Socio powerpoint notes 7 PDF

Title Socio powerpoint notes 7
Course Foundations in Sociology Social Construction of Everyday Life
Institution University of Saskatchewan
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7 Gender Inequality and Gender Domination Defining Sex and Gender Gender: the socially constructed expectations of what men and women should be like in terms of appearance, behaviours, preferences, and social roles Genderinequality:differencesthatexistineducation,income,and other opportunities based on a person’s gender or sexual orientation Sex: the biological markers of males and females and intersexed individuals Intersex:peopleareindividualsbornwithanyofseveralvariationsin sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones or genitals that, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies" - about 1.7% of population Genderidentity:asense,usuallybeginningininfancy,ofbelongingto a particular gender Defining Sex and Gender, cont’d Genderqueer: describes a person who resists gender norms, but does not seek to change their sex Genderfluid:describesapersonwhohasagender(or genders) that changes over time and contexts Sexualorientation:thedirectionofanindividual’serotic impulses in terms of the gender to which they are most attracted Gender roles: the behaviours, attitudes, and markers ascribed to maleness and femaleness by society Performativity:theideathatcertainsocialfactors,suchas gender, are socially constructed and then acted out using words and behaviours that have come to be associated with what it means to be, say, male or female Defining Sex and Gender, cont’d • Masculinity:asocialconstructionofgenderand includes such stereotypical male behaviours and attitudes such as being strong, brave, and rational • • Femininity:asocialconstructionofgenderand includes such stereotypical behaviours and attitudes such as being emotional, caring, and nurturing •

Gender and Transgender Transgender: describes a divergence between the gender that individuals identify with and the biological sex they were assigned at birth Identifyingastransgendercaninvolveadesiretomoveawayfromtraditional ideas of the male and female gender binary Transgender people often report being ridiculed, and the target of discrimination, hate crimes, and violence – some legal protection Bill C-16

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Trans PULSE Project (2015): of those who had been victims of physical or sexual assault, 56% considered suicide and 29% attempted suicide (Bauer & Scheim, 2015) Conversiontherapyisthepseudoscientificpracticeoftryingtochangean individual's sexual orientation from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual using psychological or religious/spiritual interventions. Conversion Therapy banned in Saskatoon: saskatoon/

Conflict Theory Conflicttheoristsnotethatcapitalismdemandsthelow-cost social reproduction of a workforce from one generation to the next Families are the best and most convenient way to raise new workers, and women (as mothers) provide the cheapest family labour Mothers have the job of keeping the family earners and earners- to-be health - well fed, housed, and cared for emotionally - at no cost to employers The oppression of women and marginalized males is not only a function of patriarchy (a system of social power vested in heterosexual males) and economics (the capitalist class), it involves many dimensions, including for example, religious dogma Functionalism Functionalist theorists starting with Parsons and Bales (1955) might say that social gendering is universal and inevitable as the most effective and efficient way to carry out a society’s tasks of reproduction and socialization • Itmayevenhaveevolutionarysurvivalvalueforthehuman race A mother, by her early attachment to her child (e.g., via pregnancy and breastfeeding), is well suited to raising the family’s children. Since she is at home with the children anyway, the mother is also well suited to care for the household while the husband is at work outside the home Symbolic Interactionism • Symbolic interactionists are concerned with the ways that gender differences or gender roles become gender inequalities • E.g., the ways that young women become objectified and turned into sex objects – Remember the clip from Mad Men and Peggy Olson’s first day at work • Symbolic interactionists are also interested in the social construction of gendered concepts such as femininity and masculinity, and with the role of families, schools, and the mass media in the propagation of such ideas Feminist Theory Feministtheoryfocusesonhowgenderdifferencesaresocially constructed and highlights the range of inequalities that these social constructions elicit for women in a wide range of social spheres Incels (males as “involuntary celibates”) and the meaning of gender and the “right” to sex

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        rebellion-alek-minassiansexual-entitlement-mens-rights-elliot- rodger/550635002/ • Intersectionality:awomanwillhaveadifferentexperienceof inequality depending on racialization, class, age, sexual orientation, disability, and other features statistically associated with vulnerability

Feminist Theory, cont’d. Beautypageantsforlittlegirls....HoneyBooBoo(AlanaThompson) Page169Discussionofpornography–theSexualEducationof Youth? – Liberation of women from society's prudish sexual norms? – freedom for women and others to take control lf their sexuality? - the democratization of porn? Doyouthinkpornographyisasafewayforpeopletoexploretheir sexual preferences or do you think it encourages and perpetuates harmful behaviours and stereotypes? Do you think gender (and subsequent socialization) influences your opinion of pornography? Sexting and children – is this a problem that is it a problem at all? study-finds1.3819014

