Mivan report PDF

Title Mivan report
Author Abdul Alnafisi
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MIVAN TECHNOLOGY P.P. Pattanshetti1, H.B. Patil2 Civil Engineering Department, Bhivrabai Sawant College of Engineering, Kennedy Road, Pune 411001,University of Pune, India. [email protected] [email protected] Abstract- Mivan is an aluminum formwork system developed by one and yet...


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Mivan report abdul alnafisi

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Mivan Technology Hemant Pat il Det ail of Mivan Shut t ering Onkar gawade WORKING IN CONST RUCT ION OF SHEAR WALL T ECHNOLOGY yogesh m

MIVAN TECHNOLOGY P.P. Pattanshetti1, H.B. Patil2 Civil Engineering Department, Bhivrabai Sawant College of Engineering, Kennedy Road, Pune 411001,University of Pune, India. [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract- Mivan is an aluminum formwork system developed by one of the construction company from Europe. Mivan is an upcoming technology which has empowered and motivated the mass construction projects throughout the world. In this project, we have discussed about the pioneering and yet pragmatic approach of this technology with provisions of speed, quality, financial incentives and construction aspects which is required for a successful completion of mass housing project, with the help of a case study of a renowned company. The project also includes comparison of aluminum formwork technology and conventional system. This comparison reveals the reduced total cost. Other aspects include its box type construction which proves much advantageous as far as earthquake resistant structure is considered. Keywords- Components, cost, comparison with conventional system, construction speed.



MIVAN is basically an aluminium formwork system developed by one of the construction company from Europe. In 1990, the MIVAN Company Ltd from Malaysia started the manufacturing of such formwork systems. Now a day’s more than 300,000 sq m of formwork used in the world are under their operation. In Mumbai, India there are number of buildings constructed with the help of the above system which has been proved to be very economical and satisfactory for Indian Construction Environment. The technology has been used extensively in other countries such as Europe, Gulf Countries, Asia and all other parts of the world. MIVAN technology is suitable for constructing large number of houses within short time using room size forms to construct walls and slabs in one continuous pour of concrete. Early removal of forms can be achieved by hot air curing / curing compounds. This facilitates fast construction, say two flats per day. All the activities are planned in assembly line manner and hence results into more accurate, well – controlled and high quality production at optimum cost and in shortest possible time. MIVAN is a new technology which has empowered and motivated the mass construction projects throughout the world. In this project, we have discussed about the pioneering

and yet pragmatic approach of this technology with provisions of speed, quality, financial incentives and construction aspects which is required for a successful completion of mass housing project, with the help of various case studies of different companies. II.


The traditional mode of construction for individual houses comprising load bearing walls with an appropriate roof above or reinforced concrete (RC) framed structure construction with infill masonry walls would be totally inadequate for mass housing construction industry in view of the rapid rate of construction. Further, such constructions are prone to poor quality control even in case of contractors with substantial resources and experience. “For undertaking mass housing works, it is necessary to have innovative technologies which are capable of fast rate construction and are able to deliver good quality and durable structure in cost effective manner”. III.


In Construction, the formwork has to bear, besides its own weight, the weight of wet concrete, the live load due to labour, and the impact due to pouring concrete and workmen on it. The vibration caused due to vibrators used to compact the concrete should also be taken care off. Thus, the design of the formwork is an essential part during the construction of the building. For the design of planks and joists in bending & shear, a live load including the impact may be taken as 370kg/m². It is however, usual to work with a small factor of safety in the design of formwork. The surfaces of formwork should be dressed in such a manner that after deflection due to weight of concrete and reinforcement, the surface remains horizontal, or as desired by the designer. The sheathing with full live load of 370 kg/m² should not deflect more than 0.25 cm and the joists with 200kg/m² of live load should not deflect more than 0.25cm.

In the design of formwork for columns or walls, the hydrostatic pressure of the concrete should be taken into account. This pressure depends upon the quantity of water in the concrete, rate of pouring and the temperature. IV.


Aluminum as usual is not a very strong material. So the basic elements of the formwork system are the panel which is a framework of extruded aluminium sections welded to an aluminium sheet. It consists of high strength special aluminium components. This produces a light weight panel with an excellent stiffness-to-weight ratio, yielding minimal deflections when subjected to the load of weight concrete. The panels are manufactured in standard sizes with non-standard elements produced to the required size and size to suit the project requirements. The panels of aluminium formwork are made from high strength aluminium alloy, with the face or contact surface of the panel, made up of 4mm thick plate, which is welded to a formwork of specially designed extruded sections, to form a robust component. The panels are held in position by a simple pin and wedge arrangement system that passes through holes in the outside rib of each panel. The panel fits precisely, securely and requires no bracing. The walls are held together with high strength wall ties, while the decks are supported by beams and props. Since the equipment is made of aluminium, it has sections that are large enough to be effective, yet light enough in the weight to be handled by a single worker. Individual workers can handle all the elements necessary for forming the system with no requirement for heavy lifting equipment or skilled labor. By ensuring repetition of work tasks on daily basis it is possible for the system to bring assembly line techniques to construction site and to ensure quality work, by unskilled or semi-skilled workers. Trial erection of the formwork is carried out in factory conditions which ensure that all components are correctly manufactured and no components are missed out. Also, they are numbered and packed in such a manner so as to enable easy site erection and dismantling. V.

