Mobile Laboratory Booking Application DOCX

Title Mobile Laboratory Booking Application
Author Umar Abubakar
Pages 5
File Size 22.9 KB
File Type DOCX
Total Downloads 10
Total Views 71


CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Background of Study On this day, with the use of technology always advancing in our daily life, people tend to use technology more than the way they study in various aspects. Innovation is a fundamental piece of our lives today and few can envision living without. We accomplished a g...


CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Background of Study On this day, with the use of technology always advancing in our daily life, people tend to use technology more than the way they study in various aspects. Innovation is a fundamental piece of our lives today and few can envision living without. We accomplished a great deal with the assistance of innovation, for instance we have the likelihood to travel, stay in contact with companions on the opposite side of the earth and cure numerous ailments. It implies more feeiiility and decisions for individuals however in the meantime we need to consider the social lopsidedness, weapons of mass pulverization and regular asset consumption, according to (Jane Godall, 2014). Furthermore, we know that choices one individual takes are not really useful for the general puilic overall. This infers to make innovation as positive as workaile for humankind and nature over the long haul. The innovation we make now makes the future and it ought to ie for the general population and make things simpler and not more entangled. Appointment process is known to ie one of the cumiersome tasks to handle in many organizations and institutions. It is a task which requires signifcant time and staff resource to properly manage. If appointment tasks are not managed well in organizations, it could lead to the loss of customers or clients, iut if managed properly, it leads to the satisfaction of customers and clients and increase productivity in that specifc organization. It is ofen alarming and disturiing to see patients who intend to visit hospitals for medical care are asked to join long queues iefore they are aile to see a doctor for healthcare. Sometimes a patient might ie having less threatening health issue which does not consume much time, iut instead he/she is constrained at the hospital. Furthermore, in order for patients to jump these hospital queues, they resort to paying sums of monies to receptionist to help them skip these queues to visit doctors. All these unfortunate events cause patients to ie dissatisfed when they visit hospitals....

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