Petrel RE Sector Modeling 4586896 03 PDF

Title Petrel RE Sector Modeling 4586896 03
Author Babak Moradi
Course reservoir eng
Institution École nationale supérieure du pétrole et des moteurs
Pages 11
File Size 551.8 KB
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Download Petrel RE Sector Modeling 4586896 03 PDF


Petrel RE Sector Modeling

Demo Script

This script will guide you through a sector modeling workflow. Used with the accompanying project, it should be possible to demo the excellent sector modeling capabilities of Petrel RE.

Petrel RE Sector Modeling – Demo Script

This script will guide you through a sector modeling workflow. Used with the accompanying project, it should be possible to demo the excellent sector modeling capabilities of Petrel RE. There are already a set of predefined windows, and some of the cases are run already in order to illustrate the capabilities in a short period of time. You can demo the sector modeling features without defining or running any simulations, the results and the windows should be sufficient to walk through the capabilities in Petrel. If you are not familiar with the sector modeling (ECLIPSE flux boundary option) please have a look in the ECLIPSE technical description. It will give you a good overview. The project is synthetic and can be shown and given away to clients.

Introduction We will do a brief tour of the project to familiarize the audience with the model. Follow the steps below, and walk through the predefined windows to get the overview of the project. 1. Open the accompanying Petrel project. The 1. 3D window shows the model and the planned wells. There are a total of 8 producers and 5 injectors. The injectors are reinjecting gas in the gas cap. The completions are also shown in 3D. 2. Navigate to the Fluid and Rock functions windows, in the windows tab. This is window 2. The fluid and relative permeability functions are created using the native Petrel processes. 3. Open window 3. The Completed wells well section window. The window shows a few of the production wells, perforated in the Oil zone. 4. Open the development strategy process from the process tree. Select the Prediction GasInjection strategy. There are a few things to note: There are two production well folder Wells A/B There is a group of injectors (5 wells) The producers are on Group control with a BHP limit The wells are set in a drilling queue and drilled to sustain a group production of 3000 sm3/day Perforations are shut due to high water cut and well is shut if production falls below 40 sm3/day The injectors are run on re-injection with a rate limit The injection starts one year after the first production The simulation is run from January 2009 and for 15 years


Petrel RE Sector Modeling – Demo Script

Define an area of interest We will now create an area of interest that we will use for an infill study later in this exercise. Once the area is defined we will define, create and run our simulation model. 1. Make sure the 1. 3D window is active. On the input tab, locate the Infill area polygon, and display this in the window. We will talk about how we located this area later. 2. Open the geometrical modeling process, select the Assign between surfaces and polygons method, and drop the Infill area polygon Boundary polygon drop site. Select the Region template. Specify a value of 1 inside the polygon and a value of 2 outside. Click OK and visualize the new property in the 3D window. Alternatively just visualize the pre-made Potential infill area property.

3. Open the Define simulation case process. In the edit existing drop down menu, select the case Base_Case. Then in the Create new case box type the name Sector_demo. Navigate through the different tabs, and explain what the different options are. We will create exactly the same case, as the previous base case, thus we will not change any of the input now. Note that on the Results tab, we have selected the ‘Sector modeling properties and vectors’ button. This will allow us to easily create a sector model of our model, in an area yet undefined. This demo will show how later. Navigate to the Advanced tab, and then the Sector modeling tab. Drop in the Region you created in step 2, or leave the Potential Infill area region in as it is, it is exactly the same area. For this region we will capture the pressure boundary condition. Thus as the simulation progress, we will capture and store the pressure boundary. Click Export, then select the Keyword editor, navigate to the Summary section, and then add the ELAPSED mnemonic. Close the keyword editor. You might want to run the case, but it will take some time to finish, ~7 minutes. If you are short of time, move to the next step, the project already contains the results. 3

Petrel RE Sector Modeling – Demo Script 4. Open window 4. Production profile and note the oil production rate and elapsed time vector for field Base_Case. If you ran your case in step above, you can visualize this case as well. There are some oscillations at the end of the plateau period, due to drilling of poor performing wells. We will address this poor performance later.