MERITS OF ALUMINIUM FORMWORK:1. In contrast to most of the modern construction systems, which are machine and equipment oriented, the formwork does not depend upon heavy lifting equipment and can be handled by unskilled labors.

2. Fast construction is assured and is particularly suitable for large magnitude construction of respective nature at one project site. 3. Construction carried out by this system has exceptionally good quality with accurate dimensions for all openings to receive windows and doors, right angles at meeting points of wall to wall, wall to floor, wall to ceiling, etc, concrete surface finishes are good to receive painting directly without plaster. 4. System components are durable and can be used several times without sacrificing the quality or correctness of dimensions and surface. 5. Monolithic construction of load bearing walls and slabs in concrete produces structurally superior quality with very few constructions joined compared to the conventional column and beam slabs construction combined with filter brick work or block work subsequently covered by plaster. 6. In view of the four – day cycle of casting the floor together with all slabs as against 14 to 20 – day cycle in the conventional method, completed RCC structure is available for subsequent finish trades much faster, resulting in a saving of 10 to 15 days per floor in the overall completion period. 7. As all the walls are cast monolithic and simultaneously with floor slabs requiring no further plasters finish. Therefore the time required in the conventional method for construction of walls and plastering is saved. 8. As fully completed structural frame is made available in one stretch for subsequent – finishing items, uninterrupted progress can be planned ensuring, continuity in each trade, thereby providing as cope for employing increased labor force on finishing item. 9. As the system establishes a kind of “Assembly line production” phase – wise completion in desired groups of buildings can be planned to achieve early utilization of the buildings. VI.


In MIVAN formwork we give stress on shear wall rather than conventional framed structure of columns and beams. The system of aluminum forms (MIVAN) has been used widely in the construction of residential units and mass

housing projects. It is fast, simple, adaptable and cost – effective. It produces total quality work which requires minimum maintenance and when durability is the prime consideration. This system is most suitable for Indian condition as a tailor–made aluminum formwork for cast–in– situ fully concrete structure. The formwork system is precisely-engineered system fabricated in aluminium. Using this system, all the elements of a building namely, load bearing walls, columns, beams, floor slabs, stairs, balconies etc can be constructed with cast in place concrete. The resulting structure has a good quality surface finish and accurate dimensional tolerances. Further, the construction speed is high and the work can be done in a cost effective manner. The modular nature of the formwork system allows easy fixing and removal of formwork and the construction can proceed speedily with very little deviation in dimensional tolerances. Further, the system is quite flexible and can be easily adapted for any variations in the layout. The availability of concrete from ready mix concrete facility has augured well for the use of this work system. However, the proliferation of RMC facilities in the cities in India and the willingness to use mechanized means of transport and placing of concrete, the use of aluminium formwork system has received a boost. The quality of the resulting concrete is found to be superior. Structurally speaking, the adoption of the closed box system using monolithic concrete construction has been found to be the most efficient alternatives. The stresses in both the concrete and steel are observed to be much lower even when horizontal forces due to wind or earthquake are taken into consideration. The formwork system can be used for construction for all types of concrete systems, that is, for a framed structure involving column beam –slab elements or for box-type structure involving slab-walls combination. VII.

MIVAN’S dedicated factories in Europe and South East Asia. Once they are assembled they are subjected to a trial erection in order to eliminate any dimensional or on site problems. All the formwork components are received at the site whining three months after they are ordered. Following are the components that are regularly used in the construction. A. WALL COMPONENTS:1) Wall Panel: - It forms the face of the wall. It is an Aluminium sheet properly cut to fit the exact size of the wall.

Fig.1 Wall panel

2) Rocker:- It is a supporting component of wall. It is Lshaped panel having allotment holes for stub pin.

Fig 2 Rocker

3) Kicker:- It forms the wall face at the top of the panels and acts as a ledge to support


The basic element of the formwork is the panel, which is an extruded aluminium rail section, welded to an aluminium sheet. This produces a lightweight panel with an excellent stiffness to weight ratio, yielding minimal deflection under concrete loading. Panels are manufactured in the size and shape to suit the requirements of specific projects. The panels are made from high strength aluminium alloy with a 4 mm thick skin plate and 6mm thick ribbing behind to stiffen the panels. The panels are manufactured in


4) Stub Pin:- It helps in joining two wall panels. It helps in joining two joints.

3) Beam Soffit Panel:- It supports the soffit beam. It is a plain rectangular structure of aluminum.



4) Beam Soffit Bulkhead:- It is the bulkhead for beam. It carries most of the bulk load.

B. BEAM COMPONENTS:1) Beam Side Panel:- It forms the side of the beams. It is a rectangular structure and is cut according to the size of the beam. Fig 8 Beam Soffit Bulkhead

C. DECK COMPONENT:1) Deck Panel:- It forms the horizontal surface for casting of slabs. It is built for proper safety of workers.


