NS1881 Amended Subject Outline SP1 2020 PDF

Title NS1881 Amended Subject Outline SP1 2020
Course Nursing Practice 1
Institution James Cook University
Pages 27
File Size 1 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 84
Total Views 175


Subject Outline ...


JCU College of

Healthcare Sciences

Subject Outline Subject Name

Nursing Practice 1

Subject Code


Study Period

Study Period 1 – 2020

Study Mode

Internal; Mixed attendance


Townsville; Cairns; Mackay; Mount Isa

Subject Coordinator

Tanya Langtree

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters where our University is located and actively seek to contribute and support the JCU Reconciliation Statement, which exemplifies respect for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait cultures, heritage, knowledge and the valuing of justice and equity for all Australians. © Copyright 2020 This publication is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism, or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process or placed in computer memory without written permission.

Pre-requisites For prerequisites, see https://secure.jcu.edu.au/app/studyfinder/?subject=NS1881&year=2020

Subject outline preparation This subject outline has been prepared by Tanya Langtree for the College of Healthcare Sciences, Division of Tropical Health and Medicine, James Cook University. Amended subject outline updated 27 March 2020. Q1. This subject is offered across more than one campus and/or mode and/or teaching period within the one calendar year.

Yes ☒

No ☐

Q2. If Yes (Q1), the design of all offerings of this subject ensure the same learning outcomes and assessment types and weightings.

Yes ☒

No ☐

Q3. If no (Q2), the Academic Head has authorised any variations, in terms of equivalence.

Subject outline peer reviewer Name

Leisa Sanderson



Date Reviewed


College of Healthcare Sciences Disclaimer: The information provided in this subject outline is correct as at the time of completion and may change in response to changing University resources. Any changes will be approved by the College Dean or representative and will be communicated to students by the LearnJCU subject site.

Staff contact details Teaching Team

Staff Member




Consultation times*

Subject Coordinator

Tanya Langtree

25.238 (TSV)

07 47815355

[email protected]

10-12 Mondays 9-11 Wednesdays

Subject Cocoordinator

Angela Brogan

A2.117 (CNS)

07 42321305

[email protected]

9-1 Tuesdays

Learning Advisors

The Learning Centre

JCU Library

Online contact form

Visit Learning Advice Desk – JCU Library


Stephen Anderson Brenda Carter Janet Catterall


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

By appointment

07 47816997 07 42321025

*Other consultation times by appointment only. For further assistance please refer to Student Assistance Directory (Nursing and Midwifery) – Who Do I Contact?

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Contents 1





Subject at a glance ................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1

Student participation requirements ................................................................................................... 4


Key dates ........................................................................................................................................... 6

Subject details ........................................................................................................................................ 7 2.1

Subject description ............................................................................................................................ 7


Subject learning outcomes ................................................................................................................. 7


Learning and teaching in this subject.................................................................................................. 7


Student feedback on subject and teaching ......................................................................................... 8


Subject resources and special requirements....................................................................................... 9

Assessment details............................................................................................................................. 10 3.1

Requirements for successful completion of subject .......................................................................... 10


Feedback on student learning .......................................................................................................... 10


Assessment tasks ............................................................................................................................. 11

Submission and return of assessment.......................................................................................... 24 4.1

Submission of assessment................................................................................................................ 24


Return of assessment ....................................................................................................................... 24

Subject calendar ................................................................................................................................. 25

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1 Subject at a glance 1.1 Student participation requirements The JCU Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy (4.3) indicates that, “a 3 credit point subject will require a 130 hour work load of study-related participation including class attendance over the duration of the study period, irrespective of mode of delivery”. This work load comprises timetabled hours and other attendance requirements, as well as personal study hours, including completion of online learning activities and assessment requirements. Note that “attendance at specified classes will be a mandatory requirement for satisfactory completion of some subjects” (Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy, 5.10); and that additional hours may be required per week for those students in need of English language, numeracy or other learning support. Key subject activities

Time / Date / Location


Lectures/Vodcasts (10 hours)

Weeks 5-10 online lectures posted on Wednesdays

Tutorials (20 hours) – Face to face tutorials Weeks 14; Online Tutorial Collaborates for Weeks 5-10

Online tutorials will continue during your normal tutorial time using Blackboard Collaborate. Refer to JCU Timetable 2020

Workshop (Laboratory) (20 hours) - 2 hours/week for Weeks 1 to 4; 30 min Lab Collaborate session/week for Weeks 5-10; followed by 1x 10 hour (2 day) intensive block when face to face teaching resumes

Weekly Lab Collaborates will run Weeks 5, 7-10: Cairns:

