Non Cognitivism Essay PDF

Title Non Cognitivism Essay
Course Philosophy
Institution University of Bristol
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What is non-cognitivism? Critically evaluate the ‘wishful thinking’ argument against non-cognitivism. Noncogni t i vi sm i st hemet aet hi cal vi ewt hatmor al st at ement shav enos ubst ant i al t r ut hcondi t i ons .Whenaper s onut t er samor al st at ement ,t heyar enotex pr es s i ng bel i ef s .I nst ead,t heyar eex pr es s i ngnoncogni t i v eat t i t udes ,i nasi mi l arwayt o des i r esorappr ov al .TheFr egeGeac hpr obl em wasi nt r oducedt oc hal l engenoncogni t i v i sm andi ni t i al l y ,i tseemedt os i l enc et hev i ew.Howev er ,somecont empor ar y phi l osopher s ,namel yBl ac kbur nandGi bbar d,hav ear guedt hatt hei rnoncogni t i v i sm, knownasex pr essi vi s m,cani ndeeds ol v et hepr obl em.So,r ecent l y ,Ci anDor r i nt r oducedt he‘ wi s hf ul t hi nki ng’ pr obl em t ochal l enget hes emoder ni nt er pr et at i onsof noncogni t i vi s m,i ndependent l yofwhet hert heycanov er comet heFr egeGeac h pr obl em.Whi l et hewi shf ul t hi nki ngpr obl em doeshav es omei mpl i cat i onsf orol der v ar i et i esoft henoncogni t i vi s m,Iwi l l f ol l owDor ri nr est r i ct i ngat t ent i ont ot he cont empor ar yi nt er pr et at i on.Thr oughuseofamodusponensar gument ,Dor r s ugges t st hatnoncogni t i vi s m adv ocat esf or mi ngbel i ef saboutt hewor l dbasedon one’ sdesi r es.Thenoncogni t i vi sti sf acedwi t hadi l emmawher et heyhav et oei t her denyar at i onal ar gumentoracceptt hei r r at i onal actofwi s hf ul t hi nki ng.The r esponsest ot hedi l emmacomei nt wof or ms .I nl i ghtoft hi s,Iwi l l t ak et her eader t hr oughoneex ampl eofeach.Fi r st l y ,Iwi l l consi derLenman’ sr es ponseands how wher ei tr unsi nt opr obl ems .Iwi l l t henconsi derBul dof son’ sr es ponseandi ndoi ng s o,showt hatDor r ’ sar gumentdoesnotact ual l yposeat hr eatt oanyex pr es si vi st t heor yt hatcans ol v et heFr egeGeac hpr obl em.

Noncogni t i v i sm i sbasedont wocent r al negat i v et hes es .Thefir s t ,of t ent er medas s emant i cf act ual i s m,deni est hatpr edi c at i v emor al st at ement sex pr esspr oposi t i onsor hav easubst ant i v et r ut hv al ue.Thes econd,of t ent er medasps y c hol ogi c alnoncogni t i v i sm,deni est hatt hement al st at esor di nar i l yex pr ess edbymor als t at ement s ar ecogni t i v est at es .Noncogni t i vi s t sus ual l yacceptbot ht hes et hes es.Di ffer ent v ar i at i onsofnoncogni t i vi sm coupl et heset wonegat i v et heseswi t hpos i t i v ecl ai ms aboutt hemeani ngofmor als t at ement sandt hest at esofmi ndex pr essedbyt hem.

Dor r ’ sar gumentwasi nt endedasar es ponset ot hemoder ni nt er pr et at i onofnoncogni t i v i sm:ex pr essi vi s m.Ex pr ess i vi sm consi der smor al sent encesasconv ent i onal dev i cesf orex pr es si ngposi t i v eandnegat i v eat t i t udest owar dst hei robj ect s.I t at t empt st of or m as ys t emat i cs emant i c sf ormor al sent encesbycoupl i ngt hem wi t h 1

