Notes - Amy Hodges Hamilton\'s Be Change ILC PDF

Title Notes - Amy Hodges Hamilton\'s Be Change ILC
Course Be Change: Read/Write Soc Justice
Institution Belmont University
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Amy Hodges Hamilton's Be Change ILC...


Notes 1/15/19 Memoir: ● Autobiography: research and facts ○ Covers it all- full life ● Memoir: personal life ○ Remembering details, people, and memories ○ About a time period- Snapshot ○ A collection of memories that is written about moments and pieces ■ Based on facts but relies on memory that takes place in the subjects life ● Creative nonfiction: merges boundaries between literature and research ○ Accurate and well researched info ○ Blurs the lines ■ Takes creative liberties/ license 1/24/19 Theme ● A theme is a universal idea, lesson, or message explored throughout a work of literature. ● The theme in a story is its message or 'big idea.' In other words, what critical belief about life is the author trying to convey in the writing of a novel, play, short story or poem? This belief, or idea, transcends cultural barriers. It is usually universal in nature. When a theme is universal, it touches on the human experience, regardless of race or language. It is what the story means. Often, a piece of writing will have more than one theme. Themes in I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings (saved to computer) ● Racism and Segregation ○ Epilogue—waking up out of her ugly black dream ○ Ch. 8—names of towns/vanilla ice cream ○ p. 41—courtroom/Mrs. Henderson ○ Dentist Lincoln and Powewhitetrash Girls ○ p.42—God was white/depression didn’t segregate ○ p. 19—Uncle Willie in potato bin ○ Ch. 23—Graduation

○ p. 32—lynching p. 153—they don’t hate us ○ Japanese internment—Ch. 36 ● Coming of Age/Identity ○ p. 111—becomes a girl ○ p. 163—San Francisco/part of something ○ p. 221—motherhood/having a baby ○ Ch. 16—Mrs. Cullinan/Mary/Naming ○ p. 61—Mr. Freeman/identity=search for love and acceptance ○ p. 70—Silence ○ p. 78—Mrs. Flowers/power of words ○ p. 135—graduation ○ p. 115-116—Bailey and Joyce ○ p. 114—Tommy/valentine ○ p. 68—Lies on stand/despises Mr. Freeman for making her lie ● Faith ○ p. 47--Momma—God is love ○ p. 126--Reverend Taylor ○ p. 96—Revival—“would God himself. . .” ○ p. 103—Heaven vs Hell ○ p. 42—God was white ○ p. 69—loss of faith after rape ○ p. 82—by the way ○ p.141—grappling with faith ○ Introduction—relief/escape/displacement from community ● Motherhood ○ p. 33/34 & 82—church/structure ○ p. 131—Momma= God is love/Dentist/Powewhitetrash ○ p. 159—beauty and power and honesty of Mother/Vivien ○ p. 65—Mother cares for Maya after rape ○ Movie star looking like her mother ○ The ways they show love—Momma vs. Mother/Vivien

○ Ch. 15—Mrs Flowers ○ p. 116—lack of mother ○ Conclusion—becoming a mother/connection with Vivien

1/29/19 Genre ● A category of artistic composition (music) ● Similar ideas, style, subject matter, form ● Literary genre: ○ Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama ● Music: Tradition, comfort level ● Thrillers: Interesting ● Literature: ○ Can be studied over time ○ Universality ○ Teaches us something ○ Popular vs classic ● Popular text and entertaining ○ 50 Shades of Grey ○ Hunger Games ● Aristotle 4 Genres: ○ Tragedy ○ Epic ○ Comedy ○ Parody 2/5/19 Social Class Notes ● Status hierarchy- groups are classified on the basis of esteem and prestige acquired mainly through economic success and accumulation of wealth ● Social class- refer to any particular level in such a hierarchy ● 4 common social classes:

○ Upper ○ Middle ○ Working ○ Lower Social Issues in TGC ● Gender and sexual assault/abuse ○ Domestic abuse ● Poverty ○ Homelessness ○ Hunger ● Neglect or Abuse ● Education ○ Lack of that ● Alcoholism ● Mental illness ○ Mom, Erma, Stanley ● physical illness ○ “Tough it out” ● Racism ○ Dinita 2/7/19 Plot Notes Teaching plot structure through short stories ● Plot is the literary element that describes the structure of a story. ○ It shows a causal arrangement of events and actions within a story ● beginning/ exposition → rising action → middle/climax → falling action→ end/ resolution ○ Burn → dysfunction/ moving family → escape fund/ standing her ground/ parents moving to new york → starting her life/ going to school/ dads death→ thanksgiving

Aristotle’s unified plot ● The basic triangle shaped plot structure was described in 350 BCE Freytag's Plot Structure

Social Issues in The Glass Castle ● Poverty/hunger ○ Maggoty ham ○ Eating butter ○ The mom getting heavier ○ Rooting through the trash ○ Brian sleeping with the raft/ on the porch ○ Moving- instability ● Addiction/mental health ○ The dad ■ Drinking and putting the daughter in danger ○ The mom- bothered by sexual abuse ○ Uncle stanley ○ The cheetah ○ “I’m a sugar addict” ● neglect/ abuse ○ Burning herself ○ Falling out of car ○ Taken to the bars ○ The U Haul ○ Billy/Uncle Stanley/ Erma ■ Sexual abuse ○ No school ○ No clothing ○ The mom had a million dollars worth of land ● Education ○ Maroon wave

○ Dad giving him their education in desert ○ Kids at school ○ Dad paying tuition ○ Being a reporter ○ Going to college 2/19/19 ● Feminism: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes ● 1800-1900: ○ Susan B anthony ○ Right to vote ● 1960-1970: ○ Bra burning ○ rights/ privilege ● 1980-1990’s ○ Diversity ● Two types of feminism ○

