Title RESUMEN INGLES de Señor Payroll
Author Anto Robert
Course Inglés Iii
Institution Universidad Nacional de La Matanza
Pages 1
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Resumen del cuento de SEÑOR PAYROLL...


SEÑOR PAYROLL SETTING and CHARACTERS (BEGINNING) This story was about two junior engineers who worked in a gas plant. (Larry and the narrator) They were clerks. The main office sent them a lot of orders and rules. They paid to stokers, they were called SEÑOR PAYROLL. (Payroll is the activity when a person paid salary and is the list where you can see the people who work in the company) In the gas plant worked Mexican laborers, they were STOKERS, who were great workmen, they done physical work and they scooped coal. CONFLICT The company paid stokers only twice a month, on the fifth and twentieth. But to a Mexican, this is absurd, because they spent the money quickly, so they always wanted an advance of money. For the company it was a problem and an abuse, so they sent a memorandum and it said that THERE HAD BEEN TOO MANY ABUSES OF THE ADVANCE-AGAINST-WAGES PRIVILEGE, THEREFORE, THERE WOULDN´T BE MORE ADVANCES, EXCEPT IN A CASE OF GENUINE EMERGENCY.” Stokers were furiously because they wanted his money. So, they invented excuses about genuine emergency for received the money. Finally, they paid the workers. Next week they received a new order and this explained that EMPLOYEES Would BE PAID ONLY ON THE FIFTH AND THE TWENTIETH OF THE MONTH. NO EXCEPTIONS would BE MADE EXCEPT IN THE CASES OF EMPLOYEES were LEAVING THE SERVICE OF THE COMPANY. So, García, one stoker, informed them that he was quitting his job, and other workers were also resigned. However, then they come to ask for work and then they resigned again.

The company was furiously, and they sent a new rule, it said that NO EMPLOYEE WHO RESIGNS Might BE REHIRED WITHIN A PERIOD OF 30 DAYS. However, they resigned again.

Other day, García returned, and he said that he was Hernandez. The stokers returned and they changed their names. So, they were hired again. But, to the days, they were quitting again. RESOLUTION Larry and he decided told to the company about that situation. Had a new order, NO RULES ANY MORE....

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