Oxford Latin Course CH.18 문법정리 PDF

Title Oxford Latin Course CH.18 문법정리
Course 라틴어 2(Latin 2)
Institution 서울대학교
Pages 8
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Quintus domo discedit : Grammar

[Perfect stems of verbs] (continue)! ——————————————————————————————————————————— contend-ō, contendere cōnstitu-ō, cōnstituere

: perfect contend-ī : perfect cōnstitu-ī

Learn the following 3rd conjugation verbs, which have the same stem for present and perfect:!








have identical forms for ⟨present⟩ and ⟨perfect⟩, !

—e.g." defendit " = either 'he defends' or 'he defended'" " defend-it / defend-it! " " " vertimus " = either 'we turn' or 'we turned'." " " " vert-imus / vert-imus! " " " ascendit = ascendit!

defend-is" " " defend-it" " " defend-imus" " defend-itis" " " defend-unt"" "

" " " " "

defend-e-bas"" " " defend-isti! defend-e-bat" " " " defend-it defend-e-bamus"" " defend-imus defend-e-batis" " " defend-istis! defend-e-bant" " " defend-erunt!

responde-s"" " responde-t"" " responde-mus" responde-tis" " responde-nt" "

" respondebas" " " " respond-isti! " respondebat" " " " respond-it! " respondebamus" " " respond-imus! " respondebatis" " " respond-istis! " respondebant"" " " respond-erunt!

eō īre eō īs it īmus ītis !eunt

ībam ībās ībat ībāmus ībātis ībant

i-ī īstī i-it i-imus īstis i-erunt

red-eo red-ire redeō redībam redīs redībās redit redībat redīmus redībāmus redītis redībātis redeunt redībant

redi-ī redīstī redi-it redi-imus redīstis redi-erunt


1" " 2" "

ūnus"" duo" "

" "

" "

" "

I" " II" "

" "

" "

" "

" "

" "

1st " " prīmus, -a, -um! 2nd" " secundus, -a, -um" "

5" " 6" " 7" " 8" " 9 "" 10 "

quīnque"" sex" " " septem" " octō" " " novem " " decem " "

" " " " " "

" " " " " "

V" " VI" " VII"" VIII" IX" " X" "

" " " " " "

" " " " " "

" " " " " "

" " " " " "

" " " " " "

5th" " 6th" " 7th" " 8th" " 9th" " 10th" "

quīntus, -a, um! sextus, -a, um! septimus, -a, um! octāvus, -a, -um! nōnus, -a, -um! decimus, -a, um!

11 " 12 " 13 " 14 " 15 " 16 " 17 "

ūn-decim " " " XI! duo-decim " " XII! tre-decim " " " Xlll! quartuor-decim " XIV! quīn-decim " " XV! sē-decim " " " XVI! septen-decim " XVII!

19 " ūn-dē-vīgintī " " XIX! 20 " vīgintī " " " " XX"" "





20th" "

vīcēsimus, -a, -um!

" " " " " " CC! " CCC! " CCCC!


centēsimus, -a, -um!


1,000th" mīllēsimus, -a, -um!

/" alter, -a, -um!

30 " trī-gintā" " " " XXX! 40 " quadrā-gintā" " XL! 50"" quīnquā-gintā"" L! 100" 200" 300" 400"

centum" " " " C" " du-centī, -ae, -a"" " tre-centī, -ae, -a"" " quadrin-gentī, -ae, -a"

1,000"" 2,000"" 3,000""

mīlle" " " " M" " duo mīlia (n-pl.)! tres mīlia (n-pl.)!





Note The numbers 4-100 do not decline 200-900 decline like ⟨1st&2nd Decl.-pl. : boni, -ae, -a⟩. mille : does not decline ➞ mille passos = 1,000 paces (a mile) milia : is a 3rd-Decl. noun ➞ duo milia passuum = 2,000 (of ) paces (2 miles)

(pl-gen) : passuum

Declension fo {ūnus, duo, trēs} ———————————————— ūnus m. f. n. singular ūnus ūna ūnum ūnīus ūnīus ūnīus ūnī ūn ī ūn ī ūnum ūnam ūnum ūnō ūn ā ūn ō ———————————————— duo m. f. n. plural duo duae duo duōrum duārum duōrum duōbus duābus duōbus duōs duās duo duōbus duābus duōbus ———————————————— trēs m. & f. n. plural trēs tria trium trium tribus tribus trēs tria tribus tribus

unus"declines like ille in sg-gen. and sg-dat.! tres " declines like the plural of omnis.! viginti " " " " = 20" " tri-ginta"" " " = 30! quadra-ginta"" = 40! etc.!


30, 40, etc. are easily recognized by the termination -ginta!

centum " " " " = 100! du-centi, -ae, -a"" = 200"" 200, 300, etc. are easily recognized by the termination -centi! tre-centi, -ae, -a"" = 300"" ← these decline like the plural of bonus.! etc.! mille " " = 1,000! duo milia " = 2,000! tria milia " = 3,000" ! etc.! NotaBene ! mille is an "indeclinable adjective, "—[e.g. mille passus " " milia is a " neuter plural noun, ""


= '1,000 paces' " "

= one mile.!

—[e.g. duo milia passuum " = '2,000 of paces' " = two miles.!


[Expressions of time] ———————————————————————————————————————————


• Time when, saying at what time an action or event took place, ! —e.g. " prima luce domo discesserunt. " They left home at dawn.!




septimo anno domum rediimus. "In the seventh year we returned home.!

