N-316 Syllabus Coh.26 1 PDF

Title N-316 Syllabus Coh.26 1
Author slick bee
Course  Health Assessment
Institution University of Central Florida
Pages 23
File Size 584.8 KB
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Health assessment course details. A summary of the course details including the professor and projects....


ECPI University, College of Nursing-Orlando Course Syllabus

NUR3 1 6ESSENTI ALSOFNURSI NG PRACTI CECLI NI CAL Cr e d i tHo ur si nLe c t u r e( 0 )/Cl o c kHou r si nLe c t ur e( 0) Cr e di tHou r si nCl i n i c a l( 3)/Cl o c kHou r si nCl i n i c a l( 10 8 ) Cr e di tHou r si nLa b( 0)/Cl o c kHou r si nLa b( 0 ) Ou t s i d eEs t i ma t e dHo ur s( 10 8 ) COURSEPREREQUI SI TE( S) :ADMI SSI ONTO THENURSI NG PROGRAM COURSECOREQUI SI TE( S) :NUR3 1 1 ,NUR31 2 ,NUR3 1 3, NUR31 5 Le a dFa c ul t y :Ski l lLab Pa t r i c i aLi nd , J D, MSN, RN Offic eHo ur s :Mo nd a y -1 3 00 13 3 0 ,Tu e s d a y ,1 2 1 30 0 , 15 0 01 6 30 Ad di t i on a lh o ur sb ya p p oi n t me n t Lo c a t i on :Offic e10 9 l i n d@e c pi . e du Ema i l :p Offic ePh o ne :40 7 56 2 90 8 4 Le a dFa c ul t y :Cl i ni c a l Sharon Haylett, Ph.D., MSN, MPH, RN Office Hours: Available by appointment Location: Adjunct Office Email: [email protected] Phone: 4 07 5 6 29 10 0

Addi t i o na lFa c ul t y : Cl a ud e t t eAl l e n ,MSN,RN Offic eHou r s :Av a i l a b l eb ya p po i n t me n t Lo c a t i o n:Ad j u nc tOffic e Ema i l :c a l l e n @e c p i . e d u Ph on e :4 0 75 62 9 10 0 Satwinder Bindra, MSN, APRN/BC Office Hours: Available by appointment Location: Adjunct Office Email: [email protected] Phone: 4 07 5 6 29 10 0 Meaghan Harvley, MSN, RN Office Hours: Available by Appointment Location: Office 110 Email: [email protected] Office Phone: 407-562-9100

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ECPI University, College of Nursing-Orlando Course Syllabus


Sandra Kellman, MSN, RN Office Hours: Available by appointment Location: Adjunct Office Email: [email protected] Phone: 4 0 75 62 9 10 0 Mary Rose Metzler, MSN, RN Office Hours: Available by appointment Location: Adjunct Office Email: [email protected] Cell Phone: 4 07 5 62 9 10 0 Li n d aRol l ,MSN, RN Offic eHo ur s :Av a i l a b l eb yAp p oi n t me n t Lo c a t i on :Ad j u n c tOffic e Ema i l :l r o l l @e c p i . e d u Pho n e :40 7 5 62 91 0 0 Ch r i s t i neVo g e l , MSN, RN, CHSE Offic eHou r s :Se ep o s t e dh o u r s . Lo c a t i o n:Si mu l a t i onOffic e Ema i l :c v o g e l @e c p i . e d u Offic ePh on e :4 0 75 62 9 10 0 . Ex t . 63 9 02

