Order code 82524114 - Revision Material PDF

Title Order code 82524114 - Revision Material
Author mike murimi
Course International trade
Institution Kenyatta University
Pages 4
File Size 91.1 KB
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Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Developing a Rhetorical Analysis of Dunn’s TED Talk There are many elements/factors that make us human. For a long time, people have been running charity institutions as a moral obligation. In an interesting twist, Dunn tries to depart from this line of thinking. Particularly, Elizabeth Dunn is engaged in delivering a TED talk in which she attempts to convince her audience that giving is not a moral obligation but an important part of being human. To demonstrate this and back up this line of thinking she deliberately invites her audience to look at the outcome of giving in the person that gives. She supposes that giving evokes a rare sense of happiness in the giver. Happiness is a rare thing to find, and many people in the world live unhappy lives because they do not understand how to attract this aspect of human life. In her TED talk, Elizabeth Dunn gives such people one of the best tools to end the unhappiness that dogs their lives and teaches the happy people a trick that they can apply to attract more happiness to their lives. Summary of the Talk In her TED talk, Dunn attempts to open the eyes of her audience on the benefits of giving. In connection to this, she argues that giving is a tool of attracting happiness in people’s lives. She starts her talk by asserting that she has an interesting job. She proceeds to state that her job involves looking for and identifying what makes people happy, which, true to her words, is



not only an odd job but an interesting one as well. Apparently, it is while doing her job as a researcher that she unraveled one of the things that make people happy. Oddly, whatever she stumbled upon, though it makes other people happy, it does not elicit the same feeling in her. She found out the magic that lies in giving. Briefly put, her entire talk is centered on giving and happiness. Impliedly, she is inviting people to give more for them to live happy lives. Context of the Talk In the beginning of the talk, Dunn make a crucial observation that the global family gets disturbing headlines every day. Implicitly, she is suggesting that such headlines paint an image of a world that is full of unhappy people. As a researcher, Dunn attempts to make a difference in people’s lives by identifying and sharing what makes human beings happy. As such, disturbing headlines challenges her to get out of her comfort zone to do more to make the world a better place. Contextually, her talk is made at time when the world needs her most (as suggested by the mention of the disturbing headlines).

Purpose of the Talk The purpose of Dunn’s talk is to open the eyes of her audience on the crucial role that giving can play in making their lives happier. She is a researcher whose work mainly revolves around identifying the things that make people happy. More particularly, Dunn delivers the findings of her research studies on giving as a way of attracting happiness to the viewers and listeners of her TED talk with the hope that it will persuade them to result to giving more. To achieve this, she employs sufficient amounts of rhetoric appeals in her talk with the hope of achieving the ultimate



goal of the talk- convincing the viewers and listeners that they can use giving a way of attracting the human’s greatest emotion (happiness) to their lives. Intended Audience TED talks have a global following. As such, while delivering her talk, Dunn targets people from all parts of the world. Happiness is not a emotion that is limited to be enjoyed by people from a particular section of the society. it is every human desire to spend a happy and fulfilling life. as such, the talk enjoys a following from people of all walks of life Rhetorical Strategies In summary, this paper has analyzed the TED talk that was delivered by Elizabeth Dunn supposing that giving is one of the best ways to attract happiness in one's life. People who give are basically happier than those who do not. Interestingly, Dunn observes that while other people feel happy when they give (say money to charity), she does not enjoy the same feeling when she does. Given the fact that there is a significant number of people who are unhappy in the world, efforts ought to be made encouraging more persons to engage in acts of charity.


Work Cited Elizabeth, Dunn. TED: Helping others makes us happier -- but it matters how we do it. 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUKhMUZnLuw


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