Persuasive essay on Bullying Final Draft (2) PDF

Title Persuasive essay on Bullying Final Draft (2)
Course 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Persuasive essay on bulling and taking a stance....


Name: Angiela Walker Course: UNV-104 Date: April 25, 2021 Instructor: Marquita Elliott Three ways bullying can negatively impact children When consequences are put into place ahead of time bullying will be prevented. Bullying is unwanted activities that occur mostly in young children. Being a victim of bullying can have a negative effect on children’s behaviors such as, being resentful, having suicidal thoughts and depression. Bullying is outlined as unwanted belligerent behaviors that causes children to feel afraid or frighten while the human being that is doing the bullying my feel as if they have boosted their own personality or self- esteem. Many kids get bullied which can resort to resentment, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

When, bullying is not effectively addressed it can cause children to build resentment towards their peers. Victims of bullying tend to have problems with social, emotional, cognitive and Behavioral developmental issues. (Hoek, Vanden, 2014, page 217). Bullying that is not corrected can last well into adolescent years. Bullying can cause a shortage in the social and thinking behaviors of children and young adults. (Turner, Finkelhor, Shatluck, Hamby, and Mitchell, 2015, page 217). Research has shown that children that are bullied are more likely to have mental health issues than children who are not involved in bullying. (Bernedict, Gjelsvik, 2014, page 218). Forgiveness has been known to help children who are victims of bullying and their mental health conditions. (Rensburg and Raubenheimer, 2015, page 218). Depression and anxiety can increase the feeling of sadness and loneliness, it can also cause changes in sleep and eating habits. Children can lose interest in activities that they once enjoyed doing. These types of behaviors can last well into adulthood if not properly addressed soon.

Bulling has been going on from generation to generation that there have been research studies done to find out information about the everlasting disease of depression from young children well into adulthood. The relationship between bully victimization and depression has been reviewed with prior research showing some long-term problems of both victimization and the study of depression. (Davis, J. P., Merrin, G. J., Ingram, K. M., Espelage, D. L., Valido, A., & El Sheikh, A. J. 2019). Researchers believe that there could be a direct link between depression and eating disorders in children who are bullied or who were bullied in the past. Mental health issues are greatly experienced within children that are victimized by bullying and are separate from those that are not. Being bullied by peers often follow depression or internalizing symptoms, and negative activity can also include eating disorder behaviors. (Lee KS, Vaillancourt T. Longitudinal Associations Among Bullying by Peers, Disordered Eating Behavior, and Symptoms of Depression During Adolescence. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018). Studies have shown that depression and eating disorders by peers of bullied boys and girls was equal after conducting their research. “The risk of depression symptoms and bullying by peers in a year after being diagnosed of eating disorder was equal in both boys and girls”. (Lee KS, Vaillancourt T. Longitudinal Associations Among Bullying by Peers, Disordered Eating Behavior, and Symptoms of Depression During Adolescence. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018). It also has proven that there are more girls than boys that are engaged in at least 1 eating disorder episode along with depression. “Studies has shown that more than half of girls and about one third of boys has engaged in at least 1 eating disorder behavior. Many studies have identified eating disorders to be results of being bullied by peers”. (Lee KS, Vaillancourt T. Longitudinal Associations Among Bullying by Peers, Disordered Eating Behavior, and Symptoms of Depression During Adolescence. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018).

Bullying and suicide are high concerns in both children and adolescents. Youths that are involved in bullying of any type were more likely to think about and attempt suicide than youth who were not involved in bullying. “Sex differences revealed that this effect only held for males

whereas bullying was directly associated with suicide attempts among females”. Most people do not recognize the signs of suicidal thoughts in young children or adolescents. By not recognizing the signs can put individual in a great deal of danger. “ For every suicide among young

people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts”. (WebMD, Depression Guide, “Recognizing the

Warning Signs of Suicide”). “Bullied victims are between 2 and 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University”. (WebMD, Depression Guide, “Recognizing the Warning Signs of Suicide”). All children should be able to find someone that they can trust to talk about the kinds of things that are happening to them. Researchers found in a study that preteens and teenage girls of at a higher risk at committing suicide than any other age group of girls. “A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying 10 to 14-year-old girls are at an even higher risk for suicide”. (WebMD, Depression Guide, “Recognizing the Warning Signs of Suicide”) People need to be aware that bullying comes in all shapes and sizes and can consist of my many things such as physical bullying, emotional bullying cyber bulling and so on. “Bullying that is related to suicide can be connected to any bullying; such as, physical bullying, emotional bullying, cyberbullying, and sexting, or circulating suggestive or nude photos or messages about a person”. (WebMD, Depression Guide, “Recognizing the Warning Signs of Suicide”). Although many goes unnoticed peer and family need to recognize that bullying effect children differently some may show signs of resentfulness, some may seem to be depressed, while others may think of committing suicide. The main point is to realize that children are bullied and the

ones that are doing the bullying all may go through some stages of resentment, depression and or suicide, while others may show signs of all three. The fact of the matter is that people as community needs to learn the signs in order to help prevent these dangerous attempts.

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