mkf2111 consumer report PDF

Title mkf2111 consumer report
Course Business To Business Marketing
Institution Monash University
Pages 14
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consumer report task 2...




TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 Executive summary 2.0 Company background 2.1 Target market 2.2 Communication strategy overview 3.0 Communication strategy analysis 3.1 Customer motivation and engagement 3.2 Awareness, attention and perception 3.3 Brand knowledge 3.4 Forming and changing attitudes 3.5 Influencing customers’ decision making process 4.0 Recommendations 5.0 Conclusion 6.0 References



After analysing the information given on the Kikki-k company website and other online articles, this report aims to identify the most suitable target market while bringing into attention its distinguishing marketing communication strategies used to retain these consumers.

This also aims to identify what is behind customer motivation and engagement and what drives them to purchase Kikki-k products. It also shows how effective communication strategies generated by the company are in exposing the brand to consumers and raising awareness. Also, this awareness should be stimulated into attention and then it needs to be perceived by consumers into creating brand loyalty. High levels of advertising through developed technological tactics should be used to do so. Moreover, a positive brand schema should be built in consumer minds and the company again should facilitate effective marketing strategies to enrich the consumer with brand related knowledge. Thus, the company needs to keep up with changing trends and preferences as well and certain indicators during certain stages of the decision making process should be considered to influence the consumer decision making process.

However, they should consider the given recommendations and implement changes to manage employees, customers, and product development in order to satisfy the existing customer base. In conclusion if the recommendations are carried out well, Kikki-k would continue to be the market leader as the number one stationery provider.


2.0 Company Background 2.1 Target Market Kikki-k is known as the ultimate stop for all things stationery, which goes beyond age barriers and is popular among millions of customers around the world. They are well known for their creative, unique and yet simple Swedish design stationery across the globe. Kikki-k.(n.d).






http://www.kikki- With regards to the target market of Kikki-k, the company manages to serve all individuals between 8 years and 50+ years old at the moment. The demographic target market would be in general 14 to 40 years old. However, Kikki-k is mainly focused on 15 to 25-year-old females who are more fancy and are with a passion for creativity in their day to day lives. This report will be mainly focusing on the 15 to 25-year-old female customers of Kikki-k who lead somewhat of a busy lifestyle striving to get tasks done. The mentioned category includes students and career women who lead a busy day to day life with pre-planned tasks and activities.

2.2 Communication strategies used when looking at the marketing strategies used by Kikki-k, it is obvious that its success is based upon its unique and effective strategies which helps them to stand out from its competitors. Kikki-k operates stores in 5 countries and ships to over 137 countries worldwide. In this case it is critical to identify and cater to the different tastes, preferences and customs and the company aims to develop relevant strategies to satisfy these different preferences respectively. The company uses marketing communication mix tools such as media advertising, in-store promotions and online campaigns to further promote the brand among the target market consumers as they would be very active and updated through the use of the mentioned tools.


The media channels which are used by the company would be advertising by the use of radio, television, billboards, public displays in shopping centres, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest) and the company website in order to raise awareness of the quality and uniqueness of their products when compared to its competitors. These do no only target the chosen target market, but also other consumers from different age groups in general. Through the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube, Kikki-k has indeed captured the hearts of the 15 to 25 year olds who are very active on social media.

3.0 Communication strategy analysis 3.1 customer motivation and engagement With regards to the selected target market, they have the need to be organized and professional at the same time while their wants are to be stylish and trendy as well. When considering goals, their aim is to get their work done and to get their tasks completed on time which is one of the main priorities of almost everyone in that age group. This would help them to develop self-satisfaction and would give them a sense of belonging in their own environments, satisfying their social needs. Also these consumers have their very own unique values. The selected target group mainly consists of female students and career women whose aims and values would be based around being organized and punctual. Also this group consists of young mothers who stay at home and try to plan their day. Hence it is important for the company to differentiate between the different needs and goals of the consumers even within the chosen target market and cater to those accordingly. The communication strategy motivates the customers and creates high levels of involvement. The marketing team of Kikki-k has been successful in catering to those needs and goals of the target market by promoting their offerings along with new products that have been introduced through visual merchandising.


