Modern History Mains Sample Notes - Shreyans Kumat PDF

Title Modern History Mains Sample Notes - Shreyans Kumat
Author swati singh
Course History of India-IV (c. 1206-1550)
Institution University of Delhi
Pages 5
File Size 202.2 KB
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STRANDS IN NATIONAL MOVEMENT Princely States 1. (1764-97) Development of residency system 2. (1798-1840) – Aggressive expansionism – Subsidiary Alliance 3. (1841-57) – Direct Annexation – Doctrine of Lapse 4. After 1857 – Queen’s Proclamation ‘respect the rights, dignity and honor of native princes as our own’ Indian National Movement & Princely states Fact – 562 states, 2/5th territory, ~25% populace 1) Nagpur Session (1920) – called upon princes for responsible govt. + people can join Congress; cannot start political work in its name 2) Chamber of Princes – Act of 1919 3) NCM – Praja Mandals in Baroda, Jamnagar, Indore 4) 1927 – AISPC founded in Bombay by Balwant Rai Mehta and others 5) AISPC was first to demand Indian federation; Nehru Report (28) pleaded the same; Butler Committee (29) suggested constitutional change if people demanded 6) Act of 1935 – All India Federation; 1/3 rd of Federal Legislature – Nominee of Princes 7) Haripura Congress (38) – extended support to Praja Mandal Movement but not organizational Support 8) JLN became President of AISPC (39) 9) Tripuri Congress (39) – support to Praja Mandal – Joint Action

Socialist and Indian National Movement Early Congress Dadabhai Naoroji: close links with British Socialists; attended Intl Socialist Conference 1904 After NCM Nehru’s sojourn to Europe - Participated in International Congress against Colonial Oppression and Imperialism 1927 - Visit to Soviet Union 1927 – impressed by novel experiments and social reconstruction SC Bose (through CR Das) realized – India should secure ‘swaraj of masses & not of classes’ 1928 – Independence for India League as pressure group with in Congress - Counter Dominion Status - Plead for complete independence - Indian republic on socialist lines After CDM - Nehru worked with peasantry, Bose with working class – both influenced youth, students and underprivileged 1934 – Congress Socialist Party by JP Narayan etc. - Inside the fold of Congress - Prime objective to replace congress leadership by socialist one (Meerut thesis) - Nehru & Bose as source of inspiration - 15 point programme for a socialist society o Right to form own constitution o Abolition of private property Gandhi resigned from Congress citing growing socialism

Near Independence 1) Cabinet Mission – Paramountcy would QIM lapse; Option to remain independent 2) Plan Balkan – liberty to join confederation or remain independent 3) Mountbatten’s persuasion to accede to India – sign IOA – Surrender – Communication, Diplomacy and Defense Integration of Indian states in Indian Union lessened the suffering of people inflicted by Partition and halted the process of Balkanization

Shreyans Kumat (AIR 4) -

Came close to Gandhi Sustained the movement & organized ‘Azad Dasta’ – network of underground resistance Widened the concept of non-violence: attack on govt symbols and property not part of violent struggle

Failed to carve out a distinct ideological niche but their efforts speaks a lot for their innovative and independent thinking

STRANDS IN NATIONAL MOVEMENT Women British wanted to educated Indian women: - Civil Servant’s wife - Loyal sons 1) Pioneer women a. Pandita Ramabai (Arya Mahila Sj) b. Sister Subalakshmi (Sharda Union) c. Begum Rokeya Hussian d. Tarabai Shide (Satyasodhak Sj) 2) Mother figure as national idea a. Bande Matram in Anandmath b. Bharat Mata (AN Tagore) 3) Swadeshi – Sarla Devi Chaudhrani – Bharat Stree Mahamandal 1904 4) NCM – low participation a. Basanti Devi & other courted arrest 5) CDM – participation most organised in Bombay, most militant in Bengal and limited in Madras; Sarojini Naidu led Dharsana salt depot raid; Rani Guidilu 6) QIM – significant participation a. Sucheta Kriplani coordinated nonviolent resistance b. Aruna Asaf Ali – underground activites 7) INA – Lakshmi Sehgal 8) Revolutionaries – Bina Das attemped assassination on Gov of Bengal (32); Kalpana Dutta in Chittagong Raid Why response to Gandhi’s appeal? - Appealed to women – service to nation a part of their religion duty - Non-violence & truth - respectable image of women - support from male guardians Organizations Women’s Indian Asso (by AB + MC) ’17 Madras AIWC – by MC for Education ‘27 Act of 1935 gave reserved seats in legislature

Shreyans Kumat (AIR 4) -

Workers’ Movement - Sorabjee Shapoorji Bengalee – first activist - Narayan Meghjee - Dinbankli; Bombay Mill & Millhands Association (1890) Early Nationalists - wanted to maintain the unity of movement & didn’t favor class organization - Favored quick & rapid industrialization Swadeshi – BC Pal, GS Aiyar – unionize & fight for rights Strikes were called when leaders arrested (Tilak) Gandhi - Ahmedabad Mill ‘18 - Strikes by workers for Rowlatt, NCM 1920 – AITUC by NM Joshi; Lalaji (President) - Got boost with communist movement - 6 month strike in Bombay Textile Mill (‘28) - Workers’ & Peasants’ Party with many branches Govt’s counter Coercion – Public Safety Act, Trade Disputes Act, Meerut Conspiracy Case Concessions – Royal Labour Commission Split in 1929 – Later AITUC – Communist ITUC – Congress Hind Majdoor Sabha – Socialist Workers maintained cultural dual self (peasant + worker) & was divided on lines of religion & caste Hence, Workers’ action was motivated by community consciousness rather than class consciousness