COURSEDESCRI PTI ON:Th i sc l i n i c a lc ou r s epr o vi d e st hes t ud e ntwi t hp r a c t i c ea n dc l i n i c a l a pp l i c a t i ono fnu r s i n gs ki l lf u nd a me nt a l s .Th ee mp ha s i si so ns ki l la t t a i n me ntt h r o u g hma s t e r yo f b e g i nn i n gc o mp e t e nc y . St u de nt smu s ts a t i s f a c t o r i l yp e r f o r ma l la s s i g ne ds ki l l st os u c c e s s f u l l yc omp l e t e t h ec ou r s e . COURSEOBJ ECTI VES: Up ons uc c e s s f ulc omp l e t i o noft h i sc o u r s e ,s t ud e n t ss ho u l dbea b l et o : 1 .Integrate fundamental knowledge from the humanities and sciences, coupled with nursing knowledge, theory and research as a basis for decision making for the individual client. 2. Demonstrate basic competency in numerous nursing skills. 3. Demonstrate personal responsibility in the provision of safe, legal and ethical care for the adult client. 4. Apply the principles of safety when providing client care. 5. Using individualized data, identify client-centered goals specific to the individual client. 6. Evaluate care provided to clients using a needs-based, outcomes-driven process. 7. Provide clients with the knowledge and skills to assist them in achieving maximum wellness and independence. 8. Demonstrate effective communication, including written, verbal and nonverbal skills.

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ECPI University, College of Nursing-Orlando Course Syllabus

NUR3 1 6ESSENTI ALSOFNURSI NG PRACTI CECLI NI CAL 9. Integrate the nursing process in the care of the adult client.

REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., & Makic, M.B.F. (2020). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (12th ed.). Elsevier. Pickar, G.D, & Abernethy, A.P. (2013). Dosage calculations (9th ed.). Delmar Cengage Learning. Potter, P.A., Perry, A.G., Stockert, P.A. & Hall, A.M. (2017). Fundamentals of nursing (9th ed.). Elsevier.

ECPI University Orlando, College of Nursing Skills Checklist (available on the Canvas homepage)

SUGGESTED RESOURCES: American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). J a r v i s ,C. ( 2 02 0 ) .Phy s i c a le x ami na t i o n&he al t ha s s e s s me n t( 8the d . ) . Sa u nd e r s .

J a r v i s ,C. ( 2 02 0 ) .Lab o r a t o r yma nu a lf o rp hy s i c a le x ami na t i o na n dh e a l t ha s s e s s me n t( 8 t he d . ) . Sa u n de r s . O’Toole, M.T. (Ed.). (2017). Mosby’s dictionary of medicine, nursing and health professions (10th ed.). Mosby. Pagana, K.D., Pagana, T.J., & Pagana, T.N. (2019). Mosby’s diagnostic and laboratory test reference (14th ed.). Elsevier Shields, K.M., Fox, K.L., & Liebrecht, C.M. (2020). Pearson nurse’s drug guide 2020. Pearson Education. Ad di t i on a lt e x t b oo k s ,i nt e r ne t ,r e f e r e n c ebo o ks ,a ud i o v i s u a la i d s , c o mp ut e r a s s i s t e di ns t r u c t i ona n do t h e r r e s o ur c e sa r ea v a i l a b l ei nt h eI n f or ma t i o nRe s o ur c eCe n t e r . COMMUNI CATI ONMETHOD: Al ls t u de nt sh a v ea nECPIUni v e r s i t yOr l a nd oe ma i la d d r e s su t i l i z e df o re v e r yc o l l e g ec o mmu ni c a t i o n . St ude nt sa r er e s pons i bl ef o re ns ur i ngt ha tt he yc he c kt he i rECPI . e due ma i la c c o unta tl e as tda i l y .

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ECPI University, College of Nursing-Orlando Course Syllabus

