Note 9 - study guide PDF

Title Note 9 - study guide
Author Kiet Le
Course Elementary Psychology
Institution University of Georgia
Pages 7
File Size 52.4 KB
File Type PDF
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a) conservation. b) stranger anxiety. c) object permanence. d) secure attachment. - d. secure attachment

Random assignment minimizes ________ between experimental and control groups. Random sampling minimizes ________ between a sample and a population. a. similarities; differences c) similarities; similarities b. differences; similarities d) differences; differences - d) differences; differences

Researchers have discovered that the midlife transition between early and middle adulthood is characterized by unusually high levels of a) job dissatisfaction and career change. c) anxiety and emotional instability. b) marital dissatisfaction and divorce. d) none of these feelings or events. - d. none of these feelings or events

Since 1960, Americans have experienced a(n) a) increase in the incidence of depression and a decrease in work hours. b) decrease in the incidence of depression and an increase in work hours. c) increase in the incidence of depression and an increase in work hours. d) decrease in the incidence of depression and a decrease in work hours. - c) increase in the incidence of depression and an increase in work hours.

Sixteen-year-old Brenda questions her parents' values but does not fully accept her friends' standards either. Her confusion about what she really wants and values in life suggests that Brenda is struggling with the problem of a) autonomy. b) identity. c) initiative. d) integrity. - b. identity

Social-cultural explanations for drug use often focus on the effect of peer influence. An important psychological contributor to drug use is a. inflated self-esteem b. the feelings that life is meaningless and directionless c. genetic predispositions d. overprotective parents - b. the feelings that life is meaningless and directionless

Some developmental psychologists now refer to the period from age 18 to mid-twenties and beyond (up to the time of social independence) as a. emerging adulthood b. adolescence c. formal operations d. true maturity - a. emerging adulthood

Some mothers feed their infants when they show signs of hunger, whereas others fail to respond predictably to their infants' demands for food. These different maternal feeding practices are most likely to contribute to differences in infant a) autism. b) attachment. c) conservation. d) egocentrism. - b. attachment

Some people wrongly perceive that their dreams predict future events. This is an example of a(n) ______ correlation. a. negative b. positive c. illusory d. naturalistic - c. illusory

Stroke a newborn's cheek and the infant will root for a nipple. This illustrates a. a reflex b. nurture c. differentiation d. continuity - a. a reflex

Studies of people with split brains and brain scans of those with undivided brains indicate that the left hemisphere excels in a. processing language b. visual perceptions c. making inferences d. neurogenesis - a. processing language

Teratogens are chemicals that pass through the placenta's screen and may harm an embryo or fetus. which of the following is NOT a teratogen? a. oxygen b. heroin c. alcohol d. nicotine - a. oxygen

The "uncommited" areas that make up about 3/4ths of the cerebral cortex are called a. occipital lobes b. fissures c. association areas d. Wenicke's area - c. association areas

The ability to learn a new computer software program is to ________ as knowledge of state capitals is to ________. a) concrete operations; formal operations c) crystallized intelligence; fluid intelligence b) formal operations; concrete operations d) fluid intelligence; crystallized intelligence - d) fluid intelligence; crystallized intelligence

The ability to simultaneously copy different figures with the right and left hand is most characteristic of those whose ________ has been cut. a) angular gyrus b) reticular formation c) corpus callosum d) motor cortex - c. corpus callosum

The ability to think logically about hypothetical situations is indicative of the ________ stage of development. a) conventional b) preconventional c) preoperational d) formal operational - d. formal operational

The activation-synthesis theory suggests that dreams a. are the brain's attempts to make sense of random neural activity b. provide a rest period for overworked brains

c. serve as a safety valve for unfulfilled desires d. reflect the dreamer's level of cognitive development - a. are the brain's attempts to make sense of random neural activity

The autonomic nervous system controls internal functions, such as heart rate and glandular activity. The word autonomic means a. calming b. voluntary c. self-regulating d. arousing - c. self-regulating

