P1 Roles and Responsibilities of sports leaders PDF

Title P1 Roles and Responsibilities of sports leaders
Course unit 03 creative actities in health and soical care
Institution West Herts College
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P1 Roles and Responsibilities of sports leaders The role of a sports coach is to help performer to improve the performance levels Role model Role model:The first and most important task of a coach is to serve as a role model for the team/individual. Coaches should set expectations for their players and set a good example for them. Whether it is punctuality, reverence for officials or other teams, or overall positive behaviour .Gareth Southgate is a perfect role model because he is always on time, good with the media, and sets a good example for his players. If the coach was not a positive role model and demonstrated a lack of Commitment of being late or being unsportsmanlike will be passed on to the players, who would believe this is the best way to go. Since they don't know what to do, the team will lose focus and behave erratically. Motivator Coaches must also be highly motivational in order to help players progress and keep them motivated to better themselves in order to be the best they can be, particularly when they feel bad about themselves.Good leaders can often recognise that players are inspired internally and extrinsically. If a player is intrinsically motivated, they will do things like practising or showing up at training without being rewarded because they do it for fun. An extrinsic motivator is when a player is rewarded for doing something.is where a player is inspired by incentives and only does so as a must. This allows coaches to determine which players need rewards and which players do so for pleasure. Planner A good coach also need to be a good planner. Coaches/sports leaders need to be careful when planning in order to reach the expectations/goals. When a coach/sports leader is planning they must meet the needs not only for the group but also for the individual players, they must take time on each individual persons/athletes needs A coach also has to plan a typical session and the equipment example balls ,bibs and a venue. If their equipment or if the session is not planned properly the performers will feel less motivated to do anything with the coach. If planning is good can can result with a more positive session where the players and coaches feel more benefited. Instructor The coach must be a good instructor because they must be able to have good communication skills. They have to tell the people what to do .They also have to give clear instructions. Coaches will also have to be able to communicate using different techniques. Verbal communication pass on the message through words.

Here the coach gives words to his feelings, thoughts, ideas and opinions and expresses them through the form of speeches or discussions. A coach can also give verbal feedback and non-verbal feedback. refers to gestures, , facial expressions, eye tone of voice contact, posture and other ways people can communicate without using language. If players are not taking instructions then they will naturally do things their own way.

mentor A coach needs to be a good mentor - coaches must be able to give good advice to the young or even older generation of players. Mentors are very important for young sports performers when dealing with the media. It is quite hard for young performer to deal with the media, therefore they have their mentors to back them up or even talk for them so if you have a mentor and it can be very beneficial. But along from being a good mentor they also have to be a good role model. A mental can also help set goals and also influence how the individual going to get there by giving them the right support and encouragement. Wayne Rooney used to find a very hard talking to the press or even the media early on in his career but years of mentoring taught him how to deal or even cope with difficult questions . Players that don’t have a mentor can find it very hard they can also feel like a lot of pressure from the sporting community and the sporting world. Mentors help guide a player and make their life stress easy Fact finder A coach needs to be a good fact finder.Coaches who are at the top of their game will continually analyse and use data to evaluate their players' performances. External data sources, such as Opta Index (Optimum Performance Theoretically Attainable) , are important for sports teams because they allow them to analyse and pinpoint critical aspects of their athletes' performances that are not visible in real time.You can also use this data to compare. These facts allow you to see if improvements have been made or if performances have worsened.This can assist coaches in determining which exercises are ideal for their athletes. A smart coach will use these statistics to analyze athletes' performances more extensively so that they may focus more on the smaller aspects of their game that are causing them problems. Even lower-level coaches can employ fact-finding by keeping track of their players' performances.

Advisor A coach needs to be a good adviser. An advisor must be able to give advice to those around them. This is especially important in team sports, for example how to play a certain position.Advisers can assist players with tasks that are unfamiliar to them, as well as provide advice on how to improve in areas where they are failing. Advise is always available and may be offered by anyone, but a competent coach must ensure

that his advice is clear and valuable; otherwise, no progress will be made.. This could also be when a player makes a mistake and the coach can explain and advise them how to do it next time.Off the field, the coach might offer advise to the players. It is possible to accept good advice and put it into practise. Nobody knows everything, and players can constantly enhance their skills by learning new things. The finest coaches consistently encourage their players to make fewer mistakes. Small changes improve performance, and when multiplied throughout a team, they make a big difference.