ani ndi vi dual ’ scur r entment al st at e.I tr egar dsmor al sent encesnotasbel i ef s,butas des i r el i k est at esofmi nd.Bl ac kbur nt er mst heses t at esofmi ndas‘ at t i t udes ’ ,whi l e Gi bbar dt er mst hem as‘ nor maccept ance’ .Accor di ngt ot henoncogni t i vi s t ,t hemai n pur poseofev al uat i v ej udgmenti snotaboutone’ sbel i ef saboutt hewor l d.I ns t ead,i t i saboutone’ sdesi r esf orhowonewant st hewor l dt obe.Forex ampl e,noncogni t i v i sm doesnotunder st andt hecl ai m“ t or t ur ei sal way swr ong”asmeani ng ev er yi ns t anceoft or t ur ehasacer t ai nmor al pr oper t y .I nst ead,i tunder st andst he c l ai mt omeanas t r ongdes i r et hatt or t ur enev eroccur s . Thewi shf ul t hi nki ngpr obl em i sbas edont hei deat hati ti swi shf ul t hi nk i ngt odev el op av i ewaboutt hewor l dont hebasi sofwhaty ouwantt hewor l dt obel i k e.Dor ras ks t her eadert ocons i dert hef ol l owi ngmor al desc r i pt i v emodusponensar gument :

P1.I fl yi ngi swr ong,t hesoul sofl i ar swi l lbepuni shedi nt heaf t er l i f e. P2.Lyi ngi swr ong. C. Thesoul sofl i ar swi l lbepuni shedi nt heaf t er l i f e.

P1,P2andCexpr es spar t i c ul arment alst at es :t hes t at esofaccept i ngeac hoft he ar gument ’ spr emi sesandt hest at eofaccept i ngi t sconcl usi on.I ti seas yt odi scer n whatt hest at esofP2andCwoul dbef ort henoncogni t i vi s t .Thement al st at eofP2 i sadi sappr ov al ofl yi ng.Thement al st at eofCi sabel i eft hatl i ar swi l lbepuni shedi n t heaf t er l i f e.Whi l et hement al st at eofP1i sal i t t l emor econt ent i ous ,i ti ssaf et o as sumei tcanbeusedi nsomef or m ofcoher entcombi nat i onwi t hP2.I ti st her ef or e s af et oas sumet hatacombi nat i onoft hement al st at esP1andP2i mpl yC.I ti sal s o r easonabl et oass umet hatacombi nat i onoft hement alst at esP1andP2coul dl ead s omeonet oacceptC.

Dor ri nvi t esust oconsi derEdgar .Edgaraccept sP1,f orhehasbeent aughtt odos o bypeopl ehedeemsaut hor i t at i v eont hemat t er .Howev er ,t hesepeopl ehav egi v en hi m noi nst r uct i onont hemat t erofP2andsoEdgardoesnotaccepti t .Het hi nk st hat l y i ngi saccept abl e.Att hi spoi nt ,heaccept sP1buthasnor eas ont obel i ev eCbased onhi scur r entev i dence.Thr oughsubs equentr eflect i ononhi smor al commi t ment s , Edgarcomest oconcl udet hatl y i ngi sact ual l ywr ongandcomest oacceptP2.He t hent ak eshi saccept anceofP1andP2asr easonf orcomi ngt oacceptC.


Dor rcl ai mst hati nt het houghtexper i ment ,Edgarhasact edent i r el yr at i onal l y .AndI canonl yagr eewi t hhi m.Asnot edbyHar man,i fy ouacceptonepr emi s ei nav al i d ar gumentbutdonotacceptt heconcl usi on,butt henl at ercomet oacceptt heot her pr emi s es ,coher encei smai nt ai nedt hr oughoneoft womeans .Ei t her ,y oucanno l ongeracceptt hefi r stpr emi seor ,y oucomet oacceptt heconc l us i on.I nt hi scas e, Edgarhasaccept edt heconcl usi onandi sr at i onal i ndoi ngso.I ti si mpor t antt onot e t hatt her ei snocont ent i onov ert hev al i di t yoft hear gument .Amodusponenscanbe s hownt obev al i dt hr oughuseofasi mpl et r ut ht abl e.