PERSONALITIES C Rajgopalachari Ideology 1) Mixed partly conservative (societal issues) and partly liberal (economic issues) 2) Gandhi loyalist 3) Against socialist principles – formed Swatantra Party (1959) 4) Wanted to reinstate Varna system 5) Favored Hindi as the national language 6) Religious Education in school 7) Believed Society cannot not be completely freed from religion 8) Opposed QIM 9) Opposed all kinds of nuclear weapons 10) Acc. to him, political freedom & social justice cannot exist w/o economic freedom Contributions 11) Salt Satyagraha in TN during CDM 12) CR Plan 13) Involved in Vaikom Satygrah 14) As Premier of the Madras - Temple Entry Authorization and Indemnity Act 1939 15) Founded Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan promotion of education and Indian culture. 16) Translated Mahabahrata & Ramayna in English; composer of Carnatic Music 17) Coined the term “permit-quota-license raj Positions & Awards 18) Last Governor-General of India 19) Recipient of 1st Bharat Ratna 20) Home Minister 21) CM of Madras 1952-54

Shreyans Kumat (AIR 4) -

Swami Vivekananda Ideology & Contribution 1) Supported Varna System for its advantages – division of labor and excellence in profession but opposed Untouchability 2) His nationalism is associated with spiritualism - linked India’s regeneration to her age-old tradition of spiritual goal. 3) His nationalism is based on Humanism and Universalism 4) He taught people to get rid first of selfinflicted bondages and resultant miseries 5) Unlike western nationalism which is secular in nature, Swami Vivekananda’s nationalism is based on religion which is life blood of the Indian people. 6) He established motherland as the only deity to be worshiped in the mind and heart of countrymen. 7) Social Service - Jiva is Shiva (each individual is divinity itself) 8) Education - "If the poor cannot come to education, education must reach them at the plough, in the factory, everywhere…so they would have ideas and morality, and hope for better." 9) Sports - You will be nearer to heaven through Football than through the study of the Bhagvad Gita

Sarojini Naidu Bhagat Singh 1) Nightingale of India 1) a charismatic Indian Social revolutionary 2) Inter-Caste Marriage with Govindrajulu died at the young age of 23 Naidu 2) Singh did not believe in the Gandhian 3) President Congress INC 1925, first Indian ideology—which advocated Satyagraha and women president other forms of non-violent resistance, and felt 4) Awarded Kaisar-i-hind medal by British that such politics would replace one set of government for her work during plague exploiters with another. epidemic in India 3) In favour of communism & anarchism i.e. 5) Travelled across the country and absence of ruler or a state, however he never encouraged people to join - especially joined communist party of India inspiring for the women: can be credited 4) Saunders murder, Legislative Assembly with bringing them out of the kitchen and bomb, Political prisoners hunger strike, into the national consciousness HSRA, Prosecution, 6) participated in the round-table conference 5) Atheist with Gandhi and Madan Mohan Malaviya 6) "It is easy to kill individuals but you cannot 7) Participated in CDM, Quit India, Nonkill the ideas. Great empires crumbled, while cooperation and Dharasana Salt Satyagraha the ideas survived." 8) Her literary work purely indians and portrayed festivals, occupations and life of the Indians praised by Tagore and Gokhale 9) Governor of UP 10) Hindu Muslim Unity; Praised Jinnah 11) Famous Work: Golden Threshold, The Bird of Time With the passage of time, she and other greats like her are mostly forgotten. The vagaries of time and inevitability of death are best described in her own words: “Dream yields to dream, strife follows strife, And Death unweaves the webs of Life.”

Shreyans Kumat (AIR 4) -

MM Malviya Annie Beasant 1) Conservative, both socially and politically 1) British socialist a. Politically, Malaviya believed in 2) Theosophist constitutionalism and opposed 3) Women’s rights activist Gandhi’s Non-Cooperation 4) Writer and orator Movement 5) Freedom Movement - Supporter of Irish b. Party founded, the Hindu Mahasabha and Indian self-rule did not participate in the Quit India a. 1916 - Launched HRL - modeled movement of 1942 demands for India on Irish nationalist practices. 2) an educationist with a vision (established Banaras Hindu University) b. League worked all year round. c. It built a structure of local branches, 3) Considered Boycotting educational institutes enabling it to mobilize was antithetical to the nation’s interests demonstrations, public meetings and a. During the Quit India Movement of agitations. 1942, when Bapu asked students to d. 1917 - Arrested and interned at a boycott schools, Malaviya publicly hill station, where she defiantly flew expressed his displeasure a red and green flag 4) A social reformer 6) Education - sought to create a new a. important role in introducing the approach that honored India's spiritual and concept of “reconversion” to cultural traditions Hinduism b. Malaviya submitted his famous Memorandum (“Court Character and Primary Education in North-Western Provinces and Oudh) 1900 which permitted the use of Nagari characters alongside Persian in the courts of the North-Western Provinces. 5) An ardent journalist (The Leader), 6) Reluctant but effective lawyer (Chauri Chaura) 7) A successful parliamentarian and an outstanding statesman a. one of the signatories of Poona pact b. President of INC 8) Bharat Ratna (2014) Mahatma Gandhi considered him to be his conscience-keeper and called him his elder brother on public platforms Rabindranath Tagore honoured him with the encomium ‘Mahamana’ (a luminous mind and magnanimous heart).

Shreyans Kumat (AIR 4) -

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