Module 3 NKU Disscussion PDF

Title Module 3 NKU Disscussion
Author Lakeisha Mitchell-Partridge
Course Managing in Organizations
Institution Northern Kentucky University
Pages 2
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1. For this discussion, I am going to be analyzing Scenario 1 “The Spring Fair Committee” 2. Of the “5 Dysfunctions” the most apparent dysfunction in this scenario is lack of commitment. The team didn’t have clarity and buy in with the theme “Countries of the World”, they weren’t in agreement when they left the meeting the month prior and they had harbored doubts. I highly doubt that those same team members are going to come to the next meeting with fresh ideas for better themes. (Callbrain) According to Lencioni, teams should be able to move forward and commit to a decision even if the group doesn’t fully support it. (Holt, 2020) Great teams must ensure consensus and certainty to overcome the lack of commitment dysfunction. (Lencioni, 2013) The scenario outlined that the decision was ‘easy’ and came without much debate, implying that other opposing ideas and options were not expressed. As a result, the team had to revisit the discussion again to determine the direction of the theme.

3. There are a few secondary issues in the Spring Fair Committee scenario. 

Fear of Conflict from “The 5 Dysfunctions” – This was created by the team when they failed to voice their concerns when the decisions were being made. The individuals have failed to build trust amongst themselves where they couldn’t engage in a healthy debate about their ideas for possible themes. In the scenario, two of the members did not mention that they didn’t like the idea until after the meeting, while one other waited until the next meeting to mention it at all. (Holt, 2020) Dysfunction through the fear of conflict leads to the main issue being the lack of commitment. (Lencioni, 2013) If there was Productive Conflict it would have allowed them to determine the best theme for the Spring Fair in a short amount of time.

Absence of Trust from “The 5 Dysfunctions” – The two members of the committee who are now against the theme were unwilling to be vulnerable within the group at the first meeting. (Lencioni, 2013) Whenever someone within a team is unwilling to be vulnerable it is almost impossible to build a foundation of trust as a leader. Now that another team member has joined their opinion, I am confident that they will not come to the next meeting prepared with better ideas. Dysfunction from the absence is what lead to both the main issue of the lack of commitment and the fear of conflict. (Lencioni, 2013)

Avoidance of Accountability- The whole team including the leader failed to commit to a clear plan of action and move on with an agreed upon theme. They were afraid to speak up against each other with their own ideas and the things they didn’t agree on. With them choosing that route and avoiding that difficult conversation that led them to mediocracy and resentment towards the committee members.

4. There are a few recommendations that I would implement as a leader to turn this team around. 

Deadlines – Before making deadlines, I would first make sure the team is happy with the goals and deadlines that have been set forth to make them feel more involved. After that is established, I would implement a strict deadline to ensure a theme is picked before time runs out. (Lencioni, 2013) Knowing that The Spring Fair is in March, the planning must start now because most of December gets lost to the holidays and January is too cold to hold meetings. If no one chose a theme or came up with better ideas when the deadline arrives, then I would stick with the “Countries of the World” theme. Deadlines will solve the main problem of the lack of commitment dysfunction. (Lencioni, 2013)

Cascading Messaging – At the end of each committee meeting, I would make sure we would review exactly what decisions have been made and make sure that everyone is on the same page with the decisions before the meeting is concluded. By doing this, each member will be on the same page about important decisions that are being implemented for the group. This will leave a consistent, clearly aligned agenda for the whole group. (Lencioni, 2013) This will lead to less hesitation in the future for when meetings are concluded. Cascading Messaging will help solve the main dysfunction which is lack of commitment. (Lencioni, 2013)

Self-Expression to help motivate- Based on how some of the committee members felt, I would implement more self-expression to the group. By doing this, the committee members will become more engaged with the Spring Fair event because they will have more motivation and pleasure in their tasks. (Cable, 2018) As a leader, I would encourage the committee members to play to their strengths, create opportunities to experiment, and help them personalize their tasks. (Cable, 2018) When you have a motivated committee, then the lack of commitment will subside which will then eliminate the fear of conflict and the absence of trust. The members will be more pleased with themselves, the group, and the event.

5. If I was the team’s leader, I would implement the informational power tactic. (French and Ravens Forms of Power, 2020) I would implement this Power tactic because providing information to the committee about the likelihood of the “Countries of the World” theme succeeding. This could be done by researching the other committees’ themes by analyzing and comparing them to the “Countries of the World” and see if it had the best success rate. If, this theme did not have the best success rate, I would recommend the theme that was concluded after research of having the most success. References Holt, J. (2020). Module 3: Discussion – A Team in Trouble. Retrieved September 2, 2020, from Lencioni, P. (2013) Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Retrieved September 2, 2020, from Chapter 28 in Management Skills, a Jossey-Bass reader. Cable, D (2018). Harvard Business Review – Why People Lose Motivation – and What Managers Can Do to Help. Retrieved September 3, 2020, from French and Raven’s Forms of Power (2020) - Changing Minds, online at:

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