Netball and soccer PDF

Title Netball and soccer
Course Physical Education
Institution Victorian Certificate of Education
Pages 5
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A. Make a list of all the skills that would be used in each sport

Centre Netball Skills

Central Defender (Soccer)

1. Chest pass

1. Tackling

2. Bounce pass

2. Directional change (agility)

3. Directional change (agility)

3. Header (vertical jump)

4. catching

4. Long pass

5. Contesting for ball

5. Running with ball (speed)


What type of movement patterns were evident? Short/Long movements, directional changes, distances covered? Etc NETBALL:

Change of direction- Agility helps your performance in activities that requires you to change direction quickly whilst keeping balance, strength, speed and body control. Because you only have 3 seconds with the ball and possession changes rapidly with interceptions and turnovers. Some players have limited space to move in so agility is imperative. Sprints- Explosive Speed is very important for Netball players because they have to move into position to be open in order to receive a pass to make a shot. Once they have the ball, they cannot take another step, so speed is vital because the player with the ball only has 3 seconds to pass the ball or shoot so all the other players are moving around the floor to get open. distances covered- There are a number of studies that have reported distances covered of up to 8 kilometres per game for central court players, this will stress the player's aerobic energy system. As the court is 30 metres long it is shots played- There are 5 different types of passes, chest pass, bounce pass, lob, overhead pass and shoulder pass It's important that players sustain a high level of accuracy when passing to their team-mates, as well as putting in enough power for the pass to reach their intended target, so that the opposition don't intercept. SOCCER:

Change of direction- Changing direction is used to create space for yourself when you have the soccer ball. If you fail to move away from your current position with a burst of speed, you

will make defending easy for your opposition and eliminate possible openings for yourself and teammates Sprints- On defence, players need to have speed to prevent the offensive players from making runs past them. The easiest way for teams to score is to slide through balls to wingers and strikers trying to get past the back line, so defenders need to have the speed to catch up with them quickly

Distances covered- In comparison to a centre netballer, although a football pitch is about three to four times the size of a netball court, a centre defender in soccer covers only an extra 2km per game. However, this varies as it depends if you team is spending more time playing offensive or defensive. Shots played- defenders must work to rush, pressure and confuse the attacker, thus causing them to make mistakes. Taking advantage of your opponent's errors makes it easier for you to win the ball and deny penetration toward your goal. A solid defence is a crucial part of a successful soccer team.

C. List 4 fitness components specific to each sport. Explain why you have selected these.


Speed- Speed is a key skill within netball in both attack and defence. In attack you need speed to change direction and get away from your defender to receive the ball and stay in possession. You also need speed of passing to get the ball flowing through court. Agility- Netball is a sport characterised by sharp changes-of-direction to break free from opponents. Overall, the use of offensive agility manoeuvres was identified as an important aspect of attacking play in netball, particularly for the mid and attacking playing positions Muscular endurance- In Netball you would need to have good muscular endurance in your leg muscles so that you would not become tired after running up and down the court for the duration of the Netball game. Stamina is required to endure these matches. Aerobic endurance- In netball you have to be able to exercise for a long period of time without becoming tired. This is aerobic endurance. Aerobic endurance is "The ability to continue aerobic activity over a period of time." A netball game can last for a prolonged period of time- the body uses the aerobic energy system to produce energy. SOCCER: Speed- You need speed to be able to accelerate towards the ball and when dribbling going at maximum pace, in soccer you need to try and cover as much ground as possible and if you don’t have speed the opposition will be able to stop you from covering ground.

Agility- Agility is one of the main determinants of performance in soccer. By working on agility and improving the balance and coordination, soccer players will be able to move faster and change directions more quickly while maintaining control Anaerobic capacity - Sports that require short, intense bursts of activity require an athlete to have short-term muscular endurance. These sports include sprinting, football and soccer. With training, short-term endurance lets the players deal with fatigue and lactic acid build-up in the muscles. As part of this, they activate the fast-twitch fibers in their muscles, which provides their speed.

Flexibility- Flexibility is more than just exploring wider ranges of motion. Instead, it is about the ability to use power through the entire range motion of a joint. This sort of mobility reduces injury and improves performance in all the fine motor skills required for typical soccer skills.

D. What type of fitness tests would you select to assess for the fitness components selected for the Centre in Netball? 1. Fitness Component: aerobic power Fitness Test: beep test 2. Fitness Component: muscular power Fitness Test: vertical jump test 3. Fitness Component: agility Fitness Test: semo agility 4. Fitness Component: speed Fitness Test: 35 metre sprints

E. Predict what type of Work to Rest Ratio would be seen for each player. Which energy system would be pre-dominate with the ratios for each player? Explain

NETBALL The ATP-PC energy system does not require oxygen to produce energy. The ATP-PC energy system generally allows for up to 8-10 seconds of maximum effort. The ATP-PC system provide a quick burst of energy but causes fatigue quickly as well. Netballers use the ATP-PC when they need a quick burst of energy and a fast reaction. For things such as rebounding the ball, quickly intercepting the ball or making a quick lead. Like the ATP-PC system, the Lactic Acid System does not require oxygen to produce energy. This energy system uses glycogen to produces energy as well as lactic acid. The Lactic Acid System can last between 30 seconds and 3 minutes depending on the intensity. This System causes sourness in the muscles due the lactic acid builds up and also causes fatigue. The Aerobic Energy system relies on oxygen as well as glycogen to produce energy due to the use of oxygen there is a by-product of carbon dioxide and water. As the work to rest ratio in netball is a 1:1, netball is predominantly aerobic as most action is performed with the presence of oxygen and are continuous. SOCCER Soccer players use all three of these energy systems in a game. he lactic acid system is an anaerobic energy system that provides energy for 1-3 minutes of high intensity activity. Lactic acid kicks in when your heart rate exceeds 85% of its maximum. The lactic acid system manufactures ATP from the breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid. The aerobic energy system

resynthesises ATP by utilising fats, carbohydrates and sometimes proteins. The aerobic system kicks in after a few minutes, as it requires the presence of oxygen unlike the two anaerobic energy systems. A soccer player uses the aerobic system to provide a constant energy required to move around the field at a medium level of intensity. However, when defending or attacking, a soccer player would utilise the anaerobic energy systems. If sprinting the length of the field with the ball, the player would utilise the lactic acid system. But if he is booting the ball or tackling a player, he would utilise the ATP-PC system as an explosive source of energy.


Select two Training Methods the defender in soccer would use in their program design. What kind of exercises would you prescribe for these methods of training that are specific to a defender?

interval training WARM UP Dynamic stretching – 5 minutes Brisk walk- 2 minutes High knees/ butt kicks- 2 minutes Jumping Rope one minute rest for 60 seconds Stair Running 60 seconds, then rest for a minute. Burpees 60 seconds, then rest for a minute. Shuttle Sprints. 60 seconds, then rest for a minute. Dumbbell Squat to Press 60 seconds, then rest for a minute. Pull Ups. 60 seconds, then rest for a minute. Push Ups 60 seconds, then rest for a minute. COOL DOWN Static stretching- 5 minutes brisk walk- 10 minutes

Circuit Training WARM UP Dynamic stretching – 5 minutes Brisk walk- 2 minutes High knees/ butt kicks- 2 minutes Light jogging – 5 minutes Repeat the following circuit three times Barbell Squat – 8 reps

Box Jump – 10 reps Broad Jump – 8 reps

Jumping Lunge – 8 reps each leg

Lateral Bound – 10 reps

COOL DOWN Static stretching- 5 minutes brisk walk- 10 minutes...

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