Neuro 10 Syllabus PDF

Title Neuro 10 Syllabus
Author ab ab
Course Neuroscience: From Molecules to Mind -- Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience
Institution University of California Los Angeles
Pages 3
File Size 124.3 KB
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NS10 Syllabus

Fall 2018

Neuroscience 10: The Brain Made Simple – Neuroscience for the 21st Century Instructor: Walt Babiec Email: [email protected] Office: Gonda 1335 Office Hours: TR 4:30 – 5:30 Course Times: MW, 2 – 3:50 pm (Class will be held each Monday and Wednesday of the quarter.) Course Room: Royce Hall 190 Course Description: Neuroscience is distinguished from the overlapping fields of psychology and cognitive science by its focus on explaining the emergence of mental processes from the collective, self-organized action of the cellular constituents of the central, including the brain, and peripheral nervous system. For this reason, this course provides an overview of the central and peripheral nervous systems from the building blocks, i.e., neurons, glia, and synapses, to the integrated whole. It also considers the behaviors that emerge from integrated neural activity and the pathological processes impacting those behaviors. Many neuroscience methods and neurological diseases are touched upon briefly during these discussions. A high school background in either biology or chemistry is sufficient for this course. This course satisfies part of the university-wide General Education (GE) requirements, specifically, Foundations of Scientific Inquiry. This course may not be taken for credit by students with credit for course M101A (Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, M175A, Physiological Science, M180A, or Psychology, M117A) or Physiological Science 111A or Psychology 115. P/NP or letter grading available. Course Overview • This course is taught in 2 two-hour lectures per week (MW, 2 – 3:50 pm). Active participation is a must and will be expected. Please show up on time, as we will often use small activities to set the stage for the day’s discussion. Make sure you are well-fed and hydrated before you come, as the lateness in the afternoon can cause bonking to occur if proper preparatory steps aren’t taken. • There will be 4 exams during the quarter. All are CLOSED BOOK and NO NOTES. The first 3 will take place during class time. The 4th and final exam will occur during finals week (T, 12/11/2018 at 11:30 a.m.). Exams, including the one during finals week, will be based on the previously completed module. All exams will be multiple choice and completed on OID-provided Scantron sheets. You must bring a #2 pencil and your student ID with you to exams. • Success in this course depends upon lecture attendance. Exams will be based entirely on lecture content. This year we will try BruinCast as well, but BruinCast IS NOT a substitute for attending lecture. It is meant to help as a review aid. Cramming is highly discouraged. Respect and Dignity: The classroom belongs to everyone. Please be respectful of this community. Fostering trust and security allows us to focus on the real work of learning. Use common sense to guide appropriate behavior. Please turn your cell phones off, and avoid distracting activity. Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty is a disturbing issue and a substantial problem. A number of major studies have reported that ~75% of students surveyed admitted to engaging in some form of academic fraud. It will not be tolerated or ignored. Be the 1-in-4.

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NS10 Syllabus

Fall 2018

• All tests are closed book, closed notes, and to be done entirely independently. Bags will be left at the front of the room. Please make sure to use the restroom before coming to exams. IDs will be required for handing in tests. • You are highly encouraged to study together to discover and address any knowledge gaps that you might have. You may utilize the discussion forums on the CCLE web site to foster this collaboration. Accommodations for Learning Disabilities: Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Accessible Education (CAE) at (310)825-1501 or in person at Murphy Hall A255. When possible, students should contact the CAE within the first two weeks of the term as reasonable notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. For more information visit Make-up/Early Exams/Emergencies: There are no make-up or early exams. Any emergencies should be reported immediately and will be evaluated carefully. Regrading: Upon emailed request, student’s will be able to review a copy of their graded exams. There will be no regrading other than for unambiguous grading errors. Textbooks/Readings •

There is no mandatory text, course reader, or other reading material for this class. Supportive readings, meant to aid in student understanding or supplement student knowledge will be announced and posted after particular lectures on CCLE. These readings will be available at no cost either through the UCLA proxy or on the course website.

Grading: Percentages of the course grade are apportioned as follows. You must take all of the exams to pass the class. My goal is for all of you to pass. So take all the tests! There are no quotas per letter grade, so don’t feel like A’s are reserved for someone else! • • • •

Exam 1: 25% Exam 2: 25% Exam 3: 25% Exam 4: 25%

Course Web Site: This course uses the Common Collaboration & Learning Environment (CCLE). BruinCast: All lectures will be on BruinCast audio. This is meant as a review/study aid, not an excuse not showing up to class. To put it as plainly as possible, you will not do as well, if you don’t show up to class!

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NS10 Syllabus

Fall 2018 Preliminary Outline of Dates and Topics (Subject to Change)






Introduction to Neuroscience / Overview of brain and nervous system anatomy



Cellular Neurophysiology 1: Cellular Organization of the Nervous System



Cellular Neurophysiology 2: Bioelectricity & Action Potentials



Cellular Neurophysiology 3: Synaptic Communication



Cellular Neurophysiology 4: Neurotransmitter Systems



Motor Systems 1: Motor synapses / Motor Units / Motor Feedback



Exam 1 (Covering CELLULAR NEUROPHYSIOLOGY lectures on 10/1, 10/3, 10/8, 10/10, 10/15)



Motor Systems 2: Reflexes; CPGs; Fixed Action Patterns / Voluntary Movements



Motor Systems 3: Control of Voluntary Movements



Motor Systems 4: Autonomic Motor System



Sensory Systems 1: Principles of sensory function / Touch



Exam 2 (Covering MOTOR SYSTEMS lectures on 10/17, 10/24, 10/29, 10/31)



Sensory Systems 2: Vision



Sensory Systems 3: Audition



Sensory Systems 4: Olfaction & Taste



Putting It All Together 1: Speech & Language



Putting It All Together 2: Emotions



Exam 3 (Covering SENSORY SYSTEMS lectures on 11/5, 11/12, 11/14, 11/19)



Putting It All Together 3: Learning & Memory



Putting It All Together 4: Theories on What Makes Humans Different



Exam 4 (Covering PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER lectures: 11/21, 11/26, 12/3, 12/5)

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