NFC Smart Tourist Card. Combining mobile and contactless technologies towards a Smart Tourist Experience PDF

Title NFC Smart Tourist Card. Combining mobile and contactless technologies towards a Smart Tourist Experience
Author Federica Palumbo
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Smart Tourism 2014 First Forum on SMART CITY and DIGITAL TOURISM Modelli di Turismo e tecnologie SMART CITIES per la valorizzazione di borghi, giardini, itinerari e territori "intorno" alle città intelligenti A cura di Michele Angelaccio Berta Buttarazzi Manuel Onorati UniversItalia INDICE...


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NFC Smart Tourist Card. Combining mobile and contactless technologies towards a Smart Tourist Experience Federica Palumbo

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SMART CITY and DIGITAL TOURISM Modelli di Turismo e tecnologie SMART CITIES per la valorizzazione di borghi, giardini, itinerari e territori "intorno" alle città intelligenti A cura di Michele Angelaccio Berta Buttarazzi Manuel Onorati



Introduzione al Convegno SMARTOURISM2014 M. Angelaccio, B. Buttarazzi ........................................................................................... 5 Smart Villa Tour System M. Angelaccio, B. Buttarazzi ........................................................................................... 7 1. Introduzione ......................................................................................................... 7 2. Descrizione del Sistema ...................................................................................... 7 3. Caratteristiche di Progettazione WEB ............................................................. 9 Smart Web Image Galleries: an example of MVC-based versatile system for context-aware mobile tours Michele Angelaccio, Berta Buttarazzi, Alessandra Basili ................................................ 11 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 11 2. Smart villa tour scenario ................................................................................... 12 Cultural Wireless Location System and NFC technology ................................... 14 3. Ambient Intelligence and NFC technology .................................................. 15 4. Cultural Ambient Intelligence through Smart Mobile Technologies ....... 18 5. Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 19 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 20 NFC Smart Tourist Card Combining Mobile and Contactless Technologies towards a Smart Tourist Experience Alessandra Basili, Sara Della Luna Federica Palumbo, Pierfranco Rodi ........................ 21 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 21 2. The nfc technology and services in tourism scenario .................................. 23 3. nfc smart tourist card application ................................................................... 26 4. Case Study ......................................................................................................... 28 Case 1: Airport ....................................................................................................... 29 Case 2: Museum ..................................................................................................... 30 5. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 31 Startours: l’itinerario a portata di touch Eleonora Ferrara, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto ................................................................... 35 1. Introduzione ....................................................................................................... 35 2. Soluzione proposta ............................................................................................ 35 3. Casi Studio: Città della Pieve e Montepulciano ............................................ 36



WebGIS per la ricostruzione storica dei paesaggi urbani Paolo Buonora, Susanna Le Pera, Paolo Micalizzi ......................................................... 39 1. Premessa ............................................................................................................. 39 2. Descriptio Romae - un webgis sul centro storico di Roma ............................. 40 3. Itinerario della ricerca ....................................................................................... 42 4. Utilizzazione del Catasto Gregoriano come base cartografica .................. 43 5. Georeferenziazione e vettorializzazione delle basi cartografiche .............. 44 6. Creazione di una base di dati dai brogliardi ..................................................... 45 7. Ridefinizione dei criteri di schedatura per tipologie di documenti eterogenei ................................................................................................................ 45 8. Perfezionamento dei sistemi di interrogazione ............................................. 46 9. La messa in rete in open source del Sistema (Descriptio Romae webgis). ........... 47 10. Conclusioni....................................................................................................... 48 La Rete Locale del Turismo Sostenibile Jessica Proietti ................................................................................................................. 51 Evoluzione dei sistemi di pagamento mobile A. Adorini ..................................................................................................................... 53 Smart Security for Cultural Heritage: Tecnologie di tagging basate sul DNA Sintetico Berta Buttarazzi, M. Angelaccio, B. Emili (Raton)........................................................ 55 1. Introduzione ....................................................................................................... 55 2. Il DNA SINTETICO ....................................................................................... 56 3. APPLICAZIONI DNA-SINTETICO per SICUREZZA e Beni CULTURALI .......................................................................................................... 57 Smart tourism: la nuova sfida per le città turisiche Rocco Papa, Rosa Anna La Rocca ................................................................................. 59