facilitatorA coach needs to be a good facilitator. A facilitator is employed to help participants consider suitable competitions to compete in and attain their ultimate goals. Facilitators must also be able to “make things work” and make a task or process simple or straightforward. They must effect change and inspire people to believe in themselves. Team members are inspired to perform better by a coach's originality, which encourages individual innovation. Disabled sport is a wonderful example. A coach facilitates a good experience for disabled people by providing the right equipment and facilities for them.Finding a new training facility if the weather is bad is an example of facilitating. This is an important quality for a low-level coach because problems will surely develop that they must deal with on their own. Counsellor A coach needs to be a good counsellor.Performers and athletes may have personal problems or they can face personal problems in their lives that need counselling to help them “get back on their feet. Counsellors are important as it can help make the performer feel more comfortable.Athletes sometimes have the skill but lack the courage to use it. Also being counselled by a coach may strengthen their comfort and confidence in the coach, resulting in improved play and morale among the team because they have a more personal relationship with the coach. DemonstratorA good demonstration is required of a coach. Demonstration can be used to teach kinaesthetic learning, for example, which is accessible to all sorts of learners. People can pick up on motions and motions that they wouldn't be able to pick up if they were told verbally when they learn by seeing a demonstration. Learners can also use the technique that has been demonstrated to them, giving them the opportunity to see and practise the proper technique. Demonstration also allows the coach to use other performers to display the skill, instilling confidence in the other performers. A layup is a skill that may be learned by seeing someone else perform it.Alex Ferguson Is a good example of a demonstrator since he does what he wants his players to do by participating. He offers a demonstration of how he wants them to perform things before each drill.

Organiser A coach needs to be a good organiser. They need to organise training sessions, coaches need to plan in advance on how they will manage their athletes, the equipment and even their playing area according to the amount of people that show up. They also check if the plan is safe during the lessons. The key to success its organisation, if the session is very poorly organised it can lead to the session being ruined because the participants are not focused. Coaches must also organise fixtures, performing and even travelling. This is common for a lower level team/coaches this would be because they will not have the facility of funds. The top coaches will have everything planned out by someone else.

Responsibilities of a Sports Coach Establish Ground Rules and Higher Expectations A coach must be able to set basic standards for a group.Things like behaviour, uniform and language must be set by a coach. The rules must be insured therefore there will be a level of respect between the coaches and the athletes. All these factors add up leading to a positive role model being the coach. Young athletes have to look up to a role model so they can feel inspired and motivated and give them someone to look up to. A coach also has to be repetitive in their actions, they have to make sure they’re not too hard or too easy on the athletes. All of these rules will influence their actions. The rules must be set in place to allow the coach to be in control. If the coach does not set any rules then the players will do what they feel like doing. A good example of this is Eddie Jones England’s coach for rugby who has shown an interest with his players and he has controlled his team from the start he’s really strict with the younger generation of players he has high standards who is a must be set by the coach so the players can copy him. If you wear the correct clothing and if you have good punctuation then the players will have good punctuation and good clothing for those are just the basics that a coach must be taking responsibility for. Promotes High Ethical and Moral Standards Coaches must teach players what is morally and ethically proper in order for them to have a basic understanding of how they should act. A coach's role is to promote strong ethical and moral standards.Coaches must teach fair play and sportsmanship to their athletes to keep a good environment when competing. In sports fair play is very important and widely respected.This makes the sport more balanced and fair. These values must be followed at all times. They should be done on a regular basis rather than as a one-time event. There are no moral standards in high-level sports, like diving or swearing at officials.Therefore it is important for coaches to teach younger athletes these standards so that they behave correctly in later years. This

removes gamesmanship and deviation. Shaking an opponent's hand before and after a game is one example of these standards. Knowledge of the Activity It’s very important that a coach has to have good knowledge about the activity that A coach would be coaching. A coach can’t give a session about a certain Sport if the coach himself has not been educated about the sport the session will be useless this means the performers won’t gain any knowledge from that session therefore the session becomes a waste of time. If coaches don’t know what they’re doing it could become a hazard and risk. sport is keeping the athletes safe and if the coach does not know what he’s doing it could be very dangerous and not safe. A coach that has no knowledge then won’t be able to coach any key or Basic skills. This also means that the tactical moves and skills won’t be taught to any of the performers which will put down their overall level of playing. Players cannot improve if the coach does not know what to teach them. Coaches that are leading the pro side of sports must have a lot of knowledge of the sport to improve their professional players' level. Duty of Care A coach's duty of care is essential because they are fully responsible for the safety of those under their supervision.If someone in their class gets injured, the first person who is questioned is the coach.Coaches/teachers must conduct risk assessments to ensure that the session is safe, such as determining the safety of the facility and activity. Coaches must be certain that the children are doing activities consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, An example of a coach keeping their players safe would be ensuring a rugby team are wearing their gum shields or making sure that footballers are wearing shin pads.This must be done prior to the session to ensure the players' safety. When teaching a shot put lesson, a coach must ensure that all safety procedures are followed. This requires taking turns when throwing shot put, throwing it into a safe area and carrying it in a vertical position.Safeguarding is a term used in the UK to denote measures to protect the health, well-being and human rights of individuals.