NUR3 1 6ESSENTI ALSOFNURSI NG PRACTI CECLI NI CAL Ev e r yc ou r s ei nt h eCo l l e g eo fNu r s i n gu s e saLe a r n i n gMa na g e me n tSy s t e m. Ea c hc ou r s ec on t a i n s p e r t i n e n ta n dc r i t i c a li n f o r ma t i o n, i n c l ud i n gt hes y l l a b us ,we e kl yPo we rPo i nt s( i fu s e d ) ,a dd i t i o n a l a s s i gn me n ti n f o r ma t i on , a r t i c l e sa n dt h eg r a d ebo o k .Th ep r o f e s s o rma ya l s ou s et heLe a r ni n g Ma n a g e me n tSy s t e mt oc o mmu n i c a t ea n yc ou r s eu pd a t e s , ort oc l a r i f yp o i nt sma dei nc l a s s . I NSTRUCTI ONALMETHOD: Me t h o d su s e df o rt e a c h i n gt hi sc o ur s ema yi nc l u d el e c t ur e ,d i s c u s s i o n ,c a s es t u d i e s , c r i t i c a lt h i n ki n g e x e r c i s e s , c o mp ut e r a s s i s t e di ns t r u c t i on , s i mu l a t i ona c t i v i t i e s ,s t ud yg u i de sa n ds ma l lgr o u pa c t i vi t i e s . COURSEEVALUATI ON: Student progress is determined by assessing clinical/lab performance, verbal interactions and written assignments. All clinical courses are evaluated as Pass or Fail. Pass = achieving at least a 77% average on all submitted written assignments, PLUS achieving a satisfactory clinical evaluation, passing the lab skills- skills checkoffs, PLUS meeting all scheduled hours. Fail = scoring under a 77% average on all submitted written assignments, OR earning an unsatisfactory clinical evaluation, OR not passing lab skills check offs, OR not meeting all scheduled hours. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: To receive a satisfactory (Pass) grade in this clinical course, the student must also satisfactorily complete the following: Students must actively participate in each lab and pass the formal skills return demonstration exam, pass the clinical experience, and submit required paperwork on dates due. (See explanation below.)

Requirements Nursing Skill Lab experiences and activities to include: 

Points  

7 lab days 6 skills practice lab-2 hr. ea.

10 points X 4 clinical days

Pass/Fail 60 points

Station return demonstrations at a satisfactory level, including the Formal Skills return demonstration exam, (at least 77 %,)-Satisfactory Participation in every lab and skills practice lab Essentials Skills checklists due by end of last Lab Wk. 7. May not attend White Coat Ceremony or attend Clinical, if checklists are not completed.

Clinical experiences and documentation:  Pre-Clinical preparation to include data collection forms with presentation at pre-conference  Post-Clinical documentation to include completed care plans and clinical logs submitted through Canvas f2 3 Pa g e4o

40 points

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ECPI University, College of Nursing-Orlando Course Syllabus


I fas t ud e nta r r i v e satc l i ni c a lmo r et ha n 1 0mi nut e sl at e ,t hes t ude ntwi l lb es e nt ho mef o rt heda ya ndwi l lne e dt omak e upc l i ni c a lho ur sac c o r di ngt oECPI Uni v e r s i t y Or l a ndop o l i c y


100 points

Ski l lLa bAc t i v i t i e s / As s i gnme nt s Fo r ma lSki l l sRe t ur nDe mo ns t r a t i o n Th eFo r ma lSki l l sRe t ur nDe mo ns t r a t i o no ns uc t i on i n g ,n a s o g a s t r i ci n s e r t i on / r e mo v a l ,a ndma l e / f e ma l e i n d we l l i n gc a t h e t e r i z a t i o n/ r e mo v a lmus tbepa s s e d wi t ha tl e a s ta77 % wi t ha l lc r i t i c a lb e ha v i o r s s uc c e s s f u l l yp e r f o r me d .During the sixth and seventh weeks of class, each student will check off on

female or male catheterization/removal, tracheal suctioning, and nasogastric tube insertion/removal. For the skills check off critical behaviors, there will be no prompting from the instructors. On each of the formal skills checklists, there will be critical behaviors which students must correctly perform in order to pass the skill check off and the course, regardless of how they perform on the rest of the exam. These behaviors will be identified by an asterisk next to the skill. If students fail to perform the critical skill step(s), they will fail the skill demonstration exam and will receive a “0”. More details will be discussed on the first day of class. After the failure, the student is required and will be scheduled to practice the critical behavior with the accompanying skill(s) that they failed on campus. (remediation) After practicing, the following week they will again perform the skill(s) and be evaluated by an instructor. (Please see remediation/checkoff dates on the schedule.) If they fail again by not performing the critical behavior(s), they will have one more opportunity to perform the skill successfully for an instructor. In the event of a failure in performing a critical behavior, thereby the student receiving a “0” for the initial exam, they will have up to two other attempts to repeat the skill with scoring at least a 77% and performing all critical behaviors correctly. If, on the third try, they fail to pass the skill (s) with at least a 77% and perform all critical behaviors correctly, they will be unable to attend clinical and consequently, they will fail the course. Skills Practice Laboratory Requirements  Besides Friday skill labs, students are required to attend two-four - hour Saturday afternoon practice labs where they will practice skills that were learned the preceding Friday. They will then check off on these skills during practice lab. Satisfactory performance on all designated skills is required during practice labs.  Lack of satisfactory performance will require remediation and has the potential to delay clinical experiences, placing the student in jeopardy of failure. Students will attend practice labs for the purpose of gaining practice with clinical skills under the supervision and guidance of instructors.

