Course Pharmacology for Nurses
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OUR LADY OF MERCY COLLEGE BORONGAN CITY, E. SAMAR Midterm Exam in Health Assessment (NCM101) NAME:__________________________________________ COURSE:_________________ SCORE:_________________ A. MULTIPLE CHOICE Direction: Encircle the correct answers corresponding each questions in your answer sheet. No erasures. 1. It is described as the sum of the total of the examiner’s observations and impressions of psychiatric patient at the time of the interview a. b. c. 2.



Mental illness None of the above

Interview the patient Weight the patient Develop technical skills and knowledge base

d. e.

A and b All of the above

Body type, posture, poise Body type, speech, attitude A and b

d. e.

Mood, affect and cognition None of the above

Hyperemia Hypotension Irregular pulse

d. e.

Slow response All of the above

When assessing for boborygumi. Which physical examination method should the nurse use? a. b. c.


d. e.

The nurse is assessing a postoperative patient for signs of hemorrhage. Which adaption is most indicative of shock? a. b. c.


Mental status Mental status exam Mental health

The skills required for the physical examination are; a. Inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation b. Inspection, vital signs, percussion c. Inspection, vital signs, palpation d. Inspection, vital signs, palpation, percussion and auscultation e. None of the above Examples of the items in the appearance category are; a. b. c.


Mental illness None of the above

The four (4) main components of mental status exam as follows; a. Mood, affect, consciousness, orientation b. Memory, attention, thought content, and perceptions c. Language, orientation, attention and thought content d. Appearance, behavior, cognition and thought process e. None of the above To do the Physical examination, the nurse needs to; a. b. c.


d. e.

It is the person’s emotional and cognitive functioning. a. b. c.


Mental status Mental status exam Mental health

Auscultation Percussion Inspection

d. e.

Palpation All of the above

The nurse plans to take a patient radiant pulse. Which method of examination should be used by the nurse? a. b.

Palpation Inspection

c. d.

Percussion Auscultation


All of the above

10. The nurse in Emergency Department is engaging in an initial assessment of a patient. Which assessment takes place priority? a. b. c.

Blood Pressure Airway clearance Breathing Pattern

d. e.

Circulation All of the above

d. e.

Measurement of oxygen saturation All of the above

d. e.

Hand hygiene None of the above

11. Auscultation is a computer of with examination technique? a. b. c.

Blood pressure Visual activity Examination of the ears

12. Which of infection control intervention is most frequently applied? a. b. c.

Wearing gloves Using masks Wearing eye protection

13. While examining a patient with an infective abdominal incision. The nurse notices that is very malodorous. Which technique does this represent? a. b. c.

Inspection Palpation Auscultation

d. e.

Percussion All of the above

14. The nurse is palpating the abdomen of a patient. How deep should the hands press while performing deep palpation? a. b. c.

1 cm 2 cm 4 cm

d. e.

8 cm All of the above

15. What are the four (4) main parts of a mental status exam? a. Appearance, behavior, consciousness, thought content b. Appearance, behavior, mood, and affect, cognition c. Appearance, behavior, cognition, thought process d. Abstract reasoning, behavior, language, orientation 16. Posture, body movement, dress, grooming, and hygiene are included in which part of the mental status exam? a. b. c.

Behavior Cognition Appearance

d. e.

Thought process None of the above

17. Orientation, attention span, recent memory and remote memory are included in which part of the mental status exam? a. b. c.

Appearance Behavior Cognition

d. e.

Thought process All of the above

18. Thought content, perceptions, anxiety disorders, depression, suicidal thoughts are all part of which of the mental status exam? a. b. c.

Cognition Appearance Thought processes

d. e.

Behavior None of the above

19. Level of consciousness, facial expression, speech, mood and affect are all part of which part of the mental status exam? a. b. c.

Appearance Behavior Cognition

d. e.

Thought process None of the above

20. The Mini-Mental State Exam is good for? a. Is useful for initial and serial measurement to determine worsening or improved cognition over time.

b. Focuses only on cognitive functioning c. Focuses on mood and thought process d. Is a valid detector of dementia and delirium e. A and D 21. A patient drifts off to sleep when not stimulated but can be aroused by calling name in normal voice, looks drowsy, inattentive, and loses train of thought. What best described them? a. b. c.

Alert Stupor Lethargic

d. e.

Obtunded None of the above

22. What are the Five (5) levels of consciousness in order of least conscious? a. Alert, obtunded, lethargic, stupor, or semi coma, coma b. Alert, lethargic, obtunded, stupor, semi coma, coma c. Obtunded, alert, lethargic, stupor, semi coma, coma d. Alert, lethargic, stupor or semi coma, obtunded, coma e. None of the above 23. Which are considered basic techniques for physical assessment? I. Palpation II. Medication reconciliation III. Inspection IV. Auscultation V. History of present illness VI. Percussion a. II,III,VI b. I,II,V,VI c. I,III,IV,V d. VI,IV,I, V e. I, III, IV,VI 24. The nurse is percussing a patient’s abdomen. What sound will likely the nurse mostly percuss? a. b. c.

Resonance Dullness Tympanic

d. e.

Flatness None of the above

d. e.

Bowel sound All of the above

d. e.

