Module 1 Dual Stunts PDF

Title Module 1 Dual Stunts
Course Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Institution Saint Louis University Philippines
Pages 12
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FIT CS Combative Stunts Dual Stunts Introduction Activities involving balance, agility, strength, flexibility, coordination, and endurance have appeal for all but particularly for those of the intermediate and upper-age groups. They provide the opportunity for the student to measure his own potentialities as well as compare his accomplishment with those of his classmates. The suggested stunts and athletic events require little or no equipment and are comparatively free from hazards; adherence to correct form will simplify the teaching and encourage more satisfying accomplishments. General Objectives: At the end of the unit, the students are expected to: 1. develop poise through participation in big muscle activity; 2. develop the sensory muscular system; 3. participate in a satisfying physical activity offering opportunity for accomplishment in the manipulation of the body; 4. enlarge the range of knowledge and develop desirable mental habits and techniques; 5. participate in an activity providing recreation; 6. participate in an activity providing opportunities for the development of desirable social relations and reactions; and 7. develop desirable character traits as initiative, courage, and desire for accomplishment, leadership and fellowship through practicing the social graces discussed. Self-Testing Activities Specific Objectives: 1. Provide opportunities to stress good posture and muscular control 2. Develop cooperation and responsibility and quick responses to signal 3. Acquire discipline, orderliness and group unity Scope 1. 2. 3. 4.

Stunts Tumbling Gymnastics Pyramid building


Stunts and tumbling activities involve balance, agility, strength, flexibility, coordination and endurance. They serve as a medium for the student potentialities and progress as well as measure of comparing his own accomplishments with those of his peers. Values of Stunts and Tumbling Stunts and tumbling develop: a. poise in vigorous large muscle activity b. bodily skills in varied activities c. coordination, strength, flexibility, agility, balance and rhythmic skills d. respect for the strength and weaknesses of others e. awareness of the need for cooperation f. safety consciousness g. resourcefulness, originality, courage, and self-confidence h. broadened the physical, mental and social resources of the individual I. STUNTS. Stunts are activities in the form of play that test one's agility, flexibility, balance, strength, coordination, and endurance. Stunts can also be activities that serve as conditioning exercises and can also be introduction to some gymnastics skills and tumbling skills. Classifications of Stunts a. Individual Stunts. These are stunts performed by one person. b. Dual/Couple Stunts. These are stunts performed by two persons c. Group Stunts. These are stunts performed by three or more persons. d. Combative Stunts. These are stunts where two performers or more scrap or fight each other showing strength, balance, agility, and endurance.

A. The following are the examples of couple /dual stunts. PE Dept. STEH SMU 2

1. Wring the Dish Cloth. Partners 1 should stand face to face and join hands. (2) Partners raise one pair of arms (number 1 raise left hand and number 2 raises right hand or vice versa), and lower the pair of arms.(3) Partners turn under raised arms and end to a back-to-back position. (4) Partners shift the arms raising the other pair of arms. They turn under the newly raised arms to come face- to- face again. (5) Repeat the whole turn a number of times.

2. Twister / Greetings. Partners stand face to face and shake hands right to the right. They hold this hand grasp throughout the stunt. No. 1 lifts leg, swings it over joined hands to finish with back to No. 2. No. 2 lifts right leg, swings it over joined hands to come back-to-back with No. 1. No.1 lifts right leg, turns to right, swing leg over No. 2’s body to finish facing No. 2. No. 2 lifts leg, swings it to left over 1’s head to finish facing No.1 as in starting position. Continue twister several times.

3. Bouncing Ball. No. 1 (the ball) takes a squat position, weight on balls of feet, arms clasped around knees. No. 2 stands beside No. 1. No.2 bounces the ball by gently tapping No. 1 on the back. No. 1 bounces by springing on the floor with the feet. No. 1 keeps as completely curled as possible throughout the stunt. The spring is continued rhythmically while the bouncer taps the “ball”.

4. Chinese Get-up. Partners stand back-to-back. No. 1 reaches back and locks elbows with 2. Each braces back against each other’s back. With small steps, they walk a little away from the partner and sink to floor. They finish sitting back-to-back, legs PE Dept. STEH SMU 3

outstretched on the floor. To rise, partners should keep the arms locked, bend the knees, and bring the feet close to the body. Each brace feet against the floor back and against partner’s back, extend legs and come to a standing position. Partners continue sitting and rising several times.

5. Double Walk. Base and top stand face-to-face. To stands diagonally across base’s insteps. Base and top grasp each other’s upper arms; base walks forward. Top shifts weight as base walks so that base can get his foot off the floor.