Workshop Group 1 Workshop Group 3 Workshop Group 5 Workshop Group 6

Thursday 1:30-2pm Thursday 2-2:30 pm Friday 9:30-1000 Friday 1000-1030


Workshop Group 2 Workshop Group 4 Workshop Group 5 Workshop Group 6 Workshop Group 7 Workshop Group 8

Thursday 1:30-2pm Thursday 2-2:30 pm Friday 0900-0930 Friday 0930-1000 Friday 1015-1045 Friday 1045-1115

Mackay & Mt Isa:

MKY Workshop Group 1 MKY Workshop Group 2 + ISA MKY Workshop Group 3

Friday 0930-1000 Friday 1000-1030 Friday 12-1230


3-day Residential teaching block (lectures/tutorials/workshops)

Online activities (30 hours)

Refer to JCU Timetable 2020 LearnJCU

Other mandatory attendance requirements: • There is an 80% attendance requirement for tutorials and 100% for workshops/labs (including intensive/residential blocks) for all nursing and midwifery subjects.

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If you are absent from a workshop/lab or tutorial (including residential blocks) you will need to complete the CHS Process for Assessment Extension, Missed Assessment, Missed Class or Late Assignment Submission application no later than two (2) working days after the missed class, or as soon as circumstances enable you to submit the request.

Where more than 20% of tutorials are not attended, students with internal enrolment in the subject will be required to undertake appropriate make-up work, even when a medical certificate is supplied. A maximum of 20% of tutorials may be replaced with make-up work (for a 10 week subject this would equate to 2 weeks of tutorials). This will be assigned by the subject coordinator and will comprise activities and readings appropriate to the missed classes. Submission of completed make-up work to LearnJCU is required within 10 working days of the missed tutorial. Failure to submit/late submission of makeup work will result in the award of an NS, N or X (fail grade) for the subject.

Where clinical workshops are missed, students will be required to undertake appropriate make-up work. A maximum of 20% of workshops may be replaced with make-up work. All make-up work, requirements, worksheets and submission dropboxes can be found on the LearnJCU subject site in the tutorial and workshop make-up folder. Make-up required includes completion and submission of the relevant week's make up worksheet. Once the worksheet is complete and submitted you are to attend SDL to practice skills/scenarios missed. When confident in skills/knowledge you are then to book a time to attend during staffed SDL time in the laboratory to demonstrate skills. Attendance at the staffed SDL time for make-up must be arranged a week in advance with the subject coordinator or delegate. You must complete written make up work and have evidence of a scheduled booking within 10 working days of missed class unless alternative arrangements have been approved by the subject coordinator. Failure to attend scheduled make-up sessions will result in the award of an NS, N or X (fail grade) for the subject.

As of 30th March 2020. Workshop makeup is as follows: Where clinical workshops are missed, students will be required to undertake appropriate make-up work. A maximum of 20% of workshops may be replaced with makeup work. All make-up work, requirements, worksheets and submission dropboxes can be found on the LearnJCU subject site in the tutorial and workshop make-up folder. Make-up required includes completion and submission of any relevant week's make up worksheet. This will include review of vodcast and/or reading material set in relation to skill sessions. You are then to book into scheduled makeup sessions and discuss the knowledge gained with the facilitator. Session times will be posted on the subject site. You must complete written make up work and have evidence of a scheduled booking within 10 working days of missed class unless alternative arrangements have been approved by the subject coordinator. Failure to attend scheduled make-up sessions will result in the award of an NS, N or X (fail grade) for the subject.

If a student is absent for more than 40% of tutorials or 20% of workshops/labs for a given subject (including residential blocks), a fail grade (N or X) will be awarded for that subject.

If you arrive late to a workshop/lab or tutorial it is your responsibility to speak to the tutorial leader or lab facilitator to ensure you are marked present on the attendance roll. Any late arrival will be noted and make-up work may be required. Please note that arriving late is not considered professional behaviour and continual late attendance will be referred to the subject coordinator or course coordinator.

As of 30th March 2020. Tutorial and skills laboratory session attendance are recorded automatically when entering the collaborative rooms. You must be in attendance for a period of 50minutes for a one hour tutorial and 100minutes for a 2 hour tutorial to be considered present. Arrivals of later than 10 minutes will be considered absent for the session.

• It is a mandatory requirement that all students complete 100% of their Professional Experience Placement (PEP). This must be evidenced in the completion and submission of all PEP documentation to the relevant LearnJCU subject site. Failure to complete the PEP or the submission of the documentation will result in the award of an NSA, N or X (fail grade) for the subject

For information regarding class registration, visit the Class Registration Schedule.