Dorsum of the finger All of the above

25. Light palpation is used to assess: a. b. c.

Tenderness Body organs and mass Skin color

26. Skin temperature assessment is best done by use of the nurse’s: a. b. c.

Palm Finger tip Elbow

27. The nurse would expect to develop crepitus in a patient with the osteoarthritis of the knee during which health assessment technique? a. b. c.

Palpation Percussion Auscultation

d. e.

Inspection All of the above

d. e.

Auscultation None of the above

28. Color, size, shape, position and symmetry can be assessed using: a. b. c.

Inspection Palpation Percussion

29. One of the following assessment is not considered palpation of skin: a.




c. d.

Odor Texture


None of the above

30. What is the most important nursing action to reduce transmission of microorganisms during a physical assessment? a. Clean the bell and diaphragm of the stethoscope between patients. b. Perform hand hygiene. c. Wear gloves when anticipating exposure to body fluids. d. Wear eye protection when anticipating spatter of body fluids. 31. Which explanation is most appropriate for a nurse preparing to palpate a patient's neck? a. "I need to feel for tumors in your neck." b. "I'm going to feel your neck for any abnormalities." c. "I need to press deeply on your neck so please hold still." d. "Is there any tenderness in your neck?" 32. Which nurse is performing the technique of light palpation appropriately? a. Nurse A applies the bimanual technique to determine size and location of the patient's heart. b. Nurse B uses the fingertips to feel for temperature differences on the patient's legs. c. Nurse C places the ulnar surface of the hands on the patient's thorax to detect vibrations. d. Nurse D depresses the patient's abdomen approximately 4 cm to assess pulsations. 33. What assessment data do nurses obtain through striking a hand directly against the flank or cost vertebral angle of a patient's body? a. Fluid in the lungs b. Tenderness over the kidneys c. Air in the abdomen d. Tenderness over the liver

34. A patient has been complaining of abdominal cramping and gas; the nurse notes that his abdomen is slightly distended. Which sound does the nurse expect to hear during percussion of this patient's abdomen? a. Flatness b. Dullness c. Resonance d. Tympanic 35. The diaphragm of the stethoscope is used for which of the following sound? a. Low-pitched sound b. High pitched sound c. Soft sound d. Loud sound e. None of the above 36. The part of the hand used for assessment of vibration is: a. Fingertips b. Back of hands c. Ulnar surface of the hands d. Index fingers and thumb in opposition e. None of the above 37. The sequence of physical examination in a child changes from beginning with the thorax to that of head to toe in what age? a. Infant b. Preschool age c. School age d. Adolescent e. None of the above 38. Which of the following information is described by the pitch of a sound wave? a. Intensity b. Number of vibration c. Overtones of the sound





d. Length of time the note lingers e. All of the above To assess for deep tendon reflexes, which physical examination technique is used: a. Inspection b. Palpation c. Auscultation d. Percussion e. None of the above Which of the following factors is inappropriate when examining an adolescent? a. Allow a parent or a sibling to be present during examination. b. Provide feedback that his or her body is developing normally. c. Provide health teachings that can promote wellness. d. Examine genitalia last, and do it quickly. e. All of the above Which of the following assessment findings indicate that the patient in coma? a. The patient drifts off to sleep when not stimulated. b. The patient sleeps most of the time. c. The patient has no response to pain or to any external or internal stimuli. d. The patient responds only to persistent and vigorous shake or pain. e. All of the above. The behavioral Checklist for pediatric patients inappropriate for which of the following age groups? a. 0-12mons b. 1-3 years old c. 3-6 years old d. 7-11 years old e. 11-16 years old

43. The patient who experiences memory problems gives a detailed description of his summer vacation in Boracay, although you know that he stayed at home during summer. This is an example of: a. b. c.

Blocking Circumstantiality Confabulation

d. e.

Circumlocution None of the above

44. To assess the memory aspects of the cognitive function, which of the following test maybe used? a. The 4 – unrelated word test b. Serial 7s circulation c. CAGE Questionnaire d. The proverb interpretation Test e. None of the above 45. Inability to speak a. b. c.

Anxiety Compulsion Phobia

d. e.

Flat effect Expressive aphasia

d. e.

Liability Flat effect

c. d.

Anxiety Lability


Flat affect

46. Unwanted repetitive purposeful acts or rituals a. b. c.

Compulsion Circumlocution Rage

47. Rapid shift of emotion a. b.

Rage Phobia

48. Lack of emotional responses; no expression of feelings. a.


c. d.

Phobia Compulsion



d. e.

Anxiety Phobia

49. Furious, loss of control a. b. c.

Rage Expressive aphasia Blocking

50. Apprehension from the anticipation of danger from unknown source. a. b. c. d. e.

Anxiety Circumlocution Flat effects Phobia Rage

B. ENUMERATION Direction: Give what is asked. 1. What are the 3 speech disorders? 2. What are the 5 abnormalities of thought content? 3. Give at least 5 abnormalities of thought process. 4. What are the 5 senses? 5. Give the 9 standard precautions for use with all the patients.

C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

ESSAY Direction: Answer briefly all the questions. What is mental health? How will you prevent mental health problems? What are the causes of mental health? How can I tell if someone has a mental health problem? How can I speak to and help someone with a mental health problem like depression and anxiety?

Prepared by: JESSA MAE J. ASIS Instructor...

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