Oxford Latin Course CH.20 문법정리 PDF

Title Oxford Latin Course CH.20 문법정리
Course 라틴어 2(Latin 2)
Institution 서울대학교
Pages 6
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Ch Ludus Orbilii : Grammar[Perfect stems of verbs] (continue){Verb : 3rd-Conj.}—[ ] ————————————————————————————————————————————4.) he present stem is reduplicated : ➞ [ ] (i. the first syllable is doubled ) cad-ō, cad-ere : perfect ce-cid-ī curr-ō, curr-ere : perfect cu-curr-īVerbs with reduplicate...



Ludus Orbilii : Grammar

[Perfect stems of verbs] (continue)! ——————————————————————————————————————————— (i.e. the first syllable is doubled) cad-ō, cad-ere : perfect ce-cid-ī curr-ō, curr-ere : perfect cu-curr-ī Verbs with reduplicated perfects form their perfect ! " by putting before the present stem ! " either " the first letter of the stem +e (e.g. dō, de-dī) ! " or " " the first syllable of the stem (e.g. currō, cu-currī). ! Learn the following verbs:! cad-ō, cadere, ce-cid-ī"" can-ō, canere, ce-cin-ī " curr-ō, currere, cu-curr-ī" d-ō, dare, de-d-ī" " pell-ō, pellere, pe-pul-ī"" st-ō, stāre, ste-t-ī" "

" " " " " "

: I fall : I sing : I run : I give : I drive : I stand

Most verbs drop reduplication in compounds, e.g.! incidō, incidere, incidī " " : I fall into! incurrō, incurrere, incurrī " " : I run into, run against! compounds of dō&stō keep reduplication, e.g.! " " reddō, reddere, reddidī" " : I give back " " instō, instāre, institī" " : I threaten, pursue! ——————————————————————————————————————————— #

————————————————————————————————————————— ↳d " ō, dare"" " : 1st-Conj.! ↳"addō, addere" : 3rd-Conj.

[4th declension]! Nouns of the 4th declension have stems in [-u]; ! they decline very like 3rd declension nouns, ! but [-u] appears in all cases except the {pl-dat. & pl-abl.} :! ! [4th declension]! " " nom" gen" dat" acc" abl" voc"

" " " " " " "

singular"" gradu-s" " gradū-s" " gradu-ī" " gradu-m" gradū" " gradu-s" "

4th declension Nouns! " " " " " " "

plural" " " gradū-s! gradu-um! grad-ibus! gradū-s! grad-ibus! gradū-s

exercitus, exercitūs" " " gradus, gradūs "" " " " cursus, cursūs " " " " " magistrātus, magistrātūs" versus, versūs " " " " " vultus, vultūs"" " " " " tumultus, tumultūs " " "

4-m. "army! 4-m. "step! 4-m." course, race! 4-m." magistrate! 4-m." verse! 4-m." face, expression! 4-m. "riot!

manus, manūs" "

4-f." hand




NB-1! Nearly all nouns of 4th-declension are masculine; !


↳e.g. cornū (= horn; for its declension, see Reference grammar, p.153).!

NB-2! {sg-nom/voc || sg-gen} & {pl-nom/voc || pl-acc} ➡ all end [-us]; ! : sg-nom/voc "" " " " " " " — u sounds short! : sg-gen || pl-nom/voc || pl-acc" " — ū sounds long! NB-3! Most "2nd-declension m. nouns, ! some" 3rd-declension nouns, ! most "4th-declension nouns "" ➡ "all end [-us] in the nominative singular, ! " " " " " " " " " " " ➡" but their genitives show which declension they belong to, e.g.! " domin-us, "domin-ī, " m. " : 2nd-declension! " tempus, " tempor-is, "n. "" : 3rd-declension! " versu-s, " vers-ūs, " m."" : 4th-declension!

Exercise 20.1""

Translate the following verb forms!

Exercise 20.2 "

Translate the following sentences!

1" Horatia per silvam ambulabat; Argus domo discesserat; Horatia eum quaerebat.! 2 " Terentius ab agro redibat, cum puellae occurrit.! "

↳ occurrō, occurrere, occurrī, occursum + dat.!

3 " Terentius 'quid facis, Horatia?' inquit; 'cur domō discessistī?'!

4 " Horatia 'mater' inquit 'me misit. nam Argus in silvam cucurrit. diū eum quaerō.'!

5 " Terentius 'noli te vexare,' inquit; 'sine dubiō Argus iam domum rediit.'!