Individual ■ Not hiring her

○ Institistional ■ Education ■ Vote ■ Whole systems ○ Cultural ■ Why was she..? ■ Rights to body ■ What we wear Style ● Comprises many literary devices than an author employs to create a distinct feel for a work ○ The way the story is written and told

○ The way a writer writes ○ Types of ways to create style: ■ Voice ■ Tone ■ Syntax ● Fundamental aspects of Walker’s style ○ Letters- epistolary style ○ Shift in style as she writes to nettie/ letters from nettie ○ Sparse detail ○ Juvenile ■ Uneducated and poor grammar ○ Short chapter ○ POV shift ○ No dialogue/ quotations ● Fundamental aspects of Walls’ style ○ Story telling ○ Childlike ○ Dry humor- sarcasm ○

Attention to detail ■ Word choice ● “Skedaddle and mountain goat”

○ Symbolism ■ fire ○ Figurative language ● Fundamentals aspects of Angelou’s style ○ childlike/ innocence ○ Poetic ■ Figurative language ○ Written with purpose ■ Every word matters ○ Teaching style

■ Learning a lesson as you read ○ detail / storytelling

2/21/19 POV Notes ● Perspective from which the story is told ○ Reflection of author and characters ● Angle of considering things ● The way the story is told ● Shifting POV ○ Differences in stories ○ Different experiences in the same family ○ Every story is important ○ Differences in education and opportunities

2/26/19 Setting Notes ● Time and place in which the story takes place ● Identifying and establishing the time, place, and mood/ condition of the text ● Where and under what circumstances does the story take place Time Place and Mood ● I know why the caged bird sings ○ Time■ 1930-1940 ○ Place■ Stamps ■ St Louis ■ Mexico ■ California ■ Store ○ Mood-

■ Woeful ■ Introspective ■ Collective air of displacement ■ racism / KKK ● The Glass Castle ○ Time ■ 1960-2004 ○ Place ■ West Virginia, New York, Arizona, California, The U haul, The Green Lantern ○ Mood ■ on edge ■ Dysfunctional ■ Uneasy ■ Adventurous ■ Dry humor ■ Social inequality ● The Color Purple ○ Time ■ 1910-1940 ○ Place ■ Georgia ■ Memphis ■ Western Africa ○ Mood ■ Heavy ■ Trapped ■ Confined ■ sexism/ abuse ■ Male dominated ■ Racism after slavery

■ Poverty ■ Social inequality

2/28/19 The Color Purple Theme Notes ● Gender and Inequality/ oppression ○ Pg 155- a girl is nothing to herself ○ Pg 157- olinka women and oppression ■ Wife of chief- high as she can think ○ Pg 1- beat me because I winked ■ Rape and abuse of celie ■ Male dominance ○ Pg 206- “you black you ugly you a woman…” ○ Sofia and harpo- men beating women ■ Harpo’s insecurities, role reversal ○ Pg 40- sofia “a girl child aint save in a family full of men” ○ Shug ○ Squeaks rape ● Faith and God ○ The last letter- addressing everything ■ Letters being addressed to God ○ Talking about god being white ■ “If he listened to a poor, colored woman” ○ The color purple- the nature and god pg 192-197 ○ abuse/ Gods baby- when asked who the father of celie’s baby is ○ Pg 1- better not tell anyone but god- abuse/ rape ○ Pg 90- sofia in jail ■ “God all white...god blow out a breath of fire and sofia free” ○ Pg 92- writing to nettie and questioning god ○ Pg 197 and 288- says “Amen” ● Race

● Sisterhood ○ Shug and celie found nettie’s letters - 124 ○ Nettie and celie both wanting to learn - 9 ■ Trying to escape ○

Shug showing her how to make pants/ their relationship/ love

○ Shug protecting celie from abuse- 75 ■ “I’m not leaving until he won’t beat you no more” ○ Celie taking care of sofia after beating- 86 ○ Celie taking care of shug ○ Reunion of sisters- 287 ○ Corrine and nettie ○ Squeak and sofia ● Major characters ○ Celie ■ Protagonist and dynamic ■ Uneducated ■ Growth to independence ■ Oppression/ abuse ■ Sexuality ■ Sisterhood ■ Develops her voice ■ Empowerhood ● Pants, shug, leaving mr., and writing to nettie ■ Redemption ● Told harpo to beat sofia ● More to life ○ Nettie ■ educated ○ Shug ■ Independent ○ Sofia

■ Strong willed ○ Mr. ■ Antagonist ■ Dynamic ■ Major growth/ change comes after celie leaves ● The impact she has vs impact he has on her - 264 ○ Asks her to marry him again rather than demand ■ Abuse ■ Hope and love toward the end ● Shift in gender roles ■ Hiding the letters ○ Harpo ○ Pa ■ Antagonist ■ Flat

3/19/19 Poetry Notes ● Form of literature that uses aesthetic qualities of language to evoke meaning or to teach us something important ● rhyme/ rhythm ● Imagery ● Metaphors ● Lyrical ● Message ● Specific format/ sound ○ free style African american poetry ● Culture and racism ● Social inequality and slavery ● Oral forms

○ Spiritual ○ Gospel ○ Blues ○ Rap

3/28/19 Essay Genre Notes ● A piece of writing that shares information, an argument, or person’s story ● Short ● Thesis ● Research ● Academic ● Analytical ● 4 types: ○ Narrative ○ Descriptive ○ Expository ○ Persuasive

4/2/19 Hope Vs Helpless ● “When you get, give. When you learn, teach”- Angelou ● Short fiction: brief works of fiction ○ Written in narrative prose ○ Features a small cast of named characters and the traditional elements of plot structure ○ moral/teaches a lesson...

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