INTRODUZIONE AL CONVEGNO SMARTOURISM2014 M. Angelaccio1, B. Buttarazzi2, M. Onorati3

Il convegno si propone di creare un forum di discussione che partendo da Ingegneria si estende ad altri settori accademici e istituzionali impegnati nel settore delle discipline del Turismo Digitale e delle Smart Cities. L’iniziativa è stata lanciata nel corso di precedenti eventi come il Forum PA 2014 e il convegno “Technology For All” a Roma del 2014. Inoltre l’evento è stata inserito nell’ambito delle iniziative per EXPO 2015 dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata coordinata dal Prof. Michele Angelaccio di Ingegneria Gestionale e sostenuta direttamente dal Rettore Prof. Novelli. La conferenza è stata patrocinata dall’Agenzia Digitale Italiana con cui si sono avuti i primi contatti per la sua realizzazione durante il Forum PA. I temi del Convegno sono i seguenti: -Smart City and Digital Tourism applications - 3D Multimedia and Virtual Immersive for Tourism - Smart Cities technological and business models - On line Tourism Systems and e-commerce - Mobile Payment and Commerce for Tourism - Smart City and Internet of Things - Historical Urban and Gardens Valorization - Digitalization of Tourism Resources - Geo-Social Networks and Tourism - Slow Tourism - New form of Digital Tourism development

1-2 Univ. Di Roma Tor Vergata, Dip. di Ingegneria dell’Impresa, Centro Ricerche Mobile Web e Turismo, [email protected], [email protected] 3 Giornalista e Direttore UniversItalia editrice



Location Sala del Teatro-Villa Mondragone Ringraziamenti: Prof. Giuseppe Novelli (Rettore Univ. Di Tor Vergata) Dott.ssa Alessandra Poggiani (Dir. Generale AgID) Ing. Agostino Ragosa (ex-Dir. Generale AgID) Dott.ssa Eleonora Barrese (AgID) On. Silvia Costa (europarlamentare PD-Commissione Cultura) Prof. Franco Giannini (Univ. Di Roma Tor Vergata) Prof. Michele Luglio (Univ. Di Roma Tor Vergata)

SMART VILLA TOUR SYSTEM M. Angelaccio, B. Buttarazzi1 1. INTRODUZIONE Il sistema SMART VILLA TOUR fornisce il supporto mobile web per la documentazione dei punti d’interesse di Villa Mondragone secondo la metodologia QR-TAGS. L’utente che intende visitare la villa in modo autonomo, può fare uso di lettore QR disponibile sui smartphones per accedere alle pagine web descrittive dei punti del tour. Ogni punto è individuabile con un pannello grafico contenente una sintesi descrittiva del punto e il tag QR corrispondente alla URL della pagina web associata. Il sistema nella sua versione QR rappresenta il supporto mobile web di base a costo minimo per la realizzazione di smart tours ovvero visite guidate autonome. Esso può essere esteso con versione NFC per smartphones NFC enabled in cui vengono aggiunti NFC radio tags in grado di trasmettere oltre a informazioni supplementari, richieste di acquisto (mobile payments) per materiale vario (stampe antiche, libri, oggettistica). 2. DESCRIZIONE DEL SISTEMA Il sistema SMART VILLA TOUR funziona secondo il modello seguente. Il sistema è composto da:  una parte fisica di schede di riferimento disposte lungo un percorso all’interno della villa (TAG CARD PATHWAY)  e una applicazione web di riferimento (SMART TOUR WEB APP). Ad ogni punto di interesse all’interno della vila (PID) viene associato una scheda con TAG QR (TAG CARD). L’utente che intende eseguire in modo autonomo con smartphone il tour nella villa mostrato in Figura 1, può eseguire il percorso puntando il suo smartphone ogni volta sulla scheda associata al PID in cui può trovare una breve descrizione del PID oltre ad una mappa del percorso e il TAG QR della pagina associata. Una volta caricata la pagina mediante il puntamento sul TAG viene attivata sul browser del telefono la funzione descrittiva del PID con 1 Univ. Di Roma Tor Vergata, Dip. di Ingegneria dell’Impresa. Centro Ricerche Mobile Web e Turismo, [email protected], [email protected]



