PDN Ingles - Resumen de teoría PDF

Title PDN Ingles - Resumen de teoría
Course Prueba de definición de niveles
Institution Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
Pages 62
File Size 4 MB
File Type PDF
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PDN INGLESZERO CONDITIONAL: Se usa cuando la condición y el resultado siempre son verdadIf + S + PRESENT SIMPLE, PRESENT SIMPLEIf you freeze water, it turns into iceWater turns into ice, if you freeze it.Nota: Se puede cambiar el orden y se puede sustituir el If por el WhenFIRST CONDITIONAL : Se usa...


PDN INGLES ZERO CONDITIONAL: Se usa cuando la condición y el resultado siempre son verdad If + S + PRESENT SIMPLE, PRESENT SIMPLE If you freeze water, it turns into ice Water turns into ice, if you freeze it. Nota: Se puede cambiar el orden y se puede sustituir el If por el When FIRST CONDITIONAL: Se usa para el futuro, en el caso que es muy probable que pase If + S + PRESENT SIMPLE, WILL If it rains, I will stay at home SECOND CONDITIONAL If + S + PAST SIMPLE, WOULD + VERB BASE FORM If I won a million dollars, I would buy a car If I were you, I would quit smoking If I won a million dollars, I could stop working THIRD CONDITIONAL If + S + PAST PERFECT (HAD + PAST PARTICIPLE), WOULD HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE If I had got a gold medal, I would have been happy If I had met Susan last week, I would have given a warm welcome. MIX CONDITIONAL Third/Second Conditional If + S + PAST PERFECT (HAD + PAST PARTICIPLE), WOULD + VERB BASE FORM If I had gone to university, I would be a doctor now

Second/Third Conditional If + S + PAST SIMPLE, WOULD + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE If I were a good cook, I would have invited them to dinner PRESENT SIMPLE S + VERB TO BE+ (NOT) + predicate I am a good person

VERB TO BE + S + Predicate? Am I a good person? S + VERB + object I play volleyball every Friday S + don’t/doesn’t + VERB + Object I don’t study English because it’s very boring. Do/Does + S + Verb + Object? Does your sister work at Disney? Se usa para:  expresar verdades generales The sun rises in the east  Habitos I play football every Saturday.  horarios futuros Our train leaves at 9 am  futuro después de “when” y “until” I won’t go out until it it stops raining  situaciones permanentes He Works in a bank  para titulares de periódicos Man enters space  con no progresivo I believe that you are innocent.  con contar historias Suddenly, the window opens and a masked man enters.  para dar instrucciones y direcciones. First of all, you break the eggs and whisk with sugar. PAST SIMPLE Verbos regulares  Se le aumenta “ed” - Want  wanted - Learn  learned - Stay  stayed - Walk  walked - Show  showed Excepciones  Si termina en “e” solo se le agrega la “d” - Change  changed - Believe  believed