Petrel RE Sector Modeling – Demo Script

Infill well study – sector model In the previous steps we have defined the simulation base case. Our aim is to evaluate different infill locations in order to increase the total field oil recovery. A key strength of the sector modeling workflow is to allow running multiple scenarios in a very short time. 1. We will now define our infill area. Petrel offers a large range of tools in order to locate an area of interest. We will highlight one. Make sure that only window 5. Crossplot and 6. 3D infill area is selected (tick on). Then go to the main menu, Windows tab and Tile vertically.

The cross plot window shows a cross plot of the oil in place at the end of history versus distance from well. (It is calculated like: OIP=OilSat*BulkVolume*Porosity) (The distance from well is a property created with the Geometrical modeling process) When selecting the cross plot window there is a tool to create filters. An area of high oil in place and large distance from well is selected. The same filter is then applied in the 3D window to highlight potential high residual oil area; the property in the 3D window is the ternary property at the end of simulation. These filters can be combined in many ways to give you customized views. Grab and move the filter area around and see the 3D window updates to reflect the changes.

We have selected the area with few wells and high oil saturation/large distance to neighboring well. The area is highlighted by the Infill area polygon seen in the picture above.


Petrel RE Sector Modeling – Demo Script 2. Open window 7. Infill area. We will now run a workflow that produces 10 wells, and complete these wells in the oil zone. Since running 10 cases takes a few minutes, you have two options, navigate to the Workflow tab and: Run workflow 1. Create Wells, this will only create and display the wells in the infill area, the cases are already stored in the project, thus you can move to step 3 below to look at the results. Run workflow 2. Full Workflow, this will create the 10 wells, and 10 Sector runs. If you chose this option you will then need to manually plot the results from these simulations. 3. Open window 8. Infill well performance. Note that the performance for each individual well varies significantly. This is one of the major advantages of using the sector modeling workflows, short simulation run times, allow you to run many runs in order to optimize your solution or solve your problem. With run times this short you can run 100s’ of scenarios. Once the optimum solution is achieved, this can then be run in the full field simulation to see how that will impact the total performance. Note that Well_6 yield the highest production, we will revisit that well. If you run the full workflow, your well 6 might not be the best.


Petrel RE Sector Modeling – Demo Script

Infill well study – Local Grid refinement We have already created a base case and run a few sector models to define an optimal infill drilling placement. We will now define yet another sector modeling area to study some near well bore effects. We will also use a different method to create our flux boundary condition. 1. Open the Geometrical modeling process. Create a new property. Select the Well region method from the drop down list. Use the Well index template. Select only well B-6 and drop that into the list. Specify a radius of 700 meter. Visualize the region by selecting it on the models tree. Name the region B6. A similar property is already in the project, thus you do not have to do this step. 2. On the Cases tree find the Base_Case (or the Sector_demo if you ran that). Expand this case, and RMB click on ECLIPSE 100 and select Settings. Navigate to the Operations tab. Recall that we requested to output Sector modeling properties and vectors. Give the Boundary condition the name; Near Well Study demo and select region B6. Keep the Flux boundary condition and hit Execute. Cancel the dialog. Note that you now have a new icon in the bottom of the models tree, named Near well study demo. The icon indicates that this is a flux boundary condition. 3. Open the Make local grid process. Select to create a new local grid set. Select well B-6 and drop that into the list. Use Cartesian Nx,Ny,Nz and 3,3,6 division. Only create the LGR in Zone 1. Specify an influence radius of 300 meter and extend it in the k direction. Note that the LGR process offers powerful refinement methods like gradual refinement and refinement around surfaces and connections. Click OK. 4. Open window 9. LGR to visualize a pre-made version of what you just created. 5. Navigate to the Cases tree, expand the Base_Case (or the Sector_demo if you ran that) and select; Insert sector model case. Note that a new node is created on the tree. Rename this case Sector_LGR_demo. 6. Open the Define simulation case process; select the case you created in the step above. Navigate to the grid tab. Delete the aquifer entry. And add the LGR you created in step 3 above. 7. Add the development strategy Only B6. 8. Navigate to the Advanced | Sector modeling tab and drop in the Near well study demo that we created in step 2. Select that region in the right hand side list. See picture.