eventuali servizi web come ad esempio nel caso di PID 2, la ricerca dei volumi della biblioteca (vedi Figura 2).

Figura 1 Pianta con tour composto da 8 PID

L’applicazione prevede un’interfaccia HOME che contiene un elemento per ciascuna posizione. Tali elementi sono organizzati in un’image gallery scorrevole WEB APP TOUR GALLERY.

Figura 2 Schema di Funzionamento SMART VILLA TOUR



Si noti che la WEB APP è indipendente nel senso che ciascun elemento associato a ciascun PID costituisce uno degli elementi navigabili indipendentemente dalla posizione nel tour e iniziando dalla pagina HOME. 3. CARATTERISTICHE DI PROGETTAZIONE WEB Il progetto delle applicazioni web in contesti mobili sta imponendo scelte di progetto che devono tenere conto di fattori di user experience e gestione dinamica dei dati in funzione della posizione. Inoltre è importante anche svincolare il progetto dalle varie architetture di tags (QR, NFC e beacon) in modo da riusare quanto possibile la struttura di partenza dell’interfaccia utente. In questo contesto è stato adottato il modello architetturale a livelli MVC.

Figura 3 Esempio di QR TAG per il PID 2 -Biblioteca


Abstract— Cultural Heritage Areas together Context-Aware Systems present a great opportunity where the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigm can be successfully applied. However the need to design web applications by considering rich internet interfaces requires often a careful study before to include sensor data from the ambient context (e.g coordinate for position or environmental data). In this paper we propose a tool extending different types of image gallery solutions used in the context of web interfaces by considering MVC-based javascript framework dynamic connected with sensor data. To illustrate this type of connection we introduce as example the case of smart image gallery used to illustrate the case of a (cultural site) map area based image gallery. The proposed Smart Image gallery System is particular related to mobile and safe cultural access in the context of Villa Mondragone, an ancient Renaissance Villa. We outline a real system, called SMART VILLA, based on a smart image gallery interfaced with a cultural location system based on a NFC proximity smart devices for each point of interest inside ancient rooms and close to pictures, monuments (SMART BIBLIO for ancient books, SMART ROOM for particular rooms and SMART GARDEN for surrounding historical gardens). Keywords—Cultural Heritage; Ambient intelligence (AmI); Context-aware; Wireless Communication; RIA interfaces; MVC software architectures.

1. INTRODUCTION Mobile and Safe Access to Historical and Artistic Things in Cultural Areas such as Renaissance Villas require new information services based on smart phones and touch based user interfaces. Many of these services should be addressed by AmI infrastructure, by the touch of a mobile device instead of tradition application. In this paper we analyze the impact of recent mobile technologies, like NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, on user interfaces that could be used in order to improve visitor accessibility in cultural area. Department of Enterprise Engineering, University of Roma “Tor Vergata” Rome, Italy e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]




In many case researchers and visitors looking for ancient information need a mobile access to ancient documents and historical things embedded in the area in a pseudo-virtual manner. This type of mobile access requires the implementation of interaction methods by which the user can achieve his goals, such as acquiring information just by pointing or touching smart devices. The user, when attracted by a specific item (for example a picture on the wall ) he just brings his smartphone to access different services remotely located while keeping free to be immersed in the cultural context (Figure 4) without being annoyed by tedious keyboard operations. This will help the cultural understanding on the field thus improving learning capability level and allowing a better usage of cultural resources. The system proposed is a kind of smart pseudo virtual tour especially tuned for cultural areas such a renaissance villa, with possibility, through NFC technology, to obtain further information with links and multimedia references. In the Section 2 we outline the virtual tour scenario (smart villa tour scenario) composed by a cultural location system (indoor and outdoor) and a smart image gallery web application. The system architecture and the web application software design is then described in Section 3 by discussing the role of MVC architectural pattern to adapt mobile user view to cultural location system. 2. SMART VILLA TOUR SCENARIO “SMART VILLA” is an experimental integrated mobile information system based on a mobile web application developed to interface user with a dynamic image gallery enriched with touch based operations that will contribute to access historical documents while visiting ancient villas. We have realized an implementation of the system "SMART VILLA" for "Villa Mondragone" (Figure 2), that is the representative office (International Conference Center) of University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Villa Mondragone is one of the twelve Tusculum villas built in the sixteenth century by papal nobility, located in the south-east of Rome near the ancient city of Tusculum in the Castelli Romani area. Villa Mondragone is a building of over 80.000 cubic meters for which the use of this technology allows easy access for such a wide dislocation of cultural and historical resources. The area considered for this case study, is related to the congress and cultural activities and includes:



 the Swiss Hall, used as a large conference room for about 150 seats;  the Hall of the Theatre, with 120 seats;  four meeting rooms for parallel sessions with 50 seats each (Hall Garden, Green Room, the Terrace Room, Room SS. Peter and Paul);  the Belvedere Room on the second floor;  the Internet Point Secretariat, equipped for congresses;  the Hall of the Caryatids, the Red Room and the Hall Borghese, halls of high representation;  the Library;  the Gallery for exhibition stands;  the Portico of the Accoglienza.

Figure 1: Villa Mondragone

Villa Mondragone, externally, has the Inner Court, the Portico of Vasanzio, the Secret Garden and the Garden of the Windmill Theatre of the Waters. A Smart Villa Tour hence is designed in the following way. 1. A Cultural Wireless Location System (CWLS) typical implemented by indoor location system devices tuned for smart phones and tablet with a wireless connection to radio tags, that could be easily inserted over ancient things without changing the original historical environment. 2. A Mobile Web Smart Image Gallery Application visualizing Cultural Multimedia Information and dynamically dependent from CWLS through user position. Figure 2 shows an example of screen from the Smart Image gallery Web Application with the villa tour map in which the cultural location system is displayed by wireless location points over the map (stars).



Villa Map

wireless location sensor

cariatidi room point

portico center point

current position

gallery starting point

court starting point

Tour Image gallery

Villa CourtYard Description

Villa Image Gallery with Dynamic slide-show/pop-up

Figure 2: SMART-VILLA: Example of smart Image Gallery GUI

Cultural Wireless Location System and NFC technology This requires a new software and wireless mobile system based on radio tags communication protocols available on existing smart phones and tablet (WIFI TAG protocols). In such a way, visitors equipped with standard smart phone (iPhone, Android, etc.) could easily navigate through web library interface. In addition, when they are close to ancient paintings, books or other masterpieces a notification system could alert by means of suitable multimedia messages. The artistic works (eg. smart poster) are equipped with NFC tags, in particular, tag type 4 is defined to be compatible with ISO 14443A and B standards. These NFC tags are pre-configured at manufacture and they can be either read / re-writable, or read-only. The memory capacity can be up to 32 kbytes and between the communication speed is 106 kbit/s and 424 kbit/s [7];  Regarding the choice of the type of tag, the state of the art provides for a classification of tags, and we have identified the fourth class, both for the reader compatible with the mode-only required for our system, both for the capacity of data storage, equivalent to a maximum theoretical of 32 kbytes, suitable for saving the URL.  As local web server is used a laptop with linux distribution and XAMPP;  for each opera of art was created a html page containing the following informa...

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