OPAL Quizzes 1-2 PDF

Title OPAL Quizzes 1-2
Author Christina Garzaniti
Course Neuroanatomy
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 12
File Size 1.3 MB
File Type PDF
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Warning: TT: undefined function: 32 Warning: TT: undefined function: 32OPAL QUIZZES 1 - 2Quiz 1 What part of the CNS forms this part of the ventricular system indicated by the arrow? Answer: midbrain The small, white circular structures shown in the top hemisphere of this image are called Answer: ar...


OP OPAL AL QU QUIZ IZ IZZES ZES 1-2 Quiz 1 1. What part of the CNS forms this part of the ventricular system indicated by the arrow?

Answer: midbrain 2. The small, white circular structures shown in the top hemisphere of this image are called

Answer: arachnoid granulations

3. Name the sulcus indicated by the dotted line

Answer: Central sulcus → separates frontal and occipital lobes on lateral hemisphere

4. Match the function to the following structures Voluntary movement of the contralateral body Hearing and sound localisation Expressive language Sensations from the contralateral body Emotions Receptive speech Vision Answer: Voluntary movement of the contralateral body Hearing and sound localisation Expressive language Sensations from the contralateral body Emotions Receptive speech Vision

A. B. C. D. E. F.

Precentral gyrus Superior temporal gyrus Inferior frontal gyrus Postcentral gyrus Cingulate gyrus Lingual gyrus

A.Precentral gyrus B. superior temporal gyrus C.Inferior frontal gyrus D.Postcentral gyrus E.Cingulate gyrus B. Superior temporal gyrus F. Lingual gyrus

5. Name the region indicated by the asterisk

Answer: corpus callosum → connects the cerebral hemisphere and contains commissural fibres

6. Name the region of the lateral ventricle indicated by the asterisk

Answer: atrium ➔ It’s a connecting chamber to other parts of the lateral ventricle

7. Name the sulcus indicated by the asterisks

Answer: parieto-occipital sulcus ➔ Easily seen on the medial surface of brain where it separates the occipital and parietal lobes

8. What part of the ventricular system is identified by the asterisk in this image?

Answer: 4th ventricle

9. The function of this gyrus indicated by the yellow asterisk is

Answer: voluntary movement of the right side of the body ➔ This is the precentral gyrus and contains a map from hips to head of body parts

10. The leptomeninges is made of the dura and arachnoid mater. True or false? Answer: false; it is made up of the pia and arachnoid mater

11. What layer of the meninges are seen in the picture

Answer: arachnoid mater or lepomeninges

12. What is the name of the region of the meninges indicated by the arrow?

Answer: falx cerebri ➔ Sits in the longitudinal fissure and separates the cerebral hemisphere

13. Name the CNS region indicated by the asterisk in the image

Answer: thalamus or diencephalon ➔ Gateway for information to pass to the cortex and the diencephalon comprises mainly the thalamus and hypothalamus nuclear regions

14. What CNS structure passes through the tentorial incisure? Answer: midbrain on brainstem 15. The cingulate gyrus is found on the lateral hemispheric surface Answer: False → the cingulate gyrus is above the corpus callosum on the medial hemisphere

16. Name the gyrus/region of the yellow asterisk on the image below

Answer: post central gyrus or S1 or primary somatosensory cortex ➔ Bordered anteriorly by the central sulcus and posteriorly by the postcentral sulcus

17. What part of the meninges is being demonstrated in this image?

Answer: tentorium cerebellum

18. Name the gyrus indicated by the yellow asterisks

Answer: superior temporal gyrus

19. Name the sulcus indicated by the dotted line

Answer: post central sulcus ➔ Note that the other sulci of the parietal lobe are oriented in a different direction to this sulcus

20. Match the sulcus to the correct brain lobe (with answers) Callosal sulcus Calcarine sulcus Postcentral sulcus Precentral sulcus

Limbic lobe Occipital lobe Parietal lobe Frontal lobe

Quiz 2 1. Match the letter to the anatomical region of the cortex in this image

Answer: A B C D E

Cuneus Precuneus Sensory part of the paracentral lobule Motor part of paracentral lobule Supplementary motor area

2. Name the gyrus indicated by the yellow dots

Answer: gyrus rectus ➔ Most medial gyrus of the orbitofrontal region. It becomes the superior frontal gyrus on the lateral surface of the hemisphere

3. What is the function of the shaded area in this image?

Answer: expressive speech/language production

4. Name the blood vessel indicated by the arrow in this image

Answer: posterior cerebral artery

5. Name the blood vessel that the arrow is pointing to in this image

Answer: posterior communicating artery

6. Name the major blood vessel that the black arrow is pointing at in this image

Answer: middle cerebral artery ➔ The MCA arises from the internal carotid and courses laterally to pass through the lateral fissure to supply most of the lateral hemisphere cortex

7. Name the functional region of the cortex indicated by the shaded yellow region

Answer: primary auditory cortex or AI

8. The cortical region outlined in black is called the ______. It contains two nuclei called the ______ and _____.

Answer: 1. Uncus, 2. Amygdala, 3. hippocampus

9. Damage to the yellow shaded region in the image produces

Answer: contralateral loss of facial sensation ➔ Damage to the facial region of the somatosensory homunculus; this results in a contralateral deficit in general sensations to that area

10. Name the artery that the black arrow is pointing to in this image

Answer: internal carotid artery ➔ Gives rise to the MCA and ACA branches that supply the hemisphere

11. Name this region of the corpus callosum indicated by the asterisk

Answer: genu

12. Name this region of the corpus callosum indicated by the asterisk

Answer: splenium

13. Name the cortical region indicated by the yellow shaded region in this image

Answer: supramarginal gyrus

14. Name the blood vessel that the black arrow is pointing to in this image

Answer: anterior cerebral artery

15. What part of the venous drainage system is the arrow pointing to in this image?

Answer: superior sagittal sinus

16. Name the cortical region indicated by the yellow shading on the image

Answer: paracentral lobule ➔ Contains the primary motor and sensory cortical regions on the medial side of the hemisphere. The supply sensorimotor function to the hips to feet & genital regions of the contralateral body

17. In this image, the arrow is pointing to what anatomical region of this lobe?

Answer: temporal pole

18. Name the blood vessel that the black arrow is pointing to in this image

Answer: basilar artery ➔ Runs along the basal surface of the pons connecting the vertebral arteries to the posterior cerebral arteries. It’s part of the posterior circulation

19. Name the sulcus indicated by the blue dashed line in this image

Answer: collateral sulcus

20. What part of the venous system is the arrow pointing to in this image?

Answer: sigmoid sinus ➔ It’s the inferior continuation of the transverse sinus and courses its way to the jugular foramen to eventually connect to the internal jugular vein...

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