Petrel RE Sector Modeling – Demo Script

9. Once added run the simulation by clicking Run. The results are already in the project, move to the next step to look at the results. It takes a couple of minutes for the run to finish. 10. Open window 10. LGR results to visualize the water coning into the well. Use the timeplayer to animate the ternary property through time. Note that the IJK LGR player is used to create the picture below. Select the J index filter and press the LGR button. Play through the sector until you intersect the well.


Petrel RE Sector Modeling – Demo Script

Infill well study – add a new well We will continue on from the steps above. The well B6 that we looked at is shut early due to high water at an early stage. We will then show how the production can be increased from that area. 1. Open window 11. Alternative well. Here the new well Pot_A1 is shown, with an alternative trajectory to the poor performing well B6. 2. Open the Development strategy process, select the strategy Only Pot A1. Note that only well Pot_A1 is included. Close the process by selecting Cancel. 3. (Optional step) Open the Define simulation case process. In the edit existing, select the Sector_Pot_A1 case. Then select to create a new case, give it the name Sector_Pot_A1_1. Browse through the tabs; observe that the development strategy from previous step is being used. Run your case. 4. Open window 12. Pot_A1 vs B6. Observe that the new well performs significantly better than the previous well. The picture shows oil production rate for the two wells Pot_A1 and B6. The new well performs significantly better.


Petrel RE Sector Modeling – Demo Script

Sector model modification included in full field model We have now spent some time on optimizing the placement of a new well. We have used the LGR option to study some near well flow as well as modify a well location. We will now take the new well we created using the workflow editor and the re-positioned well B6 and include these modifications in the base case scenario. 1. Recall that Well 6 was the best performing well we created using the workflow editor. Open window 8. Infill well performance to review if necessary. 2. Open the development strategy Prediction Gas-Injection Modified. Note that the well B6 is removed, Pot_A1 and Well_6 is added to the strategy, Well_6 is brought online in 2014. OK or Close the process. 3. Open the define simulation case. In the edit exiting case drop down, select the case Base_case_Improved. Then type a new name in the create new case text box; Base_case_Impoved_1. Note that the case is similar to the original base case except that development strategy from the step above is used. Run the case, or move to the next step, the project already contains the results. The run will take ~12 minutes. 4. Open window 13. Base case with/without improvements. The window is shown below. Note that the re-positioning of well B6 and adding a new well yields a higher cumulative production. Once you have had a look at the function window, run the workflow 3. Cumulative Production to report the cumulative volumes and recovery factors. The workflow will produce the table below. Note that our minor modification yields a significant increase in production and we are able to stay on plateau longer.


Cumulative Oil production Base_Case 5572645.5 Base_Case_Improved 5672611.5

Increase in cum. prod [%] 0 1.79386971591859


Recovery Factor [%] 11.0810792484574 11.2798593732924

Petrel RE Sector Modeling – Demo Script

Concluding remarks We have now shown how we can use the sector modeling feature in Petrel in order to: Quickly run well placement optimization workflows. We can quickly run 100’s of runs due to short run times Study near well effects (e.g. water coning) using LGR for high resolution while keeping the run time low Optimize placement of wells in sectors. Short run times, yield quick solutions Include changes from sector studies into full field simulation to show how small modifications easily can yield a higher cumulative production and hence better project economy


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