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1.2 Key dates Key dates


Teaching commences

24 February 2020

Intensive blocks (internal students) – 2 day workshop followed by a 2 hour Peer Assessment of Clinical Skills session on the third day

Townsville: To be advised Cairns: To be advised Mackay: To be advised Mt Isa: To be advised

Residential block (mixed attendance students)

Townsville: To be advised Cairns: To be advised

Census date

See 2020 Study Period and Census Dates

Last date to withdraw without academic penalty

See 2020 Study Period and Census Dates

Submission of pre-placement requirements

20 April 2020 0900 hour AEST* *If you have outstanding face-to-face components i.e. first aid/CPR certificate – please advise DTHM placements so an extension for this PPR can be applied Internal students: Tuesday 10 March, 1200 hours AEST (face to face)

Compulsory professional experience placement briefings

Tuesday 14 April, 1200 hours AEST online – watch the recording and answer the quiz questions Mixed attendance students: During residential block Part A: Thursday 9 April 2020 1600 hours AEST

Assessment task 1: Group Presentation [40%]

Part B: Friday 8 May 2020 1600 hrs AEST

Assessment task 2: Peer Assessment of Clinical Skills [Sat/Unsat]

Internal students: One (1) day after 2-day intensive block (dates to be advised) Mixed attendance students: Friday of the residential block (dates to be advised) Part A: Monday 23 March 2020 1600 hrs AEST

Assessment task 3: Professional Portfolio [Sat/Unsat]

Part B: Within one (1) week after completion of intensive or residential block (dates to be advised) Two (2) weeks after completion of all intensive/residential blocks (dates to be advised)

Assessment task 4: Examination [60%]

*Please note: Students enrolled in the BNSc or BNSc-BMid courses, teaching and examination periods may run outside of the normal university study periods to allow students to complete the required Professional Experience Placement (PEP) components of the course. Refer to the 2020 Nursing and Midwifery Year Planner for further information.

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2 Subject details 2.1 Subject description This subject introduces students to the application of the principles of person centred care. Skills in assisting with activities of daily living to maintain patient independence are developed. The techniques of physical and mental health assessment are practiced in a simulated setting.

2.2 Subject learning outcomes Students who successfully complete this subject will be able to: •

demonstrate techniques used to assess physical and mental health

describe the precautions necessary to maintain a safe environment for the patient, the nurse and colleagues

apply the Registered Nurse standards for practice in the provision of evidenced based nursing care in a simulated environment

demonstrate proficiency in the performance of essential nursing skills

outline the principles of person centred care and its application across the lifespan.

These outcomes will contribute to your overall achievement of course learning outcomes. Your course learning outcomes can be located in the entry for your course in the electronic JCU Course and Subject Handbook 2020 (click on ‘Course Information’ bar/ select ‘Undergraduate Courses’ or ‘Postgraduate Courses’/ select relevant course/ scroll down to ‘Academic Requirements for Course Completion’, ‘Course learning outcomes’).

2.3 Learning and teaching in this subject Blended learning is the teaching strategy used in this subject. The blended learning approach comprises text and web-based information, together with access to video-podcasts and other materials loaded onto LearnJCU. This is to assist students to learn in a creative and flexible manner. Internal students will engage in face to face tutorials which are designed to be active learning sessions where subject content is discussed and explored. Mixed attendance students will have access to online Blackboard Collaborate sessions. NS1881 learning and teaching strategies are student-centred. Students are encouraged to actively engage in learning processes and take responsibility for their learning. Emphasis is placed on skills required to effectively use and integrate technology into the learning environment. In NS1881 you will engage in a variety of learning experiences using different formats including: •

directed learning via lectures, specific readings within textbooks, journals and online sources, LearnJCU simulated activities, preparatory and reflective activities;

demonstrations of clinical skills and opportunities to develop and consolidate these skills within workshop sessions, and self-directed learning (SDL) in the nursing laboratory; and

discussion with workshop facilitators and peers.

Workshop/Laboratory Guidelines 1. Nursing and Midwifery uniform must be worn to all workshops/labs. The prescribed uniform is the only type students are permitted to wear. No home-made uniforms are allowed. Students with incorrect uniform are not permitted entry to the labs and make-up work is required. Please note: you must wear closed-in footwear to each nursing lab session. Students with incorrect footwear will not be permitted entry to the laboratories and make-up work will be required. Page 7 of 27

2. Standard precautions are to be maintained while working in labs. Potentially contaminated items must be disposed correctly. In particular, correct procedures must be followed when disposing of syringes, sharps and needles. 3. Hand hygiene must be performed every time you enter or leave labs; and the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care’s five moments for hand hygiene must be adhered during labs. 4. Conservation of equipment is encouraged. There is a quota on the amount of disposable equipment each student may use. 5. Eating is not permitted in labs. 6. Mobile phones are not permitted in the labs. 7. Please do not remove equipment from labs without permission. 8. Leave the laboratories neat and...

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