The best way to detect enlarged fluid-filled brain regions in some patients who have schizophrenia is to use a(n) a) EEG. b) MRI. c) PET scan. d) brain lesion. - b. MRI

The brain emits large, slow delta waves during the deepest stage of sleep, called a. Stage 2 b. Stage 4 c. REM sleep d. paradoxical sleep - b. stage 4

The brainstem is the oldest and innnermost region of the brain. The part of the brainstem that controls heartbeat and breathing is the a. cerebellum b. medulla c. cortex d. thalamus - b. medulla

The depressants include alcohol, barbiturates, a. and opiates b. cocaine and morphine

c. caffeine, nicotine and marijuana d. and amphetamines - a. and opiates

The egocentrism of preschoolers was most strongly emphasized by a) the Harlows' attachment theory. b) Kohlberg's moral development theory. c) Piaget's cognitive development theory. d) Erikson's psychosocial development theory. - c) Piaget's cognitive development theory.

The greatest danger of viewing drug addiction as a disease is that this may lead drug addicts to a) feel increased feelings of shame. b) hide the drug abuse from public view. c) feel powerless to overcome the addiction. d) become victims of social hostility and prejudice. - c) feel powerless to overcome the addiction.

The home environment most clearly has a greater influence on children's ________ than on their ________. a) temperament; political attitudes c) religious beliefs; personality traits b) extraversion; table manners d) gender identity; gender schemas - c. religious beliefs; personality traits

The hypothalamus influences the ________ to send messages to the ________. a. cerebellum; amygdala c) motor neurons; sensory neurons b. pituitary; endocrine glands d) thalamus; angular gyrus - b) pituitary; endocrine glands

The inability to recognize familiar faces even though one can clearly see and describe features of the faces is associated with damage to the right ________ lobe. a) frontal b) parietal c) occipital d) temporal - d) temporal

The initial reward center discovered by Olds and Milner was located in the a. hippocampus

b. brainstem c. hypothalamus d. spinal cord - c. hypothalamus

The knee-jerk reflex is controlled by interneurons in the a) limbic system. b) spinal cord. c) brainstem. d) cerebellum. - b. spinal cord

The laboratory environment is designed to a. exactly re-create the events of everyday life b. re-create psychological forces under controlled conditions c. create opportunities for naturalistic observation d. minimize the use of animals and humans in psychological research - b. re-create psychological forces under controlled conditions

The limbic system, a doughnut-shaped structure at the border of the brain's older parts and cerebral hemispheres, is associated with basic motives, emotions, and memory functions. 2 parts of the limbic system are the amygdala and the a. cerebral hemisphere b. hippocampus c. thalamus d. pituitary - b. hippocampus

The lower brain structure that governs arousal is the a. spinal cord b. cerebellum c. reticular formation d. medulla - c. reticular formation

The most foolproof way of testing whether a newly introduced method of psychological therapy is truly effective is to use a. survey research. c) correlational research.

b. naturalistic observation. d) experimental research. - d) experimental research.

The most influential endocrine gland, known as the master gland is the a. pituitary b. hypothalamus c. kidney d. adrenal - a. pituitary

The need to take larger and larger doses of a drug before experiencing its effects is an indication of a) withdrawal. b) dissociation. c) tolerance. d) narcolepsy. - c. tolerance

The neural structure that most directly regulates eating, drinking and body temperature is the a. endocrine system b. hypothalamus c. hippocampus d. spinal cord - b. hypothalamus

The neuron fiber that carries messages to other neurons is the a. dendrite b. axon c. cell body d. myelin - b. axon

The neuron's response to stimulation is an all-or-none response, meaning that the intensity of the stimulus determines a. whether or not an impulse is generated b. how fast an impulse is transmitted c. how intense an impulse will be d. whether the stimulus is excitatory or inhibitory - a. whether or not an impulse is generated...

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