Module 2 Self test Biol1593 TRU BIOL 1593 PDF

Title Module 2 Self test Biol1593 TRU BIOL 1593
Author Kiran Jeet
Course Anatomy and Physiology I
Institution Thompson Rivers University
Pages 13
File Size 351.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Discuss enzyme function. Feedback Enzymes are biological catalysts that have specific “active” binding rates for certain substrates. Enzymes lower the energy of activation so that reactions in the cell can occur at appropriate rates. (See Objective 13 in this module.) Question text Fill in the blank...



Discuss enzyme function. Feedback Enz yme sar ebi ol ogi c alc a t al ys t st ha tha ves pe c i fic“ a c t i ve ”bi ndi ngr a t e sf orc e r t a i n s ubs t r a t e s .Enz yme sl owe rt hee ne r gyofac t i va t i ons ot ha tr e a c t i onsi nt hec e l lc anoc c ur a tappr opr i a t er a t e s . ( Se eObj e c t i ve13i nt hi smodul e . ) Question text Fill in the blanks with the name in Column I, and the chemical symbol in Column II. Column I S Na Mg Fe

Column II Potassium Chlorine Hydrogen Carbon

Feedback Col umnICol umnI I S=Sul f e rPot a s s i um =K Na=Sodi um Chl or i ne=Cl Mg=Ma gne s i um Hydr oge n=H Fe=I r onCar bon=C ( Pa ge s22–2 3;Tabl e2. 1 ) Question text List the four elements that make up about 96% of our body weight:

A: B: C: D: Feedback a )Car bon b)Hydr oge n c )Oxyge n


d)Ni t r oge n ( Pa ge s22–2 3;Tabl e2. 1 ) Question text What is a radioactive isotope? Feedback Ar a di o a c t i v ei s o t o pei sa ni s ot opet ha ti suns t a bl ea nde mi t sr adi a t i ona si tbr e a ksdown. ( Se eObj e c t i ve1i nt hi smodul e . ) Question text Define the term lipid. Feedback Li pi dsi nc l udemos toft hes ubs t anc e st ha tar ei ns ol ubl ei nwa t e rbuts ol ubl ei nnonpol ar s ol ve nt ss uc ha sc hl or of or m ore t he r . ( Pa ge s30–3 3;Obj e c t i ve11i nt hi smodul e ) Question text What is an isotope? Feedback I s o t o p e sar ea t omsoft hes amee l e me ntt ha tdi ffe rs l i ght l yi nma s s .Di ffe r e nti s ot ope sof t hes amee l e me ntha vet hes a menumbe rofpr ot ons ,butmor eorl e s sne ut r ons . ( Se eObj e c t i ve1i nt hi smodul e . ) Question text Give the approximate pH of the following: A: Gastric juice B: Tomato juice C: Blood D: Milk of magnesia A: B: C: D: Feedback pH


a. b. c. d.

Gas t r i cj ui c e1 . 2 –3 . 0 Toma t oj ui c e4 . 2 Bl ood7 . 3 5– 7. 4 5 Mi l kofma gne s i a1 0. 5

( Pa ge2 9 ;Fi g.2 . 7 ) Question text How is ATP the “energy currency” of the cell? Feedback ATPr e l e as e se ne r gys t or e di ni t st wohi ghe ne r gyphos pha t ebonds . ( Pa ge3 7 ) Question text What is a covalent bond? Provide an example of a covalently-bonded molecule. Feedback Ac o va l e ntb o ndi sas t r ongbondbe t we e na t omsi nwhi c ht he ys har eoneormor e e l e c t r ons .Wa t e ri sa ne x ampl eofc ova l e ntbondi ng. ( Pa ge2 4 –25;Fi g.2. 5) Question text Define the term salt, and give an example. Feedback Whe nputi nwa t e r ,as a l ti sas ubs t anc et ha tdi s s oc i a t e si nt oc a t i onsanda ni onsne i t he r ofwhi c hi s( H+)or( OH) .Ane xa mpl eofas a l ti ss odi um c hl or i de . ( Pa ge2 8 –29) Question text Identify the monosaccharides, and give three common examples. Feedback Mo no s a c c h a r i d e sa r et hes i mpl es uga r smadeupofc a r bon,hydr oge n,a ndoxyge n. Exampl e sar egl uc os e ,f r uc t os e ,a ndde oxyr i bos e . ( Pa ge3 0 ) Question text What are nucleotides?


