Period 1 Powerpoint Guided Notes PDF

Title Period 1 Powerpoint Guided Notes
Author Kira Mills
Course US history
Institution High School - USA
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Period 1 Powerpoint Guided Notes Information PRE-CONTACT ● ● ● ●

__Landbridge__ from Siberia to Alaska 10K+ years ago Migrated __southward__ from Arctic Circle Native population in Americas in 1491=__50-100 50-100 million million__

Extra Notes/Questions/Activities Use “Explore” to find another theory of how the first natives arrived in America.


Use “Explore” to find a map of the Mayan civilization.

AZTECS “Mexica”

Use “Explore” to find a map of the Aztecs civilization.


Use “Explore” to find a map of the Inca civilization.

● Empire covered the _Yucatan_ Peninsula (modern-day Guatemala, Belize, & parts of Mexico) ● Rose to prominence by 6th century AD ● Abandoned stone _cities_ by 8th century ○ Reasoning for rapid decline is still debated ● Written language, numerical system (Zero!), accurate calendar (2012 Apocalypse???), expertise in astronomy, magnificent temples & palaces ● Advanced agriculture ○ Field _rotation_ ○ Grew mostly corn, but also squash, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, tobacco, cacao (Chocolate!), etc. ○ Domesticated turkeys, _dogs_ (Huh!), ducks ○ 3 months of farming could produce enough food for a family for _a year_ ● South-central region of modern-day _Mexico_ ● Rose to prominence in 13th century AD ● Fell quickly after _Cortez_arrived in 1519 ○ _240K 240K 240K_ Aztecs were killed between 1519-1521 ● Capital city of _T Tenochtitlan enochtitlan_ (later Mexico City) had population of up to 200K ● Religion involved _human_ sacrifices ● Advanced agriculture: ○ Maize, beans, squashes, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, peppers, avocados, etc. ○ _Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation_ & intensive cultivation ○ Chinampas ■ Gardens grown on lakes ○ Hunting (bows & arrows) & fishing (spears & nets) ○ Domesticated turkeys & dogs ● Located along west coast of _South America_; _Andes_ Mountains ● Largest empire of the 3 ○ Much territory acquired by force ● Arose in 13th century; prominence by 15th century under leadership of _Pachacuti_ ● Royal palaces, temples, sewer lines, elaborate water systems, abundance of _gold_ ● Conquered by _Pizarro_ in 1530s; population also devastated by _small pox_& other disease ● Rugged terrain made farming difficult ○ Terraced the land, irrigation, road system ○ Corn, potatoes, grains, cotton, peanuts, cacao ○ Region around Lake Titicaca provided much flat farmland; became a fertile breadbasket ○ Domesticated llamas & alpacas

SIMILARITIES ● Highly _organized_ societies

List three differences between the three groups.

● Extensive _trade_ ● Created _calendars_ ● Cultivated crops & had stable _food_ supplies ○ Esp. corn for Mayas & Aztecs, potatoes for Incas

NORTH AMERICA Much _smaller_ population 1-10 million Smaller, less _sophisticated_ societies More _nomadic_; _corn_ cultivation spread northward slowly ● Hunting, gathering, fishing ● ● ● ●



Use “Explore” to find a map of Native American regions prior to European contact.

*** See your H.W. chart ***

European Exploration ● _Vikings Vikings Vikings_ reached North America by 1000 AD ● Voyages had little lasting impact; little reason for others to follow

Why did European exploration take off in the 15th & 16th centuries?

Reasons to Explore

● Middle Ages (Dark Ages) are over; _Renaissance_ begins ○ Cultural movement ■ Promoted creative thinking & individualism ○ Started in 14th century ● Improvements in Technology ○ Printing _press_ ■ Gutenberg, 1450 ○ Europeans started to use _gunpowder_, sailing compass, sextant, bigger & faster _ships_ ● Religious _Conflict_ ○ Reformation, 1517 ■ Catholics & Protestants hoped to _spread_ their religion ● Commerce ○ Europe’s population had rebounded since _Black Black Death Death_ in 1340s ○ Seeking land, new trade routes, & new products ■ Inspired by _Marco Polo_ ● Nationalism ○ Strong _monarchs_, centralized nation-states ■ Spain, France, England, & Portugal went from small territories into _powerful powerful nationstates states_ ● Looking to spread power/build empire ● Looking to increase _wealth_