2) Prop Head for Soffit Beam:- It forms the soffit beam. It is a V-shaped head for easy dislodging of the formwork. Fig 9 DECK PANEL

2) Deck Prop:- It forms a V-shaped prop head. It supports the deck and bears the load coming on the deck panel.


3) Prop Length:- It is the length of the prop. It depends upon the length of the slab.


2) External Soffit Corner:- It forms the external corner between the components.


4) Deck Mid – Beam:- It supports the middle portion of the beam. It holds the concrete. Fig 16 EXTERNAL SOFFIT CORNER

3) External Corner:- It forms the external corner of the formwork system.



5) Soffit Length:- It provides support to the edge of the deck panels at their perimeter of the room.

4) Internal Corner:- It connects two pieces of vertical formwork pieces at their exterior intersections.


6) Deck Beam Bar:- It is the deck for the beam. This component supports the deck and beam. Fig 18 INTERNAL CORNERS



D. OTHER COMPONENTS:1) Internal Soffit Corner:- It forms the vertical internal corner between the walls and the beams, slabs, and the horizontal internal cornice between the walls and the beam slabs and the beam soffit.


Mivan aims in using modern construction techniques and equipment in all its projects. On leaving the MIVAN factory all panels are clearly labeled to ensure that they are easily identifiable on site and can be smoothly fitted together using the formwork modulation drawings. All formwork begins at a corner and proceeds from there.

f) Erect Deck Formwork – Deck is erected for labours to work. g) Setting Kickers – kickers are provided over the beam. After the above activities have been completed it is necessary to check the following.




One of the principal technical features which enables this aped to be attained using a single set of formwork panel is the unique V shaped a prop head which allows the ‘quick strip’ to take place whilst leaving the propping undisturbed. The deck panels can therefore be resumed immediately. XI.

All formwork should be cleaned and coated with approved realize agent.


Ensure wall formwork is erected to the setting out lines.


Check all openings dimensions, not twist.


Check all horizontal formwork (deck soffit, and beam soffit etc.) in level.


Ensure deck and beam props are vertical and there is vertical movement in the prop lengths.


Check wall ties, pins and wedges are all in position and secure.


The panels are held in position by a simple pin and wedge system that passes through holes in the outside rib of each panel. The panels fit precisely, simply and securely and require no bracing. Buildings can be constructed quickly and easily by unskilled labour with hammer being the only tool required. Once the panels have been numbered, measuring is not necessary. As the erection process is manually, tower cranes are not required. The result is a typical 4 to 5 day cycle for floor – to – floor construction. X.



The construction activities are divided as pre – concrete activities, during concreting and post – concrete activities. They are as follows: A. PRE – CONCRETE ACTIVITIES:a) Receipt of Equipment on Site – The equipments is received in the site as ordered. b) Level Surveys – Level checking are made to maintain horizontal level check.





Any surplus material or items to be cleared from the area to be cast. B. ON CONCRETE ACTIVITIES:-

At least two operatives should be on standby during concreting for checking pins, wedges and wall ties as the pour is in progress. Pins, wedges or wall ties missing could lead to a movement of the formwork and possibility of the formwork being damaged. This affected area will then required remedial work after striking of the formwork. Things to look for during concreting:

1. Dislodging of pins / wedges due to vibration.

2. Beam / deck props adjacent to drop areas slipping due to vibration.

3. Ensure all bracing at special areas slipping due to vibration.

4. Overspill of concrete at window opening etc. C. POST – CONCRETE ACTIVITIES:-

c) Setting Out – The setting out of the formwork is done. 1. d) Control / Correction of Deviation – Deviation or any correction are carried out. e) Erect Formwork – The formwork is erected on site.


Strike Wall Form- It is required to strike down the wall form. Strike Deck Form- The deck form is then removed.

3. 4.

Clean, Transport and stack formwork. Strike Kicker Formwork – The kicker are removed. Strike wall – Mounted on a Working Platform the wall are fitted on next floor. Erect Wall – Mount Working Platform and the wall is erected.

5. 6.

Normally all formwork can be struck after 12 hours. The post – concreting activities includes:1.


All components should be cleaned with scrapers and wire brushes as soon as they are struck. Wire brush is to be used on side rails only. The longer cleaning is delayed, the more difficult the task will be. It is usually best to clean panels in the area where they are struck. 2.


There are basic three methods recommended when transporting to the next floor:



The heaviest and the longest, which is a full height wall panel, can be carried up the nearest stairway.


Passes through void areas.


Rose through slots specially formed in the floor slab for this purpose. Once they have served their purpose they are closed by casting in concrete filter.


concrete to gain strength before the beginning of the next cycle. This work schedule has been planned for 1010-1080 sq m of formwork with 72-25cu m of concreting & approximate reinforcement. The formwork assembling at the site is a quick & easy process. On leaving the MIVAN factory all panels are clearly labeled to ensure that they are easily identifiable on site and can be smoothly fitted together using formwor...

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