Feedback Nuc l e o t i de sar et hebui l di ngbl oc ksofnuc l e i ca c i ds .Nuc l e ot i de sa r ema deupofa ni t r oge nbas e ,ape nt os es ugar ,a ndoneormor ephos pha t egr oups . ( Pa ge3 5 ;Fi g.2 . 1 5) Question text What is a buffer? Feedback Ab uffe ri sac ombi na t i onofc he mi c a l st ha tmi ni mi ze sc ha nge si nt hepH ofas ol ut i on whe na c i dsorba s e sa r ea dde d. ( Pa ge s29–3 0) Question text What is an electrolyte? Feedback Ane l e c t r o l y t ei sas ubs t anc es uc ha sas a l t ,a na c i d,orabas e ,t ha t ,whe nputi nwa t e r di s s oc i a t e sori oni ze si nt oi ons .I ns ol ut i on,e l e c t r ol yt e sc onduc tane l e c t r i cc ur r e nt . ( Pa ge2 4 ) Question text Diagram and label the structures of a typical atom. Feedback Energy levels Proton (P+) Nucleus: Neutrons (No) Electron (E-) (Pages 23–24; Figs. 2.1, 2.2) Question text Identify three important types of lipids and their functions:

A: B: C: Feedback


a )Tr i gl yc e r i de s― e ne r gys t or a ge b)Phos phol i pi ds― me mbr anes t r uc t ur e c )St e r oi ds― hor mone sme mbr anes t r uc t ur e ( Pa ge s30–3 2) Question text All living and non-living things consist of ____________________. Feedback Ma t t e r ( Pa ge2 1 ) Question text What kind of a net charge is carried by a cation? Feedback Ac a t i o ni sapos i t i ve l yc ha r ge di on. ( Pa ge2 4 ) Question text Define the meaning of the term pH. Feedback p Hi same as ur eoft hehydr oge ni onc onc e nt r a t i onofas ol ut i on. ( Pa ge2 9 ) Question text How does RNA differ from DNA chemically and physically? Feedback Che mi c al l y ,t heRNA nuc l e ot i de sar ema deupoft hes uga rr i bos e ,whe r e asDNA nuc l e ot i de sa r emadeupofde oxyr i bos e .Phys i c al l y ,RNAi sus ual l yas i ngl e s t r a nde d mol e c ul e ,whe r e asDNA i sus ual l ydoubl e s t r ande d.RNA us e st heni t r oge nousba s e s a de ni ne ,c yt os i ne ,gr ani ne ,andur a c i l ;whe r e a sDNA us e st heni t r oge nousba s e s a de ni ne ,c yt os i ne ,gua ni ne ,andt hymi ne . ( Pa ge s35–3 6;Tabl e2. 2 ) Question text


What are the four chemical groups of an amino acid?

A: B: C: D: Feedback a )Hydr oge n b)Ami ne c )Car boxyl d)Si dec hai n( Rgr oup) ( Pa ge3 3 ;Fi g.2 . 1 3) Question text List four functions of water that make it useful in the body:

A: B: C: D: Feedback a )Wa t e ri sagoods ol ve nt . b)Wa t e rpa r t i c i pa t e si nc he mi c alr e ac t i onsvi t a lt oc e l l s . c )Wa t e rabs or bshe a twi t houts i gni fic ant l yc hangi ngt e mpe r a t ur e . d)Wa t e ra c t sa sal ubr i c ant . ( Pa ge2 8 ) Question text What is an ionic bond? Give an example of an ionically-bonded molecule. Feedback Ani o ni cb o ndi sawe akbondbe t we e nt wooppos i t e l yc ha r ge di ons .Thebondbr e aks whe nt hemol e c ul ei spl a c e di nwa t e r .Ane xa mpl ei ss odi um c hl or i de( t abl es al t ) . ( Pa ge2 4 ;Fi g.2 . 4 ) Question text Describe the structure of DNA.