 Algunos verbos terminados en “p” o “t” - Stop  stopped - Commit  committed  Cuando terminan en una silaba formada por una consonante y luego la “y” se elimina la “y” y se reemplaza por “i” - Study  studied - Try  tried Interrogatives VERB TO BE IN PAST + S + Complement? Was she a doctor? Were the keys in the drawer? DID + S + VERB BASE FORM? Did you want to dance? Did they learn English? Usos:  Para expresar acciones completadas en el pasado I saw a ghost last Friday.  Para describir una serie de acciones completadas en el pasado. I finished work, walked to the beach and found a nice place to swim.  Para expresar habitos en el pasado. When I was Young, I watched lots of television every day after school.  Para stative verbs (have (own), be, think (believe), know, dislike, need, owe, wish) He had a small collage in the woods FUTURE SIMPLE S + WILL/VERB TO BE WITH “GOING TO” + VERB BASE FORM I will go to Thailand Usos:  Para acciones que se deciden en el momento de la conversación. I have a toothache. I will take some pilds.  Para acciones no planificadas en el futuro Winter Will come soon  Para ofrecer, responder un pedido prometiendo, ordenando, amenazando. I’m afraid we Will get wet.  Para acciones que no se pueden prevenir en el futuro Summer Will come soon  Con cláusulas condicionales, de tiempo y propósito I will call you when I arrive at home  Para pensamientos, predicciones, supuestos, certezas, miedos sobre el futuro. I promise I won’t tell this to anyone.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS S + VERB TO BE + VERB WITH “ING” + Predicate I am doing many things now She is not cooking your favorite food. VERB TO BE + S + VERB WITH “ING” + Predicate? Is she talking with her friends? Usos:  Para describir algo que está pasando en el momento exacto en el que el hablante enuncia la oración July is watching television at the moment.  Para describir una acción que esta tomando lugar ahora pero no en el momento exacto en que se enuncia la oración John is working in London.  Describir un evento planeado para el futuro (informal) I’m taking my French class on Tuesday.  Describir situaciones temporales I’m staying with a friend for a few days.  Para enfatizar la frecuencia de las acciones. The child is always crying for no good reason.  Para describir situaciones cambiantes. Her health is improving by leaps and bounds PAST CONTINUOUS S + VERB TO BE IN PAST (Was/were) + VERB WITH “ING” She was cooking all morning Usos:  Para describir situaciones paralelas I heard a loud voice while I was washing the dishes.  Para describir lo que alguien estaba haciendo en un periodo de tiempo determinado. I was working in the garden all day yesterday.  Para expresar acciones interrumpidas en el pasado I was driving to work when I crashed my car.  Para describir repeticiones He was always complaining in class. FUTURE CONTINUOUS S + WILL (NOT) BE + VERB WITH “ING” I will be singing in the concert tomorrow Usos:

 Para describir acciones interrumpidas en el futuro They will be playing tennis when you come tomorrow.  Para expresar acciones en progreso en un punto especifico de tiempo en el futuro. We will be having lunch at school at 12 o’clock tomorrow.  Para referirnos a acciones que están pasando ahora y se espera que continúen en el futuro. Unfortunately, sea levels will still be rising in 20 years.  Para hacer preguntas educadamente sobre el futuro Will you be bringing your friend to the party tonight?  Para enfatizar en planes futuros e intenciones He’ll be coming to visit us next week.  Para describir atmosfera en el futuro. When I arrive at the party everybody will be celebrating, some will be dancing  Para expresar acciones paralelas o una serie de ellas en el futuro. She will be watching TV, and he will be cooking dinner. PRESENT PERFECT S+ HAVE/HAS+ PAST PARTICIPLE I have tried sushi Usos:  Para expresar cosas que ya has hecho o nunca has hecho en tu vida She has never studied Japanese  Para expresar el número de veces que has hecho algo How many times have you tried to call her?  Para describir acciones completadas recientemente que son importantes ahora I have some bad news. I have lost my job.  Para expresar situaciones que empiezan en el pasando y continúan siendo verdad. I have known James for 4 or 5 years.  Para describir acciones o situaciones sin terminar I’ve read half of the book  Para expresar resultados presentes He has missed the bus, so he’ll be late. PAST PERFECT S + HAD + PAST PARTICIPLE + PREDICATE She had finished the test Usos:  Para describir una accion terminada antes de otra acción en pasado. Richard had gone out when his wife arrived in the office.  Para describir una acción que paso antes de un periodo de tiempo específico en el pasado. Christine had never been to an opera before last night.

 Para describir causa y efecto (combinado con Past Simple) I got struck in traffic because there had been an accident  Para enfatizar el resultado de una actividad en el pasado I had been to London twice by the time I got a job in New York. FUTURE PERFECT S + WILL (NOT) HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE He will have done it by this evening. Usos:  Para hablar sobre una acción que terminara antes de un tiempo específico en el futuro. I will have taken off for Japan by eight o’clock tomorrow.  Para hablar de una acción que será completada antes que otro evento tome lugar. She will have learnt Chinese before she moves to China.  Para expresar con conviccion que algo paso en el pasado cercano. The guests Will have arrived at the hotel by now. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS S + HAVE/HAS BEEN + VERB WITH “ING” She has been doing many things in these days. Usos:  Para acciones sin terminar The kids have been playing since morning  Para acciones temporales I have been teaching this class for one hour  Para enfatizar la duración de una acción He has been repairing the car for 2 hours.  Para indicar cuanto (how much/how many) en un proceso en marcha. He has been studying English for two months PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS S + HAD BEEN + VERB WITH “ING” They had been playing tennis. Usos:

 Para describir una accion pasada, que ya empezó y continua hasta otra acción o momento en el pasado. The boys had been playing soccer for about an hour when it started to rain.  Para expresar la duración antes de algo en el pasado. Richard needed a holiday because he had been working hard for six months.  Para describir la causa de algo en el pasado.

