My Personal Nursing Philosophy Paper PDF

Title My Personal Nursing Philosophy Paper
Author mohammad nour
Course Link For Nursing
Institution Georgia Perimeter College
Pages 6
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Abstract Nursing to me is very broad and it holds many meanings and descriptions. Yet, the basis we all agree on is one term "Care". Throughout this paper I will portray my philosophy of nursing, define nursing, and stress why nursing is important to the healthcare profession. Also, I will stress the importance of research and how it shapes the future of nursing. I believe that nursing is built around the desire to care and the commitment to deliver individualized care to patients. It is a fact that it is more complex than treating an acute illness. In my ICU experience; I learned that there is constant development in healthcare and it is important to stay up to date to achieve better patient outcomes. I stand behind holistic care and a crucial part of patient care includes interprofessional relationships and great team work to deliver quality patient care. I believe in nursing and I will continue to seek advancement in this outstanding career.



The definition of nursing cannot be simplified in one or two paragraphs. Whether it is providing care for patients, family members, or colleagues; nursing is all about care. From the beginning of time, nursing has been about caring for the less fortunate, the sick, the wounded, and providing aid through times of hardship. Today, nursing is so broad, and the definition of nursing has evolved through time. Yet, one basic aspect continues to pass on from generation to generation and that is "care". Therefore, I strongly believe that "care" is the definition of Nursing, a simple term that can encompasses many aspects of nursing. Nursing is much more than a career that you pick and practice. It is much more than treating the sick; it is rather a way of life. A life that combines the study of medicine and desire to respectfully care for patients. It is a set of beliefs, values, and actions that a committed person takes upon to deliver compassionate care. Nursing philosophy focuses on the empowerment of a patient and advocating for their right to control their care. I believe the core of nursing is serving the public and helping those in need. Nursing encompasses a very powerful term; empathy. According to Mercer and Reynolds "empathy involves the ability to understand the patient's situation, communicate your understanding and check its accuracy, and to act on that understanding in a helpful therapeutic way." (Mercer & Reynolds) Empathy is key to nursing philosophy because it truly makes a difference in a patient's outcome. When a nurse can understand and share feelings with his/her patient; it is truly a moment where a patient regains control of their care and is able to remain mentally healthy throughout their hospitalization. I believe that the basis of nursing philosophy revolves around the principle of respecting and treating every human in need with dignity. In able to achieve everything mentioned above; a nurse must strive to deliver evidenced based care through truly understanding the state of health and illness. Health and illness are concepts that come up in



nursing constantly and in order to fully grasp the components of nursing care one must understand these terms. I believe health and illness are crucial to nursing because it a vital part of what nurses do on day to day basis. Nurses, by default are constantly promoting a state of health. Nursing involves treating illness, educating about illness, and preventing illness. The terms health and illness go hand in hand. These terms are used frequently in nursing. Our goal as nurses is to care for people with a variety of illnesses. Also, to promote healthiness and healthy living. According to Webster dictionary; "health is the state of being free from illness or injury." (Webster) Yet, this definition does not apply to the type of patients I work with. When it comes to ICU patients, I would venture to claim that health is defined as the ability to be downgraded to a lower level of care. Meaning when a critically ill patient becomes less critical or does not require a higher level of care or monitoring. Medical ICU patients are admitted and have many comorbidities that complicate their condition even further. Therefore, the definition for health differs when it comes to the type of patients I work with. Health could be defined as stable vital signs or even vital signs that are back to a patient's baseline. Which may not be considered stable when compared to another patients' vital signs. As an ICU nurse, I take pride in the critical thinking skills I have obtained that I use to treat an acute illness, thus helping him/her achieve a state of health. For example, an ICU nurses' quick thinking and outstanding reaction to a septic patient condition could help prevent the progression to septic shock, which could be fatal. Treatment options are derived from extensive research and development by clinical experts. Evidenced-based practice is important to the nature of nursing. Many years ago, nursing actions were derivates of practice, doctors' instructions, personal experience, or simply trial and error. Yet, in today's nursing practice we are beginning to head towards autonomy and evidenced-based

PERSONAL NURSING PHILOSOPHY PAPER care. Closing the deviation in nursing between medical evidence and experiential evidence. An example of evidenced based practice in my place of work is the case of infusing vasopressors through peripheral IVs. I have been an employee of institutions that infuse vasopressors through peripheral IV. Yet, in my medical ICU we rely on evidenced-based practice that discourage the use of vasopressors through peripheral IVs and encourage the use of central lines to cut down on complications that result from vasopressor administration. My idea of what lies ahead for nursing is built around the notion of preventive care rather than reactive care. I believe that today's system focuses mainly on reactive care. Due to lack of medical resources; by the time patients get to the hospital it is way too late. I believe if nurses begin to advocate and lobby for a better system; we would be able to allocate some of the funds that are spent on last minute care towards primary care that can prevent chronic conditions from developing or flaring to the point where a patient needs to seek hospital care. I see nursing growth soaring and becoming even broader. To achieve such prophecy, one must communicate and collaborate in order to achieve the most beneficial outcomes for our patients. I believe there needs to be better communication amongst nurses and their leaders both in clinical setting and government setting. We as nurses need to push for change in our medical system to achieve better patient outcomes. I see nursing as a tool that could be potentially used to empower patients and treating them in the best way possible. Throughout this paper, I have expressed my views and definition of nursing. This in fact has given me an opportunity to dig deeper and comprehend the true principles of nursing. Nursing profession is continuing to grow daily, and it is our generations responsibility to help shape its future to better treat our patient population.


PERSONAL NURSING PHILOSOPHY PAPER References Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's most-trusted online dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved July 15, 2018, from Mercer, S. W., & Reynolds, W. J. (2002). Empathy and quality of care. The British Journal of General Practice, 52(Suppl), S9–12.


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