P2: Describe How Sports Coaches and Activity Leaders support a healthy active lifestyle Coaches actively Promote the Health and Well Being of the Participants

Coaches and activity leaders have a responsibility to encourage their students to live a healthy, active lifestyle. Lower-level coaches, in particular, must promote this because their players are more likely to be unfit. Coaches of all ages must

promote this because everyone's health is important, and being unwell can have a massive impact everyday. Coaches must consider their own appearance because they act as role models for the students they instruct. If an athlete sees their coach consuming junk food on a daily basis, for example, they will be less likely to follow their diet instructions. If a coach wants his or her athletes to learn, he or she must lead by example. Similarly, the coach's actions will be evaluated. If they put in maximum effort then the players taking part will make more of an attempt for them.Participating in activities and becoming healthier may be pleasurable for some, but it may not be for others. This is where a coach's function as a motivator comes into play, ensuring that everyone participates in the effort to better their health. Most people who go to coaching want to be there, so coaches don't have to deal with it as much. Sports coaches are most likely to work for sports clubs, fitness centres, or pro sports. Pe teachers teach inside of the school curriculum to help young people improve their health. People must participate in physical activity at least once a week as a result of mandatory PE classes. Teachers facilitate making these sessions enjoyable in order for people to take part in them again.Creating a competition and awarding prizes (intrinsic motivation) can also encourage people to be more active. Extracurricular activities, such as after-school running club practises, also contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Sports teams are set up in school, not only for the enjoyment of the pupils, but also to create chances for people to get fitter. Students will also receive theory lessons from PE teachers on how to live a healthy and active lifestyle. People can learn how to balance their meals and maintain their bodies healthy by taking food technology classes.

P3: Compare the different roles and responsibilities of those involved in teaching and delivering sport In sports there are loads of different types of leadership positions. The leadership positions are PE teachers, Sports leaders and sports coaches. A PE teacher works in a more of an educational environment such as schools. A PE teacher's main priority is to teach the students about living a healthy lifestyle.Sports coaches work in leisure centres, Player development academies and even maybe a Sunday league club. Sports coaches tend to focus on improving players' performance in the training session. Sports coaches can work with a wide range of different age groups but depending on the coaches ability level they could be working with beginners to elite athletes. Sports coaches also do Data analysis on players' certain skills. For example in rugby a hooker is throwing into the lineout and his throws are not spinning enough, Sports coaches would get that specific Area and then work on it. PE teachers mainly focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle and the well being of the participants/students of the school through a range of activities and teach students from (5-18). They will work with students that have a range of abilities and skill level but will focus on developing general skills for the sport rather than advanced skills which elite level coaches will be focusing on. PE teachers teach GCSE and A-Level qualifications so that students can learn about the benefits of living a healthy active lifestyle and be educated properly with why they should always be keeping fit and active. PE teachers need to change the sports that they are coaching as all of the students may have different sports which they enjoy playing.Sports leaders are in school and are students who help PE teachers in order to run practical lessons and help other students progress. Sports leaders also tend to help organise and lead events such as sports day, sport relief and give opinions on what alternatives we could do in PE lessons to make a change, to make it more enjoyable for the students. PE teachers has a wider social responsibility within the check of the curriculum. A sports leader is a leader who has been selected by the PE teacher to coach a lesson in sport. Sports coaches are more concerned with ‘sport for all’, This aims to get people of all ages and backgrounds to get involved in sport regardless of their ability. Sport leaders aim to get people healthy and active rather than worrying about skill development Assistant Coaches support the main coach to make sure that equipment and facilities are safe throughout the session,Coaching assistants will support the main coach but may work with a specific player in the team to help them improve for example for example a rugby team may have a forward coach who will work with the forwards in order to improve their pod work, while the main coach will work with the rest of the team/backs. Officials are in charge of the game and are the only ones who make the decisions,for which team has a try ,lineout and penalties..Also Officials will also need to do this as

fairly as possible and not be unfair to a specific team, which is why the coaches do not make decisions for the game.

Similarities Sports coaches, sports leaders and PE teachers have a lot of things in common such as they’re all working in sports, all of these types of leaders are improving skills of players and keeping Players safe because they have a duty of care over them. However sports coaches main priority would be to improve the player that they are coaching as the parents are paying for individual sessions for their kid.A PE teacher, on the other hand, will work to improve the players' skill level, but it will not be their top priority because their main goal is to develop an active, healthy lifestyle. They also all perform similar roles, such as motivator. Players work toward their objectives, or simply living a healthy lifestyle. They will also need to be able to instruct, being able to communicate effectively verbally and nonverbally and the need to be able describe and explain, where they will need to demonstrate a skill, so the player can be taught this skill properly. What the sports coaches, Pe teachers and sports leaders is asking of them and how to perform a skill correctly. Another similarity would be that they all need to be good supporters, a good coach will support the player through this time and help advise them on methods they could use to recover safely and faster..A good supporter will also support his players when losing games and support them if they make a mistake, so that the player stays motivated throughout the game/ training session rather than just putting the ...

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