Written Assignment PHIL 1402 Unit 6 PDF

Title Written Assignment PHIL 1402 Unit 6
Course Introduction to Philosophy
Institution University of the People
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University of the People Introduction to Philosophy-PHIL 1402 Written Assignment Unit 6 Instructor: Dr. Jordan Seidel 24/12/ Write a 3-page paper on your truth and contrast it against a philosopher we have studied so far this term. Remember, your personal philosophy is right for you, you do not hav...


University of the People Introduction to Philosophy-PHIL 1402 Written Assignment Unit 6 Instructor: Dr. Jordan Seidel 24/12/2020 Write a 3-page paper on your truth and contrast it against a philosopher we have studied so far this term.   

Remember, your personal philosophy is right for you, you do not have to agree with scholars, the professor, or anyone in the class. Please respect yourself enough, as a learner, to state your case, and others enough to allow others to state theirs. Use any previously covered philosopher from Unit 1-6. choose one who's beliefs about 'truth' contrast with your own.

Assessment Guidelines

 Does the paper clearly identify the chosen Philosopher and give a brief explanation of his or her theory of truth?  Does the paper list similarities and differences between the Philosopher and writer?  Does the writer give at least two examples of the argument against the Philosopher from the writer’s point of view?  Presentation of reasonable argument for why the writer is the more valid one of the two (from the writer's viewpoint).  APA and overall look and feel of the paper is college-level work

Introduction: From when I was young, the very first principle I learnt from both my parents, my teachers and my friends was to tell the ‘truth.’ We always added the emphasis that if you tell the truth, you will shame the devil. The opposite will be ‘lying’ that belonged to the devil. From our reading,” Philosophy News”, the author starts off by reiterating that ‘truth’ like knowledge is difficult to define. The “English Language Learner’s Definition of truth: : the real facts about something: the things that are true.: the quality or state of being true.: a statement or idea that is true or accepted as true.” (16 Dec 2020). In this paper I will write about my truth and contrast it against a philosopher of my

choice, who is

Rene Descartes.

Rene Descartes was a French Philosopher and a rationalist, who relied on reason as the best guide for belief and action. He is well known for hi succinct statement,” I think therefore I am” Descartes, being sceptical of truth, started off by disbelieving everything, examined each possible belief carefully and only accepted those which he thought could be no doubt. (Hank,n.d.) In Unit 4, I pinned my philosophy of life in the following statement: “If you mean it then let me hear it, otherwise forever hold your peace as lies are nothing but poison that will eventually destroy you.” My version of truth is unchangeable. Reality that lasts forever. Descartes’s belief as a rationalist begins with sceptics, hence his analogy of good and bad apples in one basket. If then he wants to be sure would empty, all on the floor and start to

select the good ones. My analogy of truth is adamant like a rock, that is unshakable. My perception of truth was instilled in me from birth through my parents ‘religious beliefs. I was raised under the Christian teachings, believing in the Bible and without any room to doubt God’s existence. Descartes’ belief in God was based on assumption as he thought God exist. (I think therefore I am.) His trust was in the human power of logic. I believe in God being the supreme being who is in control of the universe based on He is the creator. “If you will be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt as far as possible, all things.” (Rene Descartes). I will not be a ‘doubting Thomas’ but rest fully on God’s promises as the are written in the Bible. (2 Corinthians:20] For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. [21] Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; [22] Who hath also sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.)

According to the reading in the Philosophy of news (2015), truth varies between “individual perspectives and community agreement”. In my point of view I base truth on the authoritative knowledge from God .

Conclusion: In conclusion I will quote this from (Philosophy News,2015) “Notice that on this view, propositions about reality are different from beliefs we may have of reality. We believe propositions--I believe that the moon has craters. What follows the "that" is meant to signify the proposition that a person believes. So truth on this view is when the proposition matches reality.”

References: Philosophy News (2015).Retrieved from https://www.philosophynews.com/post/2015/01/29/What-is-Truth.aspx Hank,N. (n.d.) YouTube video...

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