PHIL 1402 QUIZ ALL QNA - copy into excel CTRL + F enter question to find answer PDF

Title PHIL 1402 QUIZ ALL QNA - copy into excel CTRL + F enter question to find answer
Course Introduction to Philosophy
Institution University of the People
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copy into excel CTRL + F enter question to find answer Answers are below question According to the Lebow (June, 2008) text, there is a direct connection between the philosophies of __________ and ___________ to the modern political policies of Britain and the United States, which is one of the reasons they must be studied and understood in modern times. Select one: a. Oedipus and Athens b. Oedipus and Socrates c. Athens and Socrates a. Oedipus and Athens Which theory demands a level akin to scientific proof for a truth to be considered valid? Select one: a. Pragmatism b. Positivism c. Realism b. Positivism According to the reading by Lebow (June, 2008), The Ancient Greeks understood the transformative potential of emotional arguments and concepts. They combined it with reason to create shared identities; and with it, a general propensity to cooperate among themselves and persuade others. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE Pragmatism can be summarized by the phrase "whatever works, is likely true." Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE Mellone (1897) compares the perfect harmony of a symphony to the oneness of the perfect (Utopian) Society and tis differing opinions and methods. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE Our reading in class suggests that, of the three, ______ is most often employed in modern political and military contexts. Select one: a. Pragmatism b. Positivism c. Realism c. Realism According to William James, "Ideas become true just so far as they help us to get into satisfactory relations with other parts of our experience." This is a central tenant of Positivism. Select one:

TRUE FALSE FALSE Dewey is most familiar with connecting which School of Philosophy and the avocation of modern technology? Select one: a. Pragmatism b. Positivism c. Realism a. Pragmatism Considering the Philosophical school of Positivism, which statement most sounds like Auguste Comte would have said it? Select one: a. The world is a better place than you think it is, stay positive. b. Negative thinking leads to negative results, so thinking positive will result in positive results. c. Research should be empirically observable with human senses, and should use inductive logic to develop statements that can be tested. d. Science and mathematics should be replaced by a metaphysics and theology as a function of their goal of relating a positive experience to the human condition. c. Research should be empirically observable with human senses, and should use inductive logic to develop statements that can be tested. Realism is heavily dependent on the observer to define truth and logic. Select one: TRUE FALSE FALSE According to the first reading assignment on Pragmatism, what was its major contribution to the development of American Society? Select one: a. Concentrated on aesthetics and beauty over form and function b. Mirrored European models of Philosophic thought c. The transformation of relations between theory and practice for practical outcomes in technology d. Demonstrated indifference to experimentalism and instrumentalism e. Valued cognitive design over Engineering design c. The transformation of relations between theory and practice for practical outcomes in technology According to our reading on Positivism, the pursuit of our common good must include at least these three things: (choose 3) Select one or more: a. The growth of our capacity to perform those social duties which we generally distinguish as positive b. The growth of our capacity to appreciate and create the beautiful c. The growth of our capacity to perform those social duties which we generally distinguish as practical d. The growth of intelligence and the realization of scientific knowledge e. The growth of theology as a science and metaphysical knowledge as a reality

a. The growth of our capacity to perform those social duties which we generally distinguish as positive b. The growth of our capacity to appreciate and create the beautiful d. The growth of intelligence and the realization of scientific knowledge Comte felt Descartes' conclusions about the mechanic of the universe were valid. Select one: TRUE FALSE FALSE According to the Mallone (1897) reading, Comte fails to reach a realistic state of society because no man can completely give up his own self-interests for the sake of the society. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE Why does Positivism call for a suspension of judgment while considering new ideas? Select one: a. To ensure unproveable assumptions are not part of the conclusion. b. To make sure all metaphysical considerations are included in the final judgement. c. The make sure negative thoughts and influences do not affect the outcome. d. To ensure theological considerations are part of the conclusion. e. To ensure societal needs are met by the conclusions. a. To ensure unproveable assumptions are not part of the conclusion. The religion that believes that this is the only life of which we have certain knowledge and that we owe it to ourselves and others to make it the best life possible for ourselves and all with whom we share this fragile planet. Select one: a. Realism b. Monotheism c. Naturalism d. Idealism e. Humanism e. Humanism According to the Gifford Lecture on Polytheism and Monotheism, Polytheism is more tolerant than Monotheism because the different Gods of Polytheism were created to imbue tolerances and poetic harmony over the world they were believed to govern. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE Philosophy of Religion concerns the study of: Select one: a. The nature of religion itself b. The existence of religion within the context of the time and culture it supports c. The behaviors resulting from a religion d. What are religions? e. All of the above

