Nutrition 100 Supplement Project PDF

Title Nutrition 100 Supplement Project
Course Introductory Nutrition
Institution The University of Tennessee
Pages 7
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Nutrition 100 Supplement Project...



Choose one commercial dietary supplement or herb that is used as a form of alternate medical therapy. You will need to choose a supplement or herb for which you have access to the “Supplement Facts” panel and manufacturer information on its label (either use a supplement bottle you already have, purchase the supplement for reference, take a picture of a label from various angles with your phone or you might find a copy of the label and panel online). For the purposes of this project, choose individual rather than “multi” or combination supplements – or focus on a single vitamin, mineral or dietary constituent in the supplement. (An exception might be if you choose for example, calcium; it is rarely available without vitamin D. In this case, just research one of the nutrients contained in the supplement.) See MedLine Plus ( for a comprehensive listing of supplements and herbs. (This is also a good site to use for supplement information.) Another reference is the National Institutes of Health Dietary Supplement Label Database ( ). Save this worksheet in Word and TYPE your answers within the document (expand spaces as needed). Be sure to attach a copy/picture of the product label that includes the nutrition facts panel with any claims and highlighted medical abstract. Save all work and resubmit to CANVAS by the due date listed in the syllabus, and as instructed by your GTA. Project grade is based on appropriately addressing each of the questions below and when requested, that you include sufficient discussion in complete sentences based on appropriate resources and/or your summary of readings or research. For helpful and credible websites in researching your questions, refer to the links below - copy and paste - or posted slides. National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: NIH site for health professionals: Medline Plus: Human Performance Resource Center: FDA: Mayo Clinic: WebMD: Tufts Nutrition Navigator: Natural Products Foundation:

2 FROM SUPPLEMENT OR PRODUCT LABEL Note: you will need to refer to a product label that provides sufficient information to address questions 16). REMEMBER TO Attach a picture of supplement- from all sides.


Name of dietary supplement or herb: Vitamin C

A. include active ingredient (0.5 point) Ascorbic Acid B. brand name of product (0.5 point) Nature Made Vitamin C 1000 mg

2. Manufacturer name and address: (1 point) - The manufacturer name is Nature Made Nutritional Products, and the address is Mission Hills, CA 91346-9606, U.S.A. 3. Cost per bottle/package; servings per container; dosage/directions for use: (1 point) - The cost for this bottle runs for 38.99 at Walgreens. This bottle contains 100 tablets and the serving size is one tablet. For each bottle, the serving size is a 1000 mg serving. For this bottle, the directions state to take one tablet daily with a meal and suggests taking it with water before and during ingestion. 4. List all warnings or precautions for use of this product. (1 point) - This product warns you that this bottle has not been evaluated by the FDA and also to be aware that this product doesn’t promise a total cure or treatment of any disease. It also cautions you to not use this product if the seal or cap has been broken or missing before you buy it.

3 5. List all health-related claims under appropriate category below. For help in differentiating between types of claims, see lecture slides or chapter 12 in text. (1 point) A. Nutrient-content claim (ex: “high in….”; “excellent source of….”; “high potency”) - This bottle states that Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps support the immune system and can help iron get absorbed in the body and neutralize free radicals. B. FDA-authorized claims (ex: link of calcium & osteoporosis) - There isn’t any FDA-authorized claims for disease prevention for this given supplement.

C. Structure-function claims with disclaimer that have not been evaluated by the FDA - This bottle states that Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps support the immune system and can help iron get absorbed in the body and neutralize free radicals.

6. Does the label include any designations or claims regarding its purity, safety, quality, or effectiveness? If so, list below. (1 point) - The label says it is the number one pharmacist recommended product which can make buyers have a sense of assurance with buying this product, and it also says it helps support the immune system.

SUPPLEMENT OR PRODUCT BENEFITS, SAFETY, AND EFFECTIVENESS 7. Who, in your opinion, might choose to take this supplement and why? (1 point) - In my opinion, people may choose to take this supplement for a miscellaneous number of reasons since it’s benefits go in many different directions. People may choose to take it if they wish to increase their collagen if they hope to speed up healing wounds they may have encountered. They may also take it just if they have a deficiency for this vitamin as well.

8. Discuss the risks for use of the supplement for particular conditions or population groups. (1 point) - As with any vitamin, taking an excessive amount of Vitamin C can cause issues in the human body. A vitamin C over-dose can possible cause kidney stones, diarrhea, and nausea.



Search medical literature through PubMed (National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health link to citations for biomedical literature) for research or review articles on your dietary supplement use and effectiveness. Suggest skimming the “How To” for search tips in Pubmed. Include one medical abstract from your PubMed search regarding the supplement or herbal remedy you chose and how it may affect a certain disease. (NOTE: some herbs are listed under their botanical name). Copy and paste screenshots of the abstract that includes author, publish date, journal, and abstract in your screenshot. Highlight content of significance for your review.



a. Summarize the research including the purpose and conclusion from your abstract that evaluated the effectiveness of the supplement or product. (1 point) In this research paper, Vitamin C is being tested against lung fibrosis. Lung Fibrosis is contracted by an exposure to Paraquat (herbicide) which can cause severe toxic effects in humans and animals. In this research paper, a paraquat induced male mice was tested against varying amounts of Vitamin C for 7 days and then were euthanized and samples from their lungs were collected. When the results were evaluated, it showed that Vitamin C had a positive and promising impact on the treatment of lung fibrosis when they are intoxicated with paraquat.

b. Discuss your opinion or perspective (your own words) using information from the abstract as well as from your other readings and research: is there sufficient scientific evidence to support the supplement claims? (1 point) In this research paper, male mice were being tested. With any experiment, I think having multiple trials and multiple objects tested would make me more apt to be on board with this treatment because then there would be more than ample amount of evidence and findings to go off of to proceed with the findings.

10. Based on your review of the supplement label and readings/research above, discuss your recommendations and/or reservations regarding use of the supplement or product. (You can imagine yourself as a healthcare provider counseling a client or patient) (2 points) - If I was a healthcare provider, I would administer patients at a low amount at first and wait for them to come back to me and then evaluate the changes, and then keep doing that because everyone’s body is different so how much is beneficial for them might depend. I would definitely take the process slowly so error can be reduced to a minimum.

5 11. Cite the references, resources, literature, supplement website, and websites you used to complete this project (minimum of five – your abstracts plus website resources). Don’t just copy and paste links – you must provide the name of the website and other pertinent information. As good practice, please list in APA format (for examples/guidelines visit Include at least 3 using APA Format (3 Minimum- Supplement website, 1 website & 1 paper) (1 point)

APA Citations Ma s o n , S. A. , Ra s mu s s e n , B. ,Va n , L. J . , Sa l mo n , J . , &Wa d l e y , G. D. ( n . d . ) .As c o r b i ca c i d s u p p l e me n t a t i o ni mpr o v e sp os t p r a n d i a lg l y c a e mi cc o nt r o la n db l o o dp r e s s u r ei np e o p l e wi t ht y p e2di a b e t e s :Fi n d i n g so far a n d o mi z e dc r o s s o v e rt r i a l . Re t r i e v e dNo v e mb e r6 , t t p s : / / www. n c b i . nl m. n i h . g o v / p u bme d / 3 0 3 9 40 0 6 20 1 8 , f r o mh Na t u r eMa deVi t a mi nC1 0 0 0mg . ( n . d . ) . Re t r i e v e dNo v e mb e r4 , 2 0 1 8 ,f r o m ht t p s : / / www. wa l g r e e n s . c o m/ s t or e / c / na t u r e ma d e v i t a mi n c 1 0 0 0 mg / I D=p r o d 3 47 3 pr od u c t Offic eo fDi e t a r ySu pp l e me n t s-Vi t a mi nC. ( n . d . ) . Re t r i e v e dNo v e mb e r5 , 2 0 1 8 ,f r o m ht t p s : / / o d s . o d . n i h. g o v / f a c t s h e e t s / Vi t a mi n CCo n s u me r / Ro dr i g ue s , M. , Sc h a p o c h n i k , A. , Pe r e s ,M. , Es t e v e s ,J . , Bi c h e l s ,C. , Sa n d r i , S. ,. . . Li n o Dos Sa n t os Fr a n c o , A. ( 2 0 1 8 ,No v e mbe r0 5) . Be n e fic i a le ffe c t so fa s c o r b i ca c i dt ot r e a tl u n g fib r o s i si n d u c e db yp a r a q u a t . Re t r i e v e dNo v e mb e r6 ,2 0 18 , f r o m ht t p s : / / www. n c b i . n l m. n i h . g o v / p u b me d / 30 3 9 5 5 7 0 Vi t a mi nCf o rt h eCommo nCo l d. ( n . d . ) . Re t r i e v e dNo v e mb e r5 , 2 0 18 , f r o m ht t p s : / / www. we b md . c o m/ c o l d a n d flu / c o l d g ui d e / v i t a mi n c f o r c o mmo n c o l d # 2 4 Vi t a mi nC1 0 0 0mg . ( n . d . ) . Re t r i e v e dNo v e mb e r4 , 2 018 , f r o m ht t p : / / www. na t ur e ma d e . c o m/ v i t a mi n s / v i t a mi n c / vi t a mi n c 10 0 0 mg # FYp t Cwg r x b SXF9 OB. 9 7 Remember to Attach a copy of the abstracts with highlighted content to your project and a copy or picture of the product label. 1 abstract with highlights. (1 point)


Beneficial effects of ascorbic acid to treat lung fibrosis induced by paraquat. Rodrigues da Silva M1, Schapochnik A1, Peres Leal M1, Esteves J1, Bichels Hebeda C1, Sandri S2, Pavani C1, Ratto Tempestini Horliana AC1, Farsky SHP2, Lino-Dos-Santos-Franco A1. Author information Abstract Paraquat (PQ) is one of the most widely employed herbicides that is used worldwide and it causes severe toxic effects in humans and animals. A PQ exposition can lead to pulmonary fibrosis (PF) and the mechanisms seem to be linked to oxidative stress, although other pathways have been suggested. Antioxidants can be useful as a therapy, although interventions with this kind of system are still controversial. Hence, this study has investigated the role of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) posttreatment on PQ-induced PF in male C57/BL6 mice. Pulmonary fibrosis was induced by a single PQ injection (10mg/kg; i.p.). The control group received a PQ vehicle. Seven days after the PQ or vehicle injections, the mice received vitamin C (150 mg/kg, ip, once a day) or the vehicle, over the following 7 days. Twenty-four hours after the last dose of vitamin C or the vehicle, the mice were euthanized and their bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and their lungs were collected. The data obtained showed that vitamin C reduced the cellular recruitment, the secretion of IL-17 -a cytokine


involved in neutrophils migration, TGF-β-a pro-fibrotic mediator and the collagen deposition. Moreover, vitamin C elevated the superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase levels, both antioxidant enzymes, but it did not alter the tracheal contractile response that was evoked by methacholine. Therefore, the researchers have highlighted the mechanisms of vitamin C as being non-invasive and have suggested it as a promising tool to treat lung fibrosis when it is induced by a PQ intoxication.

Picture of label (all sides) (1 point)


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