PRINCE HENRY & PORTUGAL Portugal Portugal_ became naval power in 15th century ● _Portugal ● Hoped to establish presence in west Africa & find gold ● Discovered three important sets of islands ○ Canaries, Azores, Madeira ○ Est. _presence in W Africa and find gold_ ● Bartholomeu Dias sailed around Cape of Good Hope in 1486 ● Vasco _de Gama_reached India in 1497-1498

CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS ● Italian born ● Hoped to reach _Asia_ by going West ● Could not gain support from Portugal, asked _support_ of Spain

How did geography allow Portugal to lead the way in exploration at this time?

Should Columbus be remembered as a hero or villain? Why? Use “Explore” to find an image / map that portrays the Columbian Exchange.

● 3 ships set off from Canary Islands ● Landed in _Bahamas_ on October 12, 1492; moved on to Cuba (thought it was China) ● Returned to Spain w/ _native slaves_; called them Indians ● Made 3 more trips ● Found little _gold_, few spices, no _easy route_ to China & India ● Died in obscurity in 1506 ○ America named after another Italian explorer, _Amerigo Amerigo V Vespucci espucci espucci_ ● However, Columbus changed the world: _COL COL COLUMBIAN UMBIAN EX EXCHANGE CHANGE CHANGE_ (Guns, Germs, Steel) ○ Additionally, Spain focused more resources on exploration ■ Vasco _de Balboa_ crossed the isthmus of Panama (1st Euro to see the Pacific) & Ferdinand _Magellan_’s crew circled the globe

THE CONQUISTADORS ● America moves from obstacle in way to East & instead a destination ● Spain claimed the entire _New New W World orld orld_, except for Brazil ● _Cortes Cortes Cortes_ conquers Aztecs in Mexico ○ Small pox ● _Pizarro Pizarro Pizarro_ conquers Incas ● Coronado & De Soto’s expeditions (see map on p. 14) ● Conquistadores _oppressed_ natives & _decimated_ their populations

THE SPANISH EMPIRE ● Phase 1—_Discovery and Exploration_ ○ Looked to get rich ○ Gold & Silver ○ Spain became _richest_ nation in the world ○ Biggest empire in world history by 1600 ■ Largely peopled by natives though ● Phase 2—_Conquest_ ● Phase 3—_Colonization_ ○ Agriculture/Land ○ Missions/Catholic Church ■ St. Augustine, FL—1565 ● Juan de Onate & 500 men est. _New Mexico_ ○ Land taken from Pueblos ■ Santa Fe est. in 1609 ● Set up _encomienda system_ ○ License to extract labor & tribute from Pueblos ■ Suppose to protect & _Christianize_ Indians ● Often led to _enslavement_ ○ Mines, farm work ● Decimated native population ○ Led to slaves from Africa ● By 1680, New Mexico=2K Spaniards & 30K Pueblos ○ No luck w/ _gold_; cattle & sheep instead ○ Attacks from neighboring Apaches & Navajos ● _Pueblo Pueblo Revolt Revolt_ led by Pope ○ Killed hundreds of Spaniards (21 priests) ○ Captured Santa Fe & drove Spanish from region ● Spanish would recapture territory in 1690s ● Few families; mostly soldiers & explorers ● _Intermarriage Intermarriage Intermarriage_ w/ Indians & African slaves ● Rigid _class_ system ● Dominated by pure-blooded Spaniards

Explain how the Spanish conquistadors decimated areas of the Americas. (Provide specific examples)

● How to treat natives? ○ Were they human or sub-human? ○ Slaves or morally equal ● 1542—Spanish Crown commands that _Indians_ no longer be enslaved ● 1550—Crown abolishes encomienda system ○ It allowed settlers authority over conquered Indian lands & right to extract forced labor ● Replaced w/ _repartimiento_ (partition or distribution) system ○ Indians were legally free & entitled to wages, but still had to perform fixed amount of labor each year ■ Still many _abuses_ by Spanish landlords & priests

THE BLACK LEGEND ● Britain, France & other Euro nations attempted to _demonize demonize demonize_ the Spanish empire ○ Cruelty, intolerance ● Based on _Las Casas_ writing ● Often fueled by Protestant writers ● Used as reasoning to _attack_ Spanish ships, forts, etc.