e. All of the above According to our reading, who argues that Free Will is only possible God allows both good and evil to exist. Select one: a. Thomas Paine b. Martin Madden c. Paul Hare d. Alvin Plantinga e. Mark Peterson d. Alvin Plantinga God is omnipotent infers God is all-powerful; God is omniscient infers that God is all-knowing. If Man has Free Will, this infers Man can make his/her own choices. Which of the following statement IS NOT correct? (Pick the WRONG one) Select one: a. If Man can make his or her own choices freely, then those choices cannot be known to God in advance b. If all Man's choices are known to an omniscient God, then those choices have already been made, and are not a result of Free Will c. If Man has Free Will, then he or she has the power over them, and therefore God is not omnipotent d. Free Will requires God to know in advance everything we will decide or do e. According to our reading, God is either omniscient and omnipotent, or there is Free Will d. Free Will requires God to know in advance everything we will decide or do According to the Gifford Lecture on Polytheism and Monotheism, when two or more tribes got together, the number of divinities would: Select one: a. Stay the same, but would be in conflict with each other b. Decrease into Monotheism c. Increase d. Who's Gifford? c. Increase Atheologians have called 'the problem of evil' a logical inconsistency when refuting the existence of God. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE Monotheism is more likely than Polytheism to take into account the emotions and human characteristics of their God. Select one: TRUE FALSE FALSE Thomas Paine was a Humanist but also believed in God and an afterlife. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE

Regarding the nature of evil, what is the philosophical argument against God being omniscient, omnipotent, and perfect good? Select the one INCORRECT argument. Select one: a. If evil exists, God is against it because is omniscient, omnipotent, and purely good b. If evil exists, and God cannot stop it, God is not omnipotent c. If there is evil allowed by God, then God cannot be purely good d. If there is evil and God does not know about it, God cannot be omniscient a. If evil exists, God is against it because is omniscient, omnipotent, and purely good According to Zeno, who did the Tortoise challenge to a race? Select one: a. Carroll b. The hare c. Achilles d. Adonis e. Time c. Achilles Moral actions, for Kant, are actions where reason follows, rather than leads, and are actions where we must take other beings, acting according to their understanding, into account. Select one: TRUE FALSE FALSE The Khan Academy is a free online resource you can use for this and any class you take with UoPeople to get better insight and perspective. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE Thich Nhat Hanh (1926 - present) is from: Select one: a. China b. Korea c. Vietnam d. Malaysia e. North America c. Vietnam John Scotus Erigena (810-877) was Metaphysician from: Select one: a. Germany b. North America c. France d. Italy e. Ireland e. Ireland What did MIT Professor Dr. Agustin Rayo tell us about time travel? Select one:

a. Your Grandfather is always right, even when he is wrong b. It is impossible to be your own Grandfather unless you are a penguin c. If Bruno kills his Grandfather before Bruno is born, he cannot kill his Grandfather, or can he? d. "Back To The Future" was real c. If Bruno kills his Grandfather before Bruno is born, he cannot kill his Grandfather, or can he? Metaphysics concerns the study of: Select one: a. The nature of reality Incorrect b. The existence of time c. The mind as an entity unto itself d. What are colors? e. All of the above e. All of the above What two worlds does Kant claim humans are stuck between? Select one: a. Moral and immoral b. Physical and spiritual c. Rational and non-rational d. Autonomous and Dependent c. Rational and non-rational Who does Ptolemy credit with cataloging Aristotle's library? Select one: a. Aristotle b. Porphyry c. Andronicus d. himself (Ptolemy) e. Theophrastus c. Andronicus What would African Philosopher Safro Kwame say about French Philosopher Rene Descartes? Select one: a. Based on computer's thinking, he is correct to think that a purely physical (so non-spiritual) being is incapable of thought. b. Based on computer's thinking, he is incorrect to think that a purely physical (so non-spiritual) being is incapable of thought. c. Agreed with him the dualistic nature of human interaction with the spirit world d. Felt Descartes was too eager to prove the existence of God to be taken seriously b. Based on computer's thinking, he is incorrect to think that a purely physical (so non-spiritual) being is incapable of thought. St. Thomas Aquinas came to think that one should believe only what is self-evident (e.g., human beings use reason) or can be deduced from self-evident propositions (e.g., human reason can discover truth). Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE

According to the Zarri reading on Aristotle, what are the two basic instincts driving man? Select one: a. Feeding and nurturing b. Reproduction and hunger c. Reproduction and self-preservation d. Self-preservation and hunger c. Reproduction and self-preservation Plato believes that individualism is destructive to the collective good of the ideal city. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE According to St. Thomas Aquinas, for a war to be just, there must be these three conditions: (pick the THREE conditions) Select one or more: a. A declaration by the ruler to defend the "common good" against enemies. b. A "just cause" for an attack on an enemy "because they deserve it on account of some fault" such as avenging wrongs they have committed. c. A "just morality" in that that belligerents disagree on moral platitudes. d. A "rightful intention" to advance good or avoid evil such as punishing evil-doers and not simply grabbing land or goods. a. A declaration by the ruler to defend the "common good" against enemies. b. A "just cause" for an attack on an enemy "because they deserve it on account of some fault" such as avenging wrongs they have committed. d. A "rightful intention" to advance good or avoid evil such as punishing evil-doers and not simply grabbing land or goods. Plato felt you could legislate and control sexuality. Select one: TRUE FALSE FALSE Morality must be based on the categorical imperative because morality is such that you are commanded by it, and is such that you cannot opt out of it or claim that it does not apply to you. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE "The sheer diversity of moral opinions which exists between societies (and even within societies) in the world today, which suggests that there cannot be a single true morality" is a criticism of: Select one: a. Kantian Ethics b. Moral Relativism c. Moral Absolutism d. Hypothetical Relativism c. Moral Absolutism

Why is it a moral dilemma for Huck to not turn in Jim as a runaway? (Choose all that apply.) Select one or more: a. He is legally required by society to turn him in (The Fugitive Slave Act) b. He believes it is God's will (rule) that he behaves morally c. He opposed slavery even though it is the law d. He believes it would be morally wrong not to turn him in a. He is legally required by society to turn him in (The Fugitive Slave Act) c. He opposed slavery even though it is the law What did Huck feel was OK to steal in Chapter 12 based on his own ethical interpretation of his situation? Select one: a. Horses b. Tobacco c. Food d. Slaves c. Food When Huckleberry was conflicted about stealing in Chapter 12 and quoted his Pap as justification instead of The Widow, which ethical theory was he unknowingly supporting? Select one: a. Moral Absolutism b. Moral Relativism c. Moral Existentialism d. Moral Reductionism b. Moral Relativism Based on your understanding of Kantian Ethics, why would this be more attractive to Kings and Rulers than Ethical Relativism? Select one: a. It says all people can make up their own minds about what is right. b. It says that laws should be interrupted at the individual and situational level. c. It says Ethics and Morals are personal decisions. d. It supports that the divine right of Kings is to decide what is right and wrong, and all must follow it. d. It supports that the divine right of Kings is to decide what is right and wrong, and all must follow it. For someone who follows Kantian Ethics, Drinking and Driving is ALWAYS immoral no matter what the outcome of the drive is (example: you home safe, you get the hurt nun to the hospital, you kill someone). Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE Which is the best example of a Hypothetical Imperative? Select one: a. You must pay your taxes b. If you want to go to medical school, you must study biology c. Even if you want, you can't steal it d. All dogs go to heaven