6 " domum ambulabant cum Horatia lapsavit (slipped) ceciditque ad terram.!

7 " puella clamavit; Argus eam audivit cucurritque e silvis.! 8 " puella canem laeta salutavit sed 'Arge,' inquit, 'cur domo abiisti? ! " malus canis es. me valde vexavisti.'!

Exercise 20.3""

Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct forms and translate the sentences!

1 " Quintus paterque a foro iam (discedere) et (procedere) ad Suburam.! " [plpf ": discesserant]! " [impf ": procedebant]" / [pf : processerunt]! 2 " viae sordidae (esse); ubique homines huc illuc (currere).! " [impf": erant]! " [impf": currebant]! 3 " Quintus patrem (rogare): 'quō (ire)? ubi domicilium quaerere debemus?'! " [pf"" : rogavit]! " [pr-1-pl : imus]! 4 " pater respondit: 'noli desperare, fill. ad Subūram paene (advenire). ! " " " " " " " illic sine dubio domicilium invenire (posse).'! " [pf"" : advēnimus]! " [pr-1-pl : possumus]!

5 " mox Quintus insulam (videre) cuius (of which) porta aperta (esse).! " [pf"" : vīdit]! " [impf": erat]! 6 " Flaccus filium in insulam (ducere) ianitoremque (vocare).! " [pf"" : duxit]! " [pf"" : vocavit]! 7 " tandem ianitorem (invenire); ille (dormire); ebrius erat; nam multum vinum (bibere).! " [pf"" : invēnerunt]! " [impf": dormiebat]! " [plpf" : biberat]!

8 " Flaccus eum (excitare); ille 'nullum domicilium' inquit '(habere) vacuum.'! " [pf"" : excitavit]! " [pr"" : habeo]!

Exercise 20.4""

Translate into Latin!

1 " Flaccus led Quintus to the school of Orbilius.! " Flaccus Quintum ad ludum Orbilii duxit.! 2 " Orbilius was sitting in the courtyard (aula, -ae, f.).! " Orbilius in aula sedebat.! 3 " Flaccus greeted him and said, 'I have brought(=led) my son to you.'! " Flaccus eum salutavit et 'meum filium' inquit 'ad te duxi.'! 4 " Orbilius asked Quintus many things; Quintus could answer easily.! " Orbilius Quintum multa rogavit; Quintus respondere facile poterat.! 5 " The other boys had now arrived and were playing near the door.! " ceteri pueri iam advenerant et prope ianuam ludebant.! 6 " Orbilius was angry. ! " 'Why are you playing?' he said; 'Why have you not entered the schoolroom (schola, -ae, f.)?'! " Orbilius iratus erat.! " 'cur luditis?' inquit; 'cur scholam non intravistis?'!

vultus " sevērus" " : m-sg-nom" " ! vultūs " sevērī" " (sevērus, -a, -um)! vultuī " sevērō! vultum " sevērum! vultū" " sevērō! vultus " sevēre! !

omnis" omnis" omnī"" omnem" omnī"" omnis"

gradus! gradūs! graduī! gradum! gradū! gradus!

vultūs " sevērī! vultuum"sevērorum! vultibus" sevērīs! vultūs" sevērōs! vultibus" sevērīs! vultūs" sevērī

omnēs" gradūs" " : m-pl-nom! omnium" graduum" (omnis, omnis)! omnibus"gradibus! omnēs" gradūs! omnibus"gradibus! omnēs" gradūs

Exercise 20.6 " " Translate! 1" cives clamabant tumultumque facere parabant.! 2" consul in gradibus templī stetit.! 3" multi magistratus aderant, qui civium iram timebant.! 4" consul cives vultu severo spectabat.! 5" tandem manus sustulit* orationemque ad populum habuit." *sustulit: perfect of tollō = I raise.! 6" cives tumultu destiterunt (ceased from) consulemque audiebant.!

Exercise 20.7 " Translate into Latin! 1 " Quintus was hurrying to school with his father.! " Quintus festinabat ad ludum cum patre.! 2 " Flaccus was carrying his son's books in his hands.! " Flaccu portabat filii libros manibus.! 3 " When they reached the school, Orbilius was waiting for them outside the door on the steps.! " ubi advenerunt ad ludum, Orbilius exspectabat eos extra ianuam in gradibus.! 4 " He looked at them with a severe expression.! " eos severo vultu spectavit.! 5 " 'Why have you arrived late, Quintus?' he said. 'You must write fifty verses.'! " 'cur sero advenisti, Quinte?' inquit; 'debes scribere quinquaginta versus.'...

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