PC101 W01Gathering Agenda PDF

Title PC101 W01Gathering Agenda
Author Alec Iliffe
Course Pathway Life Skills
Institution Brigham Young University-Idaho
Pages 3
File Size 151.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 8
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Life Skills course...


PC 101 Life Skills Gathering Agenda for Week 01 Gathering Purposes ● Welcome all to PathwayConnect and help each student feel accepted and encouraged ● Introduce yourself to the other members of the Gathering group ● Review how to get to the course in I-Learn ● Review the purpose of PathwayConnect program Physical Preparation ● Where possible, this gathering should be facilitated by a former PathwayConnect student. ● Prepare the room for groups: o For face-to -face Gatherings, where possible, group chairs, tables, or desks into groups of 3-5. Designate one of the seats as the group leader. o For virtual Gatherings, use breakout rooms. ▪ When asked to display things on “the board,” you can either share a document and write the things on a document or use the whiteboard. Min


Teaching Tips

Welcome and Devotional 5

Welcome Welcome everyone to the PathwayConnect Program and explain that at this Gathering, they will be learning more about the program and how it can help them discern their pathway in life and strengthen their ability to pursue it. Devotional Please sing one or two verses of a hymn. If you meet with a virtual gathering, the lead student or another student should be invited to share a brief spiritual thought. A volunteer will then give an opening prayer.

Personal Introductions 15

Introduce Ask students to take about 30 seconds to briefly introduce themselves to the rest of the group using the questions below to help guide their discussion. ● What is your name? ● What brought you to PathwayConnect?

Write the questions on the board

I-Learn 5

Review Thank the class for introducing themselves. Remind the students that in addition to a Thursday night Gathering, most of the coursework is completed online. Remind students how to get into the course.


Review While many students have already opened “PC 101 - Life Skills” in ILearn by now, some students may not have gone there yet. Write the following on the board: byupathway.lds.org → Sign in → Go to Class → PC 101. Offer to stay after to assist those who are having trouble logging in to I-Learn.

The Importance of Education 15

Read President Uchtdorf has taught, “For members of the Church, education is not merely a good idea--it's a commandment.” We have a responsibility to acquire education because it will help us be more self-reliant. Education is a gateway to personal growth and temporal security. As we develop in these areas, we are better able to serve others. President Eyring stated the following: “Why worry about education? Because learning is how we prepare to serve both now and in eternity.” Write Write this on the board: “For members of the Church, education is not merely a good idea--it's a commandment.” Invite each student to write for 2 minutes their own reaction to this quote. They might consider why education is so important to Heavenly Father. They may also indicate why they are using education to grow spiritually and temporally.

Prepare for this section by dividing the students into groups of 3-5 people. Tell everyone that they will do a little writing as part of this section of the gathering.

Encourage everyone to write. Writing like this, even briefly, will help students prepare their thoughts for the next step.

Share In small groups, students share their insights from their writing. Share In the large group, invite several students to share their insights again.

Don’t hesitate to wait for responses from students. Sometimes, people need time to gather courage to speak.

The PathwayConnect Program 20

Read The PathwayConnect program has been created to help you use education to better your life. PathwayConnect is a one-year program designed to help you be confident in school and work while developing skills that will help you attain your goals. When you successfully finish PathwayConnect, you will be prepared to continue taking courses at BYU-Idaho while still paying the low PathwayConnect tuition rate. PathwayConnect was created to help you begin or continue your higher-education journey. Review Take a few minutes to review these important points and answer questions as necessary.

Make sure you give enough time for every part of this activity.

Write these points on the board.


● ● ● ● ● ● ●

3 outcomes: o Help students get the gospel down into their hearts o Help them become capable learners o Prepare them to lead and support families 1 year, three semesters Most work done online Weekly gatherings PathwayConnect certificate can help you get better employment Credit transfers to BYU-Idaho During semester 3, you begin the next step: a one-year certificate from BYU-Idaho in the field of your choice After semester 3, you can matriculate to BYU-Idaho or pursue other options of your choice

To prepare to teach this section, review the PathwayConnect section linked on the homepage of the BYU Pathway Worldwide website.

Write pathway.lds.org/help on the board

For questions you can’t quickly answer, instruct students to go to the PathwayConnect Support page at pathway.lds.org/help after the gathering. Write Have each student write at least one sentence that answers this question: “Why am I in PathwayConnect?”

Write the question on the board. Encourage everyone to write.

Conclusion Thank the students for attending and invite them to commit to this program and pray for Heavenly Father’s assistance to help them find success. Testimony Bear a 30-90 second testimony of the power of education in your and Prayer own life. End with a prayer by invitation.


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