Module 3 Course Project Questions PDF

Title Module 3 Course Project Questions
Author Naomi Taylor
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Rasmussen University
Pages 3
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Medical history...


Module 03 Course Project: Medical History Each question is associated with the medical histories provided. Refer to these when answering each question. Please type your answer in the “Click here to enter text” space. Patient A – Eric Rodriguez 1. Eric reported a motor vehicle accident in his past medical history that involved his femur. What does the abbreviation before femur mean? The abbreviation Fx means fracture. 2. Which of Eric’s relatives has experienced a neurological health issue? Maternal Grandfather. 3. What type of neurologic injury does Eric report in the PMH related to his football career? Define this medical term. Multiple concussions. A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). It can occur after an impact to your head or after a whiplash-type injury 4. The abbreviation “BG” is used in the nutrition section of this PMH. What does “BG” mean in this context? This abbreviation means blood glucose. 5. One of Eric’s diagnoses is bipolar disorder. Identify the prefix in this word and its meaning. The prefix is Bi/ and means two. 6. Eric has a history of hypertension. What 3-letter abbreviation (besides HBP) could be used for this medical term? Medical term HTN means hypertension 7. The abbreviation “PE” is used under the objective heading for Eric’s visit in January. What is the appropriate meaning of PE in this objective heading? Meaning in this objective heading is physical examination 8.

Eric reported a major illness he had as a child, from which he fully recovered. What is the illness and what does it mean?

Meningitis and it is an inflammation or swelling of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord

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In the ROS section of this chart, Eric reports a neurological issue with both of his upper limbs. Find the medical term used here and define the term.

paresthesia in bilateral upper limbs and this means an abnormal sensation, typically tingling or pricking, caused chiefly by pressure on or damage to peripheral nerves. 10. In the subjective portion of this patient visit, the patient denies any “LOC and syncope.” What does LOC stand for in this context? In this context LOC stands for loss of consciousness. 11. Eric is being referred to a specialist. What type of specialist is recommended in this patient chart? Referred to psychiatrist. Patient B – Jaclyn M DeMonte 12. Under Family Health History, two of Jaclyn’s relatives had been diagnosed with an endocrine disorder affecting the adrenal glands? Which two relatives of Jaclyn had/have an endocrine disorder affecting the adrenal glands? Both her maternal and paternal grandmothers. 13. Jaclyn’s chief complaint is _______ and weight gain. (Identify and define the missing word.) Complains of lethargy meaning lack of energy and enthusiasm. 14. Jaclyn’s PCP ruled out mononucleosis. What does PCP stand for? Stands for primary care physician. 15. The most recent diagnosis for this patient is hypothyroidism. Identify and define the 3 word parts that make up this medical term. Hyp/o -- under, below, deficient Thyr/o -- Thyroid gland idi -- pelicular ism -- condition 16. Jaclyn has been prescribed a medication pending the results of her lab tests. What is the medical abbreviation of how often she would take this medication? Medicial abbreviation for how often is BID, twice daily. 17. Her family health history states that her father has experienced two diseases. Which of these would be considered an endocrine disorder? Type 2 diabetes is considered an endocrine disorder.

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18. Jaclyn experienced acute inflammation of which endocrine organ in July of 2006? Inflammation of the Acute pancreatitis 19. Her physician has ordered two lab tests and one imaging test. Name and briefly describe the imaging test ordered. Ultrasonography, sound waves directed at soft tissues and reflected “echoes” to produce an image on a monitor of an internal body structure. 20. Jaclyn may need to be referred to a specialist. What is the medical term for a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating endocrine disorders? An endocrinologist.

References You will primarily use your textbook as a reference this week. Provide a citation for your textbook (in APA format) here: Gylys, B., & Wedding, M. Medical terminology systems (7th ed.).

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