He was tired because he had been jogging. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS S + WILL HAVE BEEN + VERB WITH “ING” I will have been eating vegetables for three months. Usos:  Para mostrar que algo continua hasta un evento o momento particular en el futuro. James Will have been teaching at the university for more than a year by the time he leaves for Asia.  Para hablar sobre algo que termina antes que otro momento o acción. I Will be tired when I get home because I will have been walking for over an hour.



Para decisions rapidas, en el momento Oferta Promesa Amenaza Rechazo


Predicciones basadas en opiniones personales Hechos futuros Planes previos Evidencias/señales

Predicciones basadas en presentes evidencias

I’m thirsty. I think I will buy a drink. That looks heavy. I will help you with it. Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone. If you don’t stop. I will tell your mother. She won’t listen to anything I say I think United will win the game The sun will rise tomorrow. I’m going to the beach next weekend with my friends -My stomach hurts a lot and I think I am going to throw up. -It’s 70-0. They’re going to win. Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain.


Objeto Who Whom

Posesivo Whose


para personas.

-The woman who called yesterday wants to buy the house. -The author whom you criticized in your review has written a letter in reply


para cosas y animales.

WHOSE (cuyo)

para posesiones de personas y animales


para personas, cosas y

-I love the puppy which is jumping at the kitchen -He’s a man whose opinion I respect. -She’s the student whose handwriting is the best in my class -We live in a house that


backs onto a busy street.

Defining relative clauses -

Dan información necesaria para entender a que nos estamos refiriendo y no lleva comas  The woman who works at my office is very efficient

Nondefining relative clauses -

Da información extra y va entre comas  His boyfriend, who is from Madrid, is studying in my school.



ACTIVE Writing

PASSIVE Being written Having been written


He admitted having written the book. (to) write


I pretended to be writing I should have written He seemed to have been writing

(to) be written (to) be being written (to) have been written (to) have been being written

COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES ADJETIVES 1 syllable Fast Young 1 syllable ending in -E

Nice Strange

1 syllable: consonant+short vowel+consonant Big hot 2 syllables ending

COMPARATIVE -ER Faster Younger -R Nicer Stranger -double the last consonant and addER Bigger Hotter -remove the “Y” and

SUPERLATIVE -EST Fastest Youngest -ST Nicest Strangest -double the last consonant and addEST Biggest Hottest -remove the “Y” and

in -Y Happy Crazy 2 or more syllables

Famous Beautiful

Common exceptions

Good Bad

add -IER Happier crazier

add -IEST Happiest Craziest

-MORE More famous More beautiful Better Worse

-THE MOST The most famous The best The worst

BY +PLACE The meaning is: beside, at the side of, next to, close to

examples: 

The house is by a river.

David lives by a train station.

I would love to live in a house by the sea

+ method of transport This structure describes how you travel somewhere.

+ method of communication

This structure describes how you communicate with someone

examples: 

David went to Manchester by train.

I go to work by car.

My parents often go to France by boat.

Our children have never travelled by plane before.

examples: 

I spoke to her by telephone.

I will send you the invoice by post.

Please confirm the order by email.

+ method of payment This structure describes how you pay for something.

examples: 

We paid for the computer by cheque.

We use the preposition “in”: 

David paid in cash for the newspaper.

It is also possible to omit the preposition completely, particularly in spoken 


Indicates WHO is doing the action.

David paid cash for the newspaper.

Examples: 

The kitchen is being cleaned by David.

The concert was organized by our school.

REFLEXIVE PRONOUN This structure means to do something alone.


This structure describes how to do something.

examples: 

I enjoy reading by myself.

Sarah is studying by herself.

Let’s do something by ourselves.

My parents often go on holiday by themselves.

example: 

You can turn on the radio by pressing

that button.

+ time expression

The meaning of this structure is: not later than; before or at a particular time We use this structure for deadlines. A deadline is the time before which something must be done

examples: 

Guests must vacate their hotel rooms by 11 am.