Whi l eseemi ngl yi nt ui t i v e,t heEdgarscenar i opr esent st henoncogni t i vi s twi t ha di l emma.Ei t her ,t hear gumenti scor r ectandEdgarcanr at i onal l ycomet oacceptC ont hebasi sofaccept i ngP2.Or ,t hear gumenti si ncor r ectandEdgarcannot r at i onal l yacceptC.Fort henoncogni t i v i st ,r ej ect i ngDor r ’ sar gumenti spr obl emat i c becaus e,asal r eadydemonst r at ed,accept i ngCont hebasi sofcomi ngt oacceptP2 i sent i r el yr at i onal .Howev er ,accept i ngt hear gumenti sal sopr obl emat i c ,andt hi si s wher et he‘ wi shf ul t hi nki ng’ pr obl em becomesappar ent .Accor di ngt ot henoncogni t i v i st ,comi ngt oacceptP2i ssi mpl yac hangei none’ snoncogni t i v eat t i t udes. Andt heaccept anceofCi sadesc r i pt i v ebel i ef .Ther ef or e,i ncomi ngt oacceptC, Edgarhasf or medadesc r i pt i v ebel i efbasedonachangei nhi snoncogni t i v e at t i t udes .Hehasf or medabel i efaboutt hewor l dont hebasi sofhi sdes i r esandi n doi ngso,hascommi t t ed‘ wi shf ul t hi nki ng’ .Dor rhass hownt hatf ort henoncogni t i v i st ,Edgarhasper f or medanactt hatseems ,atl eastpr i maf aci e,i r r at i onal .He c l ar i fi est hatonl ynewl yf oundevi denceorac hangei none’ scogni t i v est at e“ can mak et hedi ffer encebet weenacasei nwhi chi twoul dbei r r at i onal t obel i ev e 1 s omet hi ngandonei nwhi chi twoul dber at i onal t odos o. ”

I nmymi nd,t her ear et wowaysi nwhi chonecanr espondt ot he‘ wi shf ul t hi nki ng’ pr obl em.Ei t her ,y oudev el opasol ut i ont hatcanbeappl i edt oal lcas esi nwhi c hi ti s i nt ui t i v el yr at i onal f orEdgart oacceptC.I ndoi ngso,y oudevi s eanexpl anat i onf or whyaccept i ngCont hebasi sofP2i sar at i onal act .Or ,y ouar guet hatwhatDor r cons i der st obe‘ wi shf ul t hi nki ng’ i snotact ual l yat r uecaseofwi shf ul t hi nki ng.At r ue cas eofwi shf ul t hi nki ngi swher eonewant si tt obet hecas et hatp,andt hencomes t obel i ev et hatp.Her e,onesupposest hatcomi ngt oadescr i pt i v econcl usi onont he basi sofdes i r el i k eat t i t udesi sdi ffer entt ot r uewi s hf ul t hi nki ng;ar gui ngt hati ti snot 1 Dor r ,C.( 2002) 3

c l eart hat‘ l yi ngi swr ong’ ex pr es sest hement als t at eofwant i ngt hes oul sofl i ar st o bepuni shedi nt heaf t er l i f e.I nl i ghtoft hi s,Iwi l lcons i deronef or m ofeachar gument t oest abl i shwhi chappr oachi smor eeffect i v e. Lenmanempl oy st hefir s tmet hodbyat t empt i ngt ogi v easol ut i ont ot hepr obl em and s howt hatEdgari sr at i onal .Hear guest hatEdgari sal r eadyi npos sessi onof des cr i pt i v eevi dencef orCands odoesnotcommi twi s hf ul t hi nki ngi naccept i ngC. Lenmanat t empt st opr ov i deanex pl anat i onf orwher et hi sdesc r i pt i v eevi dence comesf r om.Gi v ent hatEdgari sj ust i fiedi ncomi ngt oacceptP2,hemusthav esome evi dencef ordoi ngso.Lenmanpr oposest hatt heev i denceEdgarusesi nhi s accept anceofP2i sal soevi dencef orhi saccept anceofC.Hi saccept anceofCi s t her ef or ebasedonor di nar ydescr i pt i v eev i denceandi snotacommi t t al ofwi shf ul t hi nki ng.Lenmanadopt sapar t i cul ar l ys t r ongi nt er pr et at i onoft hi sappr oac h.He hol dst hatt hebel i ef sEdgarusest oacceptP1andP2canbeusedt oj ust i f y accept i ngCi ndependent l yofP1andP2.Hef ur t her st hi sbypr oposi ngt hatanycase t hatdoesnotmeett hi scondi t i oncanbeconsi der edt obeonewher ei ti si nt ui t i v el y i r r at i onal f orEdgart ocomet oacceptt heconcl usi on.Hest at es ,“ Suchaconc essi on 2 …i si ndependent l yhi ghl ypl ausi bl e-whet herwear ecogni t i vi st sornot ” .