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ECPI University, College of Nursing-Orlando Course Syllabus

NUR3 1 6ESSENTI ALSOFNURSI NG PRACTI CECLI NI CAL Students must attend Skill Practice Labs Wk.3-Wk 7 two to four hours per week at alternating times, either 1-3 pm or 3-5 pm. Students will be assigned check off times.

Absence in Skill Labs and/or Skills Practice Labs. Students are required to have every applicable skill checked off according to the dates specified on the Essential Skills Check Off schedule. Attendance will be documented, and students will have to make up the time they miss before clinical begins (Wk. 8). Students who are absent from lab will be charged a fee of $50.00 per hour. Orlando Health Computer Orientation There will be a 3.5-hour MANDATORY (probably remote) ORIENTATION for all students at Orlando Regional Medical Center apart from regularly scheduled class/lab time. See schedule below for the date(s) and time(s). Attire is to be business casual if live orientation occurs. Please bring a sack lunch to allow enough time to arrive at the site and eat prior to the start of the computer orientation, if the orientation is live. Orlando Health General Orientation There will be a 1.5-hour MANDATORY ORIENTATION for all students by the Student Liaison employee, from Orlando Health, apart from regularly scheduled class/lab time . See schedule below for the tentative date and time. Attire is to be business casual if this is a live presentation. Advent Health Hospital General Orientation There will be a 2-hour MANDATORY ORIENTATION for all students by the Student Liaison employee, from the Florida Hospital system. See schedule below for the date and time. Attire is to be business casual if the presentation is live. Research Projects Presentation Students are REQUIRED to attend the remote senior research class students’ presentations for 2.5 hrs as part of their N-316 lab hours to view posters describing clinical application of research findings. See schedule below. Simulation Exercises: Formal simulations will be incorporated into this course after skill labs are completed. Each student will be scheduled during Wks. 8-10 apart from regularly scheduled class/lab time. The simulation experience will be four hours. These hours will count as skill lab/clinical hours, so all students will attend or will have to make up their time per ECPI University-Orlando lab policies.

Demeanor in the lab/clinical settings when in uniform Students are expected to maintain professional behavior and conduct, as well as dress in the full uniform during all clinical and all skills and simulation labs. Dress code includes required ECPI University Orlando scrubs and name badgeStudents may wear a long-sleeved white shirt under their scrubs for warmth. Undergarments must be white or flesh-colored and have no text, graphics or patterns that would show through the scrubs. Shoes must be white, non-porous, and clean. Socks must be white and cover at least two inches above the ankle – no anklets.

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ECPI University, College of Nursing-Orlando Course Syllabus