—e.g. " tribus horis domum rediit. " He returned home within three hours.!

↳ this noun belongs to the ⟨fifth / -e- declension⟩ (see chapter 21)! " : sg-acc. diem " sg-abl. die, ! " : pl-acc." dies " pl-abl. diebus! ——————————————————————————————————————————— [The meanings of the ⟨perfect tense⟩]

" There is nothing in the verb form to tell you which meaning is intended, ! " but the context will usually make this clear, ! " : since the perfect with have occurs only in ⟨present contexts⟩, ! —e.g.! " {quinque dies} contenderunt sed Roma adhuc longe abest. ! " They have walked {for five days} but Rome is still far away.! "

noli timere, fili; lupus abiit. "

Don't be afraid, son; the wolf has gone away.!

Exercise 18.1""

Put the following verb forms into corresponding forms of the perfect.

1 " defendimus " 3 " vertit " " " 5 " incendis " " 7 " augeo " " " 9 " persuadet" "

" " " " "

Exercise 18.2""


[defendimus]" [vertit]" " " [incendisti]"" [auxi]"" " " [persuasit]" "

" " " " "

" " " " "

2 " constituunt" 4 " ostendo" " 6 " dicunt" " " 8 " sumus" " " 10" ludunt" " "

" " " " "

[constituerunt]! [ostendi]! [dixerunt]! [fuimus]! [luserunt]!

1 " ad agrum contendēbāmus; in via Gaium vīdīmus.! "

: contendō, contendēbam, contendī!

2 " Gaius arborem ascendebat; ubi eum vocavi, celeriter descendit.!

3 " Gaius nobiscum contendit; ubi agrum intravimus, ego patrem ei ostendi.!

4 " pater nos audivit; se vertit Gaiumque salutavit.!

5 " omnes in agro diu laborabamus.!

6 " tandem fessi eramus; constituimus domum redire.!

Exercise 18.3""

Translate the following verb forms!

Exercise 18.4""


1" Quintus paterque tres dies ad iter se parabant; quarto die discesserunt.!

2 " prima luce Flaccus surrexit Quinturnque excitavit.! 3 " tertia hora Scintillam Horatiamque valere iusserunt iterque inierunt.! 4 " novem dies in via Appia contendebant; decem diebus urbem Romam adierunt.!

5 " postero (the next) die ad forum festinaverunt et tres horas ibi manebant.!

Exercise 18.5"" Translate the following, ! " " " " " " making sure that you translate all perfect tenses appropriately, ! " " " " " " choosing between the two possible meanings! 1 ""

in via Appia ambulabam; subito lupum vidi!

2 ""

pater dixit: 'non timere, fill; lupus abiit.'!

3 ""

novem dies contendebamus; decimo die urbem intravimus.!

4 ""

pater 'gaude, fili,' inquit; 'iter confectum est.'!

5 " " Flaccus epistolam(a letter) ad Scintillam scripsit! " " : 'incolumes sumus. Romam intravimus; ludum Orbilii spectavimus.'!

6 " " mater anxia erat; nam filius domo aberat. ! " " 'anxia sum,' inquit; 'tres horas filium exspectavi, sed ille domum non rediit.'!

7 ""

tandem quinta hora noctis puer rediit. mater irata erat.!

8 " " 'o fili,' inquit, 'cur tam sero rediisti? quattuor horas te exspectavi. ! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " quinta hora tandem rediisti.’!

9 ""

puer respondit: 'cum amicis duas horas ludebam. deinde domum festinavi.!

10 " ecce! tertia hora noctis redii. nōlī tē vexāre.’!






Exercise 18.6"" 1 "" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "" 8" " 9 "" 10 " 11 " 12"" 13 " 14 " 15 "

Match up the English translations below with the following Latin verb forms!

studuit" " " " mansisti"" " " monuimus" " " transire "" " " dic" " " " " possunt"" " " eramus "" " " defendisti" " " dixerunt"" " " dicebas " " " misit "" " " " mittit"" " " " contendi" " " promisisti" " " constituerunt" "

Exercise 18.7 " "

: he/she studied" " — pf! : you have stayed" — pf! : we warned" " " — pf! : to cross" " " " — inf! : say!"" " " " " — imperative! : they can" " " " — pr! : we were" " " " — impf! : you defended" " — pf! : they said" " " " — pf! : you used to say"" — impf! : he/she sent" " " — pf! : he/she sends" " — pr! : I marched" " " — pf! : you promised" " — pf! : they have decided"— pf!

Translate into Latin!

1 " Quintus stayed in the forum for three hours; he was waiting for Gaius.! " Quintus in foro tres horas manebat; Gaium exspectabat.! 2 " At the fourth hour he decided to return home;! " but when he turned round, he caught sight of Gaius.! " quarta hora domum redire constituit; sed ubi se vertit, Gaium conspexit.! 3 " Gaius was hurrying through the street; he crossed the forum and approached Quintus.! Gaius per viam festinabat; forum transiit et ad Quintum accessit.! 4 " Quintus greeted him and said,! " 'I have waited for you for three hours. Why have you come (venio, venire, veni) so late?’! Quintus eum salutavit et 'tres horas' inquit 'te expectavi. cur tam sero venisti?' 5 " Gaius replied: 'On the way I saw a friend, who showed me his dog.! Gaius respondit: 'in via amicum vidi qui canem suum mihi ostendit.! 6 " We played with the dog. Then we climbed a tree.! " Don't be angry. I have arrived at last.'! cum cane lusimus. deinde arborem ascendimus. noli iratus esse. tandem adveni.'...

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