Gender at Home, at Work, and at School In hunter-gatherer and agricultural societies women and men worked to support their families Inindustrialsocieties,menweremorelikelytobeinpaid employment while women were more likely to be homemakers A second shift includes women’s unpaid housework and caretaking in addition to paid employment outside the home Womenwhoearnmorethanmalepartnersdomore housework... Gender Inequality in the Workplace Theaveragewageofwomen(acrossalloccupations)lessthanmales’ A glass ceiling is a metaphor used to represent an invisible barrier that keeps a given demographic from rising beyond a certain level in a hierarchy. The metaphor was first coined by feminists in reference to barriers in the careers of high-achieving women. Some possible explanations:  Some women who work “full-time” may take more time off work to attend to family-oriented events/things  Women in a particular occupation may have less experience and seniority than men in the same occupation—perhaps because the women had to take maternity leave, losing time that would otherwise count towards experience – a vicious cycle? A pay gap also exists between women:

Racialized women earn 12% less than their white female peers (Conference Board of Canada, 2017b)  Immigrantwomenearn23.2%lessthantheirCanadianbornwomencounterparts(Conference Board of Canada, 2017a)  Indigenous women and transgender women also earn less  Lesbian women earn more Technology, Gender, and Education STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics; commonly used to refer to education, research, and employment in this sector U of S and STEM certificate accelerator: Hidden curriculum: the implicit lessons in social roles, values, and expectations that are communicated in schools • E.g., how students are taught in educational institutions such as high schools demonstrates gender inequalities that are not explicitly communicated, but are implicit in how men and women are treated differently in the classroom 

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Violence against Women Womenareoftenthevictimsofviolenceatthehandsofpeople they know—family members; former, current, or potential romantic partners, and so on—rather than strangers DatafromStatisticsCanada(Sinha,2015)indicatethatroughly 88% of women who have been sexually assaulted in the past 12 months do not report their assault to the police (In regular times I would say...) “Look to your left and look to your right...there are both victims and offenders in this room...we can not be naive about this and we must acknowledge the immensity of the is not enough to show statistics and talk in abstractions about “sexual /domestic abuse/violence”...the numbers represent the lives of real people, real suffering and real offences –we are all here” Violence against Women, cont’d • Levels of sexual assault (Schmalleger and Volk, 2014: 74; Gannon, 2006): • Level 1: category of least physical injury and can include unwanted sexual touching • Level2:involvingtheuseofaweaponorthreatstouseaweapon, or results in bodily harm • Level 3: aggravated sexual assault resulting in wounding, maiming, or disfiguring the victim, or endangering his or her life Digital environments have been no exception when it comes to violence against women Comments against women that would be condemned during in-person interactions are common on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, online gaming and personal web pages Videogameshavebeenatthecentreofmuchattentionbecausewomen report being the victims of verbal abuse, bullying, and harassment The Process of Intimate Partner Violence and Victimization

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A battered woman is someone who has been repeatedly assaulted emotionally, physically, and/or sexually by her intimate partner - Movie “A Star is Born” contains elements of emotional abuse...not spontaneous romance FiftyShadesofGrayDefense: Emotional abuse and controlling behaviour can lead to long-term debilitating effects such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and suicidal ideation (Doherty & Berglund, 2012)

The Process of Intimate Partner Violence and Victimization, cont’d Why women stay in abusive relationships:  Some who manage to escape end up returning to their batterers or are dragged back against their will  Many stay because they cannot imagine leaving and living without their partner  Manydonotleaveafterthefirstassaultbecausetheythinkthe situation is temporary and may improve  Feelings of guilt and shame, at least in the early stages of abuse, are mixed with a hope that things will get better  They may stay from a realistic fear of accelerated violence that might occur if they were to leave  Alackofsufficientresources  Someculturesconsiderdivorceapersonalfailure  Women with low educational attainment are more likely to stay in a violent relationship because of their financial dependence on their partner  They have children Battered woman/person syndrome, battered woman/person defense Victimization of Indigenous Women In Canada, as in the United States and elsewhere, Indigenous people are overrepresented as victims of violence, including intimate partner violence TheintersectionofinequalitiesthatIndigenouswomenin Canada experience creates a unique circumstance that accounts for the increased risk of violence that they face GeneralSocialSurveydata(Perreault,2015)from2014show a sexual assault rate in Indigenous women of 115 incidents per 1,000 population, much higher than the rate of 35 per 1,000 recorded by their non-Indigenous counterparts ExcerptfortheFinalReportfromtheMMIWGInquiry:

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