Please send us the payment by tomorrow.

Students must enrol by the end of June.


Indica habilidad o posibilidad. En estos casos puede ser traducido como “poder” en español.

Examples: -I can speak five languages. -It can be dangerous to drive if you are tired

En frases interrogativas, el uso de “can” puede solicitar permiso o preguntar sobre posibilidades

-Can I have a glass of water? -Can you help me?

COULD (podría…podía…)


Indica posibilidad o habilidad en el pasado. para posibilidades en el futuro Puede solicitar permiso o preguntar sobre las posibilidades, pero es más formal. Para indicar posibilidades en el futuro.

Para dar permisos o instrucciones

MIGHT (podría…)




-Joe could speak Spanish when he was young -I couldn’t sleep last night -You could pass the test if you studied. -I think it could rain later. -Could you pass the salt please? -Could you help me? -it may rain later. -It may be better to finish this now. -You may leave if you like. -You may use your cell phones now. May I have a glass of water? May I leave now?

En frases interrogativas, es más educado que “can” o “could”. Para indicar posibilidades en I would bring an umbrella, el presente o el futuro. En it might rain later estos casos, es un sinónimo de “may”. También se puede usar al igual que “may”, para pedir permisos o hacer peticiones corteses, aunque este uso es mucho más común en el Reino Unido que en los Estados Unidos. Para formar el tiempo futuro. I will help you. También el uso We will learn English de “will” significa voluntad o determinación En frases interrogativas para Will you help me move? pedir información, un favor o Will he go to Paris by car or sobre opciones. train? “shall” igual a “will” para Chris shall be happy to see formar el tiempo futuro. El you uso de “shall” es mucho I’ll take the 3 o’clock train. más común en el Reino Unido y en general es más educado Shall we meet at 10pm? También se puede utilizar “shall” para ofertas y Shall we go to the movies or a museum? sugerencias o para preguntar sobre opciones o preferencias Indica una obligación o I should call my parents more recomendación. Refleja una often opinión sobre lo que es You shouldn’t work so hard correcto. Se traduce como el


condicional de “deber” en español. Se utiliza “should” en frases interrogativas para preguntar si existe una obligación o para pedir una recomendación Es un sinónimo de “should” aunque es menos común.

Should we leave a tip? Should I have the steak or the chicken? Where should they meet you ? She ought to quit smoking I ought to call my parents more often.

(debería…) You must [have to] read this book, it’s fantastic. You must [have to] brush your teeth two times a day John’s not here. He must be sick because he never misses class. Must you always be late? Must she talk so much?


Indica una obligación, prohibición o necesidad. También puede emplearse “have to” (tener que) en frases afirmativas. También se puede usar “must” para indicar probabilidad o asumir algo. Es posible también usar “must” para preguntas retóricas. Para declarar una preferencia y para preguntar por algo educadamente.


se usa para decir que una persona preferiría que otra u otras hicieran algo

I would rather read the newspaper rather than watch the news sports

Se usa para indicar preferencias. +VERB “ING” Se usa para dar un fuerte consejo. Sólo se utiliza cuando existe la amenaza (riesgo) de peligro si no se sigue los consejos. Deseos

I prefer reading books to watching stupid films

MUST (tengo que…)

She would like to go to New York someday Would you help me please? When would you like to go to the movies?

(preferiría…) PREFER

HAD BETTER (será mejor que…)


You had better lose some weight

I had better arrive earlier



We use 'to + verb' to say why we do something.

We can also use 'in order to' or 'so as to'.

'in order to' and 'so as to' are more common before stative verbs like:

Examples: I'm going to Ireland to visit my family I went to the post office to buy some stamps. I'm going to Ireland in order to visit my family. I went to the post office so as to buy some stamps.

She left work early in order to be at home with the children.

be, have, know, appear, seem, understand, etc.

Before a negative infinitive, we normally use 'so as' or 'in order'.

Do not use 'for' before the infinitive of purpose.

SO THAT (para que)

This structure is also frequently used to talk about purpose. It is normally followed by modal such as can or will.

I am leaving now so as not to be late. (not: I am leaving now not to be late).

I phoned Jenny to invite her to dinner. (not: I...

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