The human touch – kikki.k brand profile (2012, January 1), from

The visual merchandise, website and promotions carried out by Kikki-k helps them to make their consumers aware about their range of products. The ability of consumers to purchase Kikki-k products will be confined by emotional, cultural resources and age. Hence the company has offered their products at an affordable price and also for a wider age range of people in terms of age. Moreover, in terms of localisation approach, offering suitable attributes depending on the country has helped them to open up stores in other countries as well. Opportunity would be affected by time even though we have the option of picking and buying what we want. However repeat communication increases influence.

Strengths -

Visual merchandise in store is easy to setup and also easy for the customers to understand.


Customers are familiarized

Weaknesses -

It is hard to identify and cater to each and every unique need of customers, hence advertising might not appeal to some consumers.


3.2 Awareness, attention and perception Kikki-k should expose its consumers to their offerings and values in order to deliver brand awareness. “this brand inspires passion”. The








The chosen target market where all females aged from 15 to 25 years are concerned about behaving in an organized professional manner and are also more technologically advanced. To keep the target markets informed, they have exposed their brand to high branding levels, store designs, advertisements and so on.

Since consumers are aware of the existence of the brand, a certain level of attention should be given. To attract more consumers, they use promotional offers. Flash sales, 50% off sales and joining their club and becoming a member to get a discount are all relevant to consumers in a personal way in order to promote a sense of belonging in order to grab their attention. Such promotions are mostly popular on Instagram, Facebook and the company website. In the case of special events such as mother’s and father’s days, they have special promotions which are intensively promoted on their website and their Facebook page. They also try their best to make the consumer experience very pleasant by playing music in the background.

To perceive the stimulus, they should first of all assess what kind of a difference they would need to bring about in terms of attributed when compared with their competitors. They have tried their best to influence the senses of their customers. They have already appealed the vision by choosing the correct sizes and shapes for their products. Also the font and colours used are vivid and attractive.


The instore layout makes it easier for communication in this case. Also the fresh smell of paper and ink can be very appealing to some consumers.

Strengths -

Consumers are able to skip and avoid advertisements


The young mothers might not have the time to explore social media platforms due to their busy home and work lifestyles.

Weaknesses -

Consumers are able to avoid these campaigns and promotions depending on their mood and availability of time.


Due to being already exposed to Kikki-k products all the time, they could choose to pay less attention or no attention at all to their advertisements.

3.3 brand knowledge The concept the company is trying to bring out when considering the target market is to have Kikki-k products readily available in all sizes, colours and types in order to suit the consumer’s preferences. The company has identified the different, eccentric schemas connected to various concepts and their company website and instore display shows consumers the different range of products on offer. Also efficient service satisfies consumers engaged in a busy schedule. Moreover, the ambience in store with pastel colours soothing for eyes and music makes it a positive experience. When a person longs for a stylish planner or diary in a certain size and colour, Kikki-k comes to mind as consumers now associate the brand with value for money products which are reliable and long lasting whereby favourability of associations is brought out in terms


of tactics used by Kikki-k to make their uniqueness stand out over rivals. Also they have spread as a franchise to few other countries (UK, USA, New Zealand, Australia and Singapore) which increases brand knowledge of the growing number of consumers over the world. Mitchell, S. (2016, September 13). Kikki-k raises capital to fund international


from They have addressed following schemas in terms of products, places, people, brands, services and experience in a positive way in order to deliver a positive brand schema. However, a negative schema might develop due to the price and customers might find it inconvenient to go in search of the stores in certain shopping centres. Kikki-k has been successful in bringing this concept to life by making favourable associations through advertising and promotions by which the consumer learns about the product if new features are introduced. Through successful promotions, Kikki-k comes to mind of most consumers as they are able to tell them apart from their rivals such as Smiggle and Typo by using the colours and designs.

Hence the owner of Kikki-k has brought out the importance of branding in such a manner.

Strengths -

Working women might not be aware of the promotions as they might be too busy to watch t.v. or listen to the radio.


Boosts sales due to consumers developing a positive schema of the brand due to brand loyalty and other favourable associations which are used to raise brand awareness.