NUR3 1 6ESSENTI ALSOFNURSI NG PRACTI CECLI NI CAL With or Without Uniform in lab and clinical Hair must be worn up, off of the shoulders. Earrings, if worn, should be limited to studs with no more than one in each ear lobe only – no pinna or tragus piercings. A band on one hand is permissible. Other jewelry or any other visible piercings must be removed. Nails are to be kept natural ( no polish) and trimmed short. Tattoos must be covered and not visible. Facial hair, if worn, must be trimmed and neat. Anytime the student is in uniform and before they receive their uniforms, they should adhere to the above dress code – this includes simulation labs, skills labs, all school areas (classrooms, library, hallways, etc…), clinical hallways, breakroom areas, preconference, and post-conference areas.) Also, students will need to read the full dress code in the ECPI University College of Nursing-Orlando student handbook, as they are expected to comply with the entire policy. Until uniforms arrive, students will comply with all aspects of the policy, except the part about uniforms. Until the uniforms arrive, students may wear clean, neat, and pressed scrubs to labs, as well as loose fitting pants. No tank tops are permitted. Pl e a s ed on o t we a rl e g g i n g so rs ho r t st ol a b . Dr e s s i n gi nl a y e r si sag oo di de a , a st h er o o msc a nbec oo l . Additional specific expectations during labs include keeping the lab and workspace clean and orderly, utilizing the beds in lab only for skills-related purposes, keeping shoes off the beds and remaking the beds following a learning exercise. No beverages/food are allowed near the beds, and no books, purses or other items should be placed on the beds. Students are to bring their Essentials textbooks and skill lab packets to use as resources when practicing skills. They may not take any lab supplies out of the lab, unless permission is given by the faculty. Fit-Testing for Respirator Masks All students are required to be fitted for a respirator mask during prior to going to clinical. Respirator masks are required at the hospitals for those caring for patients with airborne precautions. White Coat Ceremony: The White Coat Ceremony signifies the transition of students from the classroom and lab environments to the clinical arena. Students are expected to prepare for this ceremony as they would for an experience in a clinical facility. Dress code includes required ECPI University -Orlando scrubs full dress code in the ECPI University, College of Nursing-Orlando student handbook. Also see the above dress code requirements. Clinical Activities/Assignments

Criteria for Pre-Clinical Preparation in the hospital setting-( 5p o i nt spe rda y ) Item Criteria Points Data Collection Tool – p. 1 *Handwritten completion of all information and 1 include textbook presentation of the major disease process your client is being treated for. Lab and Diagnostic Tests – * Handwritten and to include normal ranges and/or 1 expected results, patient results, and nursing significance. Medication List and * Medication list and ATI templates are to be filled out 2 Templates completely for each client medication and handwritten Download from ATI and only. List only most common and most serious print out complications (side effects). f2 3 J u l y2 0 2 0 Pa g e7o

ECPI University, College of Nursing-Orlando Course Syllabus

NUR3 1 6ESSENTI ALSOFNURSI NG PRACTI CECLI NI CAL Presentation at Pre*Arrival on time and presentation of patient information 1 Conference in nursing handoff report format (SBARR). * Indicates Critical Behaviors; failure to meet these criteria may result in student being sent home

Cr i t e r i af o rPos t Cl i n i c a lDo c ume n t a t i on( 5p o i n t spe rda y )

Item Criteria Clinical Log Form Completion of all requested information submitted via Canvas Nursing Care Plans Identification of client’s priority nursing diagnoses submitted via Canvas Documentation of assessment findings related to client’s priority nursing diagnoses Identification and formulation of appropriate client goal and nursing interventions in behaviorally measurable terms Implementation and evaluation of effectiveness of nursing interventions performed by student

Points 1


1 1 1

Nur s i ngCar ePl an Pu r po s e :Th es t u d e n twi l ld e v e l o pi n d i vi d u a l i z e dn u r s i n gc a r ep l a n st h a tf o c u so nc l i e ntp r o bl e ms , s p e c i ficnu r s i n gi n t e r v e n t i o nst oa dd r e s st h e s ep r o bl e msa ndpr o vi d eame t h odt oe v a l ua t ec l i e ntp r o g r e s s . Co u r s eOb j e c t i v e s( CO) :Th i sa s s i g nme nt e n a b l e st hes t u d e n tt ome e tt h ef o l l o wi n gc o u r s eob j e c t i v e s : CO #1: Integrate fundamental knowledge from the humanities and sciences, coupled with nursing knowledge, theory and research as a basis for decision making for the individual client. CO# 5 :Using individualized data, identify client-centered goals specific to the individual client. CO #6: Evaluate care provided to clients using a needs-based, outcomes-driven proce...

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