● Africans=over ½ of all new arrivals to NW from _1500-1800_ ○ Most from west coast ● Viewed by Euros as uncivilized ● But…had elaborate economic, political, & familial relationships ○ Mostly _matrilineal_ ● Mostly sedentary/farming ● Ancestor worship ● _Elderly Elderly Elderly_ people often held positions of power ● Africans had slaves (usually temporary) ● Slaves being traded away from W. Africa started by 8th c. ● _Portugal Portugal Portugal_ popularized trade in 15th c. ○ 100K+ slaves to Portugal & Spain between 1450 & 1500 ● African _kingdoms_ battled in order to capture slaves & make profit


● 1497—_John John Cabot Cabot_ (of Italy)—Reached northeast N. America (Newfoundland) ○ Sponsored by Henry VII ○ NW Passage? ● Limited exploration by England until Queen Elizabeth I in 1570s & 1580s ● Economic strife ○ _Enclosure Enclosure movement movement_ (farming to wool), limited land, high unemployment, rising population, & limited food supply ○ Rising class of merchants ○ _Mercantilism Mercantilism Mercantilism_—nation was principal actor in the economy ● Colonization viewed as a way to: ○ Create new market ○ _Alleviate Alleviate poverty poverty_ & overcrowding ○ New resources ● Religious reasons ○ _Protestant Protestant Reformation Reformation_ 1517; King Henry VIII est. Anglican Church in 1529 (1509-1547) ○ “Bloody Mary” restores Catholicism, persecuted Protestants (1553-1558) ○ Back to Protestantism w/ Elizabeth I (1558-1603)

Additional reading on the Black Legend: book.cfm?smtID=2&psid=3571

Key Concept 1.2.C: European traders partnered with some West African groups who practiced slavery to forcibly extract slave labor for the Americas. The Spanish imported enslaved Africans to labor in plantation agriculture and mining. Video:

Explain both the push and pull factors that led to English settlement in the New World.

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

○ Catholics vs. Protestants ■ Puritans, Separatists Experimented w/ colonization in England, 1560s & 1570s ○ Treated _Irish_ as “savages” & “beasts” ○ Hoped to suppress & isolate native Irish English must remain separate from natives ○ _Separate Separate society society_; “pure” English culture “Sea Dogs”—pirates—attacked Spanish ships ○ Francis Drake Phillip II of Spain launched attack on England in 1588 ○ _Spanish Spanish Armada Armada_ was defeated by Brits Lost more ships in stormy weather while returning Cleared way for increased English exploration 1583—Sir Humphrey Gilbert—claimed Newfoundland 1585 & 1587—Sir Walter Raleigh--failed attempts to _colonize colonize Roanoke Roanoke_ ○ Virginia Dare ○ “_CRO CRO CROATO ATO ATOAN AN AN_”—The “Lost Colony”


● 1524—Giovanni de Verrazano (of Italy)—east coast, NY harbor ● 1534-1542--_Jacques Jacques Cartier Cartier_—St. Lawrence River ○ NW Passage? ● 1608--Samuel de Champlain—1st permanent settlement, Quebec on St. Lawrence River ○ “Father of New France” ● 1673—Louis Jolliet & Fr. Jacques Marquette—explored upper Mississippi River ● 1682—Robert de La Salle—Mississippi River basin, named it _Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana_ ● Few in population, but strong influence ● Far in to interior of N. America ● _Fur Fur trading trading_ & trapping ● Jesuit missionaries ● Adapting native ways, _inter-marriage_ ● Allies w/ _Algonquins_, enemies w/ _Iroquois_

THE DUTCH ● 1609—Henry Hudson (of England)—Hudson River & New Amsterdam ○ NW Passage? ● 1624—Dutch West India Co. est. permanent settlements along Hudson, Delaware, & Connecticut Rivers ○ Population was _diverse_, but small

Compare and contrast the English, French, and Dutch settlements in the New World....

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