Weaknesses -

Comments on social media show the technological issues faced by consumers when using the website. This would make them extremely unhappy and disappointed.


A negative comment could drive off potential future customers if inferences are formed negatively.

3.4 forming and changing attitudes “with so many new stores opening, it was important for us to choose a foolproof, lowmaintenance retail management system that would grow with us”

Kikki-k recognises the importance of current ongoing trends and has taken on a dynamic view focusing on changing attitudes to satisfy their consumers. The story behind the success of the company is the attitude- related tactics used. They make realistic claims about their offerings, guaranteeing to deliver quality products. Social media and e-mails are used as well since most consumers that fall within the target market are technological enthusiasts. The age group of the target market belongs to the Generations Y and Z under the ager cohorts recognized in Australia. Hence it is important to understand that consumers belonging to these segments tend to be less brand loyal due to their changing attitudes towards products/services. Although a brand plays a vital role they are constantly on the lookout for novel products, eager to be ahead of the fashion curve focusing on price and quality. Hence it is vital to keep prices of their products at an affordable level.




Evolvement of technology has influenced changing habits and Kikkik has tactfully identified this and used social media and other channels to grow and attract more customers

Weaknesses -

Consumers can choose not to receive emails


Some consumers are not very updated with technology to use social media

3.5 influencing customers’ decision making process

Kikki-k has influenced customer decision making processes through marketing its offerings via communication tools in each stage of the consumer decision making process respectively. In the problem identification stage the discrepancy between the ideal and the actual state of the consumer makes them decide. Hence through word of mouth, other forms of advertising and online tools they have managed to influence consumers positively. They have also used people to make videos as to how to use their products, to address the self-concept of consumers to create an ideal self which will motivate consumers to buy more of their products in order to use it in the same creative way as in the video In the information search stage, the motivation level of consumers is supported by the degree of time, level of branding and their experience. Kikki-k has provided excellent service in order to generate memories related to satisfactory experience which would motivate their internal search for information and word of mouth promotion as well. Also television, radio, blogs, reviews and the company website has been used in order to influence and encourage the decision making process. Also they are simple, easy and not time consuming. Since this age group is comfortable with technology the company has been tactful. In the judgement and decision making stage the company has used branding on their products which is attractive, simple and an easier way of motivating consumers who have low motivation when making a decision. Lastly when considering the post


purchase evaluation, they have used public forums such as Facebook, Instagram and blogs to gain feedback from consumers on their experience and correct mistakes.

Strengths -

Using people from our day to day lives will attract more consumers as it is relatable


Reviews can be used to correct the negative aspects


Negative feedback on public forums may harm brand name.


Word of mouth, if spread by a consumer who has had a bad


experience will create bad publicity and discourage consumers

4.0 recommendations With regards to research carried out Kikki-k needs to focus on key criteria in order to continue being the market leader in the industry. They should develop an alternative to diaries so that consumers would not feel like it is a waste to buy it at any point of the year. Especially since consumers are unlikely to purchase a diary at the end of a year. They should increase the pay of employees to avoid criticism online which would drive off consumers who are concerned about corporate social responsibility. In addition, the price of a planner may be high and they should introduce student discounts. The need to keep technical mishaps to a minimum regarding the website and online orders. Lastly they need to keep moving into more foreign markets since the Australian market is saturated and sales are unlikely to increase anymore.


5.0 conclusion It is a must for Kikki-k to build positive associations in terms of linking consumers to their offerings to continue being the dominant market leader in this industry where consumers in the target market are all for quality, stylish products and living a hectic lifestyle. Also they should focus on areas apart from the shopping centres they are currently at. Furthermore, they need to expand and grow into more international markets as the Australian market is saturated. In conclusion, if Kikki-k maintains their effective communication strategies and product development, they would be successful in attracting new consumers and retaining the current consumer base while continuing to be the market leader.


6.0 references Kikki-k.(n.d). retrieved October 1, 2016, from

The human touch – kikki.k brand profile (2012, January 1), from

The human touch (n.d.) (2012, January 1), from

Mitchell, S. (2016, September 13). Kikki-k raises capital to fund international expansion, from


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