by scientific and business means.

Decision Support Activities Drill Down Drill-down analysis is the ability to start from an aggregated number and then examine (drill down to) the more detailed underlying data. As the user moves to finer and finer levels of detail, it is possible to find more detailed analysis of specific exceptions. Integration With Spreadsheets Often, EISs are integrated with spreadsheets. This integration facilitates the analysis of data using the full capabilities of the spreadsheet. For example, the EIS designed by CIGNA Health Care Information Services allows extracted data to be exported directly to spreadsheet programs. Decision Support In some situations, EISs also offer more sophisticated analysis tools than those provided by standard spreadsheets. For example, an EIS might provide for timeseries analysis, sophisticated statistical analysis, or optimization analysis using a tool such as linear programming. Knowledge Discovery Knowledge discovery uses computers to manipulate data to try to find knowledge in that data. Although knowledge discovery is in its infancy, there are some important tools already available that can be used to tease trends or behaviors out of data. Knowledge discovery tools are not yet a substantial part of today's EISs, but research in the integration of such tools is continuing.

Executive Information system in amazon Amazon is a company that faces strong competition in the e-commerce industry. But it has survived so far due to: High Aggressiveness High availability of substitutes Low switching costs In spite of the emergence of new firms amazon has continued to rise mainly due to its handling of information. Executives at amazon receive all the data presented in neat graphical format via the executive information system. This enables them to focus on what is important and ensure the brand value of amazon is on the rise. EIS provides a lot of information to the top level management such as customer data, supplier data, past trends, current trends etc Amazon has grown explosively over the years, information systems playing an important role in that regard.

Amazon has recently opened a physical store wherein people can purchase products touch free. This initiative would not have been possible without the approval of the top level management. To assist marketing executives in making effective marketing decisions, an EIS can be applied. EIS provides sales forecasting, which can allow the market executive to compare sales forecast with past sales. EIS also offers an approach to product price, which is found in venture analysis. The market executive can evaluate pricing as related to competition along with the relationship of product quality with price charged. In summary, EIS software package enables marketing executives to manipulate the data by looking for trends, performing audits of the sales data, and calculating totals, averages, changes, variances, or ratios. This has effectively worked for amazon which has used efficient marketing strategies across the years such as Amazon Exclusive, Amazon prime etc....

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