b. If you want to go to medical school, you must study biology According to the video on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), the practice is an "ancestral tradition" in Ethiopia, the video does not discuss Islam and current FGM requirements in Sharia. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE Which is the best example of a Categorical Imperative? Select one: a. You must pay your taxes Incorrect b. If you want to go to medical school, you must study biology c. Even if you want, you can't steal it d. All dogs go to heaven c. Even if you want, you can't steal it The Spinoza axiom, "From a given definitive cause there follows necessarily an effect, and, on the other hand, if no definite cause be given, it is impossible that the effect should follow" most matches which of the four types of knowledge discussed in class? Select one: a. Intuitive Knowledge b. Authoritative Knowledge c. Logical Knowledge d. Empirical Knowledge c. Logical Knowledge Which is the best example of Empirical Knowledge? Select one: a. Something your Mom told you b. Something you heard in Church, Mosque, or Synagogue c. Gravity d. All of the above c. Gravity Who did Spinoza agree with about truth (according to class reading)? Select one: a. Aristotle b. Descartes c. Morris d.Socrates b. Descartes Kant didn't provide a good reason to believe the noumena exists but seems to have asserted its existence because, after all, something was needed to give rise to the phenomena. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE The example of the color of the apple in "What is Truth?" was given as an example of: Select one: a. Imperative Truth

b. Elusive Truth c. Evidence-base Truth d. Common Truth e. Correspondence Truth b. Elusive Truth "Truth is what my colleagues will let me get away with." is an example of "Community Agreement" in Truth Theory... Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE Intuitive Knowledge is Absolute Knowledge and is always correct. Select one: TRUE FALSE FALSE Some might say that we rely on ________ it every day, but cannot truly define it: Select one: a. Truth b. Knowledge c. Love d. Life e. All of the above e. All of the above To Spinoza, Human Intellect cannot exist without these: (Choose all that apply) Select one or more: a. Emotional Reasoning b. Divine Intellect c. Empirical Knowledge d. Mathematically based logic b. Divine Intellect c. Empirical Knowledge d. Mathematically based logic Spinoza's axioms are similar to the four types of knowledge espoused by modern philosophers. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE According to Plato, which of the following government systems is the fairest and freest? Select one: a. Oligarchy b. Timocracy c. Democracy d. Republic c. Democracy

Aristotle said, "When several villages are united in a single complete community, large enough to be nearly or quite self-sufficing, the state comes into existence, originating in the bare needs of life, and continuing in existence for the sake of a good life." This is the _______ stage of the formation of the State. Select one: a. First of Four b. Second of Three c. Third of Four d. Third of Three d. Third of Three Both Kant and Yangming asserted that experience is critical to understanding the world around you. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE The betterment of society depends on the expansion of the self's ability to respond morally to the world. This idea comes from: Select one: a. Wiredu b. Voltaire c. Yangming d. Kant c. Yangming Wiredu wrote of "descriptive relativism" in the Blackwell text. Which of the below choices best describes this concept as presented in the text? Select one: a. It means that the ways in which certain aspects of life and reality have actually been conceptualized and evaluated are relative to culture. b. It notices the difference in cultures, but does not canonize them. c. Assuming relevant diversity, this means that certain concepts and values are not universal among the different cultures of the world. d. All of the above d. All of the above Voltaire hated: (choose all that apply) Select one or more: a. Rationalism b. Fanaticism c. Idolatry d. Clerics b. Fanaticism c. Idolatry d. Clerics In the Oxford University video about Voltaire, world peace is possible to Voltaire because religious differences are trivial and should be considered so by all man. Select one: TRUE FALSE

TRUE Voltaire reported that he was not an atheist because: Select one: a. He believed that God controlled every decision we make b. His parents had converted from Protestant to Catholicism, and he approved of the new teachings under Henry IV c. He felt only an omnipresent God could create Heaven and Hell d. He felt the use of a God was good for social order d. He felt the use of a God was good for social order What does Kwasi Wiredu write is the "driving force in postcolonial African philosophy"? Select one: a. Colonialism b. Slavery c. Self-Definition d. Expansion c. Self-Definition Who is said to have drunk hemlock as punishment for refusing to recognize the gods as required by the state? Select one: a. Aristotle b. Socrates c. Plato d. Julius Caesar b. Socrates Which of the following IS NOT a manifestation of the singular Nature according to Yangming? Select one: a. Referring to its form and substance, it is Heaven. b. Considered as ruler or lord, it is Shang-ti (God). c. Viewed as functioning, it is fate. d. As given to men, it is disposition. e. All of the above are true e. All of the above are true Voltaire felt that much of The Bible's validity was dubious. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE According to Freire, any attempt to "soften" the power of the oppressor in deference to the weakness of the oppressed almost always manifests itself in the form of false generosity. Select one: TRUE FALSE TRUE How are the oppressed falsely lulled into becoming the oppressors, according to Paulo Freire? Select one:

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