Feedback DNAi sal ar gemol e c ul ec ons i s t i ngoft wohe l i c a l l ywoundc hai nsofnuc l e ot i de s .The t woc hai nsar ehe l dt oge t he rbyhydr oge nbondi ngbe t we e nt heni t r oge nousba s epai r s —a de ni nea ndt hymi ne ,a ndc yt os i nea ndgr a ni ne . ( Pa ge3 5 ;Fi g.2 . 1 5) Question text Describe hydrogen bonds, and give two examples of their importance in cells. Feedback Hyd r o g e nb o nd sar ee xt r e me l ywe akbondsbe t we e nt woa t oms .The yar ei mpor t a ntf or gi vi ngpr ot e i nsa nde nzyme st he i rt hr e e di me ns i ona ls ha pe s ,bondi ngs pe c i al i z e d mol e c ul e ss uc ha shor mone sa ndr e c e pt or s ,a ndbi ndi nge nz yme st os ubs t r a t e s . ( Pa ge2 5 ) Question text Define the term base. Feedback Whe nputi nwa t e r ,ab a s ei sas ubs t a nc et ha tdi s s oc i a t e si nt ohydr oxyl( OH)i onsand oneormor ec a t i ons .A bas ea l s oc anbede s c r i be da sha vi ngt hec a pa c i t yt opi c kupone ormor ehydr oge n( H+)i ons . ( Pa ge2 8 ) Question text Define the term acid. Feedback Whe nputi nwa t e r ,ana c i di sas ubs t a nc et ha tdi s s oc i a t e si nt ohydr oge ni onsandoneor mor ea ni ons . ( Pa ge2 8 ) Question text What type of bonds hold water molecules together? Select one: a. Hydrogen bonds b. Covalent bonds c. Ionic bonds


d. Non-polar bonds e. Both b and d Feedback (Page 24-25; Fig 2.5e) The correct answer is: Covalent bonds Question text Which of the following is the most abundant inorganic substance in humans? Select one: a. Carbohydrate b. Lipid c. Oxygen d. Protein e. Water Feedback (Page 28) The correct answer is: Water Question text Which of the following would be the smallest in size? Select one: a. Atom b. Compound c. Electron d. Ion e. Proton Feedback (Page 21) The correct answer is: Electron Question text


Which element is needed for clotting and muscle contraction, and contributes to the hardness of teeth and bone? Select one: a. Calcium b. Hydrogen c. Iron d. Nitrogen e. Oxygen Feedback (Page 22; Table 2.1) The correct answer is: Calcium Question text Organic compounds always contain: Select one: a. Hydrogen and carbon. b. Oxygen and carbon. c. Iron and hydrogen. d. Zinc and oxygen. e. Iron and oxygen. Feedback (Page 28) The correct answer is: Hydrogen and carbon. Question text The more _____________ ions are present in a solution, the more basic the solution. Select one: a. Hydrogen b. Hydroxide c. Oxygen d. Neutral Feedback


(Page 29) The correct answer is: Hydroxide Question text ATP belongs to the category of compounds known as: Select one: a. Carbohydrates. b. Proteins. c. Lipids. d. Inorganic. e. Nucleic acids.

Feedback (Page 37) The correct answer is: Nucleic acids.

Question text An acid is a substance that dissociates in water into one or more _______ ions and one or more __________. Select one: a. Hydroxide/anions b. Hydroxide/cations c. Hydrogen/cations d. Hydrogen/anions Feedback (Page 28) The correct answer is: Hydrogen/anions Question text The atoms of the isotopes of a particular element vary in their number of: Select one:


a. Protons. b. Neutrons. c. Electrons. d. Protons and neutrons. Feedback (Page 21) The correct answer is: Neutrons. Question text Which of the following elements are found in carbohydrates? Select one: a. Carbon/iron/oxygen b. Zinc/hydrogen/iron c. Hydrogen/iron/carbon d. Oxygen/carbon/hydrogen e. Zinc/carbon/oxygen Feedback (Page 30) The correct answer is: Oxygen/carbon/hydrogen Question text In RNA, the base that is present instead of thymine is: Select one: a. Adenine. b. Cytosine. c. Guanine. d. Uracil. Feedback (Page 36; Table 2.2) The correct answer is: Uracil. Question text


Steroids are classified as: Select one: a. Carbohydrates. b. Lipids. c. Protein. d. Nucleotides. Feedback (Page 32) The correct answer is: Lipids. Question text Which of the following is not a trace element? Select one: a. Chromium b. Copper c. Fluorine d. Phosphorus e. Tin Feedback (Page 22; Table 2.1) The correct answer is: Phosphorus Question text The most plentiful lipid in the human body is: Select one: a. Glycolipid. b. Phosphoglyceride c. Prostaglandin. d. Steroid. e. Triglyceride. Feedback


(Page 30) The correct answer is: Triglyceride. Question text “Saturated fat” is saturated with: Select one: a. Aluminum. b. Carbon. c. Hydrogen. d. Iron. e. Oxygen. Feedback (Page 30) The correct answer is: Hydrogen. Question text Which of the following is considered to be neutral on the pH scale? Select one: a. Pure urine b. Pure water c. Pure blood d. Pure saliva e. Pure semen Feedback (Page 29; Fig. 2.7) The correct answer is: Pure water...

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