6. Rocker. Partners sit on the floor facing each other. No. 1 keeps legs together, flexes knees and slides feet under No. 2. No. 2 sits on No. 1’s feet, keeps legs to the outside of No. 1’s legs, flexes knees and slides feet under No. 1. No. 1 then sits on No. 2’s feet. Partners flex knees to get as close together as possible. They grasp each other’s shoulders. No. 1 rocks back, pulls No. 2 forward by the shoulders and lifts his body off the floor. No. 1 keeps feet in contact with No. 2 while No. 2 is off the floor. No 2 rocks back and pull No.1 off the floor. Partners continue the rocker action back and forth.

7. Scooter. Partners sit on each other’s feet as in rocker. They grasp partner’s shoulders. No. 1 leans back and keeps feet in contact with No. 2. No. 2 leans forward to a semi-standing position. No. 2 leans back to sit down. No. 1 extends legs before No. 2 reaches the floor. No. 2 sits as No.1 rocks forward, flexes the legs to bring No. 1 close. No. 1 again rocks to floor and extends the knees. Partners PE Dept. STEH SMU 4

continue rocking with extension and flexion of the knees as above to make forward progress.

8. Churn the Butter. Base and top stand back-to-back, reach back and lock elbows. Base bends forward from the hips. As base bends forward, top gives a slight spring from the mat; leans back on the base, and lift legs up at the right angles to the body. Base straightens up. Top drops feet to the mat to return to standing position. Top then becomes the base and the action continues as above. Partners repeat several times, alternating as base and top.

9. Wheelbarrow. The top, the lighter partner, is the wheelbarrow; the base is the lifter. Top, places hands on the floor, shoulders a distance apart, knees straight and weight on hands and feet. Base takes position between top’s knees and lifts his legs off the floor as though lifting the handles of a wheelbarrow. Top, in semi-inverted PE Dept. STEH SMU 5

position, walks forward on hands keeping the back straight. Base holds top’s legs and

moves forward as though pushing a wheelbarrow. To finish, base releases top’s legs one at a time.

10. See-Saw. Form a hook sitting position, feet together, holding each other’s hands. One partner goes to lying hook’s position while the other partner stands to bend forward. Repeat with the other partner standing.

11. Jump Over. One partner stands with hands on knees, trunk bend forward. The other partner jumps over the back of No. 1.


12. Double Bear. Bottom man is in four-base position. Top man assumes the same position directly above with hands on shoulders and knees on the hips of the man. Touch up the final position by holding the heads up and back straight.

13. Table. Bottom performer assumes a crab position. Top performer straddles base facing to the rear, and positions his hands on base shoulders, fingers pointing toward the feet. His feet now are place on the base’s knees forming one crab position on top of another. As the final touch, the heads are positioned so that the eyes are looked up toward the ceiling or sky and the sits lifted so that backs are straight.


14. Statue. The first performer gets down on crab position. The second performer straddles one foot facing the performer in crab position. With the help of the base performer in turn he is standing erect. Hold for few seconds. Partners should be facing each other. Do not have the top performer mount with his back toward the base performer mount with his back toward the base performer mount with his back. Spotters are important here and should not be eliminated until the stunt is mastered.

15. Light House. The base performer is in four-base position. Top performer completed the figure by standing on the shoulders of the base facing the same direction. He stands erect with hands out to the sides. Note: Have the base turn around in a small circle with the partner keeping his stands balance.

16. Hop-Shoulder Stand. The base performer is in four-base position. With his hands positioned outward so that his back is level. Top performer faces to the sides and step up, first with one foot on supports hips, following with the other on his shoulders. A spotter should stand on the opposite side and aid in mounting.


17. Back-Layout. The base performer lies on his back with arms outstretched, palms up for support. His legs are raised and his feet position as if pushing up the ceiling. He bends his knees and his partner lies back, resting his back on support soles. Thus the top performer is balanced in laying position with arms out to the sides for balanced and body in a slight curve. A spotter should aid in positioning the top performer.


Name: _______________________________________

Date: _____________

Group: __________ Class Schedule: ______________

Score: ____________

Worksheet 7 Dual Stunts Students will perform 5 dual stunts and be guided by the following suggested rubrics.

Dual Stunts

Proper Execution(15)



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. *This can be used for individual or group evaluation.

__________________________________ Instructor’s Signature over Printed Name

PE Dept. STEH SMU 10

B. The following are examples of combative stunts. 1. Rooster Fight

2. Tug Of War

3. Indian Wrestle

4. Three Partners – One Jump Over

Activities: The students will choose 5 individual, 5 dual and 3 group stunts to master. Practical examination will be administered after mastery. Evaluation: Practical Examination Name: _______________________________________

Date: _____________ PE Dept. STEH SMU 11

Group: __________ Class Schedule: ______________

Score: ____________

Worksheet 8 Group and Combative Stunts Students will perform 4 group stunts and be guided by the following suggested rubrics.

Group Stunts

Proper Execution(15)



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. *This can be used for individual or group evaluation.

__________________________________ Instructor’s Signature over Printed Name

PE Dept. STEH SMU 12...

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