Lenman’ sc l ai mi sf al s e.Not hi ngi mpl i est hati nnonmor al ar gument s ,someonei s onl yr at i onal i ft heyacceptaconcl usi onbas edonsomef ur t her ,i ndependent j us t i ficat i on.I nf act ,t hatwoul dnotbeposs i bl eandwoul dl eadt oani nfi ni t er egr es s. Somest andal onear gument sar er equi r edt osuppor tt hei rconcl usi ons .Ot her wi s eno ar gument swoul dsuppor tt hei rconcl us i ons.Fur t her mor e,Lenman’ sar gument r equi r est heass umpt i ont hatwhenev erpeopl ear ej us t i fiedi naccept i ngmor al t hes es , t heyar epar t l yj us t i fiedont hebasi sofnonmor al assumpt i ons ,whi char esuffic i enti n j us t i f y i nganyf ur t hernonmor al concl usi ons .Ther ei snor easonf ort hecogni t i v i stt o acceptt hi sass umpt i on.I nf act ,i nt ui t i oni stt heor y ,af or m ofcogni t i vi s m,ar guest hat s omemor al sent encesar ej us t i fiedwi t houtanynonmor alas sumpt i ons.Cl ear l y , Lenman’ sappr oac hqui ckl yr unsi nt opr obl ems . So,nowconsi deraf or m oft hes econdr esponse.Bul dof son’ sappr oach demonst r at est hatDor r ’ swi shf ul t hi nki ngi snott r uewi shf ul t hi nki ng.Hecl ai mst hati f t hear gumenti ssound,t her emustbeadi ffer encebet weencogni t i v i standnoncogni t i v i stf or mat i onst hatshowst hecogni t i v ef or mat i oni sr at i onal andt henon2 Lenman,J.( 2003)


cogni t i v i stf or mat i on,i r r at i onal .Hear guest hatt her ei snosuc hdi ffer enc e.I nbot ht he cogni t i v i st s ’ andnoncogni t i v i st s ’ v i ew,Edgardoesnotappr ehendt het r ut hofCa pr i or i .Nordoesheacqui r enewevi dencei ncomi ngt obel i ev eP2.Theonl y di ffer encei st hati nt hecogni t i vi stv i ewEdgaraddsabel i efwhi l ei nt henoncogni t i v i stvi ewEdgaraddsanoncogni t i v i stat t i t ude.I ti suncl earhowt hi sdi ffer ence cani mpl yt hatEdgari sr at i onal onl yi nt hecogni t i vi stf or mat i on.Theonl yar gument t hatwoul dcl ar i f yt hatEdgari sonl yr at i onali nt hecogni t i v ef or mat i onwoul dbeas f ol l ows : P1* .Edgar ’ saccept i ngofCi sr at i onali fandonl yi fcoher encedemandst hathe acceptCuponcomi ngt oacceptbot hP2andP1 P2* .Suchar easonf ori nf er r i ngCi sgener at edonl yi f ,i naccept i ngP2,Edgar addsabel i efr at hert hananoncogni t i veat t i t ude C* .Ther ef or e,Edgar ’ si nf er encei sr at i onali fandonl yi fcogni t i vi sm i st r ue Howev er ,al l t hati sneededt oov er comet hi sar gumenti sasat i s f act or ysol ut i ont ot he Fr egeGeachpr obl em.Foras ol ut i ont ot hatpr obl em woul dshow,t hati nEdgar ’ s s cenar i oP1andP2l ogi cal l yi mpl yC.Andev eni fnoncogni t i vi s m wer et r ue, coher encedemandsy out oacceptCwheny oucomet oacceptP1andP2.Asa r esul t ,t hes econdpr emi sei nt heabov ear gument ,P2* ,i sf al se.I ti si r r el ev ant whet herEdgaraddsabel i eforanoncogni t i v eat t i t ude.Coher encedemandst hat oneaccept sCr egar dl essofone’ sat t i t ude. Dor ri nt r oducedt hewi shf ul t hi nki ngpr obl em t oc hal l enget henoncogni t i vi st i ndependent l yoft heFr egeGeachpr obl em.Respons est hatat t emptt ofindas ol ut i on t ot hepr obl em soonr uni nt odi ffic ul t y ,asdi s pl ay edbyLenman’ sat t empt .Howev er , t hr oughanobs er v at i onmadebyBul dof son,i tbecomescl eart hatt hepr obl em does notpr esentasgr eatac hal l enget ot henoncogni t i vi s taswoul di ni t i al l yseem.By cons i der i ngt hepr obl em f r om t heper spect i v eoft hecogni t i vi s t ,i tbecomesappar ent t hatonec anov er comet hepr obl em wi t hanysuccess f ul sol ut i ont ot heFr egeGeach pr obl em.Whet hert heFr egeGeachpr obl em canbeov er comei st obecont ended.


Ref er ences

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