OOP B Week 8 SRP & OCP - Dr. Mark Doughty PDF

Title OOP B Week 8 SRP & OCP - Dr. Mark Doughty
Author Josh Southern
Course Object-Oriented Programming
Institution University of Lincoln
Pages 1
File Size 42 KB
File Type PDF
Total Views 128


Dr. Mark Doughty...


Week 8: SRP / OCP SRP = Single Responsibility Principle  Idea of splitting something down into their own single responsibilities Benefits of SRP:  Reduction in complexity of the code  Increase readability  Better reusability and reduced errors  Better testability  Reduced Coupling OCP = Open / Closed principle  Classes ( + other things) should be open for extension, but closed to modification  New features should be implemented by writing new code, not by modifying existing code Benefits of OCP:  Class becomes more robust  Fewer bugs/errors can be introduced  Better reusability  Better testability SOLID S - SRP O - OCP L - Liskov Substitution Principle  Methods that reference base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it I - Interface Segregation Principle  No class should be forced to depend on methods it doesn't use, ie. Implementing an interface and not using all the methods. D - Dependency Inversion Principle  High-level classes should not depend on low-level classes. Both should depend